After Qi Yan sent the message, he threw the phone aside casually, and when he was about to go into the bathroom to take a shower, there was a knock on the door.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, subconsciously glanced at his phone, shook his head slightly, and then went to open the door.

She thought it was Yan Yu, but it was Wen Yang.

The moment he saw the person, Qi Yan's brows and eyes returned to the past without sadness or joy, he seemed to be looking at Wen Yang, but in fact he didn't look at anything.

After a few seconds, he followed Wen Yang out. The mobile phone was placed on the table in the room and was not taken away.

Inside, Yan Yu just replied a message.

You want a small amount of money: Teacher Qi, did you help me remove those comments that scolded me on the Internet?

After Yan Yu sent this message, he waited for a while, but he didn't get a reply.

She puffed her cheeks, and instead of waiting for a reply, she simply put her phone in her pocket and went downstairs with bitter melon and lemon.

Qi Yan did this, so he didn't run away.

Alas, she didn't really want to be removed. In the entertainment industry, people only get popular if they are scolded. She is very open about these things, and if she can be more enthusiastic, she can make money to support her family in the future.

But this ex-husband is too kind, but after a short period of marriage, he actually did these things for himself.

She was really a good ex-husband in the entertainment industry. If she was an ordinary person and her children were ordinary children, she might be willing to renew her relationship with him.

But now, it's better not to harm others. Apart from her and the baby's identities, he is so popular now, and the revelation of his ex-wife and children is a big blow to his career.

It is said that courtesies are reciprocal, and he treats himself like this, let alone drag him back.

She said that she also wants to be a good ex-wife in the entertainment industry. Everyone is safe now, working hard to make money and living a good life, that is the right way.

Yan Yu explained it to himself, and jumped down when the last two steps were left.

These ex-husbands and cursing are all secondary. For her now, the big villa by the lake is more important.

Those few hours this morning didn't let her get enough sleep at all. Tomorrow afternoon, she will return home and finish the recording of the first stop. She has to live a good life on the last night of the day.

Whoever doesn't seize the opportunity to enjoy the big villa without money, who is stupid!

Yan Yu bounced to the door, opened the door, and just walked out a few steps, and almost stepped on the big rooster nestled by the door.

The big rooster stood up, shook the dust off its feathers, turned its neck on one side and that side, and looked at Yan An.

Yan Yu squatted down and looked at the big **** curiously.

The same fat, the same arrogant look, it is the **** that is right.

She muttered, "You actually know you're back?"

After putting the big **** out in the morning, there was no sign of the **** all day.

In the room just now, the two children reminded her not to forget to find the **** before leaving tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, this night, the rooster actually knew that he was back!

This ordinary rooster in modern society is actually so spiritual?

Yan Yu patted the spiritual rooster: "You can find a place to sleep by yourself tonight, and I will come to you tomorrow."

After she finished speaking, she stood up straight and ran towards the lake with her two children in her arms.

The big rooster clucked and chased Yan Yu for a while, but when it encountered a chicken coop, it stopped and squeezed to a hen.

Wen Yang used his system skills to lead Qi Yan all the way out of the house, and the direction he went to coincidentally was also the way to the lake.

But the system skill time limit is only ten minutes, and the two walked for about five minutes, and they stopped when they were far away from the house.

Wen Yang looked around and saw no one, so he felt a little relieved. She straightened the broken hair on her forehead, looked up at Qi Yan shyly and timidly.

Qi Yan stood upright, with his face facing forward, his whole body was like a puppet, without any emotional fluctuations.

She admired Qi Yan's appearance in admiration, thinking that the target of this book was more handsome than any man she had ever seen before.

She was excited just thinking about being able to fall in love with such a superb man.

System: [Drip - There are only four minutes left for the charm skill, please master the time reasonably. 】

System: [Drip—the mission 'Holding Hands with Qi Yan' has been triggered, the mission is limited to 48 hours, it has lasted for 34 hours, and there are only 14 hours left, please host the time reasonably. 】

The system beeped continuously, Wen Yang came back to his senses, and said in his heart: Got it.

This task was automatically triggered when she saw Qi Yanshi for the first time yesterday afternoon. Holding hands, 48 ​​hours, at first, Wen Yang felt that this task was not difficult, it was a breeze.

So yesterday, she didn't make too much progress, she wanted to impress Qi Yan first, and use the program tasks to cultivate her relationship. Who knew, Qi Yan was almost with that Yan Eucalyptus yesterday!

So last night, she used the system skills, intending to forcibly hold hands with Qi Yan to complete the task when Qi Yan was held back by the skills. But I don't think so, something went wrong.

During the day today, she also tried to find opportunities to make contact. But no matter what, she couldn't find it at all. Qi Yan was either with Yan An or alone, and did not give her a chance to get close at all.

I don't even know what the identity of this character is!

The recording of the program will end tomorrow, and she knows in her heart that tonight is the best time.

While thinking about it, she stretched out her hand, wanting to hold Qi Yan's hand.

She couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

The failure last night is vivid in my mind, I hope this time tonight, there will be no more problems.

Wen Yang let out a breath, maintaining a soft smile on his face, and almost took Qi Yan's hand.

At this moment, Qi Yan, who was no different from a wax figure, suddenly took a step back.

Exactly the same as last night, he took this step back, as if ordered, the wind suddenly picked up all around, rustling the leaves beside him.

The dust was flying, Wen Yang got sand in his eyes and was forced to close them.

The wind was strong, and she took several steps back, getting farther and farther away from Qi Yan.

In the wind and sand, Qi Yan's expression was no different from before, mechanical and empty, like his wax figure in a wax museum for people to display. It's just inexplicably more coercive.

Wen Yang's face turned pale, and her legs were forced to kneel on the uneven and muddy ground in the countryside. She clutched her chest, feeling like she could hardly breathe.

She shouted in her heart in horror: System, system!

System: [Drip—the host's life is threatened, and the system will automatically take the host to a safe area. 】

As soon as the sound came out, an invisible hand seemed to appear behind Wen Yang who was kneeling on the ground, and quickly sent Wen Yang to the bushes hundreds of meters away.

System: [Drip - has been taken to a safe area. 】

With a bang, Wen Yang fell down in the grass, a little blood appeared at the corner of his mouth.

She coughed a few times, exasperated: System, what's going on? It was like this last night, and it's like this today. Are your skills useful?

System: [Drip—the host has been reminded in advance that the system skills only provide auxiliary functions, and the host needs to rely on himself to complete the task. 】

Wen Yang: Why on earth did Qi Yan have the situation just now? What was a coincidence yesterday, today proves to be no longer the case!

System: [Di-Qi Yan, as the target of the capture, is naturally different from ordinary people. Using skills to do things against the wishes of the target of the capture will arouse the hidden ability of the target of the capture. 】

Wen Yang: Hidden abilities? What hidden ability does Qi Yan have?

System: [Drip - The hidden ability of the target of the attack is currently unknown. 】

Wen Yang was almost so angry that he vomited blood from this useless broken system.

System: [Drip—the charm skill has ended. 】

As soon as the mechanical sound fell, Qi Yan on the other end returned to normal.

There was no more storm around, everything was like a clear sky after rain, even Wen Yang was pressed down to his knees, and the marks left by his knees disappeared, as if everything that happened just now was just a phantom.

He stood there, frowning, wondering why he appeared here.

Last night was also, somewhat inexplicably.

Qi Yan thought for a while, but didn't come up with a reason, and patted the dust off his body not too much, and turned to go back.

Although things were not clear, he was not in a hurry.

Qi Yan was born with an innate feeling that in this world, there are no people or things that can do anything to him. Although he didn't know why he thought so.

It's just that the moment he turned around to walk away, he saw Yan Yu running towards him not far away.

There is a tree planted beside the road here, and Qi Yan is standing in the woods.

As far as Eucalyptus is concerned, run on the road outside.

Yan An was in a good mood, thinking about the lake with all her heart, but when she passed this area, she slowly stopped.

Here, there is a special atmosphere. It's what she often feels in the world of cultivating immortals.

Those capable people have done it, and there will be some inexplicable coercion afterwards.

But logically speaking, it shouldn't appear in this world. She has been here for three years and found that none of the people around her has spiritual power.

Even Liang Baiyu, who traveled to this world with her, even if he is a master in the world of cultivating immortals, it is useless after he comes here.

Yan Eucalyptus is also because of his special constitution, which is a copper money plant, which can use money to turn into spiritual power. But it's too expensive, she can't afford it easily, and she won't use it.

After all, it costs 10 million to germinate a child.

So how come here...

Yan Eucalyptus sniffed lightly, a little puzzled.

She looked around and found nothing unusual.


Forget it, maybe she felt wrong, Yan Yu shook her head, and continued running towards the lake heartlessly.

During this period, Qi Yan did not make any movement. The lush foliage covered him, so he would not be noticed easily.

In addition, it was still night, so Yan An didn't notice him at all.

Qi Yan watched Yan Eucalyptus running away, and picked off a leaf at will.

Where is she going at night?

Qi Yan didn't hesitate much, and followed.