Chapter 300 Addicted

In the    family pomp, Ning Youguang was engrossed in guiding the crowd.

She said, "Xiao Wei, tell Jiang Han."

- "Yes, that's it."

Xiao Wei raised his head and looked at Ning Youguang, it was hard to say these words.

Ning Youguang reminded him several times, and then he said this to Jiang Han.

"Yes..." He took a breath, his lips trembling slightly, "That's it."

Ning Youguang continued to guide Xiao Wei, "Xiao Wei, you continue to tell him."

"Yes, that's it, I accept it all and see everything that happens as a test and a challenge in life."

Xiao Wei repeated this sentence.

Jiang Han, who was originally lying on the ground, started to move when Xiao Wei said the first sentence. Instead of curling up, he lay straight on the floor.

When Xiao Wei said the second sentence, he reached out to touch Xiao Wei.

Ning Youguang continued to guide Xiao Wei to say to Jiang Han, "I went through this with you, you are my family - everything is like that."

After the home row is over.

Ning Youguang first wrote down something in the notebook, looked at Xiao Wei, "We need to have one-on-one communication next."

Yu Xian stood up from the ground and greeted Jiang Han, "Let's go have tea."

"Are you addicted to something?" The other two left, and Ning Youguang didn't go around with Xiao Wei anymore.

Xiao Weishao opened his eyes wide, dumbfounded on the spot.

"Yes, I see it." Ning Youguang's eyes fell on Xiao Wei's face with clear eyes.

Xiao Wei was silent for a long time, then lowered his head, "Mr. Ning, please keep it a secret."

"Of course, this is the most basic professional ethics." Ning Youguang said, "You can totally trust me."

Then she calmly and objectively said, "Addiction is a normal thing, you should not have too much psychological burden."

"For me, you are sick, I can cure you, it's that simple."

Now that she has seen it all, Xiao Wei feels that if he hides it again, he is just hiding his ears and stealing the bell, making him even more cowardly and ridiculous.

Next, he spoke out his own problems heavily.

It turns out that with the rapid rise of his career in recent years, Xiao Wei has gained unprecedented attention, which also leads to him having endless jobs, endless stages, and endless plays.

He was very busy every day, and he was under a lot of pressure. In addition, as he became more and more famous, more and more girls rushed on him, and gradually he became a little out of control.

"I used to desperately want to be popular, but when I was popular, I found that it was annoying. Many people liked me, and many people cursed and hated me." Xiao Wei said, "Mr. Ning, I have to admit that I am not that strong. , I can't turn a blind eye to these, I still care a lot about what others think of me."

This also led to these remarks from the outside world, as well as the intrigue at work, which troubled him a lot.

"Since I entered the industry, I have been intensely anxious for a period of time every month. When I am anxious, I will watch movies to escape, or find girls to play with, because it will make me relax."

However, all the happiness is pinned on the film and the girl, although it gave Xiao Wei a brief relief.

But, over time, he found himself finished.

Doing these things was like taking drugs to him.

The effect of the medicine is gone, and the happiness will disappear.

"In recent years, I need to keep watching movies and keep looking for new things in order to be stimulated and happy. Every time after watching a few minutes, I want to watch another one and see the girls around me. Just thinking about that, I'm addicted to dopamine stimulation." He said, "At first I thought it was normal for many people in our circle to play this way, but later I found out that it was not, I was more addicted to these than others. high."

"Ordinary and normal x life can no longer make you feel stimulated?" Ning Youguang asked at the right time.

"Yes." Xiao Wei hugged his head in pain.

He was either afraid to go to a psychiatrist casually before.

couldn't help but went to the doctor and didn't dare to say what he was addicted to, so the doctor's advice had no effect on him.

The more anxious he is, the more addicted he becomes to these things, and the more anxious he becomes after the pleasure wears off, in such a vicious circle, like a combination of OCD and drug addiction.

"In the past two years, my life has been greatly affected, and I've been driven crazy." Xiao Wei was restless, "It's hard for me to focus and focus on real life."

He said, "When I indulge in these things every day, my consciousness is also blurred. I often can't think of anything except the 'happy' time, and my thoughts become negative."

He couldn't help comparing the women around him to those on the screen.

Just like that, he was embarrassed and confused in the x-experience of reality and fantasy.

tortured himself and others.

"Teacher Ning, please help me quit these."

It's not that he didn't try hard himself.

has also secretly made a plan to challenge himself, using more work, fitness and training to dilute the addiction to these, but still unable to return to a normal life.

"I'm very anxious and depressed now. I can't think of them as sexy, or even disgusting. Of course, I feel disgusted myself." Xiao Wei said painfully, "Mr. Ning, I hope I can control myself. desire to be a normal person.”

"Please help me and tell me what to do." Xiao Wei fell back, spread out on the ground, and stared at the ceiling with dazed eyes, like a rag doll that was played with by fate.

Ning Youguang can actually understand his current despair.

If a person can’t even control his desires freely, and wants to succumb to those external stimuli, what’s the point of living in this life?

That's why he was so quick to pay for it.

Generally speaking, it is like Xiaowei.

Addicted to this level, his whole life is basically on this matter.

If no one forces him or objective conditions prevent him from continuing.

As long as you have the conditions, or the money, or the time, you can’t quit these addictions.

Addiction is a terrible thing, a disease.

Addicts feel great joy when they do this.

Basically what motivates him to keep doing things is to be "cool".

And about cool—

The shallow level experience includes: jokes, food, teasing, praise, watching the fun, and even panic (many girls like to watch horror movies for this reason).

The middle-level experience is: smoking, games, plastic surgery.

Deep experience: **** gambling.

Comparing these three, pornography, gambling and drugs.

The dopamine content of   x is 100%, then the dopamine content of cocaine is 350%, and the dopamine content of methamphetamine is 1200%. 1314

Dangerous addiction!

(end of this chapter)