Chapter 282 Two more

I don't know when, Zhuang Yijing likes to take Teacher Ning to brainstorm together in the morning to discuss some issues.

These issues involve many aspects, such as current affairs, such as psychology, such as management, such as emotions...

this day.

Ning Youguang has no classes for one or two classes in the morning, so he has plenty of time in the morning, just enough to accompany Mr. Zhuang, who is eager to learn, to chat together.

"The secret rule of organizational success?" Ning Youguang picked up a piece of red heart kiwi and ate it slowly.

"Yes." The workaholic Zhuang Zhuang was driving his car on the way to the company.

"My perspective may be different from that of ordinary entrepreneurs and management masters." Ning Youguang asked, "Are you sure you want to hear my thoughts?"

"I just want to hear something different." Mr. Zhuang was very firm.

"I think about it." Ning Youguang said, "Have you had breakfast yet?"

"I asked the assistant to help me buy it." President Zhuang urged, "Speak quickly."

"I think the degree of success of an organization depends on the overall energy level of the organization." Ning Youguang said.

"How to say?" Zhuang is always a good and serious classmate.

"Let me tell you the greatest secret that is beneficial to human self-improvement." Ning Youguang put down his fork and took a sip of his coffee, "Everything that exists in our universe has a certain level of energy, including books. , food, water, clothes, people, animals, buildings, cars, movies, sports, music, etc., all have a definite energy level, ranging from 1, 2, 3... 10, 100, 1000... Of course There are also things with negative energy levels, positive energy things that give us strength, and negative energy things that weaken our strength.”

"Of course, whether something is positive or negative depends on the interpretation of a person's 'heart'. For example, some people watch disaster films for entertainment, but their energy is not improved. It is impossible to improve, but a person realizes how important our life is from this film, and decides to live a better life and explore the meaning of life at a higher level, which can improve.”

She said, "There are very few books, music, movies, works of art, articles, buildings, things, people...with energy above 500 in this world."

"Therefore, we must learn to observe in our lives, the people, things, and things we are close to, which raise our spiritual level and which lower it."

"A person who wants to improve himself must take the initiative to bring himself closer to the resources that can help us make the next leap, and let those positive energy resources bring our own frequency higher, so as to achieve the purpose of improving ourselves. "

"What do you mean - I have to learn to distinguish the energy levels of those members in my organization, and then eliminate those characters or programs that lower the energy level of the team, and at the same time, through some methods and channels, the energy level of the entire organization team can be improved. Level up?" Zhuang Yijing asked after thinking.

"Yes." Ning Youguang smiled, "Go and observe your team and see if they can elicit your deeper insight, which may help you and your team complete the next leap."

"I think about it." Zhuang Yijing parked the car steadily in the underground parking lot of "Kaesong Group", "Hang up, I'm at the company."


Ning Youguang closed the WeChat video and switched to the Weibo app.

[An ordinary person: You must learn to educate yourself in order to become your own mentor and friend. You can be single in life, but not single in spirit. ]

Weibo users in the morning are always particularly active.

Ning Youguang's Weibo post was released, and immediately got the interaction and participation of many netizens.

She smiled and watched them laughing and cursing under her Weibo.

Then, I saw a very interesting question in the comments.

A Weibo ID named "the son who was dragged to wash the dishes by the mother" asked her:

[Teacher, teacher, may I ask, I have the exact same windbreaker and the same color. Just because it is easy to wear, I couldn’t help buying ten pieces at once. Do I need to see a psychiatrist for this behavior? Wait online, I’m in a hurry! ]

quite funny!

Ning Youguang smiled and turned over this cute little card——

[An ordinary person: A person has become a warm and tolerant person in terms of material choices. Has his personality changed? Did you grow up? Are you sensible? No, there is a mine at home... You don't need to see a psychiatrist, you just need to take care of your wallet, good luck! @The son who was dragged by the mother to wash the dishes//]

"Starlight Investment Fund" company.

The morning meeting has just ended.

Yun Zewu came out of the conference room with Shi Mochizuki.

He complained as he walked, "It's so hard for me to earn this money."

"Did you know? In order to win this project, I spent last night with their company's manager Guan until four in the morning!" Yun Zewu said with a sad face, "It's one of my girlfriends, the cutest jojo. , I can't make me love so deeply!"

"Is it because I love her very much by chatting with people until four in the morning?" Shi Mochizuki stopped and turned to ask.

"Of course!" Yun Zewu nodded earnestly, "It's definitely true love to chat until four in the morning!"

"Oh." Shi Mochizuki turned around and continued to walk towards his office.

But there was a little more smile in his eyes.

Yun Zewu was behind him, and he didn't see his uncontrollable smile, so he didn't get the real intention of his question.

is still eloquently describing the huge sacrifice he has made for the development of the company——

"I sold my dignity and my IQ for this money, I am in urgent need of spiritual comfort."

"Good job." Shi Mochizuki pushed open the glass door of the office and said without looking back.

The door that closed quickly almost hit Yun Zewu's nose.

He quickly stepped back and pushed the door angrily.

"This is not what I want!"

Shi Mochizuki ignored him, but sat down gracefully on the office chair, picked up the phone, and opened Weibo.

Then, he looked at the latest content displayed on his phone screen and smiled.

"I do my best for the company, why can you be so indifferent to Weibo?!" Yun Zewu, who followed up, saw Shi Mochizuki's mobile phone interface, and was even more upset.

"Because it's fun." Shi Mochizuki gave two likes.

Then, he went back to his Weibo homepage and quickly edited a Weibo and sent it out.

[A man who likes the ordinary: Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche said: There are three realms of the human spirit: the camel, the lion and the baby. ——At this moment, I live in the third realm. ]

After    finished posting on Weibo, he stopped following the information on Weibo and quickly stuffed his phone into the drawer of his desk.

"You play this too?" Yun Zewu said in surprise, "Let's pay attention to each other?"

"No." Mochizuki decisively refused.

"Why?" Yun Zewu was speechless, "Does it embarrass you to follow me?"

He said indignantly, "Why did you reject me without reading my Weibo?"

"I have 99,931 followers on Weibo!" He said quite proudly, "It will reach 100,000 in the next month!"

"Do you know how much attention I can bring to you as long as I interact with you?"

"As far as your two-digit number is concerned, I'm just succumbing to Qu, do you understand?!"

"That's it." Shi Mochizuki glanced at him sideways, his words were very indifferent, "I don't need to pay attention, I just need to pay attention to what I want to pay attention to."

"..." Yun Zewu.

In March, all things recover.

On this day, the sun is shining all over the road.

Liang Yule finally persuaded and boldly brought her mother to Beijing to find Ning Youguang while her father was on a business trip abroad.

Seeing Miss Liang's family after more than ten years, Ning Youguang could hardly believe that she was the fat and white Liang Yiyi who looked so blessed that people couldn't help but feel good about her when they saw her.

"Are you tired from this trip?" Ning Youguang greeted him gently, and handed Liang Yiyi a cup of warm water.

"Not tired." She was sitting on the hotel sofa, curled up in a pink cashmere sweater, with tiredness and erratic eyes, but she couldn't help staring at her, "You are so beautiful growing up. "

She praised Ning Youguang softly, "The figure is also good."

"You're also very beautiful, you've lost a lot of weight than before." Ning Youguang smiled, "I just saw you, I think you've changed a lot."

"I used to be very fat." Liang Yiyi lowered her head, "Although I am thin now, I still think I am a bit fat, not as good as you said."

Ning Youguang looked at Liang Yule who was sitting next to her.

The girl had a complicated expression on her face, and Ning Youguang's clear eyes were full of comfort.

"How come?" Ning Youguang said, "If you go out now, you will definitely turn heads."

Liang Yiyi smiled shyly when she was praised, but she didn't have much faith in her eyes.

After a while, she took the initiative to ask, "Why did Dr. Ning Xiao not continue to be a Chinese medicine practitioner, but a psychiatrist?"

Ning Youguang replied with a smile, "Because I like it."

At the same time, she was recalling the difference between her and the present in her memory, trying to touch the point where today's treatment can be cut in.

Her last impression of Liang Yiyi was that of a naive and lovely bride who couldn't get pregnant because of her fat body but was eager to seek a child and was well protected.

The Liang family lived in the same community as the Xia family, and Liang Yiyi and the Xia family were very familiar with each other.

Not only that, she is still her mother Xia Youqing's childhood.

According to her seniority, Ning Youguang needs to call her "Auntie".

According to her childhood impressions, she remembered that Aunt Liang was fat, but not ugly. She was lucky to be fat and plump. The second elder of the Liang family was very successful in business.

Under such doting, it is rare that Liang Yiyi has a good character.

She is good at talking a lot of the time, but the only point of stubbornness is that she is a face control, looking for a boyfriend to be handsome, and looking for a husband to be good-looking.

Her current husband, when he was young, was a first-class handsome guy, otherwise Liang Yiyi would not like him.

And, just the video that Liang Yule sent her recently——

Her husband looks quite attractive now. 1314

(end of this chapter)