In the warehouse, Yan Eucalyptus sat on the edge of the hard bed board in a daze, feeling that the whole plant of grass was bad.

She woke up from a strange place inexplicably, and before she could figure out the situation, a mess appeared, and this thing was still in her heart!

The most important thing is the phrase "three years ago" that the other party said. She traveled from the world of cultivating immortals to this world three years ago. The only people who knew about it were Liang Baiyu and her three children. She never said anything about others, even Qi Yan. Do not know at all.

How did this **** thing know? Could it be that it knows about her affairs?

System: [Drip—yes, I already know everything about the host. You are from the world of cultivating immortals. You are a copper money plant that traveled to this world when the world of cultivating immortals was destroyed three years ago. Not long after time travelling, he became interested in the target of the strategy, got pregnant after a flash marriage, got divorced, and gave birth to a child at the barrier. Today, three children have germinated, and the other three have not yet germinated, because your spiritual power is insufficient. 】

Yan Yu opened his eyes round and opened his mouth into an O shape.

System: [What the host has never known is that the world you travel through is actually a book. The title of the book is "Yan", and it tells the story of the protagonist Qi Yan's only family member, his grandmother, who died, entered the entertainment circle, became a movie star from a newcomer, and then used the movie king status to build his own business empire behind his back and become a business giant. . 】

These words can be understood separately, but she can't figure out how to put them together?

The system's childish voice sounded in a timely manner: [If the host still doesn't understand, the system can recommend you a few novels about crossing books, and you will understand after reading them. 】

Yan Yu pulled his hair, moved his body, and simply sat with his legs crossed.

Before she could react, a blue interface suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, and a bookshelf suddenly appeared on it. There were many books on the bookshelf, and the titles of the books were all uniform:

"The Little Wife Who Dressed Up as a Domineering CEO", "The Sick Wife Who Was Dressed as a Big Villain", "After Transmigrating into a Book, I Became the Movie Emperor's Hidden Married Wife"...

System: [Host, you can read all these books. 】

Yan An pulled out a handful of his hair with force, and it hurt.

She rubbed her scalp, looked at the screen in front of her with a sad face, and felt like crying.

This thing is scarier than her identity as the copper money grass!

She waved her hand feebly: I'll watch it later...

Yan An put a handful of hair on the bed frame beside him, thought about it carefully, and finally remembered the figure who rushed towards her before he passed out, very similar to Wen Yang.

Moreover, the system just said that she is the second host?

Yan Yu asked: Was your first host Wen Yang?

System: [Yes. 】

Yan Eucalyptus: So what happened? Why am I here? Wen Yang brought me here?

System: [The target of the attack, Qi Yan, has a deep dislike for Wen Yang, and Wen Yang cannot complete the task. In order to complete the task, she tied you here by using the system function, intending to use you to threaten the target to complete the task. 】

Yan Yu was startled: Then where is she now?

The system child's voice is very innocent: [Kidnapping is a crime and is not allowed by the system. Wen Yang broke the rules and was out. 】

Yan Yu: What does it mean to be out?

The system continued to explain patiently: [Out means Wen Yang came back from where he came from before, and he will return to where he came from. As it was before, so it is now. In short, Wen Yang is no longer in the book world, no one can see her anymore. So please pay attention to the host, the completion of the task must be based on abiding by the law. 】

Yan Yu was dazed: still have to complete the task?

System: [Naturally, your mission as the host is to capture the hero of this book, Qi Yan. Qi Yan is your target. It is not difficult for you to scan and detect according to the main program. In fact, three years ago, you had already successfully conquered it once. It's a pity, I already had a host at that time, now, you only need to do the same as three years ago and go through the strategy again. 】

Yan An immediately asked back: Do I still want to marry and divorce Qi Yan again?

System: [No, it is—]

Yan Yu suddenly stood up and interrupted: "Forget it, forget it, don't talk, my mind is so messed up now, please let me be quiet!"

System: […OK. 】

Yan Yu walked around the bed board twice like a headless chicken, and asked himself the most concerned question at the moment: Will you help me keep my identity a secret?

System: [Naturally, the system and the host are one, keeping secrets for each other. And the system is to serve and help you as the host. 】

Yan Yu let out an oh, and had his own understanding.

In the world of cultivating immortals, those immortals will have magic weapons. If the magic weapon has spiritual wisdom, wouldn't it be equivalent to her current system?

Now that she has this system, is it equivalent to having a magic weapon for free?

But in this world, there is no need for magical weapons to fight, and everyone is harmonious and friendly.

Therefore, this magic weapon is actually useless to Yan Eucalyptus. Be a Tianmeow elf to relieve boredom in your heart, maybe you can let the Tianmeow elf and yourself compare the script at that time.

Yan An shook his head, probably using his own thoughts to understand what happened to her now.

The system jumped out to defend itself: [Host, your understanding is wrong. I am not a magic weapon, nor is it the Tianmiao elf you said...]

After Yan Yu wanted to understand the system's affairs, he didn't have time to listen to the system's explanation, so he interrupted again: I didn't say you were, I just said that you are a bit alike. Okay, I won't tell you anymore, and you don't need to tell me either, I'm going to find my children, they're going to be in a hurry.

After she finished speaking, she chanted a heart-clearing mantra, successfully ignoring the beeping sound of explanation in her inner system, ran to the warehouse door, studied it, and opened the door.

The night outside was completely dark, and the surrounding area was silent, with many large trucks parked. Besides, there was no one, not even a street lamp, and the black shadow of the big tree next to it swayed in the wind, looking eerie.

Yan Eucalyptus didn't take it to heart at all, she was a plant spirit, and she wasn't afraid of these things, so when she saw a road, she followed it.

As a result, halfway through the road, a row of cars drove in and stopped in front of Yan An.

In the next car, Qi Yan pushed open the door and got out, looked at her with a hesitant tone: "Yan Yu?"

Before coming, Qi Yan thought that this might be a fierce battle. Wen Yang spent so much effort to take Yan An away and destroy all surveillance videos and online transaction information, so there must be people in the warehouse.

So Qi Yan hastily brought a large group of people over, fearing that the scene would be too chaotic, he didn't bring any of the three children with him, and put them directly in the office, letting them wait for him.

But before he reached the warehouse, he saw Yan Yu walking alone on the road?

Yan Yu looked at him in surprise, and called out: "Qi Yan!" Then subconsciously ran towards him with small steps.

She was thinking about how she was going to go home just now, but Qi Yan came to pick her up.

At this moment, the quiet system began to make noise again.

System: [Drip—the attack target 'Qi Yan' appears, and the mission starts. The host is requested to complete the task of holding hands with the capture target within 48 hours. The 48-hour countdown begins, please host the time reasonably. 】

As soon as this voice appeared, Yan Eucalyptus, who was trotting, stopped.

She looked at Qi Yan who was three steps away, and asked curiously in her heart: You want me to hold hands with Qi Yan within 48 hours?

System: [Yes, host. 】

Yan Eucalyptus: What if I don't pull it?

System: [If the task is not completed, there will be punishment. 】

Yan Yu blinked, and asked again: Wen Yang didn't finish before, what is the punishment?

She remembered that Wen Yang really wanted to get close to Qi Yan before, but it seemed he hadn't succeeded.

System: [There will be acne on the face, and the acne will not disappear. If you keep failing, your whole face will be covered. If this is the case, you, the host, will not be able to film...]

Yan Yu let out a silent oh in his heart.

Acne, she is not afraid of this.

Let a copper money plant grow acne, what does this system elf think?

She is relieved. Seeing this, the system wants to defend itself again.

Yan An silently recited a heart-cleaning mantra, and suppressed Didi's voice again.

The heart-cleaning mantra was learned by her at the school of the Cucumber tribe, and it is very useful.

The patriarch of the Cucumber Clan said that living in the world, it is inevitable that emotions and desires will affect your state of mind. And the Qingxin Mantra can calm your heart.

My heart is at peace, and in many cases, noise is no longer noise.

So after speaking, I used the mantra of clearing my heart as a mantra for clearing my ears.

After all, she lived on the surface of the lake, so she could always hear the fish schools under the lake making noise, and in summer, she could even hear the croaking of frogs.

She spent it all with this pure heart spell.

I have to say that there is a specialization in the arts, and the Cucumber Clan's Heart Purification Curse is really good, and it will work a hundred times.

Qi Yan looked at Yan Yu who stopped at the same place and called him, then lowered his eyebrows and said nothing, feeling a little worried in his heart.

He frowned, and went forward, subconsciously trying to reach out to touch Yan Yu, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, Yan Yu avoided it.

If it was a normal day, Yan Yu would definitely not have the consciousness to avoid it.

But the task of the system just now reminded her instead.

It's better for her and Qi Yan not to have any physical contact now.

This morning, Mengmeng told her that she still remembered Qi Yan kissing her last night.

Qi extended his hand in the air and paused.

He pursed his lips, his eyes flashed, and his face was suddenly covered with frost.

Her emergency response, could it be that Wen Yang had someone do something to her...

Qi Yan had a bad premonition in his heart, and looked her up and down.

There was a little dust on her clothes, but they were still neat, and there were no signs of being torn, and her appearance didn't look like she had been forced.

Qi Yan breathed a sigh of relief, but still asked, "Yan Yu, what happened? Are you okay?"

Yan An shook his head: "I'm fine, what about Mengmeng and the others?"

After finishing speaking, she tiptoed to look at the car.

Qi Yan said: "The children are in my office, let's go, I will take you to meet them, they are very worried about you."

Seeing this, Yan An nodded, paying attention not to contact Qi Yan, and sat in the car.

Qi Yan asked the rest of the people to go to the warehouse to check the situation before getting into the car.

Fearing that the child would be worried, Qi Yan called the child in the office to report his safety as soon as he got in the car.

But when they actually saw each other, Yan Mengmeng and Yan Kuku threw themselves into Yan An's arms and burst into tears.

Yan Mengmeng's tears cost nothing: "Mom, are you okay? We're so worried about you..."

Yan Kuku sobbed: "Mom, you're finally back..."

Seeing the crying children, Yan An's eyes also glistened with tears.

Yan Zhuzhu stood aside, turned his head, and secretly wiped away his tears.

Qi Yan stood behind the child, and when he saw this, he stretched out his hand to comfort Zhuzhu's head.

This child has a strong surface and is not very intimate with others. But in my heart, it is very soft.

Yan Zhuzhu looked up at him, but didn't avoid it.

About a minute later, amidst Mengmeng and Kuku's intermittent crying, and Yan'an's comforting voice, Yan Zhuzhu said softly, "Dad, thank you for bringing mom back."

For the first time this time, Yan Zhuzhu called Qi Yan's father.

Qi Yan was stunned for a moment, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise.

He looked at Yan Yu and the three sons in front of him, and there was a place in his heart that gradually became softer.

In the past, I only felt that I was alone, with no one around me to protect me, like the wind, unrestrained, and free.

But now, there is.

He didn't feel fettered, but felt that this feeling was very good.

Yan Yu's disappearance was reported to the police.

So after she came back, the police quickly came to take notes.

At the warehouse, nothing abnormal was found. The female secretary of the hospital had already woken up, and she said with certainty that it was Wen Yang who came.

But Wen Yang, there is no trace of him, this person seems to have disappeared from the world.

Yan An glanced at Qi Yan who was next to him, and Qi Yan nodded slightly to her, reassuring her.

Yan Yu looked away and said, "I don't know. After I woke up, there was no one in the warehouse."

That was indeed the case, but later the system told her that Wen Yang returned to where he was before.

Yan Yu didn't know where Wen Yang was before. She thought, it might be similar to her own world of cultivating immortals.

If Wen Yang went back, of course she would never be found in this world.

Naturally, it was impossible for Yan Eucalyptus to tell anyone about this.

After the police finished their notes, they left quickly.

Qi Yan and Yan An, a family of five, finally returned home.

Everything is back to normal.

Two days later, Qi Yan and Yan An sat in the back seat and went home together.

Next to him, Qi Yan was working with a laptop on his lap, while Yan An was reading a novel with his eyes closed.

It was the few books on the bookshelf given by the system two days ago.

In the past three years, Yan Yu has been wandering in the world of TV dramas, and has not yet started to enter the world of novels.

She just felt that there was a shortage of dramas recently, but this system elf brought her a novel.

I have to say that these novels are pretty good, and they are just right for spending the boring time in the car.

And the system is very convenient, the screen is right in front of Yan An, she can see it as long as she wants to, with her eyes open or closed.

The reading interface is much more pleasing to the eye than that of a mobile phone, and it can actively detect whether she needs to turn the page.

She doesn't need to hold the mobile phone in her hand to watch, she really enjoys it and feels so comfortable.

Not only in the car, but also in bed, you don’t have to worry about hitting your face with your phone anymore.

This system wizard is still pretty good.

Yan Yu looked at the novel happily, and as he watched, a countdown popped up in front of him.

Then the system's voice appeared: [Drip—the countdown to the 48-hour mission is still one hour away, the host please pay attention to the time. 】

Yan Yu turned off the countdown timer, chanted a heart-clearing mantra, the automatic screen system beeped, and continued to watch the next plot.

As a result, an hour later, when Yan An was reading a bedtime story to his three children, a pimple suddenly appeared on his chin.

Yan An didn't know this at all, and continued to read with rich emotion: "The mother sheep said to the little sheep, you must not open the door when the mother is out, because there will be big bad wolves coming to eat you. The little sheep obediently agreed. ..."

Yan Mengmeng blinked her big eyes, covered her body with a quilt, stared at the pimple on her mother's chin for a few minutes, and reminded: "Mom, you have something growing on your chin."

As soon as this remark came out, the other two children also looked over curiously.

As soon as Yan An's voice stopped reading the story, he touched his chin curiously.

It feels very strange, when you touch it, you still have the urge to pick it off.

This is the first time she has acne, she thought curiously.

The three children are also quite novel.

Yan Kuku leaned over, his melancholy face became brighter, and he asked curiously, "Mom, what is this?"

Yan Zhuzhu had a serious face, looked at her for a while, and frowned, like a grown-up: "Mom, do you need to go to the hospital?"

"Who's going to the hospital? What happened?" Qi Yan, who had just finished handling business in the study, walked in, just in time to hear a few words, and asked casually.

Yan Mengmeng got up from the bed: "Dad, it's Mom. Come and see, Mom has a thing on her chin, will she need surgery?" After talking about it, Yan Mengmeng's tone became worried.

Qi Yan raised his eyebrows, and his eyes fell on Yan An's face.

On the originally smooth and fair face, a pimple appeared on the chin, which looked quite small.

He paused, then calmly replied: "It's just acne, no need to go to the hospital. Isn't there bitter melon at home? Drink a glass of bitter melon juice and it will disappear."

When Yan Mengmeng heard this, she immediately got out of bed and put on her shoes: "Mom, wait, I'll get you bitter gourd juice!"

Yan An hurriedly lay down on the bed, stretched out his hand to grab the eldest son, and said, "Mengmeng, no need! It's just a pimple, and it will disappear by itself tomorrow."

Yan Mengmeng has always been an obedient child, she nodded and climbed back into bed again, a little worried: "Then mom, does acne hurt?"

Yan Yu touched it again, not to mention touching it for a while, and was a little addicted: "It doesn't hurt." She said.

Qi Yan sat down on the edge of the bed, his eyes moved slightly, remembering how nimble he was when he heard drinking bitter melon juice just now, he continued to fan the flames in a leisurely manner: "This pimple doesn't look small, it's better to drink a glass of bitter melon juice. After all, you I'm still filming, this pimple is not easy to cover with makeup, and if your makeup artist sees it tomorrow, it will probably give you a headache."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and reached for Yan An's chin.

Yan Yu was furious when he heard the words, and picked up the storybook in his hand and beat Qi Yan: "You can get rid of it without drinking bitter melon juice, and you can do it tomorrow!"

Qi Yan avoided it for a while, and laughed out loud.

Yan Zhuzhu shook his head, sighed, turned over silently, faced the wall, and closed his eyes.

After the children fell asleep, Yan An returned to his bedroom and locked the door behind him.

From the morning when she was kidnapped, and after Mengmeng learned that Qi Yan had kissed her, she locked the door for the past two days.

The weight of the six seeds has already bent her waist down. Another baby, she is really going to wither.

So keeping a distance from Qi Yan is the best way.

In his mind, the system was talking about the task again, Yan Yu ignored it completely, went to the bathroom to take a bubble bath, turned into the main body, soaked in the bubble water, twisted and twisted the pimple that should be on the chin, twisted onto hair-like blades.

Then she plucked the leaf with the bump on it.

After returning to human form, her face remained smooth and her acne disappeared without a trace.

Yan Yu looked in front of the mirror and went to bed satisfied.

Therefore, the system enters the scanning process.

Yan Yu was a little surprised when he heard the scanning prompt.

At the same time, there was also some regret and sadness, when she couldn't watch the video on the virtual screen because of the system scan, so she could only watch it with her mobile phone, and when she was drowsy, she was hit in the face by the mobile phone and grinned in pain.

A few more days passed, the weather was getting colder every day, the ginkgo leaves turned yellow quietly, and the sweet-scented osmanthus began to bloom, but it bloomed less, and not many people noticed it yet.

There was still no trace of Wen Yang, and the fans were so anxious that they made a fuss on the Lingyun official blog.

Lingyun official blog issued a statement, saying that something happened to Wen Yang, and he has terminated the contract with all the crew and brands. His whereabouts are unknown, and the company is also unclear. He has contacted the police.

As for the matters related to Yan'an's disappearance and Wen Yang, they were all suppressed by Qi Yan, and the news has not been leaked yet.

The fans naturally quit. After scolding for several days, the popularity went down and was replaced by another trending search.

Another hot topic is that Liang Baiyu will participate in the variety show "Come if you can" at 8:00 tonight, which will be broadcast live on the entire network.

Netizens laughed happily.

[Hahahahaha, my god, I'm already looking forward to it now! Please show me the program team to straighten the pigeons! 】

[It's fine to do whatever you want, but watch out for his throat. 】

[Yes, be careful with my voice, he recently prepared a new song, I still want to listen to his new song qaq]

[Why is Liang Baiyu's hot search again? Nine times out of ten, he was the most searched person, and suddenly he broke the contract and was late again. Why is this person still not popular? It bores me to death. 】

[Because the song is good, if someone had a better song than him, he would have died long ago. Unfortunately not. 】

[Just don’t click on it if you’re annoying, click on it if you’re bored, click on it and comment, why are you so idle? You are so idle, who do you bother if you don't bother? 】

[Okay, okay, everyone, stop arguing. The live broadcast is about to start! 】

[Yes, yes, turn on the computer quickly! 】

In the villa, Yan Mengmengyan Zhuzhuyan Kuku had already lined up on the sofa and sat down.

Qi Yan took the remote control, tuned to the webcast platform, and began to wait for the live broadcast.

He sat down next to him, picked up the laptop, put it on his lap, looked at the seriousness of the children, and raised his mouth slightly: "Do you care about this program?"

Yan Mengmeng nodded: "Yes, Dad, we asked Uncle Yang Shen, and Uncle Yang Shen said, if this program works well, we can drink bitter gourd and lemon juice, um—" He paused, unable to remember Yang Shen tilted his head and tried hard to think about the words that Yang Shen said.

Yan Zhuzhu reminded: "Fry the fire."

Yan Mengmeng smiled at his younger brother, and continued: "Yes, after frying the bitter gourd and lemon juice, many people will come to our online shop to buy it."

Qi Yan raised his eyebrows slightly: "Then, is Dad going to help you recruit sailors, and after the show is broadcast, name your online store?"

Yan Kuku peeled the mangosteen: "What is a navy?"

Yan Mengmeng and Yan Zhuzhu also looked at Qi Yan.

Qi Yan paused for a moment, then said nonchalantly: "Oh, it's nothing, it's just an advertisement." It's better not to let the children know about such messy things in the entertainment industry.

The three children nodded, half understanding: "Oh~"

Qi Yan asked again: "Where's mother?"

Yan Mengmeng replied, "Mom is on the phone with Uncle Liang in the backyard."

Qi Yan keenly grasped the words: "Uncle Liang?"

Yan Kuku bit into a mangosteen and said vaguely, "Uncle Liang Baiyu."

Yan Zhuzhu nodded and pointed to the TV screen. At this moment, the live broadcast has not started, the screen is a poster, and the one in the middle of the poster is Liang Baiyu. He said, "It's this uncle."

Qi Yan raised his eyes and looked over.

Of course he knew Liang Baiyu, a well-known big pigeon fan in the circle. If it was placed on someone else, this person would have been blacklisted long ago.

However, Liang Baiyu, with his strong business ability, released a new song that could dominate the major music charts in just a few hours, unmatched in the limelight among singers.

So the brokerage company simply used this 'pigeon' character to create hype, and the team intentionally or unintentionally allowed Liang Baiyu to be late and breach the contract, relying on this to attract the attention of netizens and fans.

In the entertainment industry, attention is flow.

In this case, brands and programs also like to invite Liang Baiyu. If you break the contract, you can not only receive liquidated damages, but also attract a wave of attention.

But these are not the point. The point is, when did Yan An and Liang Baiyu know each other enough to call in private?

And the three children seem to know Liang Baiyu, and they call him Uncle Liang affectionately?

Qi Yan left the keyboard and asked calmly, "When did you know him?"

Yan Mengmeng picked up the potato chips, tried to open them, and replied naturally: "We have known each other since we were born, much earlier than we met our father."