Chapter 311: I compliment my kids, what happened?

Chapter 311 I praised my children. What happened?

Money itself is actually very pure and very clean.

It’s just because of our beliefs and minds that it has various meanings and meanings.

For example, our energy for money is greedy and demanding, and we may have a lot of money in a short period of time.

But because our attachment to money is very powerful, soon we will be overwhelmed by uncontrollable desires and attachments, and we will not be able to keep money.

If our attitude towards money is contemptuous and arrogant.

While we need money, we dislike it at the same time. We feel that money is not clean, and we feel very uncomfortable with money.

Then, it will stand at a great distance from us.

If we keep our prejudice and stubbornness, we will not be able to enjoy the happiness we deserve all our lives.

If our attitude towards money is scarcity, money will fulfill our scarcity and make it difficult for us to earn every penny.

If our attitude towards money is neutral and open, we know that money is only a medium for us to exchange for the life we ​​want and the material we want, think it is fluid, and we are willing to let it in and let it out.

Then it will definitely serve us devoutly, and we can earn money easily without so much pressure.

Therefore, when we understand the original and most original appearance of all things, know how things are originally as they should be, and use the most appropriate way to get along with everything and ourselves, we will be very comfortable and happy.

All the pains, diseases, tribulations, and injuries in life come to us for no reason.

They are just messengers of life, through which all things send the love of the universe to us, so that we can see problems, deal with them, and finally be happy and fulfilled.

Life itself is comprehending the 'Dao' every minute and every second.

If we have a heart that desires to become better, happier and healthier, we are willing to be responsible for ourselves, willing to face and change, everything will get better and better..."

The people who spoke on the stage were beautiful like fairies, and their voices were like the wind and broken jade.

Every word she said was thought provoking.

All the students in the audience, including school leaders and outstanding alumni, couldn't help being guided by her, and followed her words to think about the meaning of our life.

"Peace of mind and natural coolness" is a common phrase.

However, when listening to Teacher Ning's speech, everyone had a new understanding of this sentence.

The ten-minute speech came to an end quickly.

Ning Youguang finished thanking him and walked off the stage with a light smile.

received thunderous applause along the way.

Many people in the audience had happy and thoughtful expressions on their faces.

Her warm eyes swept across the faces of everyone in the audience, and prayed sincerely in her heart: "Dear friends, may you be happy and carefree in this life and have a long life; may you be loyal to yourself, live earnestly, and laugh freely. "

When the two returned to the Xia family from No. 3 Middle School.

Xia Di just finished her work and walked downstairs.

"Have you donated money to the school today?" he asked.

"Many of the equipment in the school are a bit old." Shi Mochizuki replied.

Xia Di raised her eyebrows, "So how much is it?"

"Donated 10 million." Ning Youguang pulled Mochizuki and sat down on the chair.

"It's enough to replace all the equipment." Xia Di laughed and teased, "The school is doing these activities, and I'm still thinking about getting the contact information of you gods of wealth. I invite you to come here, just to let you plant a lot of blessings."

"Then I have to thank our principal for giving me this opportunity." Shi Mochizuki smiled and then explained, "Not all of this money is used to replace the school's equipment, the principal still has some suggestions, and plans to The school has added a family education counseling course training plan, and a part of the funds will be used to invite family education experts or psychologists to come to the school during their spare time to give relevant training courses to the parents of the school for free."

"You're enlightened enough." Xia Di gave Boss Shi a big compliment, but his eyes fell on Ning Youguang.

In fact, what he wants to say is: "It's really good to have the ability to have a sister and a husband."

How could Mochizuki not understand his implication?

He curled his lips and smiled, "Today, the principal was chatting with us in private, saying that there have been more and more students suffering from mental illness in the school in recent years, and some are very worried about them. I think it is very important to do something for the family education industry within one's capacity. necessary."

Ning Youguang praised her boyfriend in time, "It's always great."

Xia Di was speechless, "How can you praise him like a child."

Ning Youguang retorted, "What's wrong with me praising my children?"

Shi Mochizuki lowered his head, his deep eyes filled with a small smile like starlight.

The three did not sit for long.

Liang Yiyi came to the door with flowers.

"Aunt Liang, sit down, let's go upstairs to talk about something." Xia Dai took Shi Mochiyue away.

"Thank you Dai Dai." As the communication with Ning Youguang deepened, Liang Yiyi, Xie Haitang, and Ruan Qiulan also had more contact.

After she opened her social circle, the first thing she did was increase her contacts with the Xia family.

"I knew you were free until I came, didn't you bother?" Liang Yiyi gave the flowers to Ning Youguang.

"The flowers are so beautiful." Ning Youguang happily took it, "Don't bother."

"As long as you like it." Liang Yiyi smiled, "I picked it up in our garden."

She was wearing a bright floral dress, her face grew fleshy, and her complexion was much better than before.

The whole person is bright and different from the past.

Ning Youguang knew that she was in high spirits as soon as she saw her, "I didn't know that before, Aunt Liang is still a master of flower arrangement."

"When I was a child, my mother forced me to learn flower arrangement, but I didn't like it at that time." Liang Yiyi said with a smile, "I didn't expect to like it now. Now I go to the garden every morning to sit with them for a while. It's you. As I told you, when you see plants happy, you get energy from them."

"Yes." Ning Youguang was happy.

The workers at home came to serve Liang Yiyi tea and snacks.

Ning Youguang smiled and said, "Aunt Zhang, please put this bunch of flowers in a vase and put them in my room."

"Okay." Aunt Zhang happily hugged the flower and left.

Liang Yiyi was even happier when she saw that Ning Youguang liked it.

The two had tea.

Liang Yiyi smiled and sighed, "I don't know why, when I stay by your side, I will feel a lot more peaceful and people will not be so impatient."

Ning Youguang smiled and said, "That's because you feel at ease."

"Yeah." Liang Yiyi said, "I used to think too much in a mess before I drove myself crazy."

"We are drinking tea now." Ning Youguang reminded with a chuckle.

"I'm ruminating again." Liang Yiyi reflected on herself, "I still need to make progress."

"It's okay." Ning Youguang said, "Everyone has a process. As long as you keep raising awareness and training yourself, the new model will become more and more stable."

"I also found this to be the case." Liang Yiyi was very happy when she talked about her transformation, "I have now learned to stop participating in those arguments that can never be won and bring a fatal blow to me, and I don't care about anyone's chatter. , picky, demeaning voice, after a period of time, I obviously feel that I have become stronger, I really like this feeling."

"Congratulations." Seeing the patients getting better and better is the happiest thing for Ning Youguang.

"I finally experience now that you told me before that it was because I actively cooperated with Lele's father that he was manipulated by him."

"Great." Ning Youguang said, "Continue to maintain this state and stabilize yourself, and you will become more and more clear about the motives behind other people's actions and words. When you see more and more clearly, you will You can look deeper into any problem, and at that time, you will be able to look at everything happening around you from a very high dimension, and all sneaky tricks can’t escape your eyes.”

"Yes yes yes." Liang Yiyi was very excited when she thought of that day, "After I saw through Lele's father's hypocritical tricks, I found that I would never idealize him like I used to, and I would no longer desire his favor. Approved."

Ning Youguang listened quietly.

Until Liang Yiyi explained the main purpose of coming to her this time, "Mr. Ning, I want to get a divorce, do you think it's okay?"

Ning Youguang looked at Liang Yiyi warmly and asked, "You have made a decision, haven't you?"

"Yes, I've made my decision." After taking a long breath, Liang Yiyi said calmly, "Some time ago, I found out that he and the nanny got together."

"I see that you are in good spirits now." Ning Youguang replied.

"Yes." Liang Yiyi smiled peacefully, "I'm in good spirits now."

"If you don't come back now, I'll send you a message these days to tell you about my decision." She said, "I didn't expect that when I saw him and the nanny get together, my heart would be so unexpected. There will be no waves, it will be so calm, so calm that I am shocked."

Liang Yiyi's face showed deep inconceivable.

- for her own state.

This aroused Ning Youguang's interest, "Oh?"

Liang Yiyi felt a little excited when she thought of the scene of that day.

"You know? That day I caught them on the bed in the hotel. I thought I would be very uncomfortable, but I found out that it wasn't, I was very calm, and they were 'Are you over?', you I don't know, the eyes they looked at me at the time..." She laughed, "I directly asked the security guard to go in and put their clothes in the trash can. Lele's father was shocked and wanted to apologize to me, but I told him to shut up. Mouth, he shut up, and then he told me to go to the hotel first, do you know how I answered him?"

"How did you answer?"

"I said, 'What hotel to stay in? Just rent a room.'"

"Amazing." Ning Youguang looked at Liang Yiyi with admiration, "And then?"

"Then our nanny wanted to leave, and I told her 'what to do, go home and cook!'" Liang Yiyi vividly repeated the tone of her words that day.

Ning Youguang was stunned!

"My God, how did you do it?!"

"I don't know either." Liang Yiyi was also surprised by her performance that day, "But I did it."

"Never mind." She said with a smile, "I'm the best at what I do!"

"Yes, yes." Ning Youguang could not wait to give her a hundred likes, "Amazing!"

The students are so good, the teachers can’t even react.

The two laughed for a while.

Liang Yiyi added, "I've been thinking about why I can be so calm in the face of this matter for the past few days. I think I should have discovered that Lele's father has never given me love, appreciation and company, not only that. , he also gave me a lot of fear and negative energy, I can't wait to get away from him, he means nothing to me now."

Liang Yiyi counted with her fingers, "I have the money myself, I can support Lele by myself, there is no need for me to continue this distorted marriage relationship that will only make me change."

"Thinking about it this way, I think his cheating is also a good thing for me, and I can choose to end this marriage more firmly."

"Is it always such a good state of mind?" Ning Youguang asked with a smile.

"No." Liang Yiyi smiled, "When I came out of the hotel that day, I found that I could not help but feel a lot of discomfort. To tell you the truth, I vomited outside the hotel, and I was thinking about it at the time. Do I want to call you and ask you to help me clean up and heal, but I thought you said that if I encounter something unpleasant and I can't digest it for the time being, I can do something else to divert my attention, so I turned around When I went to the mall to go shopping, isn't there a saying like this?"

Liang Yiyi Le Road——

"If a man can't make you happy, spending money can make you happy."

In order to let herself get out of her lovelorn as soon as possible, Liang Yiyi went to the largest luxury plaza in Jincheng, intending to make herself happy with shopping.

"Miss, your figure is so good, this dress is so beautiful on you."

"Your skin is good, this color suits you well."

"This bag looks really good when you carry it in your hand."

"This dress really suits a beautiful woman like you."

"These shoes are very suitable for you. They are new ones that just arrived."

After she went to the mall and was surrounded by sweet-mouthed sales ladies and praised——




Chanel, Dior, Hermès, gucci, and countless compliments!

Liang Yiyi found that learning to divert her attention can really make herself happy.

She soon became happy.

"Although love is gone, life has to go on." Liang Yiyi lifted the teacup gracefully and smiled at Ning Youguang.

She was originally lovable, but now she has opened up her heart, and her whole person seems to have returned to her former cuteness and likability. When people see her smile, they can't help but feel joy in their hearts.

She said, “Divorce was the best decision I felt I could have made, but at the same time it could bring real losses.”

The future is good or bad, no one can tell.

But she has to take responsibility for herself.

She gently put down the teacup.

Explain to Ning Youguang another purpose of this visit——

"I know that there is a legal team called 'the strongest on the surface' at Shi Zong. Can I ask them to help me with the divorce lawsuit?"

"Of course!" 1314

(end of this chapter)