Chapter 289: congratulations on your return to singleness

Chapter 289 Congratulations on your restoration of singleness

When Liang Yiyi took notes seriously.

Liang Yule also secretly used recording software to record everything Ning Youguang said.

Ning Youguang smiled at her and continued to tell Liang Yiyi, "Through these few points, you can free yourself from manipulation and restore your consciousness."

Liang Yiyi nodded seriously, "I will do exactly what you said."

Ning said lightly and warmly, "Change never happens overnight. I suggest you start with a small, executable step."

On this day, after returning from the hotel.

Ning Youguang posted two Weibo consecutively——

[An ordinary person: When the ice shell of the soul is broken by the fragrance of flowers in the sunlight, I know that spring has really come. ]

[An ordinary person: unconditionally accepting himself, accepting his own existence and uniqueness, reducing or stopping self-evaluation. -Albert Ellis, good luck! //@ Strawberry meets peach: Teacher, how can I relieve anxiety? ”]

Spring sunshine and flowers are so heartwarming.

Ning Youguang took out his mobile phone and called Shi Mochiyue when he was cycling past the petals of magnolia all over the ground.

"what are you doing?"

"I just finished some things and I'm going to rest." Shi Mochizuki got up from the office chair and walked to the window.

The sunlight outside the window just melted into his deep eyes.

"Can Shizong fish this afternoon?"

"What advice does Teacher Ning have?"

"Let's go pick the spring."

"Okay, I'll go back now."

"You don't have to worry about it. If there is any unfinished work that can be done first, it's not important to me."

"Your business, which one is not in a hurry?"

Ning Youguang was suddenly at a loss for words.

The suburbs of Beijing, at dusk.

Ning Youguang sat on the humble stool, took out a few napkins and wiped some oily tables next to them, but after a long time it couldn't be wiped clean, so he got up and said, "Let's change one."

She and Shi Mochizuki just changed the table.

A dark-faced elder brother held two bowls of steaming noodles and hot soup in front of her, his accent smelled of big ballast.

He laughed and teased Ning Youguang, "No wonder I always came alone before, it turns out that the standard for finding a partner is high."

After he finished speaking, he winked at Ning Youguang, "My wife's stewed lotus root pork ribs soup is delicious, you can try it."

Ning Youguang gave a thumbs up, "Thank you, I like the lotus root pork ribs soup stewed by Sister Hua the most."

This noodle shop looks simple, but the location is really good.

Walking a few steps outside is a wooden staircase surrounded by railings, and going down is a green, open field.

It is rare to go out for a walk, and the noodle restaurant is in the fields again.

The two chose to sit in the small thatched hut at the entrance of the noodle shop for dinner, and they could hear the cheerful birdsong and the sound of the stream passing through the mountains behind them. green.

"This is my favorite place in this city. Whenever I want to be alone, I will come here." Ning Youguang gently pushed a bowl of noodles towards Shi Mochizuki.

"Sister Hua's noodles are amazing, try it."

Shi Mochizuki handed her the cleaned chopsticks.

Then, following her example, he mixed noodles and waited until the noodles and sauce in the noodle bowl were all mixed, then rolled up a chopstick and started eating.

As soon as he entered the soup and noodles, he realized that she was right, the noodles here are really delicious.

The soup is an old fire soup boiled with seafood, bones and lotus root. It is very delicious.

The    noodles are hand-rolled noodles. They are stirred with homemade scallion oil, and they are full of strength. There is also a layer of fresh shrimp paste made by the owner himself. It is the essence of this bowl of noodles.

Soon, the boss served another plate of Cuishengsheng's lettuce cores.

When he put the dishes on the table, Shi Mochizuki found that the lettuce was the tenderest part of the lettuce core, and the core was drizzled with a special sauce.

"This lettuce is grown by the boss himself, and it is very sweet."

Ning Youguang couldn't wait to pick one up and stuff it into his mouth.

After eating the first lettuce core, she then asked Shi Mochizuki with a pair of clear smiling eyes, "Is the noodles delicious?"

"good to eat."

Mochizuki also smiled.

A pair of beautiful eyes, like a river of galaxies, dyed with the spring breeze, soft into a radiance.

How can it not taste good?

For him, even if it is not delicious, it cannot be bad.

What's more, she has a good face today, the surrounding scenery is good, and she is in a good mood.

For him, there is nothing bad about it.

She invited him out to enjoy the spring, shared the best noodles with him, and shared the secret base with him.

So gentle and affectionate.

filled his heart with the whole spring.

In the cafe outside the UCAS.

The youth in cotton clothes handed Ning Youguang a carefully carved wooden box.

"Mr. Ning, I have resigned and set up my own studio." The young man had a warm smile on his face, "These are two candlesticks I made by myself, I hope you like it."

Ning Youguang took it with both hands, opened the wooden box in surprise, and found that there were two candlesticks with simple shapes and a quiet and beautiful temperament lying inside.

"Too beautiful."

She couldn't help but took out a candlestick from the box and put it in her palm, stroking it gently.

The candle holder made of logs is warm to the touch, the surface is finely polished and smooth, and the touch is delicate.

In addition, the shape of the candle holder is also very beautiful.

She likes it so much.

"I like it so much, you did a great job."

The youth was a little embarrassed by her praise.

He blushed and lowered his head, "Mr. Ning just likes it, the last time I chatted with you, I was so confused that I didn't remember it. Actually, I have a hobby. I like wood carving very much. I have liked it since I was a child. I like wood in my hand. The feeling of warmth and warmth, and I also like that the simple pieces of wood are constantly being created in my hands in various shapes."

"I used to think that interest is interest, and work is work, and the two cannot be confused." He raised his head and said, "But since the last time I had a deep chat with you, I didn't think about work anymore when I got home. I don’t care about what my friends do every day. This month, I think about playing with wood every day. I bought a lot of wood-making tools online, and I made a lot of small things while playing. The cupboards are almost full."

He smiled and said, "When my mother cleaned me a few times, she couldn't help but whisper to me, 'You made the wood so beautiful, you don't sell it for money, you don't give it away, you want to fill our house up ?'."

——"I just realized that these handicrafts of mine can be sold or given away."

"Mom didn't criticize you for not working, so you play with wood?" Ning Youguang asked with a smile.

"No." The young man also smiled, "After talking to you, I went home and had in-depth communication with my parents a few times, and they didn't rush me out to work after that."

"Mom and Dad are still very reasonable." Ning Youguang gently put the candlestick in his hand into the wooden box.

"Yes." A warm satisfaction appeared on the young man's face, "It was also after in-depth communication with them that I discovered that my parents had a lot of worries about me, and a large part of the reason was that I didn't tell them a lot of things. clearly."

"It's like this." Ning Youguang said, "Mom and Dad love you so much, they understand you, and naturally they are willing to support you."

"Yes." The young man bowed his head in shame, "Before, I didn't communicate with my parents correctly, so we didn't understand each other and caused so much unpleasantness."

"It's fine now." Ning Youguang said with a chuckle, "Just share with me, how did you come up with the idea of ​​setting up a handcraft studio?"

"After I listened to my mother's words, I started to give the wooden handicrafts I made to my friends." The young man's face was full of joyful smiles, "I didn't expect that they all liked it after receiving it, and also Some friends said that their friends wanted to buy it after seeing it, so one after another, friends suggested me to open a store and sell these handicrafts."

"You just obeyed?" Ning Youguang asked with a smile.

"Yes." The youth said, "Didn't I work in the Internet industry before?"

"I remember you told me about your work experience."

"After listening to my friends' suggestions, I began to think about how to sell these handmade works." The youth said, "Opening an online store and a micro-store will not have a lot of operating costs in the early stage, and it will be slower to open up sales. The expenses will also be high, so I decided to start shooting videos of hand-made works and put them on new media platforms to test the water. I am very lucky. My video content is liked by many people, and gradually there are more and more People are buying my handmade products."

"Congratulations, congratulations." Ning Youguang was very happy for the young man.

"Thank you." The smile on the young man's face never faded, "After my handmade products were sold, gradually, I received more and more feedback, and many netizens and customers told me, whether it is From watching me making handcrafts in the video, or receiving my handcrafts, they can feel warm and happy."

"I'm also very happy." The young man's eyes were moved and filled with joy, "Not only because my handicrafts can be liked by others, but also because my handicrafts can bring warmth and happiness to others."

"Works made with love can naturally bring beauty and warmth to people." Ning Youguang said.

The youth smiled and nodded.

After a long while, he sighed softly again, "Mr. Ning, I finally know why I didn't last long in my work before, and I always felt unhappy."

"It's because you can't enjoy work." Ning Youguang said, "There's no way to have fun from work."

"Yes." The expression on the young man's face was a little excited, "I can now do what I like every day, and the works that I make can bring joy and happiness to people. I feel very satisfied, very happy, and I don't feel that tired."

He said, "Actually, I work a lot longer every day than when I used to go to work before, but I am full of energy every day, and I will be tired even if I am tired, but I am just physically tired. I am tired. Sleep well, and the next day When I opened my eyes and woke up in the morning, I found that I was full of strength again, unlike before, I was exhausted when I didn’t do anything, and my heart could be tortured by tiredness.”

Ning Youguang chuckled, "Enjoying work and completing tasks are different, so your work efficiency and mood are naturally different."

"Yes." The youth was full of surprises, "Since I have devoted myself to wooden handicrafts, I have found that work can not only bring me satisfaction, but also give me a steady stream of strength. Now I feel that time is not enough every day. I am looking forward to a new day, and I hope that my handicraft can be liked by more people and bring happiness to more people, and at the same time, I also look forward to creating more good works by myself.”

Ning nodded lightly and asked with a smile, "How is the business volume of the studio?"

"Survival is no longer a problem." The young man said modestly, "Mr. Ning, I don't know if it's because I have found a career I really love, but now I don't have as many desires as before, and I don't want to buy things if I have money. Every day is simple. Alone, I feel very rich and happy.”

"Spiritual lack will cause people to become greedy in material desires." Ning Youguang said, "On the contrary, when a person is spiritually and spiritually rich, the demand for material desires will also decrease accordingly."

"Thank you Teacher Ning for his guidance. It feels great to be able to focus on doing what you like!" The young man got up from his chair gratefully and bowed to Ning Youguang.

The spring breeze has a letter, the flowers are in bloom, and all the good things are already on the way.

Holding a gift from a student friend, Ning Youguang was walking back to the dormitory, looking at the blooming spring flowers on the campus.


She thinks this kind of life is good.

- The day is hot, hot and bright.

Spring 2026.

The good news that Ning Youguang received is far more than the fact that young people have a career they love.

and Xiaoqi's mother.

On a bright spring morning, she called her.

told her in a relieved and relaxed tone: "I divorced his father."

"Should I say congratulations to you?" Ning Youguang asked with a gentle smile.

"Of course." Xiaoqi's mother on the other end of the phone could feel her vigorous energy just by listening to her voice, which was completely different from what she had seen before.

"Congratulations on your return to being single." Ning Youguang smiled.

"Thank you." Xiaoqi's mother said, "Mr. Ning, I also want to understand now that money is something outside my body, far from my freedom, and the health of my children is more important. Anyway, what I have now is enough for myself and Xiaoqi to live. I don't want to force myself any more."

As she talked, she couldn't help choking, "Mr. Ning, really, I'm not afraid of your jokes, I used to tell myself that since men are unreliable, it's good to have money, anyway, life is like this, but sometimes I wake up at night and watch When I see Xiaoqi's father's face, I can't help but want to vomit, especially when I think of the pictures of him messing with other women, I really vomit."

After being silent for a while, she regained her energy.

"It's alright now, this disgusting thing has finally gone away." She said, "I thought I would be very scared after the divorce, but when I walked out of the administration building, I found that it wasn't."

"I'm free, I can go to hell!" 1314

The previous chapter has been modified, the little cutie who has seen it can refresh and re-read the end

Thank you angels for your support, love you, thank you

(end of this chapter)