Chapter 15: stop hitting the baby

Chapter 15 Don't hit the baby

Hikari and Mochizuki were eating and chatting when she suddenly heard a cry.

"Little Mochizuki, did you hear someone crying?"

The child listened carefully and immediately got up and ran towards the room.

Yuguang followed him to the door of a room, where the child was anxious like a headless fly, full of contradictions and anxiety.

"What's the matter, why don't you open the door and take a look?" It was indeed someone crying in the room.

"But Mom said that no one can see Dad."

The man in    was crying like this, and Yuguang was worried that something would happen.

"Little Mochizuki, people who need help are more important."

She believed that the child was smart and understood what she meant. Sure enough, the child calmed down and went to the other room to get the key and open the door.

After the door of the room was opened, Youguang saw at a glance the fat white young man who was sitting on the bed, facing the door, wiping tears and crying.

"Baby, woo woo..." The young man saw his son crying louder, "I'm hungry..."

Yuguang exhaled softly.

It's okay, just crying because of hunger, not for any other reason.

She looked at the man in front of her who looked like a child, and finally understood why the child never talked about his father at school, and when others mentioned his father, he was unexpectedly silent.

"Dad, don't you cry until you're hungry?"

"Yes." The youth responded, and secretly looked at the little girl next to him.

Yuguang smiled at him, and he looked bolder.

"Baby, is this your shining classmate?"

Although the young man is stupid, he still remembers that his wife just said that his son's classmates are coming to see him.

The child paused and quickly corrected: "Dad, this is classmate Youguang."

"Mmmm, the classmate who shines." The young man burst into laughter, seeing the classmate who shined, he was very happy.

"Uncle, I'm a classmate who can shine."

When Liu Susu went upstairs again, she saw a picture she didn't want to see the last time. The foolish husband and son she didn't want to be seen were sitting and eating with the lady of the Ning family.

She stiffened all over, and managed to suppress her rage and walk to their side.

"Mochizuki, how did you let Tingsong come out?"

"Mom." The child flinched, a little nervous and frightened.

"Susu." The young man was also a little scared and wanted to put the cake away.

Yuguang pretended not to understand anything, looked at the fruit in her hand happily and said, "Auntie, did you bring us strawberries and cherries?"

"Does Yuguang like to eat?"


The little girl smiled brightly, her eyes moved with the strawberries and cherries in Liu Susu's hands, the latter cheered up and put the strawberries and cherries in front of her with enthusiasm.

"Then you eat more."

"Okay, thank you Auntie." Youguang picked up a strawberry and took a bite, "Auntie, did you tell my aunt that I was upstairs?"

"Said, she told you to have fun upstairs, it's almost time to eat downstairs, do you want to go down?"

"I don't want to go down for dinner. Can Auntie bring me some meat and juice. I still want to play with Mochizuki and my uncle here, okay?"

Liu Susu really wanted to take her husband away quickly, but Miss Ning was a rare friend that her son had made.

She thought about it and said, "Will Mochizuki play with you here, okay? Uncle needs a lunch break. Can I let him go to sleep?"

"No, no, I just want to play with my uncle, okay?"

Liu Susu's food is a bit too much for two children, but an adult man can't get enough to eat at all.

She wanted to stay here longer, let Liu Susu go get more food, and let both Dad Mochizuki and Little Mochizuki have enough to eat.

The downstairs was very busy. Except for Liu Susu, no one in the Shi family would care about whether the two father and son in front of them were hungry.

Liu Susu reluctantly responded, and once again warned his son more carefully.

After the    Shijia banquet, Shi Jinrong and his wife also arranged for the guests to visit the playground project.

Liu Susu waited for everyone to leave, then went upstairs with a sullen face, locked his son and husband in the room and reprimanded:

"Mochizuki, didn't I tell you in the morning that you can't let your classmates see your father? Why did you open the door and let him out?"

The child bowed his head and didn't speak, the white fat young man explained his grievances.

"Susu, it's me, I'm hungry."

"What are you hungry? You know what to eat all day long. Are you a pig?" Liu Susu looked at her husband's eyes with disgust.

"Sister will not dislike it, nor will she tell others." The child explained in a small voice.

"She is a child who says she doesn't dislike it and won't tell others, so you take it seriously. Your father is a fool, are you also a fool? How can you believe what a child says? Besides, she doesn't dislike it, how do you know her family won't dislike it? Your father is a fool, do you know what her family will think of me and you when they find out?"

Liu Susu thought about how Mrs. Xia treated her with kindness and politeness just now, and then thought that after she knew that she married a foolish husband, she saw her face full of disgust or detoured, and uncontrollable pain and fear arose in her heart. .

All this is caused by the son's disobedience.

Originally, it was enough not to let the little girl see her husband, so that she would not know that Mochizuki had a foolish father, and she would continue to make friends with her son in the future.

But, now she knows.

Liu Susu frantically took out a ring from the cupboard in his son's room and slammed it on his son's body.

"Why are you so disobedient, why are you so disobedient, do you think it is an honor to have a fool father? Do you just want others to see our jokes?"

"Susu, don't hit the baby, the baby hurts." The fat young man was very frightened, but he bravely hugged his son who was beaten, motionless and obedient.

"Get out of here." Liu Susu dragged her husband, trying to tear him apart, "I told you to hide and hide, but you still have to come out. Are you a fool to look good? It's not too embarrassing."

"It's beautiful, classmate Luminous likes me." The youth explained anxiously, "She said I was so cute, the cutest dad in the world. Susu, I'm not ashamed." 1314

Written and written to find out that Mochizuki's father is the current cute thing in charge

(end of this chapter)