Chapter 324: Maybach's little brother is trending

Chapter 324 Little Brother Maybach is trending

He smiled and took the bag of fruit given by the grandmother, "Thank you for the fruit."

At the same time, he handed her another black umbrella tucked in his armpit, "I'll exchange this umbrella with you."

The grandmother quickly rejected, "No, no, my house is next to me, and it will be there soon."

Shi Mochizuki said softly, "Grandma, your legs and feet are not very convenient, right? It's been raining a lot, and the old troubles have been committed when you go back. The juniors in the family should feel distressed."

The grandmother's legs and feet are really bad. Hearing him say this, he is no longer refusing.

When    took his umbrella, he was embarrassed and grateful, "Thank you so much, young man."

At the same time, her old hand gently rubbed the brand-new umbrella in her hand, and her wet eyes fell on the lion head studded with diamonds on the umbrella handle.

"This umbrella is so beautiful." She praised with a kind smile.

"As long as you like it." Shi Wangyue carefully helped her to open the umbrella and held it on top of her head, "Grandma, my girlfriend is still waiting for me in the car, so I won't send you off, please walk home slowly. ."

"Let's go, young man." The old grandmother took the umbrella in his hand and urged, "I don't need you to send it, I'll be there in two steps."

"Then I'm leaving, goodbye." Shi Mochizuki bowed and left with a smile.

Ning Youguang sat in the car and looked at the child walking towards him in the rain with gentle eyes. He only felt that he was good-looking and gentle, like a spring breeze blowing down the cherry blossoms all over the city.

As soon as   Shi Mochizuki got into the car, he heard the gentle sound of a harp flowing slowly in the car, like a lazy stream in spring, accidentally intruding into the heart.

"Why are you listening to music all of a sudden?" He put a bag of fruit slightly wet by the rain beside his feet.

Ning looked at him with light eyebrows and smiled, "I suddenly wanted to hear it."

The sound of the    harp reminded her of soft cotton-like clouds and transparent and reflective fairy wings, which had a purifying soundscape.

It is the secret, it is the spring breeze, it is the tenderness that makes people cry.

When the two returned to the dormitory, the rain was much lighter.

After entering the door, Ning Youguang changed her shoes, and as soon as she took out her mobile phone, she found that Xia Di and Gu Xi had sent her WeChat—

[糳糳: You guys are popular! ]

[糳糳: Ah, no, it's Xiao Mochizuki that is popular! ]

[Gu Ana: Sister, your man is trending on Weibo! ]

[Gu analysis: Look! ]

Both of them have attached Weibo links in their private messages.

She immediately opened the Weibo link and went in to see it, and found that it was a video of a passerby secretly filming when Mochizuki helped grandma pick up fruits and helped her cross the road.

The popularity of this video has risen too fast. In less than an hour after it was posted, the number of likes has exceeded 100,000+, the number of retweets has exceeded 20,000+, and the comments have exceeded 10,000!

It is no wonder that it has been on the list of hot topics on Weibo all of a sudden.

This video was shot very clearly, this shooting angle——

Ning Youguang knew at a glance that the person who posted this Weibo was one of the car owners who was waiting beside their car for the grandmother to cross the road.

After watching the original video on Weibo, Ning Youguang clicked on the Weibo homepage again, and she found that the topic #MaybachLittle Brother Helping Grandma Cross the Road# is already the eighth trending topic on Weibo.

Looking at the increasing number of readers of Weibo content related to this topic, the topic of Ning Youguangjue can still move up the list.

She thought hilariously and speechlessly: "How can a child help an old grandmother to cross the road and get a hot search? Netizens are really busy!"

Fortunately, it was raining heavily at the time, and Shi Mochizuki was holding an umbrella. Because of the angle of the video, there was a car window, a rain screen, and an umbrella. His face was not very clear in the video.

However, even so, it did not hinder the heated discussion of him among the netizens below the Weibo of the video.

It's mainly a little brother who can drive a Maybach, who is willing to brave such a heavy rain, get out of the car to help the grandma pick up the fruit, and gently help the grandma to cross the road... This is a plot that even idol dramas dare not write. Hey! !

In addition, this little brother Maybach has a great figure and temperament.

Even if you can't see the whole face, just looking at the cold white and smooth jawline along the edge of the umbrella is enough to cause netizens to scream.

Fortunately, in the video, Shi Mochizuki's license plate number and passersby are mosaic.

"What's the matter?" Shi Mochizuki asked gently as he watched Ning Youguang stop in the same place as he entered the door and was busy scanning his phone.

"Look at how handsome you are." Ning Youguang smirked and continued to look down at Weibo.

She is watching Weibo netizens' comments on the child's video——

[No money, I dare not. ]

[I don't have a Maybach in my house. ]

[I dare not dare. ]

[嘤嘤, now really only the little brother who drives a Maybach has the courage to help the grandma cross the road! ]

[He is helping the elderly to cross the road ah ah ah ah! ! ! Brother Maybach is so kind! ]

[You still need to be super rich to dare to help. Ordinary people, who dare to help? ! ]

[It’s hard to find a handsome, rich and kind-hearted little brother who dares to help the old man cross the road, so please don’t post negative energy, such warm news, I just want to warm up and absorb some positive energy, okay? ! ]

[Sure enough, money is confidence! ]

[Is this filming? ! How can there be such a good-looking and kind rich person in reality? ! ]

[It must be a show, look at the car, the two umbrellas, and the two shopping bags... Who would wear a suit when going out on a day like this? ! It's so pretentious! ]

There are boastful, sour, and doubtful…

Across the screen, those little nines in people's hearts are thoroughly displayed on the Internet.

The small room fell into a silent embarrassment for a moment.

Shi Mochizuki could only pursed his lips, and helplessly went to the sofa to drink the salt and pepper cheese milk cap, sit and wait slowly.

Ning Youguang read a few dozen or twenty comments and sat down beside Mochizuki when he walked over, "I want a drink."

Shi Mochizuki handed the little salt and pepper cheese milk cap to her mouth.

After she took a big breath, she smiled at him, "Mr. Shi, congratulations on mentioning the trending search on Weibo!"

Ning Youguang handed the phone to Shi Mochizuki.


Confused Shi Mochizuki took her phone and looked at it, and was speechless.

"I'll find someone to deal with it." He said coldly.

"Starlight Investment Fund" and "mm Investment Fund" have injected funds into some influential Internet platforms at home and abroad.

also has a dedicated public relations team. It takes minutes to delete a post online and remove a hot search.

He took out his mobile phone and called Assistant Jin, and hung up after giving a few general instructions.

Assistant Jin received his order, and immediately led the company's public relations team to operate like a tiger, and successfully completed the task in a very short time.

Soon, Ning Youguang swiped Weibo again, and he didn't see the topic #MaybachLittle Brother Helping Grandma Cross the Road# on the Weibo hot search topic list. 1314

(end of this chapter)