Yan Kuku fell into a daze. why? Why can't he move? He wanted to struggle, to jump out of this human's palm, and even to transform into a human form, or to shout 'Mom, save me! 'It will be all right.

But Yan Kuku couldn't do anything, no matter how hard he tried, he remained motionless, quiet, and was forced to take a bath.

Wen Yang came over and asked curiously, "This bitter gourd is a bit small, but it grows very well. Where did you get it, Mr. Qi?"

Qi Yan turned off the faucet, flicked the water from the bitter gourd, and instead of answering Wen Yang, he glanced at the impatient but still pretending to be calm.

He squeezed the bitter gourd in his hand and thought, why does she look so flustered?

There is nothing special about this bitter gourd except that it is small and green in color.

What would happen to her if it was cut off?

Without much hesitation, Qi Yan put the little bitter gourd on the sticky board.

The moment he was placed on the sticky board, Yan Kuku felt a burst of despair.

From head to toe, from inside to outside, there is a strong bitter taste.

As a bitter gourd who was only three years old, hadn't had enough lollipops, and didn't know what his siblings were, he was about to be cut up and fried. His life was really bitter.

Qi Yan moved his nose slightly, smelling the faint bitterness in the air.

This is amazing. Generally, bitter melon can only feel bitter when it is eaten in the mouth. Of course, he can't feel it. To him, it's a bit sweet and refreshing, so he likes it a lot.

Maybe the bitter gourd in the countryside is different, Qi Yan didn't take it too seriously, let alone think that the little bitter gourd in hand is the essence of bitter gourd.

Of course, he would never know that this bitter gourd essence is still his seed.

Qi Yan picked up the kitchen knife again.

The next second, his hand holding the kitchen knife was hugged tightly.

Yan Yu's face was a little pale, she pressed her lips tightly, and hugged his arm desperately.

This scene, falling on the camera, looked extraordinarily ambiguous.

In the main control room, everyone who saw it was surprised, and immediately suppressed the scene, and showed the pictures of other people in the live broadcast room.

The higher-ups have specifically explained that the controversial scenes involving Qi Yan should not be released.

If it is released, their program team can't afford the consequences.

Yan Yu couldn't control the camera at all, and his son's life was more important in front of him.

Her voice trembled: "Mr. Qi, I think three bitter gourds are enough."

Qi Yan lowered his head, his eyes traced the curvature of her cheeks, and felt that she was really round.

The circle is pleasing to the eye, even more round than three years ago.

You know, among the things he collected in the past three years, there was nothing rounder than hers, which once made him a little irritable.

Qi Yan: "It's okay, I can eat more myself."

As he spoke, he was about to reach out and push her away.

Yan Eucalyptus used all his breastfeeding strength: "But Mr. Qi, this bitter gourd is really inedible."

Qi Yan said casually: "Why?"

Yan Yu paused: "Because he is my lucky melon, if he eats it, my good luck will be gone."

Qi Yan looked at her quietly for a while, Yan Yu almost thought that he was going to loosen.

In the end, he just raised his eyebrows, and lightly peeled off her hand from his arm: "The lucky things are all fake, don't be superstitious."

Yan Yu was furious, and she didn't care about the other guests and staff present, directly bumped away from Qi Yan, quickly picked up Yan Kuku on the chopping board, and put it behind her.

Qi Yan stood aside, quietly observing her reaction, as if admiring something.

Yan Meng looked at his pocket vigilantly, wondering if he should take this opportunity to **** Yan Mengmeng away.

She summoned up her courage and took a few steps forward.

Qi Yan stood there, looking at her indiscriminately.

Yan Yu finally gave up, thinking that lemons can't be made into dinner, so let's have a look first.

She stuffed the bitter gourd into her pocket, put the bitter gourd that had been cut on the cutting board on the plate, looked back at the other guests and staff who were surprised at her, showed a cute smile, and ticked two small Dimple: "I'm going to fry bitter melon."

Yan Yu walked to the stove.

She looked at the cauldron, at the oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar tea next to it, and at the bitter gourd slices in her hand, not knowing where to start.

She really has never cooked before! Is it really good for the program group to cook a copper money plant that grew up drinking water and basking in the sun? !

Yan Yu stood quietly for three minutes, put down the bitter gourd basin, thought for a while to no avail, then turned around and left the kitchen.

She went to the big rooster to find Liang Baiyu, but Liang Baiyu was not there, only a kitchen knife was left on the ground.

The big rooster was still intact, curiously playing with the kitchen knife with its sharp beak.

Yan Yu was silent for a while, and asked Jiang Tian who was cutting the fish at the door: "Liang Baiyu... Where is the teacher?"

Jiang Tian dissected the fish in hand so cleanly that the netizens in front of the barrage were all hairs standing on end.

Hearing this, he raised his head, with a shy smile on his face: "Teacher Liang said he needs to go to the bathroom."

The time went back to ten minutes ago.

After Liang Baiyu instructed Yan Yu on how to use the rice cooker in the kitchen, he came to the big rooster with a kitchen knife.

He squatted down and touched the rooster's fluffy back with his hand, thinking that the rooster must have eaten worms, otherwise why would it be so fat?

The big rooster fluttered its wings and yelled at him a few times, with a high air, not afraid of people at all.

The rooster that was still in the chicken coop to escape from Yan Euan's hand, had some small changes since I don't know when.

It's just that no one cares.

Liang Baiyu picked up the kitchen knife and looked at the big rooster's neck. He picked up the knife and put it down again, but he couldn't do it.

Alas, even though this big brother can't fly, they are both of the same family of birds. They are born from the same root, so why rush each other.

Asking him to kill his own clan is really too cruel for a kind pigeon like him.

But the camera is recording his every move.

Liang Baiyu thought for a while, put down the kitchen knife, patted the big cock, stood up, with a lazy face: "I'll go to the bathroom and kill the chicken again."

However, it was gone forever, and has not returned so far.

Yan Yu said, "Then I'll go and have a look."

She thumped and ran to the door. The door of Liang Baiyu's room was left open, and there were several photographers and staff standing inside.

Under such pressure, Liang Baiyu lazily nestled on the sofa, swiping his phone, seemingly enjoying himself.

【You can never wake up a pigeon pretending to be a pigeon】

[I know that Liang Baiyu is wrong, very wrong, disrespectful, not punctual, and irresponsible! You can scold him! But I really want to say, he is so cute at the moment. I made up a pigeon in my brain, nestled innocently on the sofa and looked at me, ah, ah, I want to go to the pigeon! 】

[Speaking of which, I haven't seen the footage of Yan An in the live broadcast just now, what did Yan An do?]

In the camera, Yan Yu stopped his hurried steps, trying to save his personality in the show.

Before coming to the show, she set herself a kind, lovely, gentle and polite girl.

She coughed and said with a smile, "Teacher Liang."

Liang Baiyu raised his head, very helpful: "Hey, what's the matter?"

Yan Yu walked in and asked knowingly, "Mr. Liang, do you know how to cook?"

Liang Baiyu nodded: "Yes."

"Then Mr. Liang, what are the general cooking steps?"

Liang Baiyu thought for a while, and simplified the steps for his friend: "Pour oil, serve, stir-fry, then add salt, soy sauce, add some cooking wine, and it's done when it's cooked."

Yan Yu memorized it in his heart: "Okay, thank you Teacher Liang, by the way, Teacher Liang, how is your chicken killing?"

Liang Baiyu paused for a moment while brushing Moments, and then said nonchalantly: "I'll go down right away, it will be fine soon."

Yan An rolled his eyes in his heart, but said with a smile on his face, "Okay."

After she finished speaking, she thumped and ran downstairs.

Seeing this, Liang Baiyu sank deeper into the sofa.

Yan Yu trotted into the kitchen, Qi Yan glanced at her, his eyes seemed to be frozen.

She blinked her eyes, met his gaze with an innocent face, touched her head, and came to the stove.

The staff had already made the fire. Holding the golden oil, she looked at the big pot unique to the countryside, thought for a while, and poured some.

Looking at the shallow oil in the pot, she hesitated for a moment, thinking that more oil should be better.

Yan Yu nodded, affirmed himself, poured most of the oil down without hesitation.

The bullet screen burst into laughter instantly.

Even the staff couldn't hold back.

Holding the half-used oil drum, she raised her head and looked at the smiling staff before she could ask what was wrong.

Then I heard Qi Yan's plain voice.

"You want fried bitter gourd?"

The author has something to say: Yan Kuku wipes away tears: I don’t want to talk to my mother anymore

Yan Yu: I didn't, I wasn't, don't listen to your dad talking nonsense