Chapter 147: when you become yourself

Chapter 147 When you become yourself

I could hear the quiet falling of needles in the lighted office.

Xia Fanxing took a few deep breaths before being awakened by the unknown sound of birds outside the window.

He slowly opened his eyes and said, "Can we continue?"

Ning Youguang said, "You have made a decision, haven't you?"

Xia Fanxing looked at Ning Youguang and said firmly: "Yes, Teacher Ning, I have made a good decision. I hope that with your help, I can become the person I want."

After thinking about it, he added, "I also ask Teacher Ning to be merciful. Sometimes I may not have the strength to accept many changes and new knowledge that are earth-shaking for me. Therefore, in the process, I also Please give me patience and help, don't give up on me, okay?"

He took a deep breath, "I also assure you that no matter how painful it is, my heart to change is unwavering."

Ning Youguang can understand him, "I know, I know, I used to come here like this, I can understand your feelings very well. Isn't there a saying that there is no gain without pain?"

Xia Fanxing leaned on the chair and relaxed a little, "It's annoying to hear this."

Ning Youguang said seriously: "When you switch between old and new thinking modes, you will definitely have anxiety and confusion, but these are also your help, which will give you stronger motivation to change, and will also open up your creativity. "

Xia Fanxing sighed deeply: "How can I think so much? I just don't want to keep quiet, I want to be happier."

Ning Youguang smiled: "When you become yourself, how can you be unhappy?"

When the consultation is over.

Ning Youguang and Xia Fanxing said, "I will go back to my hometown next time. We will make an appointment for the next consultation."

Xia Fanxing got up slowly: "Okay, let's contact via WeChat."

Ning Youguang sent him out: "You have to take good care of yourself at home."

Xia Fanxing turned back, "Got it."

In the noonday sunlight, a smile flashed across his fair face.

Xia Fanxing, who returned home, found that when he reconsidered the problems that plagued him in the past, these problems were actually not as terrible as he imagined.

From this, he began to learn to look at himself and the people, things and things around him with a more correct perspective.

This morning, after he woke up, he suddenly didn't want to stay at home any longer.

He put on his sportswear, opened the door, and followed the road of the community, admiring the lush green trees and colorful flowers in full bloom along the way.

He walked slowly, watching quietly, and suddenly felt that he could actually go to the restaurant outside for breakfast.

It has been a long time since he went out to eat.

There is a restaurant for morning tea outside the community. When his parents were there, he often went to eat with them.

Standing at the door of the restaurant again, he found that the restaurant didn't seem to have changed after so long.

He became hesitant.

He thought: "If the interior decoration has not changed, and it is still as old-fashioned as before, won't I feel depressed again when I go in?"

But, he really missed the swan cake and crab siu mai inside.

Finally, he plucked up the courage and walked in.

As soon as he entered, he realized that his worries just now were unnecessary.

The outside of the restaurant has not changed, but the inside has changed.

The furnishings in the dining table, dining chairs and lighting have been changed. The style of the entire hotel has become more modern, and the colors are fresher and brighter, which is more in line with the aesthetics and preferences of young people.

He fell in love right away.

After he chose a seat and sat down.

A middle-aged woman in a black suit with a gentle and capable appearance walked up to him in surprise with a menu: "Young Master Xia, it's really you."

Xia Fanxing looked up and smiled politely: "Manager Yu, hello."

This restaurant is just outside the gate of Xia Fanxing Community, where Manager Yu has worked for many years.

Basically, she knew all the people who came to eat here in the community and was familiar with Xia Fanxing's family.

"It's great to see you." Her eyes showed joy, "What would you like to eat? We have added a lot of new dishes now, do you want to try it?"

Xia Fanxing flipped through the menu, "Are swan crisps and crab siu mai the same as before?"

Manager Yu paused with the pen in his hand, "I'm sorry, Shao Xia, our past master who made dim sum has left, and now a new master makes these snacks, but the taste is not bad, Shao Xia, do you want to try it? "

Xia Fanxing frowned slightly: "Okay, click."

's hesitant tone was filled with a compromise that he didn't want to but had to compromise.

Manager Yu said with a smile: "Xia Shao, the dim sum made by the new master is really good, you will know after you try it."

Xia Fanxing picked up a cup of cooked Pu and took a sip slowly.

He thought of his previous agreement with Teacher Ning.

Since you have decided to change, why can’t you accept dim sum made by a new chef?

He has never tasted it, why should he refuse it, and be troubled by the fact that these desserts are not made by the old master?

Isn't this all because you are spinning in your own self-righteousness and tying your heart?

Thinking like this, he pushed open the menu and said, "You have anything else that your customers like to order. Give me seven or eight."

Manager Yu smiled and said hello.

After waiting for the desserts to come up, Xia Fanxing found that the taste of these desserts was really good, and some of them were even better than the previous ones.

What a surprise.

He finally experienced what Teacher Ning said: "Once you start accepting the world, you will find many surprises that you never saw before."

He picked up another swan cake and chewed it carefully, letting the sweet aroma slowly penetrate his senses. He was suddenly moved, and there are actually many beautiful things in the world.

The dim sum that Manager Yu ordered for him was delicious. He ate and ate, and quickly relaxed.

Until, an unbelievable voice came from the ear: "Xia Fanxing?!"

He turned his head, it turned out to be his former good friends Li Xing and Wu Hao.

"You guys come over for breakfast too, how are you doing?" he asked, putting down his chopsticks.

Li Xing and Wu Hao were obviously very happy to see him.

"You seem to be in good shape now." Li Xing first sat opposite Xia Fanxing and smiled at him. This was a fat young man with pale skin, wearing a fashion brand.

"It's better than before." Xia Fanxing.

"I was really worried about us before." Wu Hao sat down on the seat on the other side, "Your uncle asked us before and asked us to go to your house to accompany you. We went to your house and found that your door was locked. ."

"Yes, it wasn't very good before, but I've been seeing a psychiatrist recently, and my condition has improved a lot." After speaking, he asked them, "Would you like to eat along?"

Li Xing and Wu Hao smiled and nodded.

Xia Fanxing invited Manager Yu again and asked her to serve more snacks and dishes.

The three old friends ate and drank together, which instantly made Xia Fanxing feel back to the time when they played together.

But soon, when Li Xing and Wu Hao started talking about the winery project they were working on recently, Xia Fanxing began to feel a little discouraged.

Seeing that he fell silent, Li Xing and Wu Hao both very winked and hastily ended what they were talking about. They changed the subject and talked about something light.

Xia Fanxing finally felt a sense of participation, and after a while, Xia Fanxing said that he wanted to go home.

Li Xing and Wu Hao said they would take him home, but Xia Fanxing refused, "I want to go shopping around."

Li Xing said with a smile: "Okay, the weather is fine today, it's good to go out for a walk."

Li Hao said: "Then we will meet again next time." 1314

(end of this chapter)