Bitter gourd will naturally not cause tooth decay, no matter how much sugar you eat.

Of course, it is impossible for Qi Yan to know this. Yan Kuku felt sad for a while, and it was fine.

There is no way, what else can I do, it has already been confiscated. He was afraid that if he went downstairs to get it, his father would find him again.

He likes to eat sugar, which comes from biological instinct. Anyway, there is candy at home, he is fine if he eats too much, Yan Kuku naturally eats it recklessly.

Moreover, no one in the family cares about him, not even his mother, brothers and brothers. After all, there is no harm, and they will try their best to satisfy him.

It's like milk tea, if you don't drink it, you will get fat, rich ladies and sisters will definitely want to drink a cup every now and then, it's the same reason.

But now, being forced to intervene by Qi Yan, Yan Kuku has nothing but feeling sad because he was not used to it at first. He declined the kindness of his older brother and younger brother, climbed into bed, lay down at random, turned over, and fell asleep within a few minutes.

The whole villa was quiet, and Yan An and the three children fell asleep together.

The night was quiet and dark, except for the lights in the study room that were still on.

Qi Yan bit the lollipop he brought from his second son, leaned back, put his back on the office chair, folded his arms around his chest, and listened to the discussion from the laptop with a cold expression.

The lollipop was rinsed in the water, washing away Yan Kuku's saliva, so Qi Yan escaped unharmed and did not taste the bitterness.

Qi Yan himself didn't think there was anything wrong with eating lollipops, and his expression was the same as before, but in the eyes of everyone participating in the meeting, it was no different from a meteorite falling, snow falling in June, and the sun rising from the west.

As everyone talked, the sound gradually disappeared. They looked at the boss on their screens, forming a strange silence.

The boss actually eats sugar? ! Still eating lollipops? ! And eat a lollipop to attend a meeting? !

No matter how you look at it, it's awkward, no matter how you look at it, it's strange.

What's the matter, boss? Transgender?

A group of competent subordinates scattered all over the place, all of them are not well, with strange expressions.

Qi Yan frowned, and transferred the lollipop from the right cheek to the left cheek. There was candy in his mouth, but his voice was still so cold that everyone shivered: "Why, are you all dumb?"

Everyone: "..."

Yang Shen knew the situation best, thinking that some young master might have forced it to the boss, and the lollipop given by his son, as a father, can he not eat it?

He coughed lightly, and took the lead in reporting work, allowing the video conference to continue normally and efficiently.

An hour later, all aspects of the work report was over. When everyone was about to turn off the video, Qi Yan saw Yang Shen, his eyes moved slightly, and suddenly asked: "Yang Shen, have you drunk the vegetable lemon juice?"

Yang Shen was taken aback.

He forgot it in the car. He had been busy all day today, and when he got home, he forgot to take it upstairs.

This was prepared by the young masters for the boss. The boss specially gave it to him in consideration of his heatstroke a few days ago.

So how dare Yang Shen tell the truth, he could only vaguely say: "Not yet, but I'll drink it later."

Qi Yan nodded: "Remember to drink, don't waste it."

After speaking, exit the video.

Yang Shen finished his work, closed the computer, took the key to the garage, and took the vegetables, lemon juice and mangosteen out of the car.

When he was about to go upstairs, he happened to meet Wang Dong who lived opposite him.

Wang Dong is the director of a tricky variety show called "Come if You Can". There are various tricks in it, and the thing to play is heartbeat.

Not long after this variety show came out, it became popular. The ratings and broadcast volume are far ahead among many variety shows.

The heat has come out, and there are more artists who come to participate in the show, and by the way, promote new dramas, new albums and new shows.

However, the hotter the show, the greater the pressure. Every time Wang Dong would worry about the tricky elements in the new episode, he would lose his hair. Later, out of sight and out of mind, he simply shaved his head bald.

"Director Wang, haven't you figured out what to do in the new issue yet?" The two entered the elevator together. Because they were neighbors, they had a good relationship. They often drank and chatted together, talking about their own difficulties.

Wang Dong touched his bald head, and took a breath: "No, I've been thinking about it for several days. I'm not satisfied with the plan they gave, and I always feel that it's not tasty enough."

When the elevator reached the floor, Yang Shen asked, "Have a drink together?"

Yang Shen is also very annoying recently, no matter how good the job is outside, no matter how high the salary is, no matter how envious others are, but his parents often only care about-do you have a girlfriend?

He also wants to look for it, but he has a busy day at work, so where is the time?

I didn't think it was a problem at first, after all, his immediate boss was also single.

But suddenly, the boss had triplets without saying a word. To be honest, when I was eating with the boss's family today, apart from being shocked, he was also a little envious.

All of a sudden, I wanted to start a family, and when I got home, I wanted to have a wife and children.

Wang Dong waved his hand: "Let's go, have a drink."

Yang Shen opened the door, invited Wang Dong in, put the mangosteen and vegetable lemon juice on the table, got up and took a bottle of wine, along with two ordinary water glasses.

When he came back, Wang Dong had already peeled the mangosteen and ate it. While eating, he said, "Assistant Yang, where did you buy the mangosteen? It's very sweet and very good!"

Yang Shen sat down opposite, put the wine and cup aside: "Really? Teacher Qi gave it."

"No wonder, the fruits Mr. Qi eats are different from ours." Wang Dong felt a little emotional, then he hissed in pain and took a breath.

Yang Shen, who was about to open the wine with a corkscrew, paused: "What's wrong with you?"

Wang Dong swallowed the mangosteen: "Recently, I've been so worried, I've gotten a little angry, my gums are swollen, not to mention oral ulcers! This little illness is really a pain, and I can't even eat!"

While cursing, he continued to reach out to the second mangosteen.

Heck, he doesn't usually like to eat mangosteen that much, and he also despises the trouble of peeling mangosteen, so he basically doesn't eat it.

Just now I was bored here, so I peeled one casually. I didn't expect it to be so delicious now!

Listening to Wang Dong's words, Yang Shen glanced at the jar of vegetable lemon juice in a transparent glass, and said, "Then stop drinking, drink some vegetable lemon juice to quench the fire."

Wang Dong nodded: "That's fine, is this also given by Teacher Qi?"

Yang Shen gave up opening the wine, opened the vegetable and lemon juice, poured two big glasses, and Wang Dong each had a glass. Hearing this, he nodded and said with a smile, "Yes."

Wang Dong: "Have you been with Teacher Qi for almost three years? Why do I feel that he has never given you holiday benefits before? I remember that you didn't even have mooncakes for the Mid-Autumn Festival, and you didn't even have a red envelope for the New Year. Why now, do you want to give it to me?" Did you get a raise?"

Yang Shen smiled cryptically: "It's hard to say."

Wang Dong shook his bald head: "Brother, to be honest, I still envy you the most..."

Others didn't know, they thought Yang Shen was just a little assistant. But Wang Dong knew that his brother, who was born in a prestigious school, has strong abilities, and he can easily come up with a perfect financing plan, and he can help Qi Yan deal with some trivial matters.

Working in Qi Yan's hands, although there are no holiday benefits, the salary is high, with an annual salary of one million easily, and stock dividends.

In less than three years, Yang Shen already had two properties under his name. This is on the front line.

But Yang Shen is usually used to keeping a low profile, so no one knows about it.

Yang Shen humbled himself, and then peeled the mangosteen.

Not to mention, mangosteen is really sweet.

But Qi Yan gave six, Wang Dong ate four, and Yang Shen ate two.

Both of them were a little unsure.

No matter how much I want to say, I have no choice but to wash my hands and return to the table after eating.

Wang Dong raised the glass of vegetable and lemon juice: "Come on, brother, let's have a drink together, I'll drink it in one gulp."

Yang Shen also raised the glass, and the two touched each other, and the glass made a soft sound.

Then the two raised their heads, took a big sip without any mental preparation, and used the usual way of drinking in a sip when drinking.

In an instant, a ferocious sour and bitter taste swept across the entire mouth, along with the throat and esophagus.

The sweetness of the mangosteen is still there, and it should be relieved, but because of the problem of sequence, the sweetness has become an accomplice, making the sourness and bitterness even higher.

The Ten Torture Tortures of the Manchu Qing Dynasty were almost the same.

In less than three seconds, Yang Shen and Wang Dong sprayed out the bitter melon and lemon juice, forming a scene of spraying each other.

But they didn't bother to wipe their faces, they hurriedly searched for water, wine and sweets, and it took a long time to get over the feeling of the end of the world.

Yang Shen, who had just washed his face, collapsed on the sofa and wiped off the water droplets on his face with a facial tissue.

Vegetable lemonade? Talking is really a skill, and bitter melon is indeed one of the vegetables.

get promoted? He was thinking too much.

Wang Dong punched his face and head again, looked at himself in the mirror, suddenly had a flash of inspiration, rushed out of the bathroom, ran over, punched Yang Shen, and said excitedly: "Brother, I thought of it! Well, it's really great! Do you know where Teacher Qi got the bitter melon and lemon? It's so delicious!"

Yang Shen shook his head: "I don't know."

It should be Yan Yu and the young masters who got it, and his boss probably doesn't know.

And Yang Shen always felt that the boss might have tasted this bitter gourd lemon juice.

Wang Dong took out his mobile phone: "Then I'll make a call now and ask Mr. Qi? Or can you ask for me?"

Yang Shen: "You call at this point, are you desperate?"

Wang Dong looked at the time, it was past one o'clock in the morning, and then realized that he was too excited, and quickly calmed down: "Yes, yes, I will call tomorrow."

The next morning, Qi Yan got up at six o'clock in the morning.

After washing up, he pushed away the children's room.

It was still early, and the three brothers were still asleep. Listening carefully, they could hear the sound of even breathing while falling asleep.

The morning light poured in through the open door, illuminating the interior slightly enough to be seen, but not too bright to wake the children.

Qi Yan walked in gently.

The bed is very big, and the three brothers sleep in different positions.

Yan Zhuzhu was the one who slept the most upright, lying upright with his hands folded in front of his abdomen.

This sleeping position is exactly the same as him.

Even the quilt is well covered, which is very worry-free.

Qi Yan curled his lower lip silently, it was indeed his son.

Then he looked at the other two.

The most understanding, father long father short Yan Mengmeng, unexpectedly sleeping posture is very bold, sleeping on the bed into a small "big" character.

Similar to Yan An, Qi Yan still remembers the experience of being kicked awake by Yan An from time to time.

Yan Mengmeng stretched out one leg towards Kuku, Kuku probably avoided that leg in his sleep, and moved to the side until he reached the edge of the bed. If you move any more towards the edge of the bed, you will fall off the bed.

And this kid, Kuku, actually slept on his stomach.

Qi Yan sighed silently, reached out and carefully placed Yan Mengmeng's little hands and legs, and covered her with the quilt.

Then he looked at Kuku who was lying on his stomach, turned him over, turned him back to the front, and covered him with a quilt.

After doing all this, Qi Yan exited the room.

However, not long after, Yan Mengmeng's little hands and legs stretched out again, and Yan Kuku who was lying on the front turned over and lay back on his stomach again, with one leg hanging dangerously in mid-air, shaking slightly.

After covering the children with quilts, Qi Yan passed Yan An's bedroom, stopped for a moment, and planned to go in to have a look.

According to his experience, Yan An's sleeping position is not much better.

It can be said that he locked the bedroom door behind his back.

Guard against him? Qi Yan sneered, turned around and went downstairs, and went out in the morning wearing a mask.

While running, I thought, after getting to know the children well, I can also take them for a run in the morning.

Exercise should start from an early age.

Yan Eucalyptus woke up in a sleeping net made of copper money grass.

She yawned, getting used to it, crawled out of the sleeping net into bed, and put the money plant back.

Sometimes it's good to grow leaves, so you won't fall off the bed. If you fall off the bed, you have the instinct to use the leaves to save yourself.

After Yan An finished packing, he checked the time and went to the children's room to wake up the children.

Yan Zhuzhu got up immediately after waking up, not staying in bed at all.

Yan Mengmeng arched her body under the quilt, and a voice came from inside: "Mom, I want to sleep for a minute, just a minute..."

This child is usually very sensible, but he just stays in bed.

Yan Kuku had already sat up, his hair was messed up from sleep, and a large area was raised at the back of his head.

His eyes were blank, empty.

Yan An stretched out his hand and waved it in front of the child's eyes: "Cool? Cool?"

Yan Kuku's eyes gradually focused, looked at his mother, looked at Zhuzhu who had packed up and stood on the ground, and slowly got off the bed to put on his shoes.

Then Yan An turned to the arched quilt on the bed, and pulled the quilt away forcefully: "Mengmeng, it's been a minute! Both of your younger brothers are awake! Your father is coming back from his morning run!"

When Yan Zhuzhu heard this, he raised his eyebrows: "Mom, how do you know that Dad went running in the morning?"

Yan Yu said, "Your father is used to this all the time."

After getting married that year, it was not enough for him to get up and run in the morning by himself, and he had to drag her there, which was terrible.

So she thought about it before going to bed last night, and locked the door behind her. Apart from being able to sleep unscrupulously, the most important thing is not to be caught running in the morning.

She is a money grass, she likes to be quiet and doesn't like to move, and running is almost deadly.

Yan Zhuzhu nodded, thoughtfully.

And over there, Yan Mengmeng finally overcame the drowsiness and got up obediently.

The four of them went downstairs, but Qi Yan hadn't come back yet.

Yan An walked around the kitchen, squatted on the ground, stared at the pile of bitter melon and lemon mangosteen in the basket in a daze.

Yesterday she and Qi Yan returned to the filming crew to film, and the children were doing their homework at home and bearing fruit.

The mangosteen fruit can be eaten by the whole family, and can also be sent to Liang Baiyu. In short, there is no shortage of people to eat.

But bitter gourd and lemon are a bit difficult to deal with.

The children are learning the fruit, and they are full of interest, and the fruit at home will only increase and increase...

It will take at least one or two years before the children will gradually restrain themselves and bear fruit.

This is the law of their plant family, and parents generally do not interfere with this process.

Yan Yu naturally wouldn't interfere, what she was worried about now was how to deal with these fruits?

Just thinking about it, Yan Mengmeng came over and took a bitter gourd and a lemon, and asked, "Mom, can you peel the fruit and get the juicer?"

Yan An came back to his senses: "Okay, is Mengmeng going to fry bitter melon with lemon juice?"

Yan Mengmeng nodded: "Dad will definitely be thirsty after running in the morning, I'll prepare it for Dad first. And brother Zhuzhu also wants to drink."

Yan Yu: "...Oh."

She can only let Qi Yan ask for more blessings.

Yan Yu then started to squeeze the juice, but before it was finished, Qi Yan, who had finished his morning run, came back with a big bag of breakfast.

Yan Kuku, who was sitting on the sofa eating candy, shivered, and hurriedly crushed the candy three times, five times and four times, and then swallowed it into his stomach.

Qi Yan glanced over with precision, frowned, and when he was about to say something, Yan Kuku quickly got off the sofa and ran to the kitchen: "Mom, brother, dad is back."

Qi Yan: "..."

Forget it, let's correct bad habits bit by bit.

Yan Mengmeng's eyes lit up when he heard his younger brother's words, and he ran out quickly: "Dad, have you come back from your morning run?"

Qi Yan took out the breakfast and put it away: "Yes, will you run with me in the future?"

Yan Mengmeng paused. He doesn't like running, and he has to get up very early in the morning, so he may not be able to get up.

But refusing will leave a bad impression on Dad, Yan Mengmeng thought for a while, and neither agreed nor refused: "Dad, we fried bitter melon and lemon juice in the kitchen, it's almost ready, I'll bring it out for you—"

Qi Yan's eyelids twitched, and he hurried over to pick up Yan Mengmeng and put him on the chair: "Don't drink in the morning, eat breakfast first."

Yan Mengmeng nodded: "Okay, Dad."

Soon, Yan Kuku came out of the kitchen, bypassed Qi Yan far away, and sat next to Yan Mengmeng.

Qi Yan: "..." Do you still remember grudges?

Then, Yan Zhuzhu came out with a cup of bitter gourd lemon juice, drinking it with his usual expression.

Yan Eucalyptus followed behind.

Qi Yan's eyes fell on Yan Zhuzhu all of a sudden: "...?"

Yan Zhuzhu looked at Qi Yan strangely.

Why did he keep staring at himself, and the bitter melon lemon juice in his hand?

Yan Zhuzhu frowned: "You too?"

Yan Yu silently lowered his head and sat down beside him.

Anyway, I have nothing to do with rain.

Before Qi Yan could speak, Yan Mengmeng answered on his behalf: "Father said not to drink now, Zhuzhu, come and have breakfast."

Yan Zhuzhu nodded and sat on the other side of Yan Mengmeng.

A family of five sat down.

Qi Yan rubbed the space between his eyebrows, wondering if today's bitter gourd lemon juice is neither bitter nor sour? Otherwise, why didn't the child Zhuzhu respond? Or is it that the child Zhuzhu inherited his abnormal sense of taste, and it is more serious than him?

He picked up the chopsticks, was silent for a moment, and asked, "Zhuzhu, do you like this bitter gourd lemon juice?"

Yan Zhuzhu nodded.

For him, it's pretty good. It is equivalent to Ku Kuo's love for sweets.

Qi Yan's heart skipped a beat, and he asked the other two children, "Do you like it too?"

Yan Mengmeng nodded, then shook his head again: "Kuku and I only like to squeeze it into juice and give it to everyone, but we don't like to drink it ourselves."

They themselves have this taste, and drinking their own fruit tastes like chewing wax. Of course, when he drinks Kuku's bitter melon juice and Kuku's lemon juice, he will feel bitter or sour. But this taste is very bad, they don't like it, so they don't drink it.

It didn't bear fruit before, and I just felt scared when I saw people eating my own body. But when it bears fruit, I like to watch people eat it, and I feel recognized. It's just that there are so few people who like it.

Mom can also tell that she doesn't like it, so they don't give it to mom now. Most people don't like it either, except mom. But fortunately, there are Zhuzhu and Dad who like it, otherwise the bitter melon and lemons at home will be rotten if no one eats them, and no one drinks the squeezed juice.

Qi Yan: "..."

Breakfast is over.

Qi Yan and Yan An cleared the table together, and the three brothers went to the kitchen after eating.

Qi Yan asked in a low voice: "Is Zhuzhu's sense of taste normal?"

Yan An paused his hands, and replied in a low voice: "Of course it's normal! He's different from you. Zhuzhu can taste both sour and bitter. He just likes the taste and has a better tolerance for sour and bitter than ordinary people. "

"Really?" Qi Yan was noncommittal, his face was flat, his eyes moved slightly, and he couldn't quite see what he was thinking.

Yan Yu was afraid that Qi Yan would mess up, so he said anxiously: "Really! Didn't you take him to eat several meals before? Didn't you find that the taste of bamboo is normal?"

It's quite normal, but today's cup of bitter melon lemon juice...

Can anyone really endure that much? And a three-year-old?

But Zhuzhu is his son, and he has a good tolerance for smells. It's actually normal that green is better than blue.

Qi Yan has always been very confident.

However, it is still necessary to observe more.

Qi Yan suppressed these and continued to tidy up.

After packing up, Yan An and Qi Yan planned to go to the set to film.

This Sunday, the three brothers don't have to go to school, so they are at home by themselves.

Qi Yan wanted someone to take the children out to play, but the children themselves refused.

Yan Mengmeng held the bitter gourd lemon juice and called to Qi Yan: "Father, dad, take the bitter gourd lemon juice for you and mom, you can drink some to refresh yourself after working hard."

Qi Yan paused.

Yan An stretched out his hand to take it from the child, ignoring Qi Yan's expression, and handed it to him naturally.

The taste of lemon and bitter gourd is really amazing, things can only go in and out, if this continues, it will be unsalable. If the inventory is not cleared, it will rot. Rotting, the two babies must feel uncomfortable.

When she thought about it, Qi Yan was the only one around who could clear the inventory.

Bitter gourd lemon juice is a bit bitter and sour, but it is really good for the body, green and pollution-free, very healthy. After all, it is the fruit of plant spirits. After eating it, swollen gums, mouth ulcers, and acne caused by getting angry may be resolved the next day.

Yan Yu felt that, working under Qi Yan's subordinates, the chances of such minor illnesses appearing should be quite high.

From next time on, she tactfully mentioned to Mengmeng, let's squeeze mangosteen bitter melon lemon juice, although I don't know how it tastes, but it should be better?

It's just that Mengmeng's child has a delicate mind. When she said this, he knew that he wanted to use sweetness to suppress the unacceptable sourness and bitterness.

Mengmeng can understand, and will definitely follow suit.

But sometimes Yan Eucalyptus still feels a little distressed.

In such a thing as birth, many things cannot be chosen. Sweet is sweet, sour is sour, and bitter is bitter.

Sweetness is destined to be easier to accept, but sour and bitter are not so easy to accept.

As a mother, she should think of a way.

I don't know how many subordinates Qi Yan has. If everyone drinks once, will they collectively quit?

Yan Yu scratched his hair, thinking about it all the way.

As a result, these troubles were quickly resolved.

During the film break, Yan An was called to the conference room.

In the conference room, Qi Yan was sitting, beside Yang Shen and a bald man.

Yan Yu didn't know him, so he subconsciously glanced at Qi Yan, feeling a little puzzled.

Qi Yan said: "This is Director Wang Dong."

Yan Yu blinked his eyes, thinking that the filming of the current movie will be finished for a long time, but the next one has already started talking?

She said hello: "Hello, Director Wang."

Wang Dong quickly stood up, his bald head shining brightly: "Teacher Yan, hello, hello. I'm here today, mainly to ask you one thing."

Yan Yu was taken aback again: "What's the matter?"

Wang Dong: "It's like this, I drank a glass of bitter melon lemon juice at Yang Shen's last night—"

Hearing this, Yan Yu's heart skipped a beat, and he subconsciously moved a few steps towards Qi Yan.

Could it be that he came to settle accounts with the door?

Wang Dong smiled, clapped his hands excitedly, and gave a thumbs up: "The taste is amazing! It's very suitable for my show! Really!"

Yan Yu: "..."

what the hell?

She glanced at Qi Yan again.

Qi Yan received the line of sight and lightly reminded: "Director Wang, get to the point, the next scene will start shooting soon."

"Okay, okay." Wang Dong regained his composure, straight to the point, and spoke quickly, "Mr. Yan, where did you buy your bitter gourd and lemon? Can you tell me where to buy it? I want to buy it. My show is a prank show." , this taste is very suitable for my show."

Yan Yu opened his mouth, took a moment to react, and asked in confirmation, "What Director Wang means is, do you need to buy the lemons and bitter melons from my family for the show?"

Wang Dong nodded: "That's right, that's what it means."

Yan Eucalyptus: "But it's very bitter and sour..."

"That's what I want! Tricky show!"

Yan Yu bit his finger, his eyes lit up a little bit.

When she was confinement in the enchantment, she thought about how to make money for a long time.

To be honest, she really had the idea of ​​waiting for the children to learn the fruit and earning a living by selling vegetables and fruits.

Unfortunately, because of the inherent characteristics of bitter melon and lemon, she finally gave up on this idea.

I have to admit that if it is too bitter or too sour, it will really be returned.

The good lemons and bitter melons sold in the market are just the right amount of bitterness and sourness.

Yan Yu's tone gradually became agitated. After thinking for a while, he made up a story: "My neighbors planted this by themselves, but it was too bitter and sour, so they couldn't be sold. Our family was soft-hearted, so we bought some..."

Wang Dong immediately said: "It's okay, it's okay, sell it to me! Teacher Yan, please give me the contact information."

Thanks to the research on this matter back then, an old idea popped up in Yan An's mind in a short time: "My neighbor's family is not willing to deal with people, and their personality is a bit weird."

Wang Dong hesitated for a moment: "Then..."

"That's good." Yan An's eyes narrowed into a crescent with a smile, "I'll let them open an online store, and when the time comes, I'll send you the address of the online store, and you can place orders directly online, and they won't have to deal with outsiders. "

For Wang Dong, it was easier to handle, and he quickly reached an agreement with Yan Yu.

The next episode of the Tricky Show happened to be a few guests from "The Smell of Fireworks" to promote, Liang Baiyu, Ji Nan, Jiang Tian, ​​and three new guests who replaced Yan Yu, Qi Yan, and Wen Yang.

Wang Dong is already eager to try it, so the new element will use these six people first, the effect of the variety show will definitely be very good!

The author has something to say: This article is also known as "I Raise Children and Get Rich in the Entertainment Industry"

Come to a small theater after the text is over:

One day, Qi Yan covered the exhausted Yan Eucalyptus with a quilt, woke up the children, and dragged her to run.

In the early morning of autumn, there is a cool breeze and the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus.

Qi Yan strode forward, followed by six little tails.

Heck heck heck heck heh heh heh heh...