"Mr. Shen?" Xin Yin knocked on the door and came in, and saw Shen Rang's face smiling at the phone... with a perverted look.

Xin Yin: ...Suddenly, there was a feeling that President Shen's design collapsed.

Shen Rang raised his eyes, then clenched his fist to his lips and coughed twice, returning to his usual appearance, "What's the matter?"

Xin Yin opened the document that needed to be signed and placed it in front of Shen Rang, and deliberately asked, "Mr. Shen, have you caught a cold?"

"No." Shen Rang glanced at the document and signed after confirming that it was correct. "It's just that my throat suddenly becomes uncomfortable. Just drink some water."

Xin Yin was still worried, "Really all right?"

"Alright." Shen Rang closed the document and handed it to Xin Yin, "Don't tell Jiang Cha."

"Yes, I understand."

"Oh, yes." Shen Rang handed the phone to Xin Yin, "I have already notified the Arbor Day event on Thursday, and you will make an announcement on the company intranet later."

Xin Yin was taken aback, "Didn't you tell me to release it tomorrow?"

Shen Rang smiled, "This... something unexpected happened suddenly, I'll just say it by the way."

Seeing this, Xin Yin suddenly thought of something and unlocked the phone that Shen Rang handed him. The chat interface still stayed at the "Yaoshou!!!"

Xin Yin felt his breathing stagnated, and couldn't believe it, "You exposed/exposed my trumpet?"

"Unexpected accident."

Xin Yin pulled up a dozen pieces of news, and finally understood what Shen Rang had done with his trumpet and in his name.

"Sigh." Xin Yin sighed, "We have to prepare a new trumpet again."

Shen Rang smiled, "Prepare one for me."

"Oh..." Xin Yin sighed again, "Do you know how difficult it is to prepare a trumpet to enter the company's internal group?"

Shen Rang nodded, "I know."

"Then you still expose/expose my trumpet?"

Shen Rang is still confident, "I don't have a trumpet? Why should I borrow yours every time if I have it?"

Xin Yin:.........it makes sense, he really can't refute it!

"Sure, this time I will prepare one, no, two trumpets for you by the way."

Xin Yin thought, it’s okay for President Shen to prepare a trumpet, so that he won’t have to borrow his account if he has anything to do in the future.

Shen Rang nodded, seeing Xin Yin still worrying about him, and laughed, "Okay, I can't do anything except look at gossip."

Xin Yin pulled the corners of her lips, and there was a villain in her heart that screamed frantically: What else do you want to do! ! Stop it! Where did the former manager Shen who only had work at all go! !

Another villain came out with a faint voice: I was hooked away by Vice President Jiang~~~

"Then President Shen, I will go out first."

"Well, make an announcement when you go out."

"Yes, I will go now."

No one in the group said anything for more than half an hour.

It wasn't until Bai Fei on the 23rd floor opened his head that everyone continued to have a lively discussion.

Hey, I'm not afraid of being reported/reported or something, or I feel...a bit embarrassing.

But fortunately, everyone only considers "Xin Yin" to be "Xin Yin". If they were to let them know that the person who actually sent the message was Shen Rang wearing Xin Yin's skin, it is estimated that this group would have to be disbanded on the spot.

Xin Yin moved quickly. Not long after she left the office of Shen Rang, everyone received an internal announcement from Jiasheng, which was more detailed than what was said in the group just now, and clearly assigned everyone's division of labor on the day.

The car will be arranged by the company. It will depart on time at 7 o'clock in the morning. The clothes are casual and comfortable and convenient.

Jiang Cha and Shen Rang got up at five o'clock, and Shen Zhi was still asleep.

He was so excited last night that he couldn't sleep at all. It was Jiang Cha who told him three stories and Shen Rang sang a song before putting him to sleep.

The two took a simple bite for breakfast, and Shen Rang went to change clothes for Shen Zhi in his sleep, and Jiang Cha packed his things.

Xiaozhi is not awake yet, so he has to bring him breakfast.


Jiang Cha turned his head, Shen Rang wrapped Shen Zhi with a thin blanket, Shen Zhi's head was resting on Shen Rang's shoulders, his small mouth was slightly opened, and there was suspicious saliva in the corners of his mouth.

"Okay." Jiang Cha put on his shoulder bag, took the car keys, two people with a child, and went out.

Shen Zhi had been in Shen Rang's arms and didn't wake up in the car, so Jiang Cha drove.

At six forty, the car drove into the company.

Jiasheng's bus has been neatly parked in front of the door, the door is wide open, some people have already got on the bus, some people are chatting and eating outside the bus.

Xin Yin and Bai Fei went to help Jiang Cha get things right away.

Jiang Cha tilted his head to look at Shen Zhi, "Xiao Zhi? Xiao Zhi wakes up."

"Um..." Shen Zhi opened his eyes, and within a second, he closed again, "Mom..."

Shen Rang shifted Shen Zhi to the other side with a pillow, "Get in the car first."


Shen Rang and Jiang Cha are in the first row of the bus, Jiang Cha is sitting by the window, and Shen Rang is sitting outside.

"President Shen." The person in the seat next to him lowered his voice, "You brought the young master before he woke up?"

Jiang Cha took the thin blanket off Shen Zhi's body and folded it, and replied, "He, he always wanted to go when he knew there was a tree planting activity. Children, he always likes to go out and play."

"It's true, the kid in my family is the same, knowing that I'm going to Qingrun Mountain today, and crying to follow."

Shen Rang handed Shen Zhi to Jiang Cha, and said, "I don't think about it well."

Shen Rang called out Xin Yin.

Xin Yin came over, "President Shen."

"The next company event, all the family members who can bring it will be taken, and the company will pay for it."

"Okay, President Shen."

"Oh, President Shen, I didn't mean that."

Shen Rang smiled slightly, "I understand, but it is true that I did not think about it."

"This...oh, thank you Mr. Shen first."

"You are Welcome."

"Um, mom..." Shen Zhi finally woke up, rubbing his eyes and leaning against Jiang Cha's arms, and his little hand tugged Shen Rang again, "Dad, Xiao Zhi is so sleepy."

Shen Rang took out the wet wipes from his bag to wipe Shen Zhi's face, "Then I ask Grandpa to come and pick you home? It's a pity that Xiaozhi's young sapling."

little sapling?

Shen Zhi sat up straight, "Dad, Xiao Zhi is not sleepy anymore."

Shen Rang wiped his hands and took out his mouthwash to Shen Zhi, "Mom brought breakfast to Xiaozhi. Can Xiaozhi hurry up and eat?"

"Okay!" Shen Zhi turned his head and kissed Jiang Cha on the face, "Thank you mom!"

Jiang Cha smiled and rubbed his hair, and pointed to Shen Rang.

Shen Zhi has become familiar with this meaning recently, so he leaned forward and kissed Shen Rang's face. He was not biased, one person at a time, and it was fair.

"Thank you dad."


At seven o'clock, the car left on time.

Shen Zhi's breakfast hasn't been finished yet, but fortunately, it was unpleasant in the city, which didn't have much impact.

Today is four passenger cars, and the one Shen Rang rides is the first one.

You don't know what the other cars are, but the one of Mr. Shen and Mr. Jiang, can be described as shocking everyone's jaws.

Nothing else, it's really these two guys...recently they are always subverting their image in the minds of the company's employees.

Usually in the company, Shen Rang and Jiangcha's attitude towards Shen Zhi has already surprised everyone. Today's going out for an event has made them more insightful.

After the young master had breakfast, he began a journey of thoughts.

His questions are all sorts of strange, from what is this, where is that, can always ask how the small tree grows, whether the small tree has parents and so on.

There are even more questions, the angles are tricky, they really don't know where to answer.

But Vice President Jiang was able to answer every question from Young Master in a gentle voice.

In all fairness, if they were replaced by their own children so hard to talk so much, maybe they would be irritable and let the children shut up.

President Shen did not have any impatience with the child's questions, and took turns holding the child with Vice President Jiang for fear of getting her tired.

Jiasheng female staff group.

—Shen is always a good man, the appraisal is complete.

—The image of Vice President Jiang has completely changed in my heart...I can't be as gentle as her to children.

—Me too... My son would cry every morning when he woke up, and I was upset and wanted to get angry when he cried.

—The main reason is that the man in the family is not strong, right?

—Yes, as long as the men in the family can help out more or take care of the children, women will be much easier.

—Sister Wang...Sister Liu...what you said I dare not get married.

—When you get married, you still have to be a little more cautious. I'm not saying that all men are bad, but most men will have an illusion after they get married.

—What illusion?

-A woman should be able to cook, wash, wash the dishes, be able to go to the hall or the kitchen, be able to take care of children and serve men, and support a family, the top ten all-rounder.

—........I have an **** that has come to my lips.

-You guys, you must keep your eyes open before planning to get married. If someone else says something like "I will support you", "I will take care of you", "You stay at home and enjoy the blessings", then you will listen stupidly, no matter what the woman is. At that time, you must remain independent and know how to love yourself.

-what! Learned, learned!

—Gosh, what Sister Wang said is a true portrayal of my boyfriend! He often tells me not to go to work to support me ah ah ah ah!

—What does he do?

-Office workers.

-If you are an office worker, don't believe it. Really, you have only five points of strength, but you have to tell you ten points. Sooner or later you will pay the extra five points.

—...Okay Sister Wang, I will consider it carefully!


Jiang Cha didn't know, because she and Shen Rang's attitude towards Shen Zhi made her the envy of female employees in the company.

After the bus left the city, the speed gradually increased.

The number of high-rise buildings has gradually decreased, and the number of bungalows has increased.

Shen knows that everything is fresh, and he can't wait to put the glass on the whole person.

"Mom, over there over there!" Shen Zhi poke the glass with his finger to show Jiang Cha, "Is that long wowing wagon, a train?"

Jiang Cha was surprised, "Xiaozhi is awesome. It is a train that can transport goods and bring people to the north and south of the Yangtze River."

"Wow!" Shen Zhi looked envied, "It's much longer than the train at Xiaozhi's house, and it's still calling."

Jiang Cha just remembered that there was a toy train at home.

"Xiaozhi." Shen Rang squeezed his face, "When I get home, Dad will buy you a small train that can call you, would you like?"

"Yes!" Shen Zhi applauded excitedly, "Thank you Dad!"

"Dad promised to buy a small train for Xiaozhi, and Xiaozhi also promised his father to sit obediently?" Shen let his index finger compare [hush] and said in a voice, "Uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters all get up today Very early, everyone is sleepy now, Xiaozhi obediently, can you make up for it?"

"Ah -" Shen Zhi quickly covered his mouth with two hands, nodding desperately, Xiao Zhi knows, Xiao Zhi is quiet, Xiao Zhi is obedient.

Shen Rang took his son into his arms, "Take a rest, I will climb the mountain later."


Shen Rang comforted Shen Zhi, and leaned against Jiang Cha again, "Lean on your shoulders."

Jiang Cha bent her lips, "Okay, thank you Mr. Shen."

Shen made a smile in his eyes, "Mrs. Shen is polite."

Jiang Cha rubbed his shoulders, and was not polite with Shen Ran. After leaning on his shoulders, he moved his body, adjusted his posture to be more comfortable, and closed his eyes to rest.

It was quiet in the bus.

Xin Yin sat in the bus attendant seat in front of Shen Rang and Jiang Cha, turning around by accident and saw this scene.

Young Master leaned on Mr. Shen’s left shoulder, Vice President Jiang leaned on his right shoulder, holding Young Master’s hand in his hand, Mr. Shen closed his eyes and kept his posture against the back of the chair, with a smile at the corners of his lips. The vice-satisfied appearance.

Xin Yin took a photo of the three of them with his mobile phone and sent it to Shen Rang when he was about to go back. He believed that Mr. Shen would thank him.

At nine o'clock exactly, the bus arrived at the foot of Qingrun Mountain.

There is a temporary team leader in each car, according to the department arrangement, calling the team members to take tools to move things.

Qingrun Mountain is closed to the public for two weeks before and after the annual tree-planting festival. The government/government will send professionals to repair and organize Qingrun Mountain during this week.

Every year, Jiasheng applies to come to Qingrun Mountain on the day of the Arbor Day for a meager effort, and professionals will not come on this day.

The saplings to be planted have been delivered half an hour in advance.

Xin Yin went to get the map of the area that Jiasheng was responsible for this year, and then sent it to the hands of each group leader. According to the needs, the male staff carried the saplings and the female staff carried other things. Several people in the same group formed a small group. The group began to go up the mountain.

What Shen Rang prepared for Shen Zhi was a cypress sapling, the smallest and smallest among the saplings to be planted this time.

Shen knows how to learn, seeing other brothers and uncles all carrying saplings, he will also carry his own saplings to climb the mountain.

Jiang Cha couldn't help but laugh, "Son, you are too young to take it. Mom can take it for you."

Shen Zhi shook his head and refused, "Mom, Xiao Zhi can do it."

In order to show himself, Shen Zhi carried the saplings and walked forward, following the people in front of him.

"Shen Rang." Jiang Cha took good things, "You are persuading Xiaozhi."

Shen Rang smiled, "It's okay, when he gets tired, he will naturally give up."

"You guy..."

"It's not bad to let the children exercise." Shen Rang let Jiang Cha see Shen Zhi, "Boys must take responsibility and do their own things. After doing their best, he can remember this thing deeply."

Jiang Cha said helplessly, "Let me remind you Mr. Shen that your son Shen Zhi is only four years old and he is still in kindergarten. Is it too early for you to tell him about the role of a man?"

Shen Rang shook his head, "No sooner, we didn't take care of Xiaozhi well before, and guided him from an early age, which led to his current personality being a little soft. If he doesn't correct it in time, will you regret it if you can't change it?"

Jiang Cha pursed her lips.

Although Shen Rang said it seriously, it is true.

Recently, she was about to become a spoiled state to Xiaozhi, and she wanted to do everything for her son if she had anything to do, lest her son would get tired and injured.

But this is not right.

A child wants to grow up gradually in bumps and hard work, and protect the child under his wings ignorantly. That is not to love him.

Jiang Cha sighed lightly, "Sorry, it's my fault."

"Don't blame yourself." Shen Rang raised his hand and rubbed Jiang Cha's hair, with a smile in his voice, "We are all parents for the first time. Take your time and it will be fine."

Jiang Cha was startled.

Shen Rang had already walked two steps forward, caught up with his son, and climbed the mountain with Shen Zhi.

The father and son took things one by one, and the other carried the young sapling.

When he raised his head and lowered his head, Shen Rang smiled and said something at the moment when his eyes crossed. Shen Zhi clenched his small fist and raised it to Shen Rang to see.

Jiang Cha let out a "poof" laugh.

Don't think about it, Shen Rang must be a routine son again.

The steps of Qingrun Mountain are a bit high, and adults walk well, but for children, it is a bit laborious.

After Shen Zhi walked the first section of a flat road, he climbed about thirty or forty steps, and then he couldn't hold it anymore.

Shen Rang stayed by Shen Zhi's side, and saw him sitting down, "Son, are you tired?"

Shen Zhi was a little upset, "Dad, Xiao Zhi is tired."

"Okay." Shen Rang took his young sapling, held it in his hand with the other things, freed up a hand to hug Shen Zhi, and then continued to climb.

"Dad?" Shen Zhi wrinkled his nose, a little depressed, "Is Xiao Zhi stupid? I can't bring the young saplings."

Shen Rang relieved his son, "Xiaozhi has done his best to bring it. Xiaozhi is not stupid, but you are still not strong enough."

"Then Xiaozhi worked hard to eat. When he grows up to his father's height, will that be enough?"

"Of course." Shen Rang smiled, "You will be better than Dad, so... son."


Shen Rang stopped, touched Shen Zhi with his forehead, and smiled to encourage him, "Don't be afraid, no matter what happens, you must go forward bravely. Mom and Dad will always stand behind you. , Until you grow up tall and become a better person than mom and dad."

"En!" Shen Zhi nodded vigorously, smiling cutely, "Dad, Xiao Zhi remembered it!"

"Really good."

After talking to Shen Zhi for a while, Shen Rang has already climbed dozens of steps.

Shen Zhi struggled to get down and walk on his own, "Xiaozhi has a good rest, so I can't tire my father."

Shen Rang put him down, held hands, and walked together.

In this area where Jiasheng is in charge, some people have already started digging holes to plant saplings.

Shen Rang chose a relatively flat place and gave him Shen Zhi's small shovel.

Shen Zhi first took a look at what others were doing before he started to dig the hole with a small shovel on his own.

Shen Rang dug a large part and secretly loosened the soil before letting Shen Zhi dig.

Shen Zhi worked harder and harder, and his eyes were shining, and he felt that he had done a very powerful thing.

"Dad! Xiaozhi is done digging!"

"Xiaozhi is awesome."

Shen Rang instructed Shen to know what to do, and helped him hit the ground, and successfully planted the cypress seedling called [Zhizhi].

Shen Zhi squatted next to the sapling, touching the trunk with his little hand, "I am Xiaozhi, you are Xiaozhi's tree, you are called Zhizhi, hee hee, you have to grow up well and become a very powerful tree! Xiaozhi also Will work hard! I will ask Dad to take me over to see you."

"Knowing knowing knowing, you have to remember Xiaozhi~"

"Xiaozhi will definitely come to see Zhizhi, we pull the hook."

Shen Zhi originally stretched out a little finger to circle with the young sapling, but he found that his hand was too short, so he opened his entire palm and touched the young tree.

"You know, my dad said, boys have to talk and count, we are good friends, we have agreed to grow taller together~"

Jiang Cha shouted Shen Zhi not far away.

"Mom! Xiao Zhi is here!" Shen Zhi ran for two steps, turned around and waved to Zhi Zhi, and ran towards Jiang Cha.

Jiang Cha put wet wipes in the pocket of her clothes, "Come on, mom will wipe your hands."


Jiang Cha only gave Shen Zhi a rough idea, "Mom takes you to see other uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters."


There are many wooden benches for tourists to rest on Qingrun Mountain, and there are pavilions on the top of the hill or on flat places.

In this area allocated to Jiasheng, wooden benches and pavilions account for the majority, so many people are doing cleaning work.

Some of the male colleagues who can repair, take on the inspection and fixed responsibilities.

"Mom, what are the sisters doing?"

Shen Zhi pointed and scattered, and the man with the long clip and bag in his hand asked Jiang Cha.

Jiang Cha glanced at it, "My sisters are picking up rubbish, and the guests who come to play, some just throw the **** on the mountain or other places. This is an uncivilized behavior. Xiaozhi, my mother asks you, if What should you do when you eat or do something to produce garbage outside?"

"Xiaozhi throws it at home!" Shen Zhi smiled, "Xiaozhi doesn't throw things casually, so ashamed."

Jiang Cha squeezed Shen Zhi's face, "Good."

"Mom, can Xiaozhi help my sisters pick up trash together?"


"Here, Xiaozhi, Dad is ready for you."

Shen Rang, who is fascinating and unusually capable of routines for his son, did not know where to get a set of garbage cleaning tools suitable for Shen's height.

"Wow! Thank you Dad!" Shen Zhi had a bag in his left hand and a clip in his right hand, and happily went to learn from other sisters.

Jiang Cha is really dumbfounding.

"Shen Rang." Jiang Cha looked back at him, "Your image in your son's heart must be very big now."

Shen Rang hooked his lips and teased Jiang Cha, "Does my father love him like a mountain?"

Jiang Cha chuckled and went with Shen Rang to protect the environment with his son.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Jiasheng descended from the mountain to prepare for the return journey.

The lunch was settled on the mountain, like going out for a picnic, three in a group, five in a group, and it was quite happy to talk and laugh.

Of course, all the garbage generated by everyone's meals will be taken away for unified disposal.

On the way back, almost everyone fell asleep.

Shen Zhi did almost all the work he could do today, and he was more tired than others. When lying on Shen Rang to sleep, he even snored.

The adults are okay, and they usually exercise, so they won't be tired and unable to walk.

The bus still sent everyone to the company. Everyone got off the bus, said goodbye to each other, and then went home to rest.

Shen Zhi woke up in a daze, remembering to wave goodbye to the others.

Shen Rang and Jiang Cha were almost the last to leave.

When going back, Shen Rang drove, and Jiang Cha took the child to sit in the back.

Shen Zhi was talking to Jiang Cha about the joy of going out today, and want to go next time.

Jiang Cha responded with a smile. Suddenly, the phone on the side rang several times.

Jiang Cha picked up the phone, it was a text message.

[Sunshine Kindergarten reminds you: the baby’s holiday is over, parents are requested to send the baby to the kindergarten on time at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning~]

The author has something to say: Xiaozhi wishes everyone a happy Queen's Day~

There are 66 red envelopes in the front row of this chapter~ I wish you all a happy day~

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-03-0722:00:00~2020-03-0818:00:00~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: watermelon? 1 piece;

Thanks to the little angel who threw a landmine: 1 candy paper;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Zhen Mi and Xi Le Lexi; 5 bottles of the gangster woman; 424,414,922 bottles; Beixiang, Sharon, Chaoyu Muxueliu inkstone, and Xueba 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!