Chapter 215 Two more

The expression on her face was a little pale, and she didn't look very happy.

Ning Youguang thought for a while and said, "I'll contact Dad at night to see what he's doing."

Ming Jinxin's face showed a smile, "I'll go to the kitchen to see if the squirrel mandarin fish is okay."

This is rather a light dish.

"Eat another strawberry." She picked out the biggest and reddest one from the plate and handed it to her.

Ming Jinxin took it with a smile, and walked to the kitchen while eating.

"It will take half an hour to start dinner." Ming Jinxin sat down beside Ning Youguang, "I saw your boyfriend at a party last time."

"Oh, he told me." Ning Youguang said, "Is that the charity dinner last week?"

"Yes." Ming Jinxin said with a smile, "He sat at the table next to me and suddenly came to say hello to me. I didn't know who he was at first. He said his name was Mochizuki, and then I remembered. You said it was a coincidence? skillful?"

"Coincidentally." Ning Youguang also smiled, "He told me about it when he got home that night, saying that he had a long chat with you and that he had gained a lot, and he said that you are a very elegant and capable lady, and I appreciate it very much. you."

"I told you that night?" Ming Jin asked suspiciously, "How did I tell you?"

"Ah..." Ning Youguang responded quickly.

She was determined not to tell her aunt that her boyfriend moved in with him after a few months of talking. "WeChat video."

"I see." Ming Jin felt relieved, "It seems that you two communicate very closely."

"That's right." Ning Youguang said, "He likes to share his stories with me very much, and he talks about everything. Sometimes I think he is a little too eager to talk."

"Is that so?" Ming Jinxin was very surprised, "I think he is polite and polite in front of me, but he is a little cold in front of others, and he doesn't seem like a talkative person."

"That night, a lot of people went to greet him. He basically responded politely and didn't say much. I didn't expect to be a chatter in front of you."

Ming Jinxin couldn't smile.

"It's quite a contrast." Ning Youguang also found it interesting, "Are men different when they are outside and at home?"

Ming Jin thought for a while and said, "Perhaps, your dad has a little too."

Then, she said with a smile, "I talked to him quite speculatively. I think he has a lot of interesting points of view. He has a very new way of thinking about problems, he has a very keen control of the market's wind direction, and has a good overall view. ."

"His logical thinking ability and comprehension are very high." Ning Youguang said, "He is very serious and hardworking, and he works very practically."

Ming Jinxin smiled meaningfully, "He looks better than I thought."

Auntie Ming is a face control, Ning Youguang has long known this.

Therefore, it was no surprise to her that Shi Mochizuki got her favor.

"He has been good-looking since he was a child." She said, "I have known him since middle school, and he has never been disabled since he was a child."

"Yoyoyo." Ming Jinxin teased, "It really is a boyfriend, I like it no matter how you look at it."

Ning Youguang restrained his smile, "Because I know too much."

My own child, of course, is the best.

During lunch.

The Ming Dynasty brought Zhao Sui to the house.

Ming Jinxin asked happily, "Why didn't Tangtang come?"

Zhao Sui calmly glanced at Ning Youguang who was sitting in the living room, "He's going to film, he's not at home."

"Aren't you at home?" Ming Jinxin said in surprise, "I saw Xiaoqian in the elevator when I went out in the morning. I thought Tangtang was at home too."

"Is Xiaoqian at home?" Zhao Sui also looked surprised, "I don't know, I contacted him this morning, and he said he was in the crew."

According to the general situation, Xiao Qian, as Zhou Tang's personal assistant, basically the two go in and out together.

Maybe Xiao Qian has something to do at home today.

Ming Jin thought to himself.

"Come over for dinner." She greeted the two of them to be seated.

During the meal, everyone chatted.

"I feel like my hair has grown a lot recently. The pills you made for me before are very useful to me. Can you give me some more when you have time?" Ming Jin said to Ning Youguang with a happy face.

"Okay." Ning Youguang took a piece of avocado that Ning Youyu handed over, "Thank you little fish."

"You're welcome." Ning Youyu smiled brightly, but quickly covered his mouth, "I don't like eating salty avocados."

Ning Youyu is in the stage of changing his teeth. One of his front teeth has just fallen out and has not grown back. He smiled and revealed a hole.

Ning Youguang couldn't help laughing at his appearance, "It just so happens that I like to eat."

"That's why I like to eat with my sister the most." Ning Youyu was talking and forgot about his front teeth leaking, "Can you give me that sweet and sour fish?"

The sweet and sour squirrel mandarin fish was just placed in front of Ning Youguang. The tastes of the two sisters were very similar, and Ning Youyu also liked it.

Ming Dynasty did not eat this kind of dish, and did not touch it.


Ning Youguang picked up the tender belly of the fish, and the part without thorns gave Ning Youyu a chopstick.

"Squirrel mandarin fish is the most delicious dish." Ning Youyu enjoyed it very much.

Zhao Sui, who was sitting next to the Ming Dynasty, interjected at the right time: "Is there a younger sister who can still treat hair loss?"

"She is very good at traditional Chinese medicine." Ming Dynasty explained to him.

The Ming Dynasty generally did not praise people casually. Once he said "very good", it was definitely unusual.

Zhao Sui was shocked, "Why didn't you say anything before?"

"Ah, didn't we talk about it?" Ming Jin thought for a while, "Oh, you didn't mention this topic before, and we forgot to mention it. We have a grandfather in Jincheng's traditional Chinese medicine, she She studied medicine with her grandfather when she was very young, and her medical skills are very good."

Zhao Sui asked Ning Youguang, "Why didn't you become a Chinese medicine doctor?"

"I prefer to treat people's hearts rather than to treat people." Ning Youguang said.

Zhao Sui nodded in admiration. After thinking about it for a while, he asked a little embarrassedly, "That..."

Everyone looked at him in unison, and his face turned red when they saw him, and finally he gritted his teeth and said, "Well, sister Ning, can you give me a prescription for hair loss? I feel my hairline is moving backwards. quite serious."


The Ning family.

Zhao Sui touched his head uncomfortably, he was actually quite embarrassed.

"And alopecia areata." He pointed to the side of his head and said, "I bought a lot of anti-hair loss shampoos, but they didn't work at all. It made me so depressed that I wanted to go to 315 to report those manufacturers for false advertising. All."

His handsome face was full of distress, and his words were full of resentment.

Although everyone in the Ning family understands his pain and helplessness...

- sorry, but still wanted to laugh! 1314

bald, anxious~

(end of this chapter)