Chapter 213 Two more

"I don't like it." Xia Fanxing said, "I hope to be a little fatter, but since I came here, it's much better than before."

"I did gain some weight." Ning Youguang said, "Do you know what emotions these nodules on your stomach are due to?"

"What emotions?" Xia Fanxing asked curiously.

"Angry." Ning Youguang said.

"Angry?" Xia Fanxing was puzzled, "I haven't been angry for a long time, I'm not an angry person."

"You are indeed a person who looks easy to talk." Ning Youguang said, "but there is a conflict between your inner and outer surface, and there is a very rigid part of your personality. Your anger does not come from the outside. It comes from the inner self-attack, you have a lot of dissatisfaction with yourself." Xia Fanxing thought for a while and said, "Actually, I don't want this now, but I seem to enjoy it a little bit."

Ning Youguang said, "What was your school experience like?"

"Going to school?" Xia Fanxing said, "Did you go to school from childhood to adulthood?"


"I don't remember many things in kindergarten, but I remember it clearly after elementary school."

"As much as you remember, as much as you say."

"I went to a private boarding school since elementary school. The school is actually pretty good. The teachers and principal are very good. They know my family and they take good care of me."

Xia Fanxing said, "The problem is, as soon as Sunday afternoon, Monday morning, I was unhappy, and I didn't want to go to school, so my father and mother took me directly into the car and stuffed me to school, and I didn't cry in the car. Use, a few times, I cried so hard, my dad even picked up the ruler, made me kneel in the study, and beat me hard, and then I went to school for a few days, and I couldn't even hold the chopsticks when I was eating. This kind of memory So profound."

He compared the length of the next ruler with his hand, about one meter.

"The same is true for middle school. After school every Friday afternoon, the students around are very happy, looking forward to returning home, and I will also look forward to it, but every time I go home, I am very disappointed. I happily told my parents that I was back. , they were very indifferent, which made me think that I was not going home, I was coming to collect debts..."

"And my dad, when he sees me, he's either cold, or he asks me about my homework, and criticizes me, saying that I'm not doing well in this, and I can't do it there!" Xia Fanxing took a deep breath, "Mr. Ning, you know that kind of thing. feel it?"

He had a look of disgust all over his face.


"I'm really sick, why come back?!"

"I shouldn't have come back."

"When I was in high school, my grades were not ideal, and my dad said I owed a lesson..." Xia Fanxing said through gritted teeth, "Send me to the military academy, where it is completely closed, the instructors are very strict, there is no mobile phone, no Computers, and no entertainment. Every day is either studying or training. In the first semester, I tried to find a way with other classmates, jumped off the wall and escaped. When I got home, my dad scolded me and beat me. Slap, he sent me back, and when I went back to school, the instructor looked at me like a prisoner, I couldn’t escape at all, and I didn’t want to escape, and after that, I became numb.”

Xia Fanxing's eyes turned red.

The expression on   's face is one of strong sarcasm and self-deprecation, as well as deep hatred.

"I think even if I die there, they'll think I deserve it."

"I don't know where I owe a lesson. Did I kill or set fire?"

"Why do I owe them so much to do this to me?!"

"After spending a year in the military academy in high school, I came out..."

"Mr. Ning, do you know why I came out?"

"Why?" Ning Youguang asked softly.

"There are two reasons." Xia Fanxing said, "The first reason is that I have to study hard and take the college entrance examination, and the second reason is that the teacher at the military academy said that I have a mental illness."

"Mental illness?" Ning Youguang was puzzled.

"Yes, it's ridiculous, isn't it?" Xia Fanxing sneered, "What's even more ridiculous is that after I got out of school, my dad really sent me to a mental hospital and prescribed me a bunch of drugs, what kind of antipsychotic? Splinter pills, antidepressants, a whole bunch of shit."

"Have you eaten?" Ning Youguang thought that there were still many unexplored parts of Xia Fanxing's problem, but he did not expect this to be the case.

"Eat, why not?" Xia Fanxing said, "They all say I'm sick, so I'll eat it."

"Are there any sequelae?" Ning Youguang felt a chill down his spine.

"Yes." Xia Fanxing put his hands around his chest, in a state of self-protection. "I used to be very smart. Although my father always said that I couldn't, I felt that my grades were very good. I often took the first place in my class, and I remembered everything very quickly. However, since I took the medicine for mental illness, My brain doesn’t work well, I can’t remember anything, I go back to high school to go to class, and I often take the last few exams.”

Xia Fanxing's face showed a kind of pleasure after revenge, "Do you think it's funny or not? Hahaha..."

"My dad said how stupid I was, so I said, take medicine."

He took me to the hospital for a checkup, and the doctor said, "Taking these medicines does slow down the brain's response."

"Mr. Ning, do you know how ugly my dad was at that time?"

He burst into tears and laughed for a long time, "He can't wait to blow up that hospital."

"It's so funny." He covered his stomach, "Mr. Ning, let me laugh for a while."

Ning nodded lightly, then looked at him quietly and smiled.

Laughing and laughing, Xia Fanxing began to cry, the facial features on his face were a little distorted, "I have never seen my dad so out of control in my life, when I got home, he threw away all my medicines, and there was nothing behind. Let me keep eating those."

"I went back to high school to continue my studies, because my memory is not good, and my brain is really not working. When I took the college entrance examination, I didn't get into the undergraduate degree." Xia Fanxing's face changed gradually calm. "My dad is so proud of himself. He is a proud person. Of course, he is not allowed to have a son who can't pass the college entrance examination. After the college entrance examination, he packed me and sent me to the UK."

"Although I didn't know anyone in the UK at first, but later I had friends of my own, and I was able to do things I liked, such as horseback riding, traveling, playing games, doing handicrafts, etc. It's alright, far away, my dad doesn't care about me anymore, or he has given up on me, so I'm relatively free." Xia Fanxing said, "By the way, I'm still going with my classmates. Working part-time, although I don’t earn much, I’m very happy, I’m tired, and I sleep well. My college life is really good. I’m also in college, and I realize that I don’t have to live a good life. Compared to these, being able to make my own decisions and decide my own life makes me happier.” 1314

(end of this chapter)