Chapter 128: Haven't been so happy in a long, long time

Chapter 128 I haven't been so happy for a long time

After several weeks of treatment, Xia Fanxing felt much better.

Especially, last time I left UCAS.

Teacher Ning said to him with a smile: "I think you are making progress. Although there are still a lot of homework for you to complete, you are already on the road of learning. Let's keep working hard, and you will only get better and better in the future. ."

This is the first time Teacher Ning has seriously affirmed his progress.

The consultation ends on that day.

When Xia Fanxing returned home, he felt that he had not been so happy for a long time.

But, soon.

A new problem has arisen.

On Sunday, he played games at home.

His uncle came unexpectedly and came to the house to see him.

When the doorbell rang, he immediately got up and went to open the door.

He knew that it was at this time that the doorbell rang, and nine times out of ten it was his uncle.

Because of his home, no one will come except for the courier brother, deliveryman and uncle.

And he just didn't order takeout, and he didn't have any express delivery to receive.

passed through the dark lobby, opened the door, and through the courtyard door, he saw his uncle standing outside the door.

Seeing him, Xia Dong said, "It's quicker to open the door today."

Xia Fanxing walked over and opened the iron door, "Just heard."

After he came in, he locked the courtyard door again.

Xia Dong frowned and looked at him: "The two big men are at home, what kind of yard do you want to lock? You are too timid! You have to correct these stinky problems!"

Xia Fanxing followed behind him without saying a word.

Dong Xia walked across the yard, strode into his house, and asked, "What are you doing?"

He knew that his uncle was the most annoying for him to stay home and play games all day, so he didn't say anything, trotted all the way to keep up with him, and asked, "Why didn't my uncle call me in advance when he came over?"

Dong Xia entered his house, just like his own home, he pushed open the door generously and barged in, "Come here, do you still need me to call you to make an appointment in advance?"

After saying that, he started patrolling his home.

Xia Fanxing's house has not hired workers and aunts for a long time.

He takes care of all the household chores such as food, clothing, housing, etc. by himself.

Eat all depend on takeout, cleaning robot, washing machine, the rest can not move.

Usually he is alone at home. Except for the bedroom and the game room, he doesn't use any other places, and he doesn't clean it when he doesn't use it. Many places are covered with thick dust.

He doesn't care, but uncle does.

So Dong Xia went around his living room a few times and found that he couldn't find a clean place to sit down. He was severely criticized and criticized.

Standing on the side and at a loss to accept his uncle's criticism and lessons, Xia Fanxing naturally began to feel angry, but after the anger, he felt a deep sadness again.

He is undoubtedly hypocritical in Xia Dong's eyes.

He looked at him with a look of "look down" that he had seen countless times on his father: "You are too embarrassed to be hypocritical, you really should go out and have a look, see the people around you, or my house, or go to Li Xing, Take a look at Wu Hao's family and see if they have anyone like you who likes to live in the garbage heap and be a garbage man."

Li Xing, Wu Hao is the younger generation of Xia Fanxing, and he is also a junior of the Xia family.

Xia Fanxing often played with them before he closed himself.

After autism, I haven't been in touch for a long time.

After scolding Xia Fanxing, Xia Dong began to care about his treatment status again.

This made Xia Fanxing temporarily withdraw from his negative emotions.

Xia Fanxing suppressed his anger and sadness, and replied with energy: "Mr. Ning is different from ordinary psychologists. I think she is very good."

Find a good psychiatrist for his nephew, Xia Dong feels very good.

The originally serious face also began to become kind and kind, and he told his nephew the purpose of seeing him this time, "I have found you such a good teacher, since you think she is very good, just Quickly cheer up, find a few people to come back and tidy up the house, and get ready to go to work in the company. If you don’t want to go to work, you can write a resignation letter to me, so that I can take it to the board of directors to show other directors, let them Knowing that you don't want to be a member of the company's board of directors, I'll be a member of the company's board of directors in your place."

Hearing this, Xia Fanxing was completely distraught.

He was so angry.

How could    uncle let him write a resignation letter and kick him out of the board?

Although he has not gone to work in the company these years, it does not mean that he does not want to continue to be a member of the board of directors of the family company. This is the position and shares left to him by his father. Why should his uncle replace him if he wants to replace him? Take it all? !

Xia Fanxing, who has always been accustomed to obeying his elders, could not refute his uncle immediately, no matter how dissatisfied he was.

But he didn't want to listen to everything like he did before.

So he whispered, "Uncle, I will go to Teacher Ning for treatment."

His uncle seemed to have not heard him and asked impatiently, "Will you write a resignation letter?"

If it was Xia Fanxing who didn't ask Mr. Ning for a case, he might be forced to write a resignation letter to his uncle because of his uncle's majesty and his own fear of not being interested in anything.

and would be grateful to his uncle who helped him take over.

But now he is not.

After recalling some of the scenes he had communicated with Teacher Ning in recent times, he mustered up his courage and raised his head, "Uncle, I think I still like being a member of this board of directors. I am also seeing a doctor at Teacher Ning's now. Can you please tell me? Can't you give me some time to think about my future work?"

Wednesday, be on time for your appointment.

Xia Fanxing is already very familiar with Teacher Ning in front of him, and has a simple and clean office.

Ning Youguang didn't even need to say hello, he first sat down on the chair in the middle of Ning Youguang's office, and then angrily and speechlessly recounted the last time his uncle came to the house in detail.

Ning Youguang sat opposite, listened quietly and said, "So your uncle is not a psychiatrist, he is an elder, and he is used to pretending to be a teacher."

After finishing the story of    uncle, the two continued to consult on the unfinished content last time.

After a period of treatment, he is gradually recovering, with some flesh on his face, and he looks better.

"I want to analyze the source of my emotions and how to not be troubled by them."

"This is a topic worthy of our discussion. Emotions, as a basic emotion of human beings, are not generated by themselves, they are generated for other reasons and depend on them. Therefore, if you want to know yourself The source of emotions, you have to learn to self-awareness, before emotions arise, what are you thinking about, this requires you to think with your mind and reason.”

"Tell me the truth, Teacher Ning, this is a bit difficult."

"Why is it so difficult?"

"I read the book and said that people who are caught in emotions are irrational. In this case, you also ask me to be aware of why I have emotions when emotions occur. Isn't this difficult for strong people?"

"It's a bit difficult, but don't you want to figure out the source of your emotions?"

"Do you have to do this?" Xia Fanxing asked embarrassedly, "Is there an easier way?"

"That's the easiest way."

Xia Fanxing was silent.

He looked at Ning Youguang quietly, pondering, and waiting for her to come up with a second method.

However, no matter how seriously he looked at her, she still calmly waited for him to make a choice.

Xia Fanxing was discouraged and gave up competing with her.

also realized that he was really sick. What kind of patience did he have compared to a psychologist? !

had to sigh: "Then please tell me, how should I be aware?"

Ning Youguang smiled and said warmly: "First of all, you have to learn to control your emotions when they come, and then, during this buffering time, carefully observe your inner needs. The source of a person's emotions is that his inner needs are not met. When you observe your inner needs, you can use a more moderate way to meet your needs, whether it is self-satisfaction or It’s okay to have people satisfy you, once your needs are met, your emotional problems will naturally be resolved. That way, you won’t continue to use your emotions to solve problems, making problems more difficult, both yourself and others. more uncomfortable."

I know, I know, you are saying that I will only lose my temper and make trouble unreasonably.

Xia Fanxing felt that he was being laughed at, but he didn't dare to say it.

So, after thinking for a while, he replied: "It seems like this, every time I'm in a bad mood, it's because others say things that make me uncomfortable, do things that I don't like, or do it myself. When what you do is not as good as your own wishes, and what you do is not as good as others’ wishes.”

"That's it, so, if you want to stop being led by your emotions, you have to learn to understand what emotions are. There are no good or bad emotions. If it’s not good, it hurts others and hurts oneself. It’s a very good tool to help people see what they need in their hearts.”

"After discussing for so long, I understand." Xia Fanxing said angrily, "You mean that emotions are not the problem, I am the problem, right?"

"Your interpretation is very correct." Teacher Ning, who had a very gentle and beautiful face, got up from the chair and said without any affection, "Okay, today's consultation time is up, if you have any questions, go back and sort it out. Save it to ask me next time."

After saying that, she stuffed a bottle of water into his hand, "See you next time."

Xia Fanxing was almost pushed out of her office by Ning Youguang.

And, after stepping out of her office door, she walked less than two meters.

He heard a "bang", and the door behind him was coldly closed.

Xia Fanxing turned his head and stared at the door in disbelief.

He felt that he was indeed ill!

I would feel reluctant to part with the cold office of a psychologist. 1314

(end of this chapter)