Chapter 145: How lucky he was to meet her

Chapter 145 How lucky he was to meet her

After the middle-aged lady told her story, she looked at Ning Youguang with a puzzled face.

Ning Youguang smiled and analyzed with her: "This involves the corresponding relationship between mentality and disease, systolic blood pressure is something you should not do for others, and the competitive mood leads to directional circulation of qi and blood, which increases systolic blood pressure. Your unbalanced mood, we call it a signal, it can cause you to get sick, you have to think carefully about what you just said."

"I just can't think of it." The middle-aged lady frowned deeply.

"It's been more than a year since this incident, and the result you still can't figure out is that your body has problems, isn't it?"

The middle-aged lady lowered her head and said, "Is that so?"

"Yes, I think that the leadership should not let you retire. This is the direct cause of your high blood pressure." Ning Youguang said in a hurry, "Retirement is a one-size-fits-all approach. This is the need for reform and the needs of the situation. From the perspective of a leader, why do you want to be special, and what special conditions do you have? You convert the concept of this matter, and then think about it calmly.”

After a long silence, the lady looked at Ning Youguang and agreed, "Doctor Ning, what you said makes sense."

followed, and she felt her head relax.

Ning You could tell her changes from physical to emotional just by looking at her face, and further, he told her about the law of diastolic blood pressure in detail.

"Diastolic blood pressure is to compete with what you think you shouldn't do. This mood produces a directional physiological effect of qi and blood, causing you to have low pressure and high."

Ms.    thought for a while and admitted, "I do have such a mentality for more than a year."

Ning Youguang asked, "Can you tell me if you are willing to believe me?"

The middle-aged lady hugged the water tightly, "After I retired, I did housework at home to take care of my granddaughter, but I don't think I should be a housewife. It's worthless in life. In the past, I always looked down on housewives."

Her dark eyes showed pain.

Ning Youguang said: "When you are a housewife, you are also indirectly contributing to the country, because you bring your granddaughter at home and contribute to the family. You let your son and daughter-in-law have no worries and can work with peace of mind. This is a great value. ."

After Ning Youguang's enlightenment, the concept of the middle-aged lady has changed.

After half an hour.

Ning Youguang smiled and said, "Let's measure your blood pressure again."

The middle-aged lady nodded.

After the measurement, the number displayed on the sphygmomanometer is "130/90mmHg".

The middle-aged lady was stunned when she looked at the numbers on the sphygmomanometer, and she didn't recover for a long time.

After a long time, she exclaimed: "Doctor Ning, you are really amazing, and your method of treating the disease is also amazing. It not only lowered my high blood pressure, but also opened my heart." The face is full of joy, and people are also excited, "Not only is my head relaxed now, but my heart is also at ease."

Ning Youguang smiled and put away the sphygmomanometer in front of him, "Actually, I just correctly used the corresponding relationship that the mentality affects the body."

The middle-aged lady asked curiously, "Then what kind of mentality does my illness correspond to?"

Ning Youguang put the sphygmomanometer in the cabinet, returned to the middle-aged lady and sat down:

"You have two negative attitudes, one is dissatisfaction with the leadership's approach, and your psychological tendency is inner resistance. The force of this inner resistance will definitely lead to an increase in systolic blood pressure when the blood vessels are constricted, and after this For more than a year, you have been in a tense state of resistance, and it continued to form a stable disease. After today's communication with us, you changed your concept, and the attitude of resistance was removed. After you accepted that incident, your inner The pressure is instantly relieved, so the head is relieved immediately, and the systolic blood pressure is also reduced; the second mentality is that you are unwilling to your current situation and actions, so you are not completely at home when you are doing housework and taking your granddaughter. Let go, if you can completely let go and do these things at home, you will be in a completely relaxed and comfortable state, and there will be no symptoms of increased diastolic blood pressure. It's like if someone asks you now When you go out to sweep the street, if your heart is completely accepting the matter of sweeping the street, there will be no pressure in your heart. If you don’t accept it, you will have a lot of negative emotions, you will be very nervous, and your heart will be in a state of contraction. raises blood pressure.”

Seeing that the middle-aged lady was listening carefully, Ning Youguang added:

"Now that your concept has changed, and you have accepted these things that you can't understand, your heart will immediately let go, so the diastolic blood pressure will also be reduced."

"Why do I have such a mentality?" The lady was a little puzzled.

"This has something to do with your mental operation. You think highly of yourself, and whenever others don't evaluate you enough, you show a dissatisfied attitude. You face the outside world with this attitude. Just like many people, especially many young people, who grew up under the doting of their parents when they were young, they would give whatever their family members wanted. Over time, they formed a mentality, that is, they have to be satisfied with everything. If he is satisfied, he will be unhappy and dissatisfied with others. When he grows up and goes to a social environment, it is impossible for the people around him to satisfy his wishes everywhere. At home, he is the center, and his family listens to him. If it’s not outside, it’s impossible for people outside to revolve around him. He gets along with people according to the model of his own sexual ability. When he encounters others who don’t listen to him, he gets angry in his heart, but he doesn’t dare to take his anger out on others. On his body, after a long time, he will get shortness of breath, which is caused by the breathlessness in his heart."

"Another example is physical indigestion caused by indigestion in the heart. Everyone has more or less the experience that when they cannot digest certain things in their hearts and certain actions of others towards themselves, their appetite for food will be reduced. If it weakens, the digestive ability of the stomach will weaken, which is the transformation that has caused the same kind of physiological. According to this understanding, if a person’s psychology often fails to understand people and things, over time, the stomach will be in this state of low digestive function for a long time. , when repeated to a certain number, from qualitative change to quantitative change, organic lesions will appear on the stomach."

"In fact, every time we have negative emotions, it will cause certain damage to our body, but it is not easy for us to detect it when it is rare. After a long time and the disease is serious, we can find out that this is also called 'sickness'. Of course, sometimes people's emotions are suddenly very strong, and they will suddenly reach a 'quantitative change' and fall ill."

The middle-aged lady nodded in fear: "So there is a saying that a heart disease needs a heart medicine."

Ning Youguang nodded: "That's the truth. For many diseases in our body, only the treatment from the heart can cure the root. External medicines can only temporarily cure the symptoms. The same kind of disease will keep recurring, and it will get worse when it encounters strong stimulation."

This is also the reason why she finally switched from Chinese medicine to study psychology in her last life.

Because she saw the underlying logic of the disease.

And she also learned what the heart is all about through learning, and then she accurately "medicated" herself.

After the consultation, the middle-aged lady happily left Ning Youguang's office.

"Mr. Ning, you are busy, you don't need to send me, I will go back by myself."

She left with a much lighter footstep than when she came, and her voice became cheerful, unlike when she came, full of resentment.

The whole person is full of vitality, like a new life.

Ning Youguang stood by the door looking at her receding back and smiled softly.

-like eyes filled with complete joy.

When Mochizuki came here early, he quietly leaned against the wall.

A pair of deep eyes, looking at the joy on her face, and the satisfied figure of the middle-aged lady when she left, gradually fell into memory.

He will always remember that in the Chinese class of the third grade of elementary school, the teacher asked everyone in the class to write a composition with the theme "My Dream".

At that time, some people wrote that they wanted to be rich when they grew up, some people said they wanted to be policemen when they grew up, some people wrote that they wanted to be scientists when they grew up, and some people wrote that they wanted to be stars when they grew up…

She is the only one, with four words written on the book: "Healing and saving people".

Time flies, and time flies.

Time has passed nearly twenty years.

The people who were clamoring to be rich are now ordinary people, who swore to be the police to protect everyone, and became shrewd and capable businessmen, and those who swore to be scientists in their hometown's public affairs system acted as junior staff members. The person with a face full of longing and hope to become a star has long been married and had children and became someone else's mother.

She is the only one in front of her, who has never changed her original intention, and has been working diligently as a teacher and a doctor to treat and save people.

Save lives and save hearts.

In this world, everything becomes fast, information is, people’s heart is, and technology is.

She is the only one who never changed her original intention, just like the way he first saw her, with bright eyes and kind eyes, and Qing Lingling's eyes are pure and beautiful like water.

How lucky he was to meet her.

How fortunate he was to meet her early in his life. 1314

(end of this chapter)