Chapter 273 Sixth Update

When the second elder of the Liang family was there, the daughter of the Liang family was spoiled and loved by her parents, and it was good to live the life of a squeamish young lady every day.

When her parents died suddenly, and she entered the marriage in an instant, she had to face a series of changes in her identity and roles, as well as a series of relationship problems that followed.

At that time, she was obviously not in a good state, but she desperately wanted to get pregnant and have her own child.

After looking for several doctors for a long time and not getting pregnant, I found Dr. Ning Xiao, who was already well-known in the small circle at that time.

"How is your mother now?" Ning Youguang asked with a smile.

Liang Yule's face changed immediately, and he became preoccupied.

"Not good," she said, "I think she is very bad, very bad."

Ning You Guangxin snorted and asked gently, "You came to me, do you need to ask me any questions?"

Liang Yule nodded heavily, "Yes, teacher, can you?"

Ning Youguang asked, "Does your mother have any emotional or psychological problems that make you feel bad, do you need to come to me?"

Shimochizuki heard this and got up, "You guys talk, I still have to go upstairs to do some work beforehand."

Liang Yu was happy to see this, and quickly asked Ning Youguang, "Teacher, can I talk to you? Someone will come here."

Ning Youguang thought about it and asked, "Can I go to my room upstairs?"

Liang Yule nodded, "Yes, yes."

Mochizuki sat down on the sofa again.

Liang Yule said to him, "Sorry, Mochizuki brother, I'm going to borrow your girlfriend."

Mochizuki laughed, "You're welcome."

Ning Youguang smiled and took Liang Yule into his room upstairs.

But she didn't want to. As soon as the two entered the room, she said to her, "Teacher, I think my mother was puaed by my father."

Ning Youguang gently closed the door, "What do you say?"

Liang Yule said, "Because my mother hasn't gone out for a long time now, people have become very, very unconfident. At home, she often doubts herself and blames herself. Every day, she is as sensitive as if there are ghosts following her."

Ning Youguang pulled her to sit down on the chair in the room, "Anything else?"

Liang Yule said, "Yes, she is becoming more and more assertive now. She has to ask my dad about everything, and she can't make up her mind about simple things. The most terrifying thing is that every time my dad comes home from get off work, she will be at home. I reflected on whether I had done anything bad at home that day, and then after my dad entered the door, she started to apologize to my dad. She often felt that she could not do this well, or that she could not do well. I used to feel that I Mom seems to be ill, always nagging, annoying her character."

Ning Youguang asked, "What do you know now?"

Liang Yule said, "Yes, once I saw psychological knowledge about pua on the Internet, and I watched the movie "Gaslighting Effect", and I began to observe my mother, and finally found out that my mother was sick. But the most terrifying thing is not my mother, but my father, because my father often puas my mother!"

The girl's eyes showed fear and anger.

Ning Youguang said, "The phenomena you mentioned are indeed very similar to your mother being puaed."

Liang Yule said anxiously, "Right? Teacher, am I right in my analysis?"

Ning Youguang said, "Your analysis is probably right, but I haven't seen your mother, and I haven't talked to her in person. I can't tell you exactly whether she was really puaed by your father."

"Then what should I do?" Liang Yule was very distressed, "My mother is really too sensitive. She is so sensitive that she is afraid of seeing people outside. She doesn't go out. I have no way to bring her out to meet you."

Ning Youguang comforted her and said, "Don't panic."

After a long while, she asked again, "What would you do if your mother was really puaed by your father?"

Liang Yule said, "Of course I want to protect my mother!"

Ning Youguang then asked, "In this way, you may fall into your father's enemy, are you willing?"

Liang Yule thought for a moment and said, "In the movie "Gaslight Effect", the actor's purpose of manipulating the heroine is very obvious. He deliberately drives his wife crazy in order to take her property. I know this is a movie, but when I think about my dad The situation at home with my mother, and their respective family situations, can't help but feel scared."

Maybe because she thought of something, the fear on the girl's face deepened.

She said, "Teacher, you know that all the property of our family is left to my mother by my grandparents. My father is working now, and he also works in the company that my grandparents left to my mother. My grandparents' family is relatively poor. You know? When I think about it like this, I can't help but look at my dad evilly. If it's not for some bad purpose, why would he want to pua my mother and drive my mother crazy?"

"My mom is crazy, what good is he?!"

"Don't scare yourself first, you have to know that if your mother is really in the situation you said, now you are the only one in your family who can save your mother." Ning Youguang softly reassured the frightened by his own thoughts. "So, at this time, you must be strong, and you must not be intimidated by yourself."

Liang Yule gritted his teeth and said, "Teacher, you're right, I can't be intimidated by myself."

Not long after, she couldn't help but panic and said to Ning Youguang, "But I'm still so scared."

She said, "Teacher, you don't know, since I learned about the psychological phenomenon of pua, I can't help but be afraid every time I go home. I don't dare to look at my dad, but I don't dare to tell my mother this. I'm afraid she will tell my father everything, if my father is really a bad person, then my mother and I will die miserably?!"

"So, at this time, the more you need to stabilize yourself and not let yourself be intimidated." Ning Youguang said, "I'll tell you a secret weapon to make you less afraid, okay?"

"Hmmmm." Liang Yule nodded.

Ning Youguang said, "This secret weapon to help you not be afraid is called - 'Trust your thoughts, you will be crazy'."

Liang Yule couldn't understand at all, "Teacher, what does this mean? I don't understand."

Ning Youguang said, "That is, we must not believe any of our own thoughts, because our brains are all liars, and it will generate a lot of messy thoughts to deceive us, and will constantly scare us, making us afraid and fearful. "

Liang Yule asked again, "A lot of messy thoughts are born to deceive us?!"

Ning Youguang asked, "Let me give you an example. For example, you think your mother was puaed by your father. Up to now, it's just your guesses. These guesses are all thoughts that popped up in your brain. Right?" 1314

Explosive update 20,000

(end of this chapter)