Chapter 195: Little White Rabbit and Big Bad Wolf

Chapter 195 Little White Rabbit and Big Bad Wolf

After finishing the SPA, the technician politely left.

Ning Youguang was wearing a bathrobe and sitting on the sofa like a cartilaginous head, eating bird's nest, and watching the light and shadow of the setting sun falling on the ground through the blinds.

Her shoulders are half exposed, her feet without shoes are on the edge of the sofa, dazzling like white jade.

When Mochizuki opened the door and walked in, he was caught off guard into a beautiful scenery.

His breathing stagnated, and he felt the blood all over his body pouring into the top of his head in an instant.

His chest was hot, he quietly walked to her side, reached out to hold her in his arms, lowered his head and kissed her cheek.

"Does it feel more relaxed?" Ning Youguang asked slightly turning his head to the side.

"It's much easier." Shi Mochizuki put his hand on her thin shoulder and quietly lifted the bathrobe for her.

Then, he sat down beside her, tilted his head, and looked at her deeply.

"The light on the ground is so beautiful that I want to install blinds in my bathroom." Ning Youguang, who is addicted to studying the light and shadow on the ground, has a kind of focused innocence on his face.

She didn't know that her appearance at the moment, in the eyes of the people beside her, was far more attractive than everything else.

"it is good."

Shi Mochizuki took a part to listen to her, and the other part continued to fall on her.

He looked at her fascinatedly, unable to count how many eyelashes she had.

Putting his head close to her ear, he lowered his eyes and could see her exposed collarbone, dizzy like a pearl, glittering like a beautiful jade, and the radiance of the edge of the collar of the bathrobe - every inch was full of beauty. .

He didn't dare to look any further, quickly looked away, but fell into her hands again.

Her fingers are long, white and thin, clean, pink and almost transparent.

Mochizuki's Adam's apple slid up and down, and his pupils shrank.

The person next to him really looked so delicious from head to toe, and he was so excited that he was hooked.

He wished he could swallow her right away, so he said in a hoarse voice, "I want to eat it."

Then——a mouthful of bird's nest was stuffed into his mouth.


"Do you still want it?" Ning Youguang, who had no idea what kind of perverted mind the people around him were now, asked him with clear eyes.

Shi Mochizuki slowly swallowed the slightly sweet bird's nest in his mouth, "Yes."

Ning Youguang and obediently gave him a mouthful.

In that way, innocent like a little white rabbit enjoying the sunshine in the forest and wandering around alone, he has no idea what kind of big bad wolf is hiding next to him...

[God, why is she so cute? ! ]

Mochizuki finally couldn't stand it anymore.

He lowered his head, put his head on her ignorant shoulder and smiled, shrugging his shoulders, and the happy laughter continued for a long time.

Ning Youguang didn't know what he was laughing, so he had to wait quietly for him to finish laughing, and then fed all the rest of the bird's nest into his mouth one by one.

A bowl of bird’s nest is impossible to feed two people.

After waiting for Mochizuki to eat all the bird's nest in the bowl, Ning Youguang put the empty bowl on the small table next to him and asked him in a gentle voice, "Are you hungry?"

The infinitely gentle sunset fell on her, making her look like a moving oil painting.

"Hungry." The smile in Shi Mochizuki's eyes hadn't disappeared.

In Ning Youguang's eyes, he looked extremely gorgeous at this time.

"Then let's go eat." She couldn't help but gently touched his face.

The two went back to the room hand in hand to change their clothes and went to the restaurant, and found that there were many people taking meals at the buffet table.

Ning Youguang stood in front of a shelf with a dinner plate, and then asked, "What is this?"

The waiter brother standing next to him immediately answered enthusiastically:

"Steamed eggs with sea urchins." And strongly suggested that she have a cup.

Ning Youguang took a cup of sea urchin steamed eggs that he handed over, and picked up a small spoon on the spot, scooped a spoonful and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Is it delicious?" Shi Mochizuki's eyes fell on her rosy lips.

"It's delicious." Ning Youguang was immersed in the delicious food.

At this moment, an anxious female voice suddenly came from the side, "Baby, take a bite, take a bite and see if you can eat it, this is very nutritious and delicious, okay?"

Ning Youguang bowed his head and found that there was a mother and son talking beside him.

My mother was wearing a fancy dress, but she couldn't hide the tiredness on her face.

And the boy surprised her even more. He was also well dressed. He looked about seven or eight years old, but he was thin and short, and his eyes were full of fear and grievance.

A pair of big eyes stared at the food in front of him in horror.

That look, as if what the woman brought to his mouth was not a spoonful of sea urchin steamed eggs, but a spoonful of poison and medicine.

Such a scene made it difficult for Ning Youguang to look away.

"Baby, can you take a bite?" The mother, unaware that someone around her was looking at her, continued to deliver steamed eggs with sea urchin to the boy's mouth, her haggard face full of pleading.

And the boy—the mouth was pursed tightly, and the willingness to refuse to eat was very strong.

At this time, another middle-aged man in a brand-name dress walked by.

The man walked behind the boy with a sullen face, stretched out his hand and vigorously opened the boy's mouth, and said coldly to the woman in front of him, "Hurry up and feed."

The woman quickly fed the steamed sea urchin egg from the spoon into the boy's mouth.

The man closed the boy's mouth again, "Hurry up and eat, if you don't eat, don't think that I will take you to play on a hovercraft at sea."

The boy was forced to swallow the food that the woman fed into his mouth due to the threat of the man.

The woman watched the boy swallow it, and then took the opportunity to continue feeding him steamed eggs with sea urchins.

But he didn't want to, this cup of sea urchin steamed eggs, before the boy had eaten a small half of the cup, he began to vomit, and spit out all the sea urchin steamed eggs that he had just eaten.

Such a scene has already attracted many dining guests nearby.

are tourists from all over the world, not everyone can understand their conversations, but they all understand their actions.

Immediately afterwards, everyone was chattering in different languages ​​and saying that this couple did something wrong.

The woman cried out in sadness and knelt down in front of the boy.

She stretched out her hand, it seemed that she wanted to clean up the vomited filth for her son, but she had no tools and didn't know what to do.

Just in time, the hotel waiter came over and handed her a roll of clean towels, which finally solved her predicament.

After the boy vomited, the middle-aged man stopped pinching his mouth and face.

He looked angrily at his wife cleaning up the dirt for his son. After watching it for a while, he seemed to be unable to bear it any longer. He turned around, only then did he notice the strange eyes around him, and also understood that several of them were calling for the hotel's service. Sheng called the police, he immediately stopped them and said anxiously: "Don't call the police, don't call the police, we have not abused children, this boy is my son."

He speaks English so fluently that many people understand it.

The discussion around him gradually faded, but everyone looked at him with doubts.

He had no choice but to touch his face, pointed at the woman and the boy, and explained to everyone, "We are really not bad people, this is my wife and son, we are a family."

Then, he explained to the crowd how helpless he just did that.

It turns out that his son started to vomit badly two years ago. He almost vomited whatever he ate, which made the couple and family members anxious.

The child is in the stage of development. He always vomits whatever he eats, and the body cannot get nutritional supplements. How can he grow his body?

This time, he and his mother brought the children here for vacation. They also hoped that the children could live in a different environment and be happier and eat more food. However, they have all lived here for three days. When the children go out to play, they are more comfortable than in I am active in China, but I still don't like to eat. This is the scene in front of me.

After listening to what he said, the people around gradually believed what he said, so someone suggested, "You should take your child to the hospital for treatment? It's not okay to feed your child rudely like this."

The man said painfully, "Look, I've seen it all over the best children's hospitals in China, but it still doesn't work."

At this time, someone said, "Since the doctor can't cure it, the child's problem may be a psychological problem. You might as well take your child to see a psychiatrist."

The man fell silent, "We went to see it too, no."

Now, the people around don't know what to say.

Ning Youguang heard this and summoned the waiters beside him and asked them to bring him paper and pens.

Then, she wrote her phone number on the paper and walked to the anxious man, "Hello, sir."

The middle-aged man was stunned when he looked at the stunning-looking girl who suddenly appeared in front of him, "Who are you?"

"Which city are you from?" Ning Youguang asked.

"We are from the deep city." The man said in confusion.

"This is my phone number. I'm a psychiatrist. If you need anything, you can contact me when you return home." She handed the card with her phone number in her hand to the man.

The man was still dazzled by her beautiful appearance at the moment, a little unable to react.

But the woman next to her who had already wiped her son's loot came over and reached out to take the card in Ning Youguang's hand.

"Are you really a psychiatrist?" The woman asked suspiciously after looking at the numbers on the card.

"Yes, besides that, I'm also a professor of psychology at the National University of Science and Technology. My surname is Ning and my name is Ning Youguang. If you don't believe me, you can go to my school and ask about it first."

Originally, Ning Youguang would not reveal her personal information casually to strangers, but she saw that the child was so pitiful and moved with pity.

The couple were visibly shocked to hear that she was a professor of psychology at the National University of Science and Technology.

They are really unable to connect the young and beautiful fairy-like girl in front of them with the professors of the top domestic universities.

But where is UCAS?

If the girl in front of her is going to lie to them, there is no need to tell lies that can be easily exposed.

The woman was still suspicious, but she thanked her solemnly, "Thank you, girl." She squeezed the card in her hand tightly. 1314

Big Bad Wolf: What if I want to eat?

White Rabbit:?

(end of this chapter)