Chapter 171 Confession

Farewell to the small restaurant, Shi Mochiyue and Ning Youguang drove to a high and open place in the mountains, overlooking the mountains and valleys in the east, the scenery is very magnificent.

They stopped the car, got out, climbed a hillside, and absorbed the spirit of the mountain.

Shi Mochizuki took off a small purple flower at his feet and handed it to Ning Youguang: "What do you think of the scenery here?"

"It's beautiful."

Ning Youguang smelled the light fragrance of wild flowers, squeezed it in his hand, and continued to look at the distant mountain seriously.

Shi Mochizuki found that since coming to Qinghai, she has often been so serious and silently looking at the distant mountains.

"Why do you always stare at the mountain?"

"A mountain is a very special place, and if anyone sits on a mountain, the universe will inject a lot of energy into him."

"That's why many people go hiking when they feel tired in the city, they like high and empty places?"


"No wonder every time I come back after climbing the mountain, I feel refreshed and full of energy."

The two sat quietly for a while, Ning Youguang pointed to a mountain in the distance, "I've been there."

Mochizuki looked at her inexplicably.

Ning Youguang said slowly, "When I climbed that mountain for the first time, I was very shocked. After sitting down on the rocks on the top of the mountain, I didn't want to leave at all. That is, on that day, I felt that everything in the universe is a A part of our body, sitting on the top of a high mountain, overlooking the scenery radiating in all directions from where I was, I suddenly realized that this body that has always been called my body is actually the head of a larger body. And this body contained everything I could see, and in an instant I felt that the whole universe was looking at itself through my eyes."

The car continued to drive forward.

The two came to "Fairy Bay".

In Fairy Bay, they saw white roofs, as well as "the migratory fish."

Ning Youguang put her hand into the water, and a lot of fish came to kiss her finger.

The fish swim in the clear water, the clear lake is stirred up by layers of water waves, and golden waves appear in the sun, dazzling.

Mochizuki stood beside him and quietly rolled the bread into crumbs and threw it into the lake in order to attract more fish.

In Shi Mochiyue's eyes, Ning Youguang is sometimes very rational, and sometimes he is a very naive person. He can easily have all the fame and fortune, but his lack of material desires is shocking, and he does not like extravagance and noise.

is often surprised by a cloud in the sky, moved by a fallen leaf in the forest, just like now, playing with a group of fish can make her happy for a long time.

He felt very early on that even though she was doing the most penetrating work in this world, and being able to sort out the logic behind all the dark sides of people's hearts, she still had a romantic temperament in her bones.

is like an artist.

The next day was another sunny day with no clouds and a blue sky.

The two went to the Ta'er Monastery, which has a history of more than 400 years.

Ta'er Temple got its name because of the tower first and then the temple.

After entering the monastery, the two saw lifelike butter flowers, colorful murals and colorful embroidery.

After visiting all this, they started going around the tower.

"There is great merit in going around the pagoda."

Ning Youguang followed Mochizuki science in a soft voice.

"Tibetans have a tradition. When they see a Buddhist pagoda, a monastery, or a monk, they will immediately take off their hats and put their hands together. If they don't have time to bow in front of them, they will respectfully fold their hands from a distance in a car, on a horse, or on the road. This kind of merit is also very good. Big."

"However, it is worth noting that you need to go around the tower to the right, otherwise there will be a big mistake."

Leaving the Ta'er Temple, the two drove the car into the provincial road, which is not as smooth as the expressway and a bit rugged.

After the speed of the car dropped, the two decided to spend the night at a nearby camp.

Parked the car at the base of the campsite.

The two of them went up the mountain with their backpacks and stopped and went all the way until the evening before arriving at the camping site.

Many tourists have already set up tents in the open space.

Mochizuki was still reading the manual, but Ning Youguang had already picked up the tent, found the pole, shook the tent open, and picked up a rock, ready to smash the nail into it.

"..." Mochizuki hurriedly took the stone from her hand and slammed the nail into it with a few bangs.

He was very puzzled: [How can such a gentle and gentle girl be so agile when she does outdoor work? ! ]

"Sister is amazing!"

The father of a family of three was still looking at the drawings. Mother and daughter waited beside him doing nothing, and his eyes unconsciously fell on Ning Youguang, who was very capable at work.

Of course, she and Shi Mochiyue's super high looks are also one of the important factors that attract mother and daughter onlookers.

Ning Youguang shook off the tarp, then chuckled and clapped his hands, "Whatever makes perfect."

Pitching a tent is really sprinkling water for someone who often camps outdoors.

Shi Mochizuki and the sweaty father next door looked at each other with a wry smile.

Because the speed of setting up the tent was too fast, the two had time to climb to the top of the mountain to watch the sunset for a while.

When we reached the top of the mountain, it was almost dark, and after the sun had set on the mountain, the sky was still filled with an orange-yellow color haze, which was very bright.

The western sky is full of red clouds.

"What a beautiful sunset." Ning Youguang exclaimed.

Shi Mochizuki behind her also praised, "Yes, what a beautiful sunset."

Wait until the sun completely disappears on the horizon.

The two slowly walked back to the camp, and Shi Mochizuki took out the sleeping bag and spread it out.

Ning Youguang took out soda, bread and fruit from his backpack for dinner.

After dinner, the two sat cross-legged in the tent and watched the night view outside.

The dark night in the wild is different from the noise-filled hustle and bustle in the city. It is extraordinarily quiet, and people can clearly see the half moon hanging in the sky and the stars in the sky.

The silver glow is light and the air is cool.

The moonlight above the head looks pretty and clean.

Ning Yuguang put his hands in front of him, sitting in the tent and looking at the distance in a trance.

"Put your coat on, it's a little cold." Shi Mochizuki picked up the coat she put in the tent and draped it over her shoulders.

"Thank you." After Ning Youguang put on his coat, he pointed to the stars in the sky and said, "That's the North Star."

Shi Mochizuki was stunned, "You can see this clearly?"

Ning Youguang raised his eyebrows, "Of course."

is actually not clear, but I deeply remember its location.

"When I was a child, I went camping with my family once, and I also said it to Sister Xiong."

Shi Mochizuki said slowly, "Is it kindergarten time?"

"Do you remember this?" Ning Youguang looked at Shi Mochizuki in shock.

"Of course, I remember a lot of what you said."

The thing about camping is especially profound.

In the night, his low voice sounded soft and gentle.

The deep eyes that looked at her seriously were filled with an emotion that Ning Guangguang couldn't understand.

The two are very close together, and the atmosphere is so good that the two people who are so close even look at each other tonight, it seems different from usual.

She asked softly, "What are you thinking about?"

Shi Mochizuki smiled lowly, "I'm thinking, some words are right, you really can't meet too amazing people when you are young, otherwise, you will have no peace for the rest of your life."

Ning Youguang was stunned.

Shi Mochizuki shifted and knelt in front of her.

Ning Youguang held his breath.

He lowered his head, leaned against her shoulders, almost hugged her in his arms, and said in a hoarse voice, "Sister, I have to apologize to you for something."

"What's the matter?" Ning Youguang lowered his eyes slightly.

"I'm sorry, I'm not a good student. It goes against your teaching."

Mochizuki's breath and the breath at the tip of her nose swept across Ning Youguang's ears, as if there was an electric current in her heart.

"I...I have an obsession that I can never let go of."

"What obsession?" Ning Youguang's heartstrings moved slightly.


Shi Mochizuki's chin rested on Ning Youguang's thin shoulder, as if the words just now had exhausted all his strength.

Ning Youguang turned his head slightly, a little afraid to look directly at the furry head on his shoulders.

Under the moonlight, his expression was slightly unnatural.

After a long while, she said, "It's late at night, go to bed early."

Shi Mochizuki got up, "I'm not sleepy yet, I want to go out and watch the stars for a while."

Ning Youguang said softly, "Then you put on more clothes and be careful not to catch a cold."

The same gentle and windy voice as usual has a wonderful appeal in the mountains and forests in the middle of the night.

When Mochizuki finished blowing the cold wind, he returned to the tent.

Ning Youguang has got into the sleeping bag, revealing a furry head, resting.

He gently pulled the zipper.

The side of the spacious tent has a window with a layer of gauze, which is not covered with curtains, so that people inside can just see the flickering light of the fireflies flying outside.

The time flies away bit by bit, and in the summer night in the woodland, only the sounds of frogs, cicadas, crickets and the rustling of the wind blowing through the treetops are left.

Mochizuki did not feel sleepy at all, and lay awake for a long time.

He counted the sound of Ning Youguang turning over several times.

Then he said softly, "If you can't sleep, I can go..."

Ning Youguang opened the zipper of the sleeping bag, revealing a head outside, a pair of clear eyes, shining stars in the moonlight, "No need."

After struggling to get out of the sleeping bag, she hugged her legs and sat in front of Shi Mochizuki.

She looked into his eyes seriously and said slowly:

"I need to think about it."

In an instant, Shi Mochizuki's eyes seemed to reflect the stars and moonlight in the sky.

he said tremblingly, "Okay."

After a long silence, he added, "Thank you for your willingness to consider."

Ning Youguang said softly, "I don't know how long I will think about it."

Shi Mochizuki took her hand, leaned over, and gently placed a kiss on the back of her hand, "It's okay."

I'd rather have a shiny back of the hand...

I was almost burned by a tear that suddenly fell.

Mochizuki said with a trembling voice, "I can wait."

"Thank you for letting me wait."

[I am very fortunate that this long secret love is not my journey alone. ] 1314

My son confessed, how should we celebrate?

My mother takes the lead, let’s send it 141 red envelopes first, let’s be happy~

Happy with the same joy~~~

(end of this chapter)