Today's film crew kick-off banquet was held here, and because they were all insiders, this area of ​​the hotel was reserved.

Before walking out of the gate, there was no one around except the staff who heard the voice and came to watch.

But Yang Shen's eyelids still twitched, and without Qi Yan's orders, he quickly went to pick up the car as quickly as possible and drove over.

Drunk Yan Eucalyptus, alive and well, was still struggling and yelling.

It's okay to struggle, when he was acting in gangster movies, he specially learned how to capture from others, so it's not a problem to use some skills to restrain the words.

It's just that the voice was a bit harsh, and it gave Qi Yan a headache.

Fortunately, Yang Shen quickly drove over.

Qi Yan dragged Yan Yu, forced him into the car, and slammed the door shut.

Yan An patted on the car window, looked at the fountain in front of the hotel in vain, and muttered to himself: "I don't have any water, I'm going to dry up, I'm going to wither, I'm going to die..."

Qi Yan, who got into the car from the side, twitched his eyes when he heard her words.

Drunk people have ever-changing patterns of drunken madness. Some treat themselves as dogs, and some treat themselves as cats. Is this the first time he has met someone who treats himself as a plant or flower?

Qi Yan shook his head and looked at Yan An.

Yan Yu leaned against the window, looking helplessly at the fountain that was getting further and further away, feeling a burst of despair.

She is really going to wither.

She has withered.

Yan Yu stopped all actions at hand, stopped talking, and his body lying on the window slid down little by little.

There was numbness in her eyes, and she seemed to have lost all will to survive.

Qi Yan frowned slightly, seeing Yan An like this, took her by one arm and turned her around.

Different from the trouble just now, Yan Yu in front of him at this moment is like a limp doll, at the mercy of others, even his eyes are dull.

Qi Yanning raised her eyebrows and asked, "Yan Yu, what's the matter? Is there something uncomfortable?"

Yan An's eyelashes trembled, he glanced at him, then lowered his eyebrows and muttered to himself.

The voice was so soft that Qi Yan couldn't hear it.

He simply moved closer.

"Yanan is so miserable. Yanan is about to wither, and she has her last breath left. There will be no more Yanan in the world. But Yanan is so worried. After all, what will happen to Yanan's child? Yanan My child is so pitiful, there will be no father or mother in the future."

Qi Yan's hands paused, and thousands of dark clouds instantly filled his eyes, densely covered with dark clouds, like a sky about to rain.

In the empty car, the temperature plummeted, and Yang Shen in the front driver's seat couldn't help shrinking back, so he could only concentrate on driving.

Qi Yanfang breathed lightly, looked at Yan Yu in front of him, and asked in a deep voice: "Yan Yu has a child?"

Even though this is the question, he already has a conclusion in his heart at this moment.

Three years ago, the medical examination report was only obtained after the divorce.

When he saw the news of his pregnancy, he looked for Yan Yu, but unfortunately, he couldn't find it.

Three years later, she denied the pregnancy. But Qi Yan never believed it.

Because there were too many doubts, her attitude of eager to deny, her home address that she refused to let others know, and his behavior that made a big fuss after he entered her house.

This month, she is also trying her best to avoid contact with herself.

Qi Yan could naturally see that the reason he hadn't moved was because he wasn't in such a hurry.

Anyway, she has signed a contract with the studio and is in the entertainment circle, where can she escape?

It's just a matter of time, just find a suitable time and think of a way.

Perfect for tonight. He deliberately took advantage of the boot banquet to get Yan Eucalyptus drunk. He didn't think about what she would say when he was drunk. All he wanted was to send her home, and then walk around the villa in a fair manner, maybe he might find something.

But who would have thought, she said it herself.

Tell the truth after drinking, don't you?

Qi Yan's eyes locked on Yan An, waiting for her answer.

She raised her drooping brows and eyes, very difficult and painful, raised her head as she was dying, and glanced at him, but she didn't answer.

The light in Qi Yan's eyes flickered slightly, and after thinking for a few seconds, she wrote down her script: "Where is Yan An's child? I can help take care of it, so Yan An doesn't have to worry."

Yan Yu looked at him, his face suddenly became sad, and he raised his hand tremblingly, intermittently, like an old man who had run out of oil and lamps, and said: "But... but... it's too late... it's too late."

As soon as the words fell, Yan An's hand fell, she closed her eyes, tilted her head, and she seemed to be out of breath.

Qi Yan shook her: "Yan Yu?"

There was no response, her body shook with his hand.

Qi Yan: "..."

If he hadn't been so close to her and could still hear her breathing, he might really have thought something happened to her.

Qi Yan withdrew her arm, and Yan Eucalyptically fell on the back of the chair.

He frowned and looked at her, the car drove past amidst the feasting lights of the city, and the neon street lights on the road outside shone into the car, intermingling with his eyes, dim and unclear.


Thirsty mean?

Qi Yan turned around and took a bottle of mineral water on the back of the car.

With a light twist of his fingertips, the lid of the mineral water was opened. He held the water and approached Yan Yu: "Yan Yu, water."

Yan Yu remained motionless.

He lowered his head, pressed the mouth of the mineral water bottle to her lips, moved the bottle up slightly, and the water flowed into his mouth little by little.

Yan Eucalyptus drank it in small sips.

The bright red lips after drunk, set off by the white and transparent mineral water bottle mouth, inexplicably made Qi Yan's pupils darken.

With a pause, the body of the bottle moved down.

Yan Eucalyptus couldn't continue to drink water.

She moved her eyelids, quietly opened one eye, and secretly glanced at Qi Yan beside her.

Then, with lightning speed, he reached out and snatched the mineral water bottle.

Qi Yan came back to his senses, paused for a moment, and withdrew his hand somewhat unnaturally.

He suppressed those messy thoughts in his heart, and just when he was about to continue to cliché from the drunken Yan An, he saw Yan An turned the mineral water bottle upside down and poured it from his head.

While watering, he said happily: "It's water, it's water! Yan Yu is alive! Yan Yu is alive!"

Qi Yan frowned, and reached out to grab it.

But how could Yan Yu be snatched by Qi Yan?

Seeing his movements, she climbed directly onto the seat, stood bent over, and happily poured all the remaining water on her head, face, and body.

A bottle of mineral water was emptied in less than ten seconds.

Yan Yu shook the bottle and threw the empty bottle at Qi Yan.

Qi Yanyan took the bottle and looked at Yan Yu, feeling a headache.

Her hair was wet, her face was wet, her blouse was also wet, and a little water was splashed on the surrounding seats and him.

But with just a few drops, the bottle of mineral water poured all over her body.

There were still a few drops hanging on Yan An's eyelashes. She blinked, and the water dripped down her cheeks along her eyelashes, then flowed down her fair skin and onto her lips.

She clicked her mouth and sat down on the chair cross-legged.

Yang Shen in the driver's seat quickly said: "Mr. Qi, what's the matter? Do you need to pull over?"

Qi Yan's tone was a little powerless: "No, turn off the air conditioner."

It was still quite hot in September, so the air conditioner was still turned on in the car.

Yang Shen quickly closed it, and then opened the front seat window.

As for the back seat, because of Qi Yan's special status, he didn't dare to open it.

This is Qi Yan's own car, and there are quite a lot of things in the car, such as towels.

He pulled out one from the back, he had used it himself, and although it had been washed, it was not new.

But I can't control that much, and words don't matter in themselves.

Qi Yan took the towel, grabbed Yan An's arm, and directly covered her face, trying to wipe off the water on her face.

Yan Yu was stunned for a moment, and began to struggle violently. He pulled the **** towel with one hand, and said, "Don't wipe it! I don't want to wipe it! I don't want to be wiped dry! I'll wither if I dry it!"

He frowned, didn't care what she was yelling, and wiped the water off her cheek with some force, then moved the towel to her hair.

Yan An was so angry that he opened his mouth to bite.

Fortunately, Qi Yan reacted quickly and avoided her before she bit her.

She avoided it, and the towel was snatched away by her.

Yan Yu tried his best to tear up the towel.

But she tore it up for a while without success, so she simply stuffed it under her buttocks, looked at Qi Yan warily, as if if you come again, I will bite you to death.

Qi Yan tried to reason with her: "If you don't dry yourself off, you will catch a cold. If you catch a cold, you need to take medicine and get an injection."

Yan Yu touched his wiped face sadly, and said angrily, "You're talking nonsense! I won't catch a cold! I'll just die! You're a villain! You're the one who catches a cold!"

Yang Shen, who was in front of him, kept his face tense to ensure that he would not laugh out loud.

What is Qi Yan's identity? It took three years for the entertainment industry to reach the top. Not only that, but the boss behind Kang Heng is him, and President Wang Shi is just Qi Yanming's spokesperson. Now, Kang Heng is not only the boss of the entertainment industry, but has also acquired many hotels and shopping malls, and has entered the real estate industry and the very popular e-commerce industry.

It is rumored outside that Wang Shi is a terrible person. But what is really scary is Qi Yan. His subordinates have not failed any projects so far. His vicious vision and decisive actions often make Yang Shen, Wang Shi and others admire him endlessly.

If it wasn't for Yan Eucalyptus, Qi Yan probably wouldn't take on the show again.

As far as eucalyptus is concerned, it is different. After all, Qi Yan let him look for it for almost three years.

Only someone who has been missed by Qi Yan for three years dares to yell at Qi Yan like this.

Others couldn't get close to Qi Yan at all.

Qi Yan sighed, and simply stopped entangled in this matter.

let her.

The worst result is a cold and a fever. If this is the case, just go to the hospital to take medicine and injections after waking up.

Qi Yan: "Okay, I won't wipe it."

Yan An snorted heavily, and stroked his wet hair before he felt relieved.

He changed the subject, and said softly: "I asked you just now, do you remember? Where is Yan Yu's child?"

As soon as this remark came out, she looked at him suddenly, with a vigilant look: "What are you talking about? How could Yan Yu have a child?"

"Really?" Qi Yan was expressionless, showing no emotion, "You just said that Yan Yu's child will be very pitiful."

Yan Yu looked at him in disbelief, his eyes turned red all of a sudden, and he choked up and said, "You are talking nonsense! Yan Yu has no children at all, how can you wrong her?!"

As he spoke, he straightened his legs crossed and kicked him.

Qi Yan frowned and grabbed her ankle.

Before he could make another move, Yan Yu realized that he couldn't move his feet, so he opened his mouth and cried, tears falling like he didn't want money: "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo No more innocence. Now Yan An's legs are useless, he can't move, and he won't be able to walk in the future. How will Yan An live in the future, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Qi Yan: "..."

Seeing her tearful and pitiful appearance, he let go of her ankle.

Yan Eucalyptus retracted his legs with a swipe, and huddled in the corner aggrieved, wiping his tears.

Qi Yan rubbed his forehead.

Forget it, don't ask.

Where could children be, if they really existed? There is a high probability that it is hidden in the villa, and you will find out later.

The temperature in September was still quite high, and Yan Yu's hair and clothes were almost dry after forty minutes.

She started the crazy state of "I'm going to be short of water, I'm going to wither, I'm so pitiful oh woo woo woo".

Qi Yan closed his eyes and rested his mind, ignored her and let her make trouble.

After more than ten minutes, the car finally arrived outside Yan An's house.

Yang Shen stopped the car, turned his head and reminded softly: "Teacher Qi, we're here."

Qi Yan nodded, opened his eyes, and looked at the person beside him.

Yan Eucalyptus, whose hair and clothes were completely dry, curled up in the car without any signs of life.

He reached out and tugged at her trouser legs. no response.

Qi Yan had no choice but to push the door down, then walked around to Yan Yu's side and opened the car door.

He pushed her again, and she fell down as soon as he pushed, as if she was really out of breath.

If you ignore her regular ups and downs of the chest.

Qi Yan used to think that she didn't practice dancing, which was a waste of her flexibility.

But now it seems that her acting prowess is quite suitable to be an actress.

While thinking this way, Qi Yan leaned into the car, put the person on his shoulders, and walked towards the door.

The iron gate outside can't stop people basically, it's almost for decoration, or to stop some animals.

Yan Yu didn't lock it at all, it just closed it.

Qi Yan pushed the door and entered, went up the stairs, and stopped at the entrance of the villa.

When he put him down, his body softened into a ball of mud, and he slid on the ground.

Qi Yan forced her to stand on her waist, then grabbed her wrist, and pressed it towards the fingerprint lock.

But the second he pressed it, the 'withered' hand suddenly twitched, and he threw Qi Yan away violently, and came back to life: "What do you want to do while I am withering?! "

Oh, so I didn't sleep.

Qi Yan's expression was flat, and the hand holding Yan An remained motionless, allowing her to struggle: "I'm home, open the door."

"No, no, I won't!" Yan Yu shook his head frantically, and the shawl's hair flicked back and forth, hitting Qi Yan on the face.

Qi Yan turned his head to the side, and didn't want to say any more, so he grabbed her wrist forcefully.

Yan Yu frantically dodged his hands and yelled: "It can't be opened! This door can't be opened! There will be villains if you open it! What are you going to do! Help—!"

Amidst her heart-piercing shouts, Qi Yan had no expression on his face, grabbed her hand without any mercy, ignored her resistance, and pressed the door lock.

With a beep, the door was opened.

Qi Yan dragged Yan Yu, walked in, and slammed the door behind him.

The patrolling security guards in the villa area heard the cry for help and rushed over.

Yang Shen hurriedly got out of the car and gave up after explaining.

The villa was quiet, the huge living room was empty, much more empty than Qi Yan's house, it seemed unpopular, as if no one lived in this villa.

Qi Yan looked around while chatting loudly.

Nothing special, just a few mangosteens thrown on the coffee table in front of the sofa. Not even the backyard was moving.

Yan Yu was still making trouble, Qi Yan took a glance, didn't stay too long, and directly led people upstairs.

Yan Yu's voice became farther and farther away: "...Help! Help! The villains are coming in!..."

In the enchantment, the three children stood at the entrance of the enchantment, very worried.

Yan Mengmeng hugged the big cock: "Is that the bad uncle?"

Yan Zhuzhu put his hands behind his back and gave an affirmative answer: "Yes."

Yan Kuku grimaced: "I think Mom seems to be drunk."

Yan Mengmeng recalled it for a while, and nodded: "Yes, my mother's tone seems to be drunk. She was drunk before, and Kuku and I were worried about her. When we wanted to see what happened to my mother, she avoided us. Shout to the sky for help."

Yan Kuku sighed: "Then what should we do now? Mom sent a text message saying that we won't be allowed to go out."

Yan Mengmeng said: "I will be discovered by that bad uncle when I go out. But when my mother is drunk, she can't help but grow copper money grass, showing her body! What if the bad uncle finds out!"

As he spoke, he was about to put the big **** down: "I'll use the human form to go upstairs and try to drive that bad uncle away!"

Yan Kuku held back his elder brother: "But that bad uncle is very dangerous..."

"It's okay, although the bad uncle eats lemons, he can't eat people, right?" Yan Mengmeng convinced herself, took Yan Kuku's hand, and was about to leave the barrier.

Yan Zhuzhu, who was silent beside him, grabbed Yan Mengmeng: "I'll go!"

Yan Mengmeng refused: "I'm an older brother."

Yan Zhuzhu said: "But I am the tallest and stronger than you. When I fight with that person, I have a little chance of winning."

Yan Mengmeng didn't give in, her small face was firm: "But I'm an older brother, so I can't let you take risks."

Yan Zhuzhu frowned and said, "Then let's vote, and I'll vote for myself."

Yan Mengmeng said, "I vote for myself too."

Both of them looked at Yan Kuku in unison.

Yan Kuku looked at his elder brother and his third younger brother, getting into a tangle.

Can I abstain?

Yan Mengmeng and Yan Zhuzhu said in unison: "You can't abstain!"

Say cool: qaq

Yan Zhuzhu said: "If you don't vote for me, you won't give Mangzhu in the future."

Yan Mengmeng opened her mouth, but couldn't give the price for a while.

Yan Kuku gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and pointed at Yan Zhuzhu.

Then he turned to his eldest brother and apologized softly: "Brother, I'm sorry."

Yan Mengmeng respected everyone's opinions, and patted his younger brother on the shoulder: "It's okay."

Then the two looked at Yan Zhuzhu, worried: "Zhuzhu, you have to be careful!"

Yan Zhuzhu patted his clothes: "Then I'm going, don't worry, I won't put my mother in danger. You two don't come out, if my mother and I can't do anything to that person, it's useless for you to come Why don't you stay in the enchantment, grow up well, join hands with Uncle Pigeon, and avenge my mother and me!"

After finishing speaking, Yan Zhuzhu took a look at his two elder brothers and walked out of the barrier. There was a lot of energy hidden in the small figure.

While the three children were discussing who would rescue their mother, Qi Yan had already dragged Yan Yu to the master bedroom on the third floor.

The bed in the master bedroom was spotless and tidy.

Qi Yan lifted the quilt and put the person on the bed.

It's just that Yan Yu is still struggling, punching and kicking, put down, and is about to get up.

He pressed down firmly, and said, "Aren't you already withered?"

Yan Yu paused, blinked his eyes, touched his hair and face subconsciously, and then fell down on the bed with a thud and remained motionless.

Qi Yan shook his head, a trace of helplessness flashed in his eyes, he casually covered her with a corner of the quilt, straightened up, and went to find the remote control of the air conditioner.

It was still a hot day in September.

He looked around in the bedroom and saw it by the dressing table. Just as he walked over, before his hand touched the remote control, the already quiet voice on the bed suddenly moved.

She kicked off the quilt, rolled a few times on the huge bed, rolled from one side to the other, then jumped out of the bed and ran directly along the open balcony door.

Before Qi Yan could say 'Yan', she jumped directly into the swimming pool outside the balcony, with a bang and a burst of water splashing.

Qi Yanyan rubbed his eyebrows.

Outside the balcony, Yan Eucalyptus' cheerful voice came immediately: "I'm alive! I'm alive!"

And accompanied by the sound of splashing water.

He paused for a few seconds, picked up the remote control, turned on the air conditioner, put down the remote control, then turned and walked out of the balcony, stopped by the swimming pool, and watched condescendingly.

Yan An was lying on his back on the water, motionless. Only a few seconds later, she began to sink into the water.

The water overflowed her body little by little, her face, she was still motionless and her eyes were closed.

Qi Yan frowned, just when he was about to go into the water to pick him up.

She quickly waved her hands and feet, turned over and swam out of the water, shaking the water at her head, wondering: "Why did I sink? Something is wrong, very wrong."

Yan Yu scratched his hair and began to lie on his back on the water again.

Then, the cycle begins.

Lying still, sinking, swimming up, lying still...

After three times, Yan An swam from the center of the swimming pool to the edge of the swimming pool, and was still lying on his back.

Qi Yan walked over, squatted down, propped one hand on the swimming pool floor, and went to fish for someone with the other, trying to fish Yan Yu up.

Unexpectedly, Yan An suddenly opened his eyes, stared at him with big agile eyes, looked at his outstretched hand, grabbed his arm with both hands, and tore him off.

Qi Yan didn't notice for a moment and fell into the water.

Yan An grinned and clapped his hands in the water: "You deserve it, you deserve it, I knew you bad guy didn't want me to go back into the water, you wanted me to wither and die!"

His posture was elegant, and his expression didn't change much when he was dragged into the swimming pool.

As for Yan An's nonsense, he listened to it all night, and now his mind is calm, and he doesn't have much thought.

With a strong push on Qi Yan's feet, he slid half a circle in the water, swam from the front of Yan Yu to the back of Yan Yu, and approached him a little bit, trying to catch him back.

But Yan Eucalyptus in the water is not so easy to be caught.

She seemed to be playing hide-and-seek with someone. Before he reached out, she got into the bottom of the water, and then emerged from another place: "Come on, come and catch me, but unfortunately you can't catch me."

Qi Yan wiped the water off his face, looked at her calmly, and stood still.

Let Yan Yu swim from one end to the other, and from the other end to this end, he probably felt bored in the end and stopped at a corner of the swimming pool.

He just swam over.

Yan An felt that she was about to run, but unfortunately she was in a corner, and she had to pass Qi Yan to run.

In the end, he grabbed her by one foot and pulled her back.

Qi Yan held Yan Yu's waist with one hand, paddled the water with the other, and climbed onto the bank.

The water covering the two of them fell all over the floor from the swimming pool to the room.

After making a noise all the way, he swam a few more times in the water. Yan Yu didn't have much strength to struggle at this moment, so he subconsciously thumped a few times, and then remained motionless, as if he was really tired.

She was all wet, Qi Yan didn't dare to put it on the bed, so she put it on the sofa beside her, then turned around and closed the balcony door, and drew the curtains. In case Yan Yu ran out again, he didn't want to fish again.

After doing this, he came to the closet, and when he was about to get dry clothes for Yan An, there were footsteps coming from the door.

Qi Yan turned his head subconsciously, and saw a little boy with sword eyebrows and starry eyes.