After replying to Yan An's circle of friends, Qi Yan leaned back and leaned against the back of the sofa.

The overhead lights poured down like moonlight and stars in the night sky.

He thought of the scene he had just seen when he came back from the Changqingshan community, the chaotic and dilapidated community, and the noisy gangsters squatting at the entrance of the alley drinking and making noise.

Occasionally, when a young woman passes by, the eyes of these little gangsters will definitely drift to their bodies.

Speaking of Eucalyptus, actually living in this kind of place?

Qi Yan frowned slightly, he thought that Yan An's life would not be too bad with the 30 million he gave him in the past three years.

But the reality is that she lives in the most dilapidated village in the city, and is eager to make money, and she even has ten million in debt.

How did she live these three years?

Three years ago, when the two got married, she said that her parents died and she was an orphan. Qi Yan didn't care about her family situation at that time, orphans are better and save trouble.

During the time of her marriage, no one visited her at home.

But if he is an orphan, he will spend 30 million yuan in three years, owe 10 million yuan in debt, and not buy a house or a car.

Qi Yan understood Yan Eucalyptus, she was not a big spender.

Either she lied about her family situation, and someone in the family got involved in the wrong things like gambling or drugs. Or, for some other reason.

For example, the child whose existence was in the medical examination report but was denied by her many times.


Qi Yan closed his eyes, covering the deep pool in his eyes.

Yan Yu has been hiding his home address, and no one knows. His hands were lost many times at the entrance of the winding alley.

Since you can't find it, forget it.

Qi Yan opened his eyelids, got up from the sofa, and went to the study.

In the bottom drawer of the study, there are many contract documents.

These are all properties under Qi Yan's name. He rummaged through it randomly, and wanted to choose the one closest to him, but after a little thought, he chose the most remote place.

Then he called Yang Shen.

Early the next morning, while Yan An was sleeping soundly in the lake, his phone rang.

The copper coin grass leaf trembled, and Yan Yu woke up with a frown.

She slept next to the lake before going to bed last night, but when she was half asleep, the big rooster always came to peck her leaves from time to time.

So she could only leave the lake and sleep in the center of the lake.

Now, her position is still a little away from the lake.

When he just woke up, Yan Yu didn't want to move at all.

She simply moved away the leaves that bound her tightly, letting the leaves spread towards the lake, then flexibly **** the mobile phone that was placed on the grass, and tied the mobile phone to the front.

Yan Yu took the phone, glanced at the phone number, pressed the connect button, and yawned: "Who is it?"

"Teacher Yan Yu, I'm Yang Shen." Yang Shen's voice sounded from the opposite side.

Yan Yu was stunned when he heard the reply.

Oh, it's a current colleague. Could it be that he has a job?

Work means money, and if you have money, you can continue to germinate children. Yan Yu immediately turned serious, and lost most of his drowsiness in an instant: "Assistant Yang, do you have any work arrangements?"

Yang Shen said with a smile: "Teacher Yan Yu, there is no rush for work arrangements. In the past few days, I will arrange for you to move first."

move place? She sat up, sitting upright on a piece of money grass.

She looked around, looked at her home, and felt quite satisfied.

There are mountains and rivers, why did she move?

"Kang Heng's practice is to arrange residences for artists after signing the contract." Yang Shen explained on the phone, "An artist is a star, and after appearing in the entertainment industry, he will definitely be recognized by the public. If you live in an ordinary community, Because of the paparazzi, it is not convenient to travel. Especially the Changqing community where Teacher Yan An lives now, the security is extremely poor, almost everyone can come and go, and it is not suitable for artists to live in."

Yan An thought to herself, her barrier cannot be seen or entered by others.

But she has to enter the enchantment from the Changqing community. If paparazzi follow her in the future and find that she follows her, she disappears after entering a place. This will become a supernatural event!

Thinking about it this way, I really have to change places to live.

But if she lived in a house with one bedroom and three living rooms, it would be too depressing for plants like her and her children.

It's all concrete, no soil at all. If the lemon bitter gourd mangosteen wants to lie in the soil, you have to get a small flowerpot to fill the soil, which is too shabby.

She had experienced this feeling three years ago.

When living in a rented house with Qi Yan, she could only fill a washbasin with water while Qi Yan was not at home, and then squeeze into the washbasin pitifully, taking it as an addiction.

A villa with a backyard like Qi Yan's is good, but the villa is very expensive, the studio may not be able to arrange it, and she has no money herself.

She tugged at her leaves, a little tangled, and asked tentatively, "Where are you going to arrange me to live?"

Yang Shen took the real estate contract given by the boss early this morning, and honestly read: "It's in the Donglian Lake villa area."

Yan Yu was stunned.

Donglian Lake villa area! !

Three years ago, when she was planning to draw up an enchantment territory for herself with the seeds in her belly, the first thing she considered was Donglian Lake.

Compared with Donglian Lake, the lake where I am lying now is simply a poor place.

It's a pity that Donglian Lake is a scenic spot, and there are many tourists coming and going. She can't draw a barrier, so she can only give up.

But Donglian Lake villa area has artificially drawn an enchantment! When the villa was under construction, a part of Donglian Lake was included in the residential area, and a luxurious villa was built by the lake.

Open the door to enter the villa, open the door to the backyard, and you will see the lush garden grass, and at the end of the grass is the lake!

Not only that, but the master bedroom on the third floor of this villa, when you open the balcony, is the swimming pool!

As for why Yan Yu knew so clearly, it was because Liang Baiyu lived in Donglian Lake!

This pigeon's singing talent is unmatched by anyone in the entertainment industry. Although she broke the contract and lost money to death, she didn't have as much savings as her. But he couldn't stand it, he bought a villa early in the year!

Apart from being a little farther away from the city, this Donglian Lake villa area has nothing to say.

But being farther away means that it is also far away from the Liuye villa area where Qi Yan is currently living.

Simply - perfect!

But it's too perfect, and it always makes people feel a little unreal.

Yan Yu asked: "Is it really arranged for me to live there? Will it cost too much?"

Yang Shen: "You don't have to worry about that. Teacher Qi's studio only signed you as an artist, so this residence is naturally for you."

It took Yan Yu three days to move his family there.

Including those three ungerminated seeds. When she moved, she bought three super large flowerpots, and the seeds were transplanted into the flowerpots together with the soil, and then planted in the enchantment of the backyard of the new home.

On the day of the move, that is, the day before the recording of the second station of "Smell of Fireworks in the World", Qi Yan Studio's official account posted two Weibo posts in succession.

Qi Yan Studio: Welcome Yan Eucalyptus to be a member of us

Qi Yan Studio: Due to work conflicts, after negotiating with the program team, Qi Yanyan will withdraw from the recording of the follow-up program on the official Weibo of "Smell of Fireworks in the World". Thank you for your understanding.

Within a minute of posting the two microblogs, Qi Yan's account reposted them one by one, expressing his attitude.

Then Yan Yu's Weibo was also forwarded.

Of course, Yan Eucalyptus did not do this by himself.

A few days ago, Yang Shen was about to leave her account and password, and told her that the studio would host the Weibo account in the future. If she has a Weibo that she wants to post, she must let the studio review it before posting.

As soon as this news came out, the Internet instantly boiled.

#琼廷言阿退计程录编# rushed into the trending searches, Yan Yu’s Weibo, which originally only had more than 10,000 followers, has grown to more than one million followers.

You know, before she participated in the variety show, she only had a few hundred fans on Weibo.

Later, through the live broadcast of the first station of the show, her fans reached more than 10,000.

As a result, now, with just two Weibo posts, her fans have gone to millions in an instant.

Yan Yu lay comfortably in the swimming pool outside the master bedroom, reading the comments of netizens.

[Fuck, who is saying this? How did you become a signed artist of Yandi Studio? 】

[Yan Yu is an amateur guest who participated in "The Smell of Fireworks in the World". It seems that they have a good relationship in the live broadcast? So Emperor Yan signed the man? 】

[Damn, there's nothing tricky about this, is it? Did Emperor Yan and Yan Yan get together in private? 】

[Don't talk nonsense, okay, if we are really together, will you sign in to your studio in a grandiose manner? Emperor Yan obviously took a fancy to his potential. 】

[That's right, I watched the live broadcast, and Yan Yu's camera looks quite aura, and it should be suitable for the big screen. 】

[Tsk tsk tsk, now just because Qi Yan signed the agreement, are you all starting to brag? Yan Yu is just a scheming white lotus, you guys also blow it like this? 】

[That's right, in the talk show, Qi Yan is not uncommonly posted. Qi Yan guessed that he had fallen into a beauty trap, and even signed him to the studio, so he was not afraid that he would fall into the altar and be fooled? 】

[Qi Yan has already fallen into the altar, quit recording after participating in the first episode, isn't it too dishonest? Liang Baiyu is more trustworthy than him, at least he participates in the recording normally. 】

[Unbelievable? May I remind you that "The Smell of Fireworks in the World" is produced by Kang Heng, is Qi Yan still an investor? 】

【That is, Qi Yan breached the contract by himself and brought along a stranger. The program group lost two guests all of a sudden, I'm afraid I'm going crazy? 】

[I remember before, some people said that Yan Yu, an amateur, should get out of the show. Why, now that Yan Yu has really quit, you guys dragged her out again? Isn't Yan Yu's withdrawal just in line with your wishes? 】

[I just clicked on the people who cursed, and found that they are all Wen Yang's fans! Why do Wen Yang's fans hate Yan Yu so much? 】

[Because when Wen Yang made his debut, he was fired for being a diehard fan of Qi Yan for a long time. It was so hard to record the program with Qi Yan, but Qi Yan ignored her at all, and instead favored an amateur, and even signed her to the studio. Are these fans crazy? 】

[Wen Yang? The one with a few big pimples who participated in the event recently? 】

[Hahahaha, yes, yes, that's her! That acne really made me laugh so hard, what are you talking about, the first love of the nation, a natural beauty! Look at that pimple! 】

Wen Yang was so angry that he threw away his phone!

She looked in front of the mirror and saw the pimples on her chin, and her hands clenched into fists.

In the past few days, she couldn't figure out Qi Yan's whereabouts at all. Even using the system's skills doesn't work.

She thought that the recording of the second station of the show would start tomorrow, and she would be able to see Qi Yan again, and then find a way to complete the task and get rid of the acne.

Unexpectedly, Qi Yan and Yan Yu both quit the variety show!

What about her pimples?

Wen Yang shouted in his heart: System! Is there no other way for you? Could it really make me go to a variety show with my pimples on my face?

System: [Drip—sorry host, no. Only when the task is completed, the acne will disappear. 】

Wen Yang: I'm already working hard to finish it, it's not you, it's useless at all! When the charm skill reached a critical moment, it was destroyed by Qi Yan. Even the words were Qi Yan's ex-husband's business, and you only told me afterwards. Tell me, what can you do for me?

System: [Drip—sorry for the host, the mission is supposed to be done by you, and the system only plays an auxiliary role. 】

Wen Yang sneered: system, we are one. If you don't think of a way, if my face is ruined, let alone complete the task, I guess the entertainment industry won't be able to tolerate me! I will be punished for failing to complete the task, don't you?

The system stopped talking and remained silent.

Wen Yang was so angry that he smashed everything in the room.

So far, she has nothing to do.

The news of Qi Yan and Yan An's withdrawal from the variety show was too sudden. The variety show will start recording tomorrow morning, and the time is too late, so she can only participate.

Although it is only a novel, she is in the novel, and there are countless entanglements around her, which cannot be ignored.

Her acting career, her fans, she can't lose.

However, Wen Yang touched his face.

She won't give up, she still has cards in her hand.

After six o'clock in the evening, the sky was still dark, the setting sun was hanging on the horizon, the light shrouded the lake, reflected in the swimming pool, and covered the world in front of us with a magnificent golden layer.

Yan An was wearing a small white dress, carrying a delicate and compact handbag, and stepped on simple and elegant high-heeled sandals, and walked down the stairs gracefully.

In the backyard, the three children who were playing together turned around to look at each other with a tacit understanding.

In their memory, they had never seen Yan An dressed up like this.

Yan Mengmeng praised sincerely: "Mom, you are so beautiful today."

Yan Kuku nodded in agreement.

Yan Zhuzhu had a serious face and asked, "Mom, where are you going?"

Yan An walked to the door of the backyard: "Mom is going to meet a director. You are at home by yourself at night. Go into the barrier and don't come out. Come out when I come back, you know?"

She is not very relieved, if the child is found, it will be miserable.

Just as she was telling her, the doorbell rang, and it should be Yang Shen who came to pick her up.

Yan An subconsciously lowered his voice: "Go to the barrier quickly."

Yan Zhuzhu nodded and took the lead to enter the barrier.

Yan Mengmeng and Yan Kuku followed behind, Yan Mengmeng turned her head while walking, and waved: "Mom, be careful on the road, come back early."

Yan Yu also waved his hand: "Okay, Mom will be back soon."

After all the children entered the barrier, she relaxed. Stepping on her high heels, she ran to the door and opened it.

Yang Shen stood outside the door: "Teacher Yan Yu, get in the car quickly."

Yan An turned back and closed the door, walked to the front of the car, opened the door and bent over and sat in.

She sat down obediently, trying her best to stick to the car door, not leaning to the other side.

Because over there, Qi Yan is there.

Yan Yu grabbed the hem of his skirt, and sneakily glanced at Qi Yan.

The skirt she was wearing, the bag she was carrying, including the shoes, were all delivered to her home by the staff in the morning.

Said it was for her to wear it when she met the director at night, which is not to say that it was not grand.

But let her dress up specially, but Qi Yan himself is very casual.

A black T-shirt with a skull on the chest, a baseball cap, jeans and sneakers.

Dressed very trendy and flamboyant, but strangely smoothed by his own temperament, no different from the white shirt and black trousers of the past.

Quiet, unhurried.

Aware of Yan An's gaze, Qi Yan turned his head slightly, and said lightly, "What are you looking at me for?"

Peeping at the captured bag, Yan An felt guilty for a moment, and quickly looked away, pretending to look out of the window, and said vaguely: "It's nothing."

Thinking about it, Cao Cao was really moved.

Back then, she had just transmigrated into this world, her mind hadn't changed, she was whatever she thought of. He fell in love with Qi Yan, so he chased after him without any hesitation, wanting to have a child with him as a double cultivator.

After all, in her previous world of cultivating immortals, there were a lot of monsters who did this, and everyone always went straight to the point.

But now three years have passed, three years of living in this world.

She is a money grass spirit, and she also understands etiquette, righteousness, integrity, and shame, so she will be shy at first?

An hour later, the car arrived at the hotel.

Yan Yu followed Qi Yan and walked inside.

She looked around, and didn't think there was anything at first, but when she really walked in, she began to feel a little nervous.

Yan Yu quickly walked a few steps, followed Qi Yan, tugged at the hem of his clothes, and asked in a low voice: "Qi Yan, is this director fierce or not?"

Before coming here, she checked Lu Dongyang's information, some said he was fierce, while others said he was very nice. It made her a little unclear whether it was good or evil.

Qi Yan tilted his head to glance at her, subconsciously slowed down his pace, and said in a casual tone: "With me here, what do you have to worry about?"

Yan Yu: "..."

"You just need to sit next to me later and eat quietly." Qi Yan said another word, and then led Yan Yu to the box under the guidance of the waiter.

In the box, sat an ordinary middle-aged man. Normal looks, normal height, normal body, just like a commuter rushing to catch the subway with a briefcase in hand during the rush hour.

"Teacher Qi." Seeing Qi Yan, the middle-aged man stood up from his seat, with a kind smile, and a little respect in his words and deeds, "Meet you again."

Qi Yan nodded, stretched out his hand, and shook hands with the other party: "Long time no see, Director Lu."

Then he looked to his side and said, "This is what I told you before, the new artist signed by my studio, Yan."

Yan Yu hurriedly said hello: "Hello, Director Lu."

Lu Dongyang looked at Yan An for a moment, then withdrew his gaze, his smile was distant, he couldn't say whether he was satisfied or dissatisfied: "Hello, you are really awesome, Mr. Qi has good eyesight. Come on, sit down quickly, let's sit down and talk."

Yan Yu bit his lip lightly, and subconsciously glanced at Qi Yan.

She could clearly feel that Lu Dongyang was only superficially polite to her.

Qi Yan smiled at her and comforted her, "Sit down."

Yan Yu then sat down obediently.

Then she found that during the whole dinner, she couldn't speak at all.

Intentionally or not, director Lu Dongyang didn't talk about any movie-related topics at all, but grabbed Qi Yan to chat about finance, history, and literature.

It didn't matter to Qi Yan, he followed Lu Dongyang's topic, and he could pick up anything, without rushing or slowing down.

Yan Eucalyptus—eating quietly.

She could see that Lu Dongyang was dissatisfied with her, but because of Qi Yan's face, he couldn't directly reject her as the heroine, so he could only use this method to leave her alone, trying to embarrass her and make her quit automatically .

Yan Yu can also figure it out for herself. To Lu Dongyang, she is a relative. She has no acting experience before, nor is she from a major, but a half-way monk.

Lu Dongyang has prepared a movie for a long time, so he must be extremely unwilling to give her the leading role in this way.

To be honest, Yan An himself was also very curious, how exactly would Qi Yan get Lu Dongyang to agree to play him?

After all, Lu Dongyang is a great director. If he doesn't want to, can someone force him to agree?

After drinking for three rounds, Qi Yan put down the glass in his hand, looked up at Lu Dongyang: "Director Lu, I finished reading your script last night."

Lu Dongyang paused, knowing that he couldn't avoid it, took a sip of wine, and said with a smile: "What do you think of my script, Mr. Qi? To be honest, I really want you to play the leading role."

But no one knows that Qi Yan probably won't take on the show again. It's just that Lu Dongyang still had some hope and passed the script to Qi Yan.

After handing over the script, Qi Yan's staff contacted him. He thought it was over, but before he had time to be happy, the other party said that he wanted their newly signed female artist to play the leading role.

How could Lu Dongyang agree to this female artist who has no works and became a monk halfway through?

However, Qi Yan's background is not only a movie star on the bright side, Lu Dongyang, as a leading director in the circle, still heard a little bit of rumors.

He couldn't afford it, and he didn't want to do anything wrong, so he didn't refuse, saying that he would meet the actress.

In fact, Lu Dongyang still wanted Qi Yan to play the role.

If Qi Yan agrees to act as the male lead, he can let this related family named Yan An act as the third woman and the fourth woman, only the first woman. He is not willing to part with his own works.

Lu Dongyang thought quickly in his heart, and just recovered, he heard Qi Yan's words.

"I can take it."

Lu Dongyang paused, then looked at Qi Yan suddenly, with ecstasy flashing in his eyes.

A good actor can add to the work and push the work to another level. Qi Yan is such an actor.

Yan Yu was also a little surprised when he heard it.

What's the meaning? All she knew was to let her play the leading role, but no one told her that Qi Yan was going to play the leading role?

Didn't he tell her on the day he signed the contract that he planned to quit the entertainment industry?

Qi Yan met the eyes of the two people at the table, dipped his finger on the wine that accidentally dripped on the table when he just poured the wine, and drew a circle on the table: "But the premise is that Yan Yu must be the heroine, and Director Lu can accept it." ?"

Lu Dongyang frowned, subconsciously glanced at Yan Yu.

Yan Yu himself was also confused, a little confused.

Lu Dongyang clenched his hands, and said seriously: "Mr. Qi, you also know. I have carefully prepared this script for many years. It is my painstaking effort, which is equivalent to my child. I didn't intend to reject you, but—" He glanced at Yan An again, "I don't see Yan An having any potential to be the heroine, she doesn't have any experience at all—"

"Director Lu." Qi Yan wiped his fingers with a napkin, "Inexperience means freshness. I have read the script. Your heroine needs some freshness. If they are all old faces, the effect may not be as good as expected."

Lu Dongyang's words were choked: "But—"

"I know what you are worried about, Director Lu." Qi Yan suddenly smiled.

With that smile, his whole demeanor changed.

The skull head on the black t-shirt suddenly came to life, and his originally indifferent demeanor was inexplicably tainted with a bit of evil.

The eyes of the people watching became ambiguous, and the smile on the corner of the mouth was also provocative.

Qi Yan turned his head just like that, stepped on the crossbar under Yan An's stool, and leaned over.

The two were almost face to face, breathing and smelling each other.

He blew at her lightly, whistled like a hooligan, and when he was about to say something, Yan An was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he hurriedly backed away.

When retreating, my hand accidentally caught the tablecloth, and the tablecloth carried a table of tableware and delicacies, and the tablecloth fell to the ground with a bang.

Yan An was wearing high heels, staggered and fell to the ground.

There was obvious panic and bewilderment on her face.

Looking at Qi Yan's eyes, there is an obvious, almost overflowing: who are you? What are you doing?

Paired with a white dress, and some baby fat, a tender face, indescribably lively and vivid.

Qi Yan sat back slowly, patted the vegetable juice on his body, and said with a half-smile: "Director Lu, isn't this a good performance? What do you think?"

Lu Dongyang looked at Yan Yu up and down, with deep thought in his eyes, but he still hesitated: "The heroine can dance—"

"You don't have to worry about that, Yan Yu has good flexibility, and it's not difficult to learn to dance."

The author has something to say: Yan Yu:? ? ? ? ? ? ?