Chapter 121 Two more

Jincheng, Xie family.

Xia Youqing just came back from the event, and there are already many fans, entertainment bloggers, news media, and Internet celebrities on Weibo who are forwarding the photos of the event.

Her Weibo was also posted by the assistant on her personal account when she was participating in the event. She was very fond of fans, full of ten, full of sincerity.

From the start of the event to when she went home, under her Weibo, the promotional photos of the event had been forwarded 200,000+, commented 100,000+, and liked 130,000+.

After all,    is a top-notch flower with over 100 million Weibo fans in the Huaguo entertainment circle, and Xia Youqing's popularity in the Huaguo entertainment circle is beyond doubt.

Comment below the praise of Yishui:

"Thank you for meeting you [Bixin]."

"What a beautiful sister, long time no see."

"Ah ah ah ah wife."

"Oops! It's the feeling of heartbeat...the suffocating's the face genius! Qingqing's beauty is a foul!! 恃美 is the murderer! There are stars in the eyes~"

"Shengshi beauty is completely a walking pictorial!"

"So beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful..."

Xia Youqing, who had just finished walking the red carpet and participating in the event, was tired and decided to take off her makeup and rest when she got home, but she changed her mind instantly after seeing so many positive comments on her Weibo.

She can hold on a little longer!

So, I didn’t take off my makeup, didn’t change my clothes, threw off my tiring high heels, and sat on the sofa earnestly playing with my phone.

During the    period, I also switched trumpets from time to time to interact with netizens.

Compliments her too much beauty, Xia Youqing can't be happy.

When I was proud, I couldn't help but say to the phone while swiping my phone: "Mirror mirror, who is the most beautiful person in the world?"

When Xie Yizun and Xie Baosheng came down from the upstairs together, they saw this scene.

Fifteen centimeter high heels were randomly kicked on the smooth floor, expensive designer dinner bags were casually discarded in the corner of the sofa, and his mother (wife) with gorgeous and delicate makeup was wearing a haute couture golden dress. The very inelegant Ge You was lying on the sofa and swiping his mobile phone. While swiping his mobile phone, he was also possessed by a playful spirit. He questioned the mobile phone: "Magic mirror, magic mirror, who is the most beautiful person in the world?"

Xie Baosheng immediately trotted to kiss his wife with a beer belly, and gently pressed her shoulders and legs, while not forgetting the dog's legs: "Xia Youqing is the most beautiful person in the world."

Xie Yizun followed behind and rolled his eyes speechlessly.

It was an unfortunate coincidence that Xia Youqing, who raised his head, caught him.

She squinted her half-teenage son: "I'm not the most beautiful person in the world, who is the most beautiful person in the world?"

Those eyes, because of the makeup, looked extremely sharp. When he squinted at Xie Zun, he seemed to be saying that if he answered no, he could kill him with his eyes.

But Xie Yizun is no longer as soft as he used to be, afraid of her children Xie Yizun.

He is now Xie Yizun, a young man with his own dignity and his own subjective thoughts!

So, Xie Baosheng and Xia Youqing saw their son condescendingly, standing in front of them with his arms crossed on his chest, looked at them with a look of disdain, and said coldly, "Snow White is the most beautiful person in the world."

Xie Baosheng smiled and continued to squeeze his shoulders and legs to kiss his wife without speaking.

Xia Youqing was choked hard and said speechlessly, "Princess Snow White is fake, so Xia Youqing is still the most beautiful person in the world."

Xie Yizun continued to roll his eyes, "That elder sister is the most beautiful person in the world."


Xia Youqing looked at him silently for a minute, her chest was uncomfortable, but she still decided not to care about the bear child.

Weakly, he responded copingly: "Yes, your sister is the most beautiful person in the world, isn't it?"

Just then, the phone she was holding rang.

Xie Yizun just saw the caller ID above: "Yes".

A cold and delicate little face immediately turned cloudy. She smiled and leaned over to her side, urging her to answer the phone quickly: "It's my sister, Mom, please answer quickly."

Xia Yuqing reluctantly pressed the answer button.

"There is."

"elder sister."

The mother and son spoke at the same time, Xia Youqing glanced at her son helplessly, and finally chose to press the speakerphone so that the whole family could hear it clearly.

"I haven't slept yet?" It was after ten o'clock in the evening. Ning Youguang had just finished his work for the day, and he just happened to swipe Weibo. He swiped the photos and videos of Xia Youqing's attendance at the event. He knew that she hadn't slept. Called.


"Well, mother just got home, I went downstairs to see her." Xie Yizun's mouth was faster than Xia Youqing.

Xia Youqing had to shut up, put the phone in his hand, and let him tell his sister enough.

Xie Baosheng has been married to her over the years, and his skills in one-handed massage and massage have become more and more advanced.

She squinted her eyes comfortably, lying down and listening to her sister and brother talking.

"Oh, is mom tired?" Ning Youguang sat on the sofa and asked after taking a sip of water.

"Dad is giving her a massage." Xie Yizun told the truth, "Sister, have you come back from Boston?"

"Yeah, I brought a gift for you all, and I sent it out this afternoon. Remember to sign for it in two days."

"Wow, sister, I love you so much." On the phone, the boy's clear voice was full of joy.

Ning Youguang also smiled, "Well, I love you too."

Xie Yizun happily swayed in place for half a minute, and immediately told Xie Baosheng and Xia Youqing that they were about to receive a gift.

Ning Youguang could hear it clearly on the phone, and thanks from Xie Baosheng and Xia Youqing came over there in time.

Ning Youguang smiled softly here: "I just borrowed flowers to offer Buddha, the gift for you was not prepared by me, but by Xiao Mochizuki."

The name    Little Mochizuki is no stranger to the Xie family.

To be precise, the name Shi Mochiyue is familiar to every home in Ning Youguang.

Xia Yuqing took advantage of the situation and asked a few words of concern: "Is the child okay in the United States?"

Ning smiled brightly: "Okay, very good."

Xia Youqing also smiled: "It's fine."

Xie Baosheng also remembered the good-looking, well-behaved and gentle boy, and had a very good impression of him.

also laughed and said: "It's not easy for him to be a child abroad, and he wants him to spend money to buy some gifts. When my uncle will transfer money to you, you can help me transfer a red envelope to him. We can just receive it."

Ning Youguang chuckled: "Uncle, don't worry, he is not short of money, he will make money."

Xie Baosheng still smiled: "I will make money again, and I am also a child in my twenties."

The age and experience are there, how much can you earn again?

Of course, Ning Youguang understood what Xie Baosheng meant, but he didn't give him a more specific meaning. Instead, after pursing his lips and smiling, he turned and asked Xie Yizun: "One by one, Brother Mochizuki, do you remember? The brother who bought you a big lollipop when you celebrated Children's Day."

When Mochizuki went abroad, Xie Yizun was still a five-year-old child, and it was another six or seven years after he left.

She was afraid that he would not remember, so she reminded him specially.

Unexpectedly, Xie Yizun's memory is better than she imagined, and he said happily over there: "Sister, I remember that he not only bought candy for me, but also bought candy for my sister."

Ning Youguang remembered the lemon candy that was thrown on the ground by Xie Yizun who lost his temper in the past, and laughed: "Yes, it's him, tell my sister when I receive the gift."

Xie Yizun nodded obediently: "Well." 1314

(end of this chapter)