Chapter 60 The Haunted House

The first class in the morning of Class 2 and 2 is the math teacher's class.

Shi Mochizuki gets a perfect score every time in the math test. He is the student that the math teacher focuses on and his favorite student.

Therefore, every time he asked a question ten times during class, he would ask Shimochizuki to answer it eight times.

The same is true today.

However, today the math teacher found that he had just finished writing the question on the blackboard and had not started asking questions. Many students in the class raised their hands and wanted to take the initiative to stand up to answer the question.

"Did I do well in class today? So the students' enthusiasm for answering questions has never been higher."

The math teacher put her hands on the desk and thought happily.

The sudden enthusiasm of the students instantly captured the heart of the math teacher, making it the first time he did not pay attention to Shi Mochizuki during class.

The math teacher asked a few more questions while laughing.

The students were really helpful today, and they answered questions enthusiastically every time.

The atmosphere in math class was more lively than ever.

Ning Youguang was staring at the sunshine outside the window, half propped his head with his hands, and his heart floated gently with the dust flying in the sunshine.

She looked at the young man who was sleeping beside him, and at the mood of the teenagers around her. In front of her, they were laughing, scolding, and playing naughty.

Although there are many regrets in life, there are still many interesting moments, which are worth living a good life for.

On Friday, Ning Youguang was walking with the boy on his way to school with a schoolbag on his back.

She sipped the iced lemon tea in her hand and said to the boy next to her, "I have always had a wish that when I die, I want my family to enshrine my tablet in Putuo Temple outside the city, and enshrine it in the Hall of Merit for a long time. , I ask the master to recite the scriptures every day, so that I can sleep in the ground forever."

The boy paused: "Will the tablet be enshrined in Putuo Temple?"

"Yes." The girl smiled lightly, revealing a few white teeth.

- The purpose is about to be achieved.

This matter, she has been thinking about it for several days.

I have lived for two lifetimes, and as time goes by, many things that I never believed in before are now believed, such as fate, such as fate, such as reincarnation, such as cause and effect.

"Sister, are you free this weekend?" The boy was silent and made a decision.

"Yes, I have."

"I want to go to Putuo Temple this weekend, can you go with me?"

"How about tomorrow morning? I'll pick you up at your house."


"Putuo Temple's merit hall, I went to know it before, the best location is 38,000, and the one that is a little bit off is 15,000. You can choose the 38,000, which is the closest to the Buddha and Bodhisattva, if you don't have enough money ,I'll give you money."

"I'm rich." The boy drank the frozen lemon tea in one gulp and threw the empty cup into the trash can next to him.

What money can do, he has not needed others to worry about it for a long time.

Morning, on the outskirts of Jincheng.

The mountain wind is gentle in Putuo Temple, and the cigarettes are curling in the Hall of Merit.

The staff wearing volunteer uniforms in the temple put their palms together and asked the thin boy in front of them with compassion:

"Amitabha, rejoicing benefactor, today is the Christmas day of Kalan Bodhisattva, and the merits and virtues are extraordinary. Do you want to make 15,000 tablets for the deceased, or 38,000 tablets?"

"38,000." The teenager took out his mobile phone from his pocket, "Can you pay by mobile phone?"

He has the ability to enshrine Dad in the best place in the temple.

"Yes, please fill in the information here."

After completing the registration of tablets in the Hall of Merit, Ning Youguang and Shi Wangyue walked out of the Hall of Merit.

The boy remembered the full of tablets placed in the temple just now, and the people around him who came to place the tablets devoutly, and asked the girl beside him, "Does putting the tablets here really make people sleep forever?"

Yuguang looked back, put his palms together and bowed three times to the Buddha and Bodhisattva in the temple, saying: "Death is hope for those who have faith, and despair for those who have no faith."

The young man bent down, followed with his palms together, and bowed three times to the Buddha and Bodhisattva in the temple, and then asked: "Will we all acquire new identities after death?

The girl turned around and started to circle around the stupa in the monastery, and replied: "Yes, but remember that 'identity' is just an illusion."

The Diamond Sutra says: "All the dharmas that exist are like dream bubbles, like dew, and like electricity, so you should look at them like this."

Shijia has been filled with a sense of unease recently.

The masters invited with a lot of money came wave after wave, and the unfortunate things in the family still happened one after another.

In the beginning, Zhao Feier, the second young grandmother of the Shi family, recently looked in the mirror and found that her skin was a little yellow, not as white, tender and delicate as before.

When she first discovered that her skin was turning yellow, she didn't care too much, thinking that it was because she recently went to a banquet every day, drank to stay up late, and went on a diet to lose weight, which caused her body's nutrition to fail to keep up and was caused by depletion.

Therefore, she followed suit and refused some unimportant social activities, went to bed early and got up early every day at home, ate bird's nest, supplemented sleep, and charged hundreds of thousands of cards to the most high-end beauty salon in Jincheng, and drove to the beauty salon every day. Doing whole body beauty treatments, buying high-priced ladies' skin care products one by one at home, and taking care of herself diligently, even after taking care of her for a month, her complexion didn't get better.

Not only that, but the situation was even worse. When she woke up in the morning and brushed her teeth, she often felt nauseated and vomited several times.

Once again, after she got up early and vomited in the bathroom, the worker next to her said happily, "Second Young Lady, do you want to go to the hospital for a checkup in this situation?"

Zhao Feier was stunned when she saw the happy look on the worker's face, but she also reacted. She immediately put on makeup and dressed up. She went downstairs and called her husband, who was about to go to work, to accompany her to the hospital.

"Why did you suddenly go to the hospital? Didn't you go to the beauty salon every day these days?" Shi Jinrong asked suspiciously.

"Go to a beauty salon, go to a hospital." The joy on Zhao Feier's face was visible to the naked eye.

But I don't want to tell my husband the good news she guessed right now, I'm going to wait for the hospital report to come out and give my husband another surprise.

She really didn't expect her health to be so good, and she and her husband got pregnant once without taking protective measures.

"Why are you going to the hospital? Seeing that you are so happy, it must be pregnant." Shi Jinrong looked at the bright joy on his wife's face, and it was hard not to guess in this regard.

"Go to the hospital to see, I don't know." Being guessed by her husband, Zhao Feier didn't bother to be hypocritical, so she handed the bag to her husband and asked him to pick it up.

She is now the key protection object of the family. This child is a happy event whether it is a boy or a girl, enough to wash away the bad things that happened in the family some time ago.

Shi Jinrong was also very happy, happily helping his wife with the bag, and even bending over to hand her a pair of flat shoes.

The beauty of Zhao Fei'er has been swept away from the haze of physical discomfort in recent days.

However, when he got to the hospital and sat down after a detailed examination, the smile on Zhao Feier's face had completely disappeared.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Shi, you're really not pregnant, but something wrong with your pancreas."

"How could it be pancreatic cancer? I have a checkup every year, and my health is fine." Zhao Feier was hit by the sudden bad news, and the people who were hit were a little unable to stand up.

"Otherwise, change the doctor to re-examine it." Shi Jinrong's face was also not good-looking.

He didn't expect that the surprise he had expected was gone, only the shock.

"Mr. Shi, we have carefully checked your wife's report. You can't be wrong. It's an early stage of pancreatic cancer. Please don't worry too much. Just do the surgery and follow up well in the next year. Madam Zun's health will be very fast. restore health.”

Zhao Feier and Shi Jinrong came beaming and returned with a heavy expression.

Right now, there is nothing they can do except let the hospital arrange the surgery schedule.

Zhao Feier was hospitalized for pancreatic cancer at a young age, which shocked the Shi family.

Fortunately, Zhao Feier's disease was discovered early. As long as pancreatic cancer is treated well in the early stage, followed by good nursing and maintenance, it will have little impact on physical health.

These are not problems, anyway, when the family has money.

Two days after    was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, Zhao Feier went to the hospital for surgery.

The operation went very smoothly. She was admitted to the VIP ward after the procedure that morning. She was escorted by the best nursing staff and medical team members. She suffered a little physically and psychologically, but she did not suffer much.

Zhao Feier was sick and hospitalized. Although her family was surprised, they didn't think too much about it.

They all grew up eating whole grains, so who could not get sick?

In the face of disease, everyone is equal.

When Zhao Fei'er was hospitalized and not discharged, another unexpected thing happened in Shi's family.

One afternoon, the third young lady of the Shi family, Xie Yuer, took her daughter for a walk in the community because she ate too much for dinner. It was not surprising that she and her daughter were hit by a car while walking. Both had their legs broken.

This is really a hell, can you be hit by a car in the community? !

Summer, in the evening.

There are many people in the community who are walking their dogs in the community. When Xie Yuer and her daughter were hit, they immediately attracted the attention of the people around them. Everyone stepped forward to care and watch.

For a while, the third young grandmother of the Shi family and her daughter were hit by a car while walking in the community, which became hot news in the entire community.

When the car accident happened, not to mention that Xie Yuer's mother and daughter's frightened souls were half gone, they cried and cried in pain, and the owner of the car was speechless...

After the third young grandmother of the Shi family and her daughter were taken to the ambulance, and the surrounding residents dispersed in twos and threes, everyone talked to their family about the bizarre car accident they had witnessed, and then thought of the second young grandmother of the Shi family who was sick and was hospitalized but not discharged. As a matter of fact, some unspeakable news about the Shi family began to spread in the community.

The news of the idiots of Shi's family fell from the upstairs and died after falling to his death. In the end, it was impossible to hide the news from those who cared about it, especially the surrounding neighbors.

It didn't take long for the rumors in the villa area where the Shi family was located to focus on one point, that is, these recent events in the Shi family may have all died unexpectedly with the Shi family, but the Shi family did not take care of the aftermath, resulting in a lot of resentment. , caused by the lingering ghost.

Shi's house... I'm afraid it will become a haunted house.

Otherwise, why did the Shi family have these bizarre and bad things happen one after another?

The owner of the car who caused the accident was also a neighbor of the community later, saying that he was reversing the car at the time, and the car was driving very slowly. He also deliberately looked around and did not see the third young lady of the Shijia and her walking by the roadside. Daughter, otherwise he wouldn't be able to bump into it?

Those who can live in the same community as the Shi family are not ordinary people.

That afternoon, the owner of the car quickly called the 120 ambulance, and at the same time called the traffic police to take pictures and keep records.

Fifteen minutes later, the third young grandmother of the Shi family and her daughter were sent to the hospital. They underwent the most precise examinations on their entire bodies, and the best treatment was immediately given if any problems were found.

He could hit people in his own community, and the driver of the car who caused the accident had a very sad and remorseful look on his face. He apologized to the Shi family again, and sent countless high-end nutritional products before returning home with a bitter look on his face.

When he got home and closed the door, he couldn't help sighing deeply, wiped the sweat from his forehead and said to his wife, "Wife, let's find a master to see, otherwise I'm so unlucky, in the community. Can we run into them here? Fortunately, there was no major incident this time, and if one were to run into them, we really wouldn’t be able to explain it to the Shi family.”

His wife was also very frightened, and she quickly took her husband to put a few incense sticks on the God of Wealth at home, worshipped a few times, and made a decision on the spot after worshiping: "Look, find the best master, I see that the family has recently come out. These things are a bit wicked, let's treat them well, and don't care about the rest."

The husband and wife both called their friends and asked their friends to help them introduce the master.

Then I sat down on the sofa to take a breath. After panting, the car owner's wife pulled her husband and said, "Tomorrow we will go to Putuo Temple to do meritorious deeds, burn a few more sticks of incense for Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, and ask for an amulet for you. You are good. Wear it on your body, don't let our house be close to Shi's house, every day you pass by their house on commute to get off work, you really bump into something unclean."

When the owner of the car that caused the accident heard this, the cold sweat on his head broke out even more: "Go, go, go, early in the morning, tomorrow we will go with the whole family, everyone asks for an amulet to wear, the master will also come to the house to have a look, the home If there is anything bad, get rid of it immediately, if there is nothing bad, please also ask the master to bless it."

After he finished speaking, he rubbed his big hands and sighed again: "The people of the Shi family are really unkind, no matter how bad it is, the children are born by themselves, and the good people don't set up a mourning hall when they go there, burn more paper money, more Put some tribute on it and let people take it on the road well, it's really a job."

His wife pondered for a moment, and then said in a slightly dark tone: "Husband, I see this person, you can't just look at the surface when you do things, you still have to have a right conscience. When the family can treat their boss like this, I don't think so. What kind of people, let's watch and deal with them in the future."

The driver of the accident nodded again and again: "What you said is true." 1314

Big Brother: Rich!

ps: Just in case the little cuties have Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, the stupid author makes a statement here, because Mochizuki’s career setting is really not the field that the stupid author understands, so I won’t write very much about Mochizuki’s career line. Fine, there should be some, but they won't be too professional. Parents, have a good time, don't take it too seriously~~~~ I'm afraid of being beaten!

(end of this chapter)