Chapter 123 Two more

When    came to the research institute, a delivery man happened to be carrying three large packages of takeout, and he wiped her shoulders and squeezed into the door of the research institute.

Chen Yifan Xu received a call from the deliveryman and was waiting inside the gate of the institute.

After taking the takeaway from the deliveryman, he turned to look at Ning Youguang: "Junior sister came so coincidentally, we just happened to have lunch together."

Ning Youguang stepped forward to help him share the two parcels, "I didn't say hello in advance, do you have my share?"

Chen Yifan smiled while carrying the other two takeout packages, "Yes, the results of the project came out today, and the professor invited us to eat Little Four Happiness."

"Little Four Happiness" is a time-honored private restaurant at the back door of UCAS.

The owner has been operating here for more than 20 years. Among the bells and whistles and brand franchise stores with flying marketing, he was stunned to rely on his good craftsmanship to send his small restaurant to the altar of UCAS gourmet shops.

Ning Youguang smiled sly eyes: "I'm too lucky."

The two walked into the research institute's office with takeaways in front and back. When Professor Yu saw them, he immediately smiled: "Xiao Ning, this clever ghost, is too rushing."

"Why are you two so lucky to get together?" The other brothers and sisters also laughed.

"It's such a coincidence." Ning Youguang replied.

In addition to Professor Yu, there are other brothers and sisters in the office of the research institute right now, and there are seven or eight people in total including Ning Youguang who just arrived.

No wonder there are three major packages for takeaway.

Ning Youguang and Chen Yifan put their takeaways on the table, and the other brothers and sisters came to help with the arrangement, and everyone laughed and laughed.

"Why did Xiaoning come here at this time?" one of the senior sisters asked.

"I'm here to send a summary report to the teacher."

"Oh." Senior sister didn't ask any further, but smiled and greeted everyone to come to the table for dinner.

Professor Yu walked over with a smile and sat down at the dining table, "The report Xiao Ning gave me was the summary report from the last time we went to Boston to attend an international conference, and I asked her to hand it over to me. Print it out, one copy per person, and everyone will see it."

"Okay." Ning Youguang tore the disposable chopsticks in his hand and handed them to her.

The brothers and sisters next to    showed surprise smiles on their faces, and said:


"Thank you teacher, thank you Xiaoning."

"Xiao Ning wants to speed up, I can't wait to read your summary report."

Ning Youguang nodded with a smile, and sat down next to Professor Yu.

She picked up a box of lunch on the table, lifted the lid, put half of it on the lid, and gave the remaining half to Professor Yu, and then she ate the half of the lunch on the lid.

The brothers had a bigger appetite, so each received a box of meals.

Senior sisters have smaller appetites, and those who can't finish a box of lunch, just like Professor Ning Youguang and Yu, divide a box of lunch into two halves, and eat them together with the sister next to them.

The atmosphere of the meal afterwards was even more lively and joyful.

"This small river fish is easy to eat, teacher will bring one."

"This eggplant is delicious."

"Give me a spare rib, it's so delicious."


A circle of top scholars in the field of psychology in China, sitting in a simple office, eating a simple boxed lunch, stunned that the takeaway was eaten and broadcasted.

"Institute of Genetics for Health and Psychology" up and down, from Professor Yu to the following research assistants, everyone has the spirit of excellence in academics, but they like to be simple in life, and they don't pay much attention to food and clothing.

Usually everyone eats in the cafeteria.

Occasionally, because of the breakthrough progress of the project, we can get a "Little Four Happiness" takeaway as a reward from the professor, and everyone can enjoy it for a long time.

In them, Ning Youguang saw a side that he couldn't see in the people around him in his previous life:

"Life is simple and unpretentious, but life shines brightly." 1314

Tribute to researchers

(end of this chapter)