Chapter 90 Banquet (two more)

Ning Youguang from the second-year experimental class of senior high school won the city's liberal arts college entrance examination champion, and is also the provincial college entrance examination champion.

When they heard the news, Di Yin's teachers and students in the school were shocked, but they didn't seem to be surprised. After all, she was the second place in the middle school entrance examination that the school paid a high price for, right?

Or she has too many dazzling lights, either one is shocking.

The little fairy is really not an ordinary person.

The number one student in the college entrance examination!

Who would have thought!

The school leaders of Diyin Public School have been excited for several days since they heard the news.

They have been building the school for so many years. Because it is a private aristocratic school, what people know has never been related to the students' grades.

Although some of them did well in the test with the establishment of the experimental class in recent years, in general, the college entrance examination scores of school students are not the focus of everyone.

After all, Jincheng's No. 1, No. 3, and No. 5 middle schools are all well-known key middle schools in the city, as well as several key cities next door. With such a large capacity, there should not be too many outstanding students.

Even though he was listening to Ning Youguang saying that he was going to take the college entrance examination in the second year of high school, and he did his best to support her, he never thought that she could win the provincial champion for the school.

Although she usually has good grades in the class, no one could have expected such a good result that could spread the history of Diyin school.

Unexpectedly, of course it was ecstasy.

Under the ecstasy, there will be a reward!

Ning Youguang helped Zhou Quanquan, who jumped off the building, recover his health, and saved the school a great loss of reputation. He couldn't be praised because of his identity, but the whole school leaders of Di Yin still remember her credit.

On this day, the sun is shining brightly.

The results of the college entrance examination students have been released, and the school has not yet closed the summer vacation.

Diyin Public School is located on the beautiful campus, and gave the whole network a live on-campus interview. During the interview, everyone saw the usually unsmiling school leader, who gave a speech with a smile on his face:

"Yes, our school has the top teachers in the country. The purpose of teaching is to infinitely expand students' thinking potential and constantly tap their own strengths... There are many outstanding students in our school, not only Ning Youguang, who is outstanding in the country. , Other students in the graduating class of senior three have also achieved outstanding results in the current college entrance examination. For example, Zhou Quan, a classmate from our school, almost lost the courage to live because of depression, but later, under the dual care of family and school, he picked up I have gained my love and confidence in life, and achieved a good score of 680 in this college entrance examination. I was admitted to Fudan University. This year's college entrance examination ranked among the top 100 in the city. Our school has more than ten students on the list. This is very What deserves congratulations, in addition, many students in our international class have excellent grades, and some of them have been admitted to Ivy League schools in advance, so our school goes hand in hand with culture and quality education. The students are not only versatile, but also…”

This year, Diyin Public School doesn’t know if it was overshadowed by Wenqu stars, not to mention that Ning Youguang was admitted to the provincial champion when everyone was caught off guard. This year’s senior high school graduates were admitted to 985, 211 and other national key universities. More than in previous years.

What will the school do about this?

is a prize of course!

Di Yin's worst thing is money.

So, while awarding 500,000 yuan to Ning Youguang, the top student in the college entrance examination, he also gave generous bonuses to other students who were admitted to key universities, ranging from 200,000 to 50,000.

After the school leaders gave an impassioned speech to the live camera, it was time to present the awards to the outstanding graduates.

The top student in the college entrance examination is properly placed in position C, and the other students line up from her left and right sides to the side according to their grades.

Under the stage, a young man wrapped in sunlight as if melting gold in the sunset stood in the crowd, looking at the **** the stage with deep eyebrows.

There were dozens of people standing on the stage, but he only had her in his eyes.

I don't know if it's because she is particularly dazzling, or because he only has her in his heart, so he only sees her in his eyes.

At this moment, it seems that the whole world of beauty has gathered on her alone, and everyone else has become a gray background and foil.

Fang Han stood in the crowd, looking up at Ning Youguang on the stage, as if unknowingly, she stood to a point that she couldn't touch.

There was an inexplicable panic in her heart, but the panic was quickly suppressed by her.

She thought, she was just a top student in the college entrance examination.

Such glory, in ordinary people, is an existence that deserves to be praised for a hundred years, but in a family like them, it is nothing.

Compared with these, the value created by the descendants of the family in the future, the real money and the real money they get, and the real money and fame and fortune they get are the things that deserve to be affirmed.

Everything is unknown.

Although the bonuses given to outstanding graduates by Diyin College are in the form of cash, but because of publicity, they made a medal as big as a billboard for each student to hold, with the The amount is written in large letters.


As expected of Di Yin, he is very embarrassed.

In addition to many people outside the school who watched Diyin's only live broadcast with the appearance of the "Beauty Champion", of course, parents of our students should not miss it.

It was great to attend the celebration at the school during the day, but in the evening, when Diyin's students returned home, they found that they were disgusted and disgusted.

Some mothers said: "People would rather go to high school without spending money, and even the living expenses are one year less than yours. Now that the college entrance examination is over, you can earn all the tuition and living expenses of the university. How about you? When it comes to production, you know that you can eat and drink for free!"

艹, there is no harm without contrast!

"Mom, if you give me such a beautiful and smart brain, maybe I can go to our school and earn dozens or millions of flowers for you."

Mom was amused, "Fuck you, you still blame me for making you stupid, right?"

Another student looked at his parents speechlessly: "Do you know who Ning Youguang's parents are? Dare me to compare with her?"

"Who is it? Isn't he still human?"

"It's really not a human being, but a god, your goddess, my goddess, Ning Yi and Xia Youqing."


"So, my parents can't compare with her parents, and of course I can't compare with her."

is not very harmful, but highly insulting.

"This **** child!"

Due to the emergence of a college entrance examination star whose "traffic" is comparable to an Internet celebrity.

Diyin Public School unexpectedly became popular on the Internet, and the school's operation team didn't know what to think.

After the school held the celebration meeting that day, the Weibo of Diyin Public School, which had not moved for hundreds of years, suddenly posted two Weibo. The content of this Weibo is to celebrate the score of our school's college entrance examination students. , how high the undergraduate acceptance rate is.

The content of another Weibo went viral, mainly because the content of this Weibo was: Congratulations to Ning Youguang, a sophomore in our school, who won the provincial liberal arts college entrance examination with a score of 730, and won the school's special scholarship of 500,000 Yuan whole. "

Few people followed the content of the previous Weibo, and several pictures were also thoughtfully attached.

The next Weibo post commented and liked to create a new high on Diyin's official blog, but there was only text, so the netizens who came to see the photo of "Beauty Champion" were angry.

"You're taking pictures!"

"You want to post a blog, why can't you remember to post a photo?!"

"Is this what we're going to see? We're going to see little fairies!"

"Hey! Alright, alright, I know your school has money, but can you post a few pictures of the young lady?"

The netizens outside the school are really pitiful.

Then some netizens started uploading photos of the little fairy they took on the live broadcast of the Diyin Celebration Conference.

Screenshots of live broadcasts, or far-flung shots, how clear can they be?

But netizens still gave the netizen a lot of likes.

The main thing is that this kind of map that is pasted to the center of the earth can still see the delicately carved face of the little fairy.

Ning Youguang took the provincial champion. Apart from the group carnival of the school teachers and students, the happiest of course was the family.

Ning Yile never closed his mouth. As soon as he got the news, he said to his assistant, "Go and send a notice. Today, the owner is happy. All the films shown in the 'Guangying Xingmei' theater in the past three days will be 20% off the ticket price. In addition, the boss invited the whole company to have afternoon tea today."

This is the rhythm of rejoicing with the people!

The assistant smacked his tongue, looked proud, and happily went out to give orders.

The good granddaughter took home a top student in the college entrance examination without saying a word.

Ning Shizhao and Gu Xihe were overjoyed. At the same time, the two elders turned to Huang Lilai together at home.

They must choose an auspicious day to feast the guests.

When the zodiac day comes, the weather is really good.

Early in the morning, in the garden outside the Ning family's villa, the crape myrtle was blooming all over the branches, and everyone in the Ning family went to the hotel where they were about to have a banquet against the rising sun.

The hotel is one of the most famous five-star hotels in Jincheng.

The feast is at noon, and it is not so early to make friends and family members.

Ning Xian's family was a little later among relatives.

In the Presidential Suite of the hotel.

Fang Huai entered the door and saw Ning Youguang sitting on the sofa in a red suit and began to call: "Cousin!"

He quickly ran to her side: "Congratulations, you have passed the provincial college entrance examination."

He smiled and showed his white teeth.

Fang Huai is now over 1.7 meters tall. He is not too old, he can still grow a little longer. He is a little thinner than when he was a child, and his personality is a little more restrained than when he was a child.

The only constant is that there are sisters who still like him so much.

Ning Xian followed behind, and she smiled enthusiastically when she entered the door, "Everyone is here, some are here, this is a gift from my aunt, see if you like it?" After speaking, she held a luxury The product bag was handed to the niece.

Ning Shizhao sat next to his granddaughter, his usually serious face was smiling at the moment.

In the past two days, he and his wife have often received calls from old friends, without exception, they came to congratulate him and wish him a small champion in the Ning family.

The phone was soft-handed, and the couple were not bothered at all, they all answered patiently and cheerfully.

Good thing, happy.

People like them are destined not to value the grades of their juniors like ordinary people, but it is extremely rare for a granddaughter to be admitted to the provincial college entrance examination champion.

The Presidential Suite is very lively, and the three generations of the Ning family are basically all there.

Gu Xihe next to him also smiled happily and gracefully.

She wore a custom-made red cheongsam on her body today, and the color on her face matched the situation, especially when she looked at the daughter-in-law next to her son, with her high bulging belly, she was even happier.

As soon as Ning Xian came, the suite was filled with her warm and hearty voice: "Yes, how did you learn it? How can you finish all the knowledge in three years of high school in two years, and still pass the exam so well? Yes? There is no learning method to tell your sister, you are the young champion of our family, so you can't hide your secrets."

Fang Han next to her glanced quickly, wearing a red dress, a gorgeous girl, jokingly said, "Mom, I don't take the college entrance examination, it's useless for you to ask my cousin to learn the method for me."

"Okay, okay, you don't want it, your brother wants it, your brother wants it, okay?"

"Well, I want it, I want it, cousin, you still have your book, don't give it to others, give it to me when the time comes, and I will keep it for future reference."

Fang Huai looked at Ning Youguang with bright eyes.

This dog-leg appearance made everyone present laugh. 1314

(end of this chapter)