Chapter 321 Three shifts

Ning Youguang paused slightly and then continued, "So when you buy real estate, you want to use it as an investment. You hope that the house can make you a lot of money. The house you choose will be considered a good deal. It is relatively prosperous and has a lot of room for appreciation. Your great fate is followed by a great Yannian, so although you like investing very much, people are still very rational, so when you buy real estate, you want to live in yourself and buy a house. You are also very cautious, you will compare many real estates, and you will consider many factors before starting, so in the end, the house you will buy also tends to preserve its value.”

"God, you're all right!" Jiang Wei was stunned, "What you said is exactly the same as the factors I considered when buying a house recently, and the house I recently decided to buy with a down payment is also the kind you said tends to preserve its value. ."

"I'm going!" Li Qing was also stunned.

Like Jiang Wei, she didn't trust Ning Youguang very much at first.

Because she never showed them this ability.

The reason    cooperated with her today was just a joke between sisters.

It’s just that they didn’t expect—

Ning Youguang, she actually came for real! 1314

"Quick, quick, mine, mine." Li Qing said excitedly.

Ning Youguang chuckled, "What do you want to ask?"

"Love." Li Qing said without hesitation.

"What you gave me is 246, 24 is a little five ghosts, 46 is a small scourge, 246 together is a group of energy to be sold, you are asking about love, so your current state is to improve yourself, you Recently, I love learning, and I know how to settle myself. At the same time, I am waiting for him to appear. Moreover, what you like is the kind of boy who can appreciate you and like you. When you are in front of the opposite sex, you will show your charm appropriately, but It can also make them feel that you never show yourself deliberately, you like to show others that you are who you are, you want them to accept the real you, and at the same time, you are also relaxing your own standards."

"My God!" Li Qing covered her mouth, her face flushed with excitement, "You took off my skin!!!"

"It's horrible!" she said, "When did you learn this skill?! Why didn't you tell us before?"

Ning Youguang pushed back the paper in his hand to the two of them, "I always know, and you haven't asked me."

"You never said it." Li Qing screamed, "How could we know that you still do this?!"

"Yes." Jiang Wei also defended himself, "I have lived with you for so many years, and I have never seen your divination."

This person is so clumsy!

"I'm not a goddess, what do I do divination every day?" Ning Youguang said with a smile, "Besides, these things don't represent anything at all."

"You're so accurate, what doesn't it mean?"

Li Qing and Jiang Wei were deeply shocked and puzzled.

"That's right." Ning Youguang took a cup of tea and took a sip, "Actually, divination and fortune-telling are the same, no matter how accurate each party is, it can only represent his current situation at this stage, not forever. Therefore, when some people are doing divination and fortune-telling, they are very happy when they hear good things, blindly optimistic when they hear bad things, and feel that they can't find the motivation to live, but in fact, these only represent a period of time for them. It's just the state of time, it's not always like this, when this time period passes, they will be in another situation, there is no need to be complacent about it, and there is no need to be afraid of it."

"Is there still such a theory?" Li Qing and Jiang Wei felt that they had learned a lot.

"That's right." Ning Youguang said, "So fortune-telling, constellations, tarot cards, divination, etc., you can play with it, but don't take it seriously. Once the player takes it seriously, they will be predicted by this kind of prophecy. If you are bound, you will be imprisoned in place, unable to break free, this is the real sadness."

"So you mean that things like fortune-telling, divination, and tarot cards are credible, but don't let this define life?" Jiang Wei asked.

"Yes." Ning Youguang said, "The mirror turns with the heart, and the reward follows the positive reward. No matter what our luck and fate are, the most important thing is our heart. As long as we protect our heart, we will have If you have the ability to take the initiative to create your own destiny, then the so-called destined things are actually possible to change.”

"How to protect your heart?" Jiang Wei asked seriously.

"See the illusory nature of everything around you, and at the same time have a set of correct theories that you adhere to as the foundation, so that you can protect your heart." Ning Youguang said.

Jiang Wei and Li Qing still couldn't understand the state Ning Youguang said.

But it doesn't matter, they have already received the method.

Next, just stay back and test it out.

The three girls talked about Tianma Xingxing for more than two hours, and it was past 12:00.

The autumn sunlight fell on several people through the glass windows, making the three people who had eaten and drank become lazy.

Watching the sun quietly fall on Ning Youguang, she did not avoid it, and closed her eyes to enjoy the sun.

Jiang Wei suddenly had an idea——

"When I'm rich, I won't work so hard anymore, I'll just enjoy life."

Ning Youguang slowly opened his eyes and asked her gently, "Why do you think you can only enjoy life if you have money?"

"Because I don't have financial freedom yet, there are still a lot of real economic pressures."

"You think it's because of these that you can't enjoy life?"


Ning Youguang raised his hand gently, letting the golden sunlight dance on his fingertips.

After a long while, she said softly, "Weiwei, you know that every minute and every second of life, as long as you feel enjoying it, you are enjoying life. All the future and the past are false, only the present and the present are real. In fact, those days when you think you can freely walk around the world after your property is free, you can sleep until you wake up naturally, and you can take a trip anytime and anywhere you want to go are not enjoying life.”

Her clear eyes fell on Jiang Wei's contemplative face, "The so-called enjoyment of life is that your body really needs to feel every minute of life, if your body and your mind are inconsistent, no matter what. Whatever you do, you are not enjoying life, people who are wandering all the time are divided."

"How do you understand 'enjoy life'?" Li Qing was playing on his mobile phone, so he couldn't help but join their conversation.

"Yes, my enjoyment of life is that my heart and my body should live in the same space and be one. I am alive, no matter what I am doing, as long as my heart is enjoying, I am enjoying it at any time. Life has nothing to do with money, nothing to do, just whether I am fully invested in every minute and every second of my life.” 1314

(end of this chapter)