The bottle of water Yan An gave was brand new, she hadn't drunk it herself, and Qi Yan just took a sip.

At this moment, it fell to the ground, making a lot of noise, and the water splashed in all directions, and then spread down from the steps little by little.

Yan An heard the voice and looked over. When his eyes touched the water on the ground, he bit his lip, feeling a little pity.

If she had known that he would not be able to suppress the shock of drinking water, she would not have given it. What a waste, a whole bottle of water.

However, in Qi Yan's mind at this moment, the bottle of water does not exist at all, he can't even hear the sound of water falling, and he can't feel that his trousers are wet.

In his ears and in his mind, there is only an infinite loop—'Dad, Dad, Dad, Dad...'

Yan Mengmeng and Yan Kuku, who were shouting with their eyes closed due to nervousness, quietly opened their eyes and met Qi Yan's gaze.

Qi Yan's exquisite facial features were still expressionless, her **** thin lips were tightly pressed, and her eyes could not distinguish between happiness and anger.

The two brothers Yan Mengmeng and Yan Kuku looked at each other, the child's fair face and clear eyes were full of fear and bewilderment.

what happened? Why is dad ignoring them?

When Dad faced Zhuzhu, it was not like this. Don't you like them both?

The two children were a little sad and looked at Yan An as if asking for help.

Yan Yu was actually beating drums in his heart.

But now, no one spoke, and the scene was eerily quiet.

She coughed lightly, walked a few steps in Qi Yan's direction, and called out cautiously: "Qi Yan."

In the past few days, Yan Yu has been frantically following the short videos of the father of the child after he learned that he had a child. In some videos, the father-to-be passed out on the spot when he learned the result.

Compared to now, at least Qi Yan is still not in a coma. But it doesn't look too good, it seems that the soul is gone.

This is just Mengmeng and Kuku, there are actually three more in the backyard enchantment...

But judging from the current situation, it is better not to let him know about the three in the backyard. Anyway, she doesn't make enough money at the moment, when she earns 40 million, pay Qi Yan 10 million, and the remaining three will sprout together.

By then, the whole family will be together, and she doesn't need to stay in the entertainment industry to make money, she can take the children back to the mountains.

Deep in the mountains is the best place for plants to live.

That's true, and there's no need to let Qi Yan know.

Yan An suppressed these thoughts in his heart, and seeing that Qi Yan didn't react too much, he asked again: "Are you okay?"

Hearing the voice, Qi Yan managed to regain his composure.

He looked at the two little bean dings in front of him, then at Yan Zhuzhu who was standing next to Yan An, and slowly exhaled from his lips in one breath.

Is it hallucination?

Qi Yan raised his head, closed his eyes, then lowered his head and opened them. Those two kids hadn't disappeared, so none of this was his hallucination.

But this is so unreal.

Two strange children who appeared out of nowhere called him... Dad?


Qi Yan looked at Yan An silently, his eyes were as black as ink, and Yan An was a little terrified.

She looked around, reached out and grabbed Qi Yan's sleeve, shook it, and tentatively said: "Shall we go in first? I can tell you slowly..." She looked at the two disappointed children, He added, "Mengmeng and Kuku even prepared a meeting gift for you..."

Hearing what her mother said, Yan Mengmeng straightened her clothes, mustered up her courage, and accepted the words in a childlike voice: "Yes, Dad, Kuku and I drew two pictures at home this morning."

It's dad again.

Qi Yan rubbed his forehead, feeling a headache. He wanted to say don't bark until things are clear, but when his eyes met the child's expectant eyes, he swallowed them unconsciously.

What if it was really his child?

No, it's impossible. He refuted himself calmly.

Did Yan Yu give birth to three sons in one birth? The probability of twins is so low, let alone triplets? What does it mean that she framed the two children to him for no reason? No matter what, he won't admit it easily. The child Zhuzhu looks like him, but the two in front of him are not that similar. He, Qi Yan, is not being taken advantage of, and he even takes care of people's children. Where did Yan Yu get it from, so he returned it the same way.

Qi Yan was thinking indifferently, but when he came back to his senses again, he found that he had followed Yan Yu and the others into the door and into the living room.

He even sat on the sofa...

Of course, someone might have pushed him onto the couch, but he had no recollection of that.

Qi Yan frowned, and before he had time to express his attitude of not accepting the offer, two little kids walked up to him with two paintings.

Yan Mengmeng looked at her father's frowning face, and to be honest, she felt a little trembling and a little sour.

But just now, my mother said that my father was only temporarily frightened, and it took a little time to digest him and Kuku's existence. But now, he and his younger brother should behave more in front of their father, appease him, and let him adapt quickly.

He nodded secretly, looked at Kuku who was frowning and didn't dare to go forward, and felt that as an elder brother, he had to set an example.

So Yan Mengmeng suppressed the fear and sourness in her heart, put a smile on her face, put her painting solemnly in Qi Yan's arms, and stood aside to explain: "Dad, this is the family portrait I drew this morning. The whole family is in there."

Qi Yan mechanically lowered his head.

The drawing level of a three-year-old child is not much higher, but Yan Mengmeng's painting is very serious. Although the portraits don't look alike, he can guess who is who with a casual glance.

A sun, next to the grass, five people holding hands on the grass.

The tallest man on the far left is probably him. He is holding... the child who drew this picture. The child is leading another child. The one holding the bitter gourd face is the tallest child, Zhu Zhu, and Zhu Zhu is holding Yan Eucalyptus.

And next to it, there is a rooster, and three circles are drawn beside the rooster, I don't know what it is.

A child's world is full of fantasies, and it's normal for them to be incomprehensible.

Qi Yan was still calm.

Yan Mengmeng waited for a while, and then asked expectantly, "Dad, do you like this painting?"

Qi Yan: "..."

He couldn't answer, mainly because he couldn't accept that title for the time being.

He looked up and glanced at the child beside him.

This child is also very good-looking, and he is not in the same style as Zhuzhu. Zhuzhujian eyebrows and star eyes, this child has beautiful eyebrows and round eyes, those eyes are quite similar to Yan Yu, if she is a little girl, she will probably be very beautiful when she grows up.

However, there are also many beautiful boys now.

But what does it matter to him? This child could not have been born by the Yan family's cousins, cousins, cousins, cousins, cousins, cousins, and cousins, but she didn't want it anymore. She picked it up and wanted him to raise it, right?

Qi Yan thought calmly again, pursed his lips, and said concisely: "It's okay."

The painting is quite good, but the statement of the family and the theme of the painting are still open to discussion.

Yan Mengmeng scratched her hair, not quite sure if 'okay' was good or bad. Say yes, he can feel that it is not that good, say no, it seems not?

Yan Mengmeng shook her head, unable to figure it out, she simply looked at Yan Kuku and said, "Brother, where's yours?"

Standing behind Kuku, Yan An rubbed Kuku's head when he heard this, and pushed the child towards Qi Yan, "Kuku, show Dad yours."

Yan Kuku frowned, biting a lollipop in his mouth, he didn't even dare to look at Qi Yan, and directly stacked the painting on top of his brother's painting, speaking a little too fast, it seemed a little blurry: "Dad, this is me. of."

Qi Yan: "..."

He pursed his lips and glanced at it.

This picture is obviously much less serious than the previous one. There are only one circle, two diagonal lines and two straight lines. The same thing seems to be copied and pasted four times, so there are five in total.

There is a triangle next to it, which Qi Yan guesses is a rooster.

There are also three circles next to the rooster, exactly the same as the three circles of the previous child.

So what exactly are the three circles? A secret among children? Qi Yan was expressionless, not interested in this.

Besides, no sun, no grass, but sugar.

The candies are surrounded by the five stickmen, and the paintings are vivid. It can be seen that the candies have been put in a lot of thought.

Qi Yan raised his head and glanced lightly at Yan Kuku, and when his gaze skipped over the lollipop in the child's mouth, the corners of his lips curled slightly.

What's going on with this child, who is frowning at a young age and eats sweets all day long?

When Qi Yan looked at people calmly, even those old foxes in the business world felt apprehensive, let alone such a young child.

Yan Kuku immediately took a few steps back, and hid directly behind Yan An, looked at his younger brother who was standing next to him who didn't talk much, and whispered in a low voice: "Zhuzhu, I don't think my father is getting better now, I think my father is getting better again." It's starting to get a little scary."

Yan Zhuzhu frowned, whispered back, and said seriously: "Brother, don't be afraid, it's fine."

He paused, combined with the careful observation just now, said: "He should just be scared."

Yan Kuku ran away, and only Yan Mengmeng was standing beside Qi Yan.

In fact, he really likes his father. For many days before, he and his father were chatting on the phone.

Dad said goodnight to him every night, and he said goodnight back.

So even though he is still a little scared now, Yan Mengmeng mustered up his courage: "Dad, do you like this painting of my brother?"

Qi Yan: ""

Behind Yan An, Yan Kuku's bitter face deepened. He bit the lollipop and sucked it hard, the sweetness swept through his mouth immediately.

His bitter face immediately became a little happier. Generally speaking, it doesn’t matter. When he was painting, he was thinking about eating candy, and he didn’t draw seriously. Because my brother said that the candy can only be eaten after the painting is finished, so he just drew it casually.

For a while, no one spoke, and the scene fell silent again.

Yan Yu moved his feet in place, pursed his lips, and formally introduced Qi Yan.

She pointed at Mengmeng, and said: "Qi Yan, this is Yan Mengmeng, Lemon's Mengmeng, the eldest son."

Qi Yan sat on the sofa, listening with a blank expression, without any reaction.

Yan Yu paused for a moment, pulled out the child behind him forcefully, said in a softer voice, "This is Yan Kuku, cool cool, he is the second son."

Qi Yan's Adam's apple twitched slightly, his brows and eyes drooped, his expression was still calm, but it looked like a sign before the storm.

Yan An's voice trembled slightly, he pointed to Yan Zhuzhu next to him, and said, "Zhuzhu is the smallest."

Qi Yan was silent for a moment, put the two paintings in his hand aside, and stood up from the sofa.

Yan Mengmeng stepped back subconsciously.

Yan Yu and Yan Kuku also took a step back subconsciously.

Only Yan Zhuzhu straightened his back and stood on the spot.

Seeing this, he frowned, and asked Qi Yan very seriously in a childish voice: "Don't you accept my two older brothers?"

Qi Yan: "..."

He opened his mouth, his temples couldn't help but twitch, and he tried to calm himself and said, "It's not...I..."

In the living room, all the adults and children were watching him, waiting for him to speak.

Yan Mengmeng's eyes were clear and clean, but there was a bit of care and sadness in them.

Yan Kuku's eyes were a little dull and numb, and he couldn't see any emotion, but his bitter face remained the same.

Yan Zhuzhu's eyes were sharp and heroic, with a little anger.

Speaking of it, I was afraid, complicated and worried, and there was a little bit of sympathy?


Qi Yan closed his eyes fiercely, the hand beside him clenched into a fist, his face was full of storm.

He took a deep breath, looked around the three children, and finally said to Yan Zhuzhu: "Zhuzhu, you wait downstairs, I'll talk to your mother first—"

Qi Yan's tone paused slightly, and his face was a little ugly.

If you say your mother, wouldn't you admit it in disguise?

Furious, he turned around and walked upstairs.

The first and third children stood in place, looking at each other in a daze.

Qi Yan walked to the stairs, seeing that Yan Yu hadn't followed, his tone was cold: "Yan Yu!"

Yan Yu shook his body, subconsciously said: "Huh?"

"Come up!" After Qi Yan finished speaking, he went straight upstairs without waiting for Yan Yu's intention, and his back disappeared on the steps in a blink of an eye.

The two words he left behind were like hailstones, falling on the empty living room, and the second they touched the ground, boundless cold air dispersed from the hailstones, quickly sweeping across the entire living room.

The three children surrounded Yan Eucalyptus in the middle.

Yan Mengmeng said worriedly: "Mom, don't go, I think Dad is very angry and angry now. Does he not like me and Kuku at all? It doesn't matter if you don't like it, I don't have to be with Kuku. Go to kindergarten."

Yan Kuku took the lollipop out of his mouth, feeling his cheeks were a little numb. At that moment, he didn't dare to **** the candy at all, and the candy stayed on his cheeks all the time.

Yan Kuku touched his numbed cheeks with his tongue, and said in a milky voice, "Yes, it doesn't matter if you don't go to kindergarten."

It is impossible for Yan An not to be afraid in her heart, but facing her three children, she suppressed these fears, smiled on her face, squatted down and said, "Why? Didn't I say, what is your father doing now?" I don't know, that's why he is like this. I'll go upstairs and talk to your father, and it will be fine."

Yan Kuku frowned: "Really?"

Yan Mengmeng also said, "But Mom, I'm still very worried about you."

Yan Zhuzhu stood up, sternly saying, "It's okay, Mom. I'll go and talk to Dad."

Yan Yu stretched out his hand and rubbed Yan Zhuzhu: "Mom, thank you for your kindness, but I still need to explain this to your father. You give your father a little time to accept. He just took the water I handed him at the door. I took a sip, so I didn't suppress my shock."

Drinking water to suppress shock is a tradition of the plant family. When my mother told them about the interesting things in the world of cultivating immortals, she told them.

The three children nodded.

Seeing this, Yan An summoned up his courage and prepared to go upstairs.

As a result, Yan Mengmeng's eyes lit up: "Mom, wait!"

Yan An turned around: "What's wrong?"

Yan Mengmeng was a little happy when he mentioned this: "Kuku and I have been following Zhuzhu to learn how to bear fruit, and we finally produced our first fruit yesterday."

Yan Yu was a little surprised: "Why didn't you tell me?"

Yan Mengmeng replied: "Mom has been worrying about confessing to Dad for the past few days, and I and Kuku's fruits are a bit ugly, so I didn't tell you. I want to make beautiful ones, so I'll show you."

Yan Yu suddenly felt a little moved.

"Knowing that Dad will come today, we squeezed the juice of our fruit this morning and put it in the refrigerator. Mom, you bring it to Dad." After Yan Mengmeng finished speaking, he ran to the kitchen.

Yan Yu was taken aback. The family followed.

In order to facilitate the children to take their own food in the kitchen refrigerator, there is a ladder for children in the kitchen.

Yan Mengmeng climbed up, opened the refrigerator door, took out a cup, and handed it to Yan An.

The juice squeezed from lemon and bitter gourd is green, with some floating plant matter in it. It is really beautiful when placed in a transparent glass.

Yan Eucalyptus took it over.

Yan Mengmeng pointed to the refrigerator: "Mom, there is another glass for you, do you want to drink it now?"

Yan An's smile stiffened: "No need, mom isn't thirsty now..."

Just kidding, can she still not understand what breed her own child is? She doesn't eat bitter melon and lemons in the world, they are too bitter and sour. What's more, her sons who are more bitter and sour?

But Qi Yan should like it very much.

He has always loved lemonade and fried bitter melon.

At the door of the study, Yan An took a few deep breaths with bitter gourd and lemon juice in his hand, walked in, and closed the door behind him.

Qi Yan stood by the window, looking at the scenery outside the window.

The villa is very green, the backyard is full of trees, and there is a corner of Donglian Lake.

The trees are covered with greenery and the lake water is sparkling.

The big rooster was in the backyard, walking up and down under an osmanthus tree, not knowing what to do.

Hearing the footsteps approaching from far to near the door, Qi Yan turned his head and glanced at Yan An.

Yan An raised the glass in his hand: "Mengmeng and Kuku prepared it for you, do you want to drink it now?"

Qi Yan turned his head and looked out of the window again, his voice did not fluctuate: "Put it aside for now."

She nodded obediently: "Oh." Then she put the bitter gourd and lemon juice on the desk, walked to Qi Yan's side bravely, took advantage of the opportunity to look out the window, and naturally saw the rooster.

The enchantment only recognizes her and a few children. Without her and the children, other things cannot enter, including this rooster.

The rooster wanted to enter the barrier, but he couldn't, so he could only walk around under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree like this.

Qi Yan blew the wind by the window for a while, and became much calmer, but his voice was still indifferent: "What's going on? Do you need to give me a comprehensive explanation?"

Yan An put his hand on the window sill and gently grabbed the tiles under his hand.

The wording had been prepared a long time ago, but it had not been able to be uttered. Now that he knew it, it was much easier to say it.

Yan Eucalyptus said softly: "Meng Meng Ku Ku Zhu Zhu is triplets."

Qi Yan took a breath, rubbed his temples, turned his head to look at Yan Yu, and said in a difficult tone, "Are you sure?"

Yan An nodded heavily, his big eyes widened: "Of course! If you don't believe me, you can do a paternity test for Mengmeng and Kuku!"

Born in the same year, the same month, and the same day means that they germinate on different days.

Yan Yu paused, looked at him, and added, with guilt and aggrieved tone: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to have so many births."

Qi Yan: "..."

He couldn't help but closed his eyes again, wanting to say something but didn't say it.

Qi Yan shook his head, turned around, folded his arms around his chest, leaned against the window sill instead, and waited for more than ten seconds before speaking again: "Since it's triplets, why didn't you say it at the beginning?"

Yan Yu lowered his head: "...I dare not."

"Why not?"

Yan An lowered his head, and said softly, "I'm afraid you'll rob me of the children. The less you know, the less you can rob me."

Qi Yan: "..."

Laughing back in anger, Qi Yan said: "What about now? Why don't you continue to hide it? Are you afraid that I will **** it?"

One word after another, like bullets, they shot at Yan An closely.

Yan An huddled into a small ball by the window, not daring to speak again.

Qi Yan let out a breath, got up and left from the window, and walked to the desk.

The more he thought about it, the more unpleasant it became, so his tone became a little harsh: "Yan Yu, where are these two children during this time?"

Yan Eucalyptus: "At home."

Qi Yan swept his eyes: "Hiding at home?"

Yan Yu nodded.

Qi Yan's tone became more serious: "You let them hide at home? Is this how you act as a mother?"

Yan Yu knew he was wrong, so he kept his mouth shut and didn't dare to say anything. He lowered his head, almost crying.

She thinks there is nothing wrong with hiding at home. The children in the plant world basically have three acres of land. She stayed in the enchantment for three years and was very happy. If it wasn't for making money to raise a baby, she might not come out.

But she dared not speak, nor could she.

Qi Yan stared at Yan An, thinking that if Yan An was his subordinate, he would have thrown him into the sea long ago, and left him alone.

But no, she is his ex-wife, the mother of... triplets.

never mind.

Qi Yan could only calm down by himself, and after regaining his composure, he asked a few more questions.

Most likely it was something about the birth of the child. Yan An had already prepared for it and told a few lies.

Because there is no way to verify it, Qi Yan can't tell the truth from the fake.

The study room became quiet, Qi Yan sat on the desk, a pair of long legs slightly overlapped, and his feet were on the ground.

He looked at the glass of green bitter gourd lemon juice next to him for a minute, and then confirmed again: "Are they really my son?"

Yan An nodded, just when he was about to say something, the closed door of the study suddenly opened.

The two children Yan Mengmeng and Yan Kuku fell in.

Yan Zhuzhu behind him was still standing at the door, but without the cover of his two elder brothers, he also appeared in full view of the 'all eyes'.

The three of them were eavesdropping outside the study door together, and they didn't pay attention for a while, when Mengmeng and Kuku in front of them accidentally used force, the study door was pushed open by the two of them.

The two didn't notice for a moment, and fell in following the opened door.

Mengmeng and Kuku almost fell because of this, but luckily they managed to stabilize their small bodies.

The movement was not small, Qi Yan by the desk and Yan Yu by the window looked at each other.

Yan Mengmeng and Yan Kuku met their parents' eyes with embarrassment.

They didn't eavesdrop on purpose, it's just that their father is so fierce. They were afraid that their mother would suffer, so they eavesdropped outside the door. If they found something wrong, they would rush in to stop it.

But I didn't find anything wrong, but I heard my father doubting their identities.

Yan Mengmeng bit her lip, remembering what Zhuzhu said about her hair being pulled out, she stretched out her hand and plucked a pinch of her head forcefully.

It hurt a little, he rubbed his head, then ran up to Qi Yan with his short legs, and passed his hair over: "Dad, I will do a paternity test for you."

Yan Kuku looked at his brother's movements with a sad face, and reached out to touch his own hair.

But he hesitated and didn't dare to pluck it out. He struggled for a while and asked Qi Yan, "Father, can I not pull out my hair?"

Qi Yan: "..."

He stood up straight, took Yan Mengmeng's hair calmly, and replied Yan Kuku lightly: "No need."

Then he casually threw Yan Mengmeng's hair on the desk, and picked up the glass of bitter melon lemon juice, intending to take a sip to calm down.

Because he felt that he was still not calm enough.

Yan Mengmeng looked up, with anticipation in her eyes.

Dad drank the juice prepared by him and Kuku!

Five seconds later, Qi Yan, who took a sip, put down the glass again expressionlessly, and the quilt hit the table, making a dull sound.

He tried his best to swallow the small mouthful in his mouth, so as not to spit it out in front of Yan Yu and the child.

...... lol

The author has something to say: bitter gourd lemon juice, clearing heat and relieving summer heat, you deserve it

Father Qi: [very calm.jpg]