Chapter 226: There is only one request for him

Chapter 226 There is only one request for him

Xia Youqing said this very quietly, but Ning Youguang didn't hear it clearly.

I heard the previous sentence clearly, and I praised it back——

"I am so beautiful, not because you are beautiful."

Xia Youqing likes her very much, "Of course, without my good genes, how can you be as stunning as you are today?"

After she finished speaking, she added dryly, "Your father was quite handsome when he was young."

It's ok now.

But she didn't want to admit it.

Ning smiled brightly, "Yes, my parents are so good-looking, wouldn't I be embarrassing for you if I don't look better?"

Xia Youqing was comforted by her continuous rainbow skin.

After laughing, he asked with concern, "How is your relationship with your boyfriend?"

Ning Youguang said, "It's pretty good."

Xia Youqing nodded, "Just get along well."

After a slight pause, she sighed rather than sighed, "However, you two just fell in love, so of course it's sweet now."

"You're right, but I believe we are all mature in dealing with each other."

"It's too late to fall in love at your age."

"Alright, as your mind matures, it's much safer to think about everything."

Ning Youguang said, "Yes."

Xia Youqing looked at her quietly, "I know you know a lot about childhood. I heard from your father that he was a good child since he was a child. As for me, I haven't gotten along with him very much, so it's hard to say. It's just that the human heart is something The most unfathomable. No matter what happens to you in the future, one thing I am very confident about is that my daughter will be unanimously voted in anyone’s house, there is no doubt about it.”

Ning Youguang laughed, "How can I be as good as you said, I am a very ordinary and ordinary person."

Xia Youqing is very disapproving of her point of view.

was a little excited, "I said what you said, not with pride, but with self-confidence, which is a fact."

Ning Youguang hurriedly said, "Okay, it's a fact, thank you for being so optimistic about me."

"I'm not optimistic about you, but you are really good." Xia Youqing corrected confidently.

Ning Youguang really thinks that he is a very mediocre person, but with a character like Xia Youqing, there is really no arguing, only obedience.

"I'm really good." She nodded, "I'm the best."

Xia Youqing was satisfied, "Yes, you are good not only because of your background, appearance and excellence, but also because of your character, you are worthy of anyone's attention. I haven't been with you since I was a child, but You have been smart and sensible since you were a child, no one can compare."

Xia Youqing continued to say after self-reflection, "A good girl like you is enough to be worthy of the best boy in the world."

Ning Youguang listened to her patiently.

"So, what my mother said to you today means that now you are in a relationship. Since it is what you like, you can talk about it well, and you don't have to worry about anything."

"What about you, the most important thing is to be happy with yourself, with whomever you are happy with, you will be with whomever you are happy with, and with whomever you are unhappy, just let him die away, my father and I will always be together. It's your backing, you don't have to wrong yourself for anyone or anything, you know what?"

Ning Youguang chuckled softly, "I see, thank you mom and dad for your support."

——She knew why her mother specially invited her to come to the SPA this time, and she told her so much in a roundabout way.

She felt a little amused and moved at the same time.

This life is really different from the previous one.

She is in love.

Parents will also think about her love.

They are all trying to learn to care for her and love her.

People change, all it takes is time.

Something, really—

What you want, you can't ask for.

I don’t want anything, but it will appear unexpectedly.

Ning Yuguang feels sore in the heart.

But soon, she sorted out her emotions.

Over there, Xia Youqing continued to talk.

"We have only one request for your other half, and that is to be good to you. Although 'being good to you' is a very false thing, if he can't even be good to you, he has no value in existence. ."

Ning Youguang asked softly, "What does he have to do to be nice to me?"

Xia Youqing said, "What else do I need to say? Of course, I want to treat you wholeheartedly, care for you, take care of you, respect you, listen to your words, not lie to you, make you wronged, make you sad, make you sad, etc. Yes."

Ning Youguang thought seriously, "Oh, then he quite fits the definition of 'good'."

Xia Yuqing felt a little blocked.

She thinks that her daughter's boyfriend sounds okay, but she always feels that something is not right.

"And no matter what you do, you must be the first. In his world, you must be the most important." She added earnestly.

Ning Youguang laughed, "This is a bit too much, Mom."

She said, "There are so many things, many of which I can't do myself, why should I ask him to do it?"

Xia Youqing said, "I don't care, he is a boy, of course he has high requirements."

Ning Youguang's face is gentle and gentle, but his words are sharp and stern, "I don't agree with this very much. I think boys and girls are the same, and the best emotional state is to understand each other, support each other, tolerate each other, and Respecting each other and loyalty are the basic principles, as for the others, they can be coordinated with each other."

"We are not perfect, so there is no need to ask others to be perfect. Emotions are all mutual. Whoever has the ability will give a little more, and whoever is not, just try your best. Trying best is-recognize yourself We should strive to improve ourselves in order to be better in the future.”

"Gou Rixin, daily new, daily new - things are impermanent, life is impermanent, we are changing every day, why must we have to set a standard of death? I agree that life needs happiness, but my happiness is not Because I am happy with whomever I am with, but I am happy. When I am unhappy, I will not feel that it is because of whoever makes me unhappy, but because I have lost the ability to be happy. I love A person, just because I am willing to love him, has nothing to do with him, whether he is good to me or not, just because he is him, I am me, that's all."

"Since I chose to be with him, in the role of girlfriend, I will try my best to do what I can do, what I want to do, what I should do, and as for him, I don't have any requirements."

"How can I do without asking him?" Xia Youqing was very incomprehensible.

"Why not? It's not like I don't know how a person treats me." Ning Youguang said, "Whatever you ask for, it's all to make yourself feel at ease, but if you feel uneasy, no amount of rules and regulations will be in vain. ."

"You made a request before he knew how to treat you." Xia Youqing said.

"I can guide others how to treat me, but not in this way, and how a person treats me, I never see what he says, but what he does." Ning Youguang said calmly.

Xia Youqing listened patiently and carefully, "Then if you don't listen to him, how do you know what he's thinking?"

"Language is the most deceiving thing. Whenever a person wants to deceive you, there are always countless ways."

"You're right."

"But reality can't deceive people, including love. Love is the most incapable of deceiving people."

"Why can't you cheat? So many girls have been cheated in love."

"With time you see people's hearts." Ning Youguang said, "I will see as long as I live."

She continued, "I never make presuppositions for my future, whether it is career, dream, or love, I also have the confidence not to make presuppositions for my future, I have enough strength to pay for my life, Including the outcome of any decision, good or bad."

"Finally, I would like to thank you and Dad for supporting me and letting me know that besides my own abilities, you are also my strength, and I feel very at ease."

——This is something she said specially to her parents to make them feel at ease.

For Ning Youguang, the role of parents has long existed in her life without any requirements.

A long time ago, she was ready to live her life alone.

Parental support.

For her life—

Yes, it is the icing on the cake.

No, no fear.

No one knows how many abyss she has walked through, and naturally no one knows how many setbacks and waves she can withstand.

The world is full of turmoil, love and hate parting, all are illusions.

The future is like smoke, nothing can be left behind.

The only exception…

Ning Youguang thought for a while, "I won't comment without experience."

She is experiencing.

The future is unknowable.

Now is good.

As for the result, let’s go and see.

After treatment.

A waiter warmly brought champagne to the two of them.

"I'm sorry I don't drink, do you have anything else?" Ning Youguang sat lazily on the sofa.

"There are desserts and bird's nests." The waiter said with a smile, "Bird's nests are a special treat for birthday guests."

"Then bird's nest." Ning Youguang smiled.

Xia Youqing didn't ask for champagne either, but asked for bird's nest with her daughter.

For beauty, she has always worked hard.

When mother and daughter eat bird's nest.

Xia Youqing answered the phone: "No, there is everything at home, don't let him go out to eat, let him go out is to eat a mess of junk food."

"If you have a temper to make him make trouble, ignore him."

After   , she hung up the phone.

"What happened at home?" Ning Youguang asked.

Xia Youqing said to her, "Your brother is very noisy at school, he doesn't study well, and he always makes trouble. Other children who are noisy at noon can't rest. It's not long before this semester starts, and the teacher won't let him. He took a lunch break at school, and he didn't stop when he got home. If he didn't eat well, he knew he had to go out to eat junk food. Grandma didn't allow him, so he asked his aunt to call me."

(end of this chapter)