Chapter 242 Four Changes

"I suggest that you give him enough time and space to grow, and grasp the importance of his growth. This is the responsibility and mission of a parent." Ning Youguang looked at Xia Youqing and said, "A mother dreams of her child. The support of children is the driving force for children to succeed, which is in line with the reinforcement learning theory of psychologist Skinner.

——The so-called reinforcement refers to the affirmative or negative consequences of a behavior, including rewards or punishments, which will at least to a certain extent determine whether the behavior will be repeated in the future. According to the nature and purpose of reinforcement, reinforcement can be Divided into positive reinforcement and negative reinforcement.

Positive reinforcement means that if a certain behavior brings pleasure and satisfaction to the actor, such as giving food, money, praise and love, the actor will tend to repeat the behavior;

Negative reinforcement means that if a behavior can reduce and eliminate the unpleasantness and disgust of the actor, such as reducing noise, severe cold, extreme heat, clicking and scolding, the actor will also tend to repeat the behavior. "

"If you support Yiyi's dream, then it's a positive reinforcement for him.

This positive reinforcement effect on his dreams can enhance his self-confidence and make him more willing to realize his dreams. At the same time, it also makes him more able to resist the difficulties and obstacles brought by the process of chasing his dreams, so that he can Persevere on the road to realizing your dreams. "

"As far as Yiyi is concerned, your unconditional support and encouragement are the most solid backing, because he knows that even if he fails, he will have your support, so he can give up his dream for the sake of his dream. Hit his self-confidence, and conversely, it will increase his self-confidence."

Xie Baosheng and Xia Youqing both know the importance of    self-confidence for children.

"It's not that I don't support him to realize his dream." Xia Youqing retorted, "I just hope he can study hard now. When he grows up and he wants to be a star, will I still support him? I'm just in Help him plan a better path."

"I'm sorry, I personally think that your so-called planning for Yiyi is not a plan, but a kind of coercion, and it is very cruel to put him in a jar and let him grow according to your requirements. Although you are right He's good, but he didn't give him freedom." Ning Youguang said, "Think about it, if someone urges you, in the name of your own good, to prevent you from doing what you want every day, how would you feel? Sample?"

The daughter's words were too sharp, and Xia Youqing was a little afraid to look at her face.

After a long while, she asked feebly, "Then tell me, what should I do now?"

"What you need to do now is to do your best to relieve his stress and emotions, so that he can maintain his enthusiasm for life and the future." Ning Youguang said.

"How can I do this?" Xia Youqing felt it was too difficult, "I don't even know how to ease my own emotions."

"I'll come, I'll come." Xie Baosheng reassured his wife.

"Come here—" Xia Youqing complained, "What's the use of fishing for three days and drying nets for two days?"

Xie Baosheng said, "I'm not always on business trips, am I always busy?"

In fact, he also has deep guilt for the education of his younger son.

That's why I usually dote on him a lot.

When the child was small in the past, he always thought that it would not be too late to take care of it when he was free. He waited, waited, waited, and waited until his son reached puberty, and when the parent-child relationship problem at home was so serious that his son wanted to run away from home.

Hearing that his son was missing yesterday, he immediately regretted it!

Deep regret.

At that moment, he suddenly felt that he was busy talking about business and making money every day. In fact, it didn't seem to make much sense compared to children.

He thought that if something really happened to his son, he would definitely not be able to forgive himself, even if he would go bankrupt in exchange for his son.

Later, I heard from my wife that my son ran away from home to find his sister in the capital.

He almost shed tears of gratitude on the spot.


Fortunately, there is a daughter who can be trusted by the son.

Otherwise, he really doesn't know what to do.

Therefore, after seeing his son today, he was completely powerless to be angry. He felt that it was a great blessing for him to be able to stay in front of him.

Thinking about this, he gritted his teeth and made a decision.

"Wife, so, don't you always dislike me for being busy at work and not at home? But the company is so big, thousands of people are waiting to eat, and as a boss, I can't care about them..."

Xia Youqing looked at him, "Just say what you want to say."

"Look... Can I call Shengxing back to the headquarters to help me?" Xie Baosheng asked cautiously, "When he comes back, let him go on business trips in the future, and I can stay at home with you."

Xie Shengxing, the only son of Xie Baosheng and his ex-wife.

After studying abroad, he never came back.

Xia Youqing was stunned for a moment, and then said angrily, "Of course, there's nothing wrong with it. Xing Xing has the ability and is your son. As long as he wants, he can come to your company at any time."

Xie Baosheng breathed a sigh of relief and smiled naively, "I haven't asked him yet, but it's best if you can support me."

"What can I not support?" Xia Youqing complained, "We are all going to be stars, how will we manage the company in the future? What's more, do you think he is the one who manages the company? Besides, one more thing. If you want to inherit your mantle, you must have the ability to compete with his brother, otherwise, don't go to work on porcelain without that diamond."

What she didn't say was—

"Thank you for having a company, and my mother is not short of money."

"My son can live well without your property!"

Xie Baosheng's eyes turned red when he was moved by what Xia Youqing said.

He hugged her tightly, "Wife, thank you."

Ning Youguang raised the corner of his mouth lightly.

Destiny went round and round and turned here again.

is the same, but also different.

The same is that Xie Shengxing will return to China to inherit Uncle Xie's company.

The difference is that because of the support of their parents, they can find their goals in life and the direction of their future efforts early, and they will not become a troublesome second-generation ancestor and a demon king because of serious problems such as spoiling and lack of love.

got his wife, Xie Baosheng said earnestly, "Yes, can you teach me some methods of education?"

"Of course." Ning Youguang nodded, "But it's not easy to do, and it's not something that can be seen in a short time."

"I understand, I understand." Xie Baosheng said, "Don't worry, I will try my best to do it well."

Then, he rubbed his hands again, "It's just that I may have to trouble you for advice in the future."

"This is not a problem." Ning Youguang said, "The most important thing is that you can see the problem and be willing to correct it, and pay attention to all family education problems."1314

Hey, thank you for your support, I love you all

(end of this chapter)