Chapter 335 Two more

There is a bunch of begonias in the bathroom.

The sun is pouring on the begonias, the fragrance is scattered, and there are no worries. It is extremely beautiful.

Ning Youguang made a video with Ming Jinxin: "During the renovation, I have been debating whether to knock out this bathroom and remake it, because I don't like the two marbles on the wall that are deliberately patterned on the wall. It’s not because of those two stones, but I feel that the overall harmony is more important than the local details, and sometimes getting too caught up in the details can make us lose our grasp of the whole.”

"I'm glad you didn't redo the bathroom?" Ming Jin on the opposite side had a headscarf wrapped around her heart and her fragrant shoulders were exposed, "I said that the color of this hard dress really matches your favorite Aesop!"

"Yes." Ning Youguang asked with a smile, "What are you doing?"

"Get ready to take a bath." Ming Jinxin said.

"Having a bath at noon?" Ning Youguang was surprised.

"Yes." Ming Jinxin smiled brightly, "Your brother is taking an online class, your dad is communicating about work remotely, and the workers are preparing lunch. As for me, let's take a bath in the noon sun."

"It's so enjoyable!" Ning Youguang praised.

"It's not for enjoyment, it's for the welfare of the whole family." Ming Jinxin said, "because my mother deeply understands this truth, only when my mother is happy, the whole family will be happy. To make myself happy, for my mother, it is work, that is, Task!"

I would rather have a bright smile.

Ming Jinxin looked at her happy smiling face in the video and couldn't help but tease, "If you move to the future, you can also live a day like me doing SPA and bathing in the sun."

Ning Youguang shook his head gently, "Forget it, I don't have a lady's life yet, so I'd better live in my own little nest."

"You just have the heart to let you live in a mansion when you are young, and squeeze the dormitory with you?" Ming Jin was speechless.

"I can't bear it." Ning Youguang shook his head, "So, I'll talk to him about moving later."


Ming Jinxin felt that her stepdaughter might not have figured out how important she was when she was young.

That child, all kinds of excuses for not wanting to move to a new home, not because she never agreed to move with him!

After so long, she understood.

Although the boy looked calm, he also took on a lot in the daily life of the young couple.

But in fact, the young couple, he is the one who depends on you.

She couldn't help but think of her stepdaughter's unmoving sense of certainty like a mountain, as well as her extraordinary stable emotions and temperament.

After all, there is a sense of security that is lacking elsewhere.

He can always relax by her side and be his protagonist forever.

A person who has the ability to become someone else's security, whether male or female, will always be the one who has the initiative in intimate relationships.

Because their hearts are too strong, they are fearless, they can grow love independently, they can be happy with anyone, and they can be happy alone.

A person with this character trait is of course the best for himself.

But for the relying party, it is not so secure.

I still remember the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

When I was a child in the kitchen, I used a very gentle but very serious tone to tell her: "What I want is very simple, I can find her when I need it, I know she is listening when I speak, and I understand that she is there for me. There are no secrets in front of us, no matter what happens, we will always be there."

The reason why he would say this to her.

She thought she might have realized something when she was young, just like Gu Long once said—

"A person is afraid of losing only when he really wants to get it. This feeling of worrying about gain and loss may be one of the many weaknesses of human beings. Sadly, the more eager you want to get, the greater the possibility of loss."

His heart is far less powerful than Youyou, and it is far less gentle than what he showed in front of Youyou.

However, she can see that he has been working hard to grow himself, to make his heart stronger, to make himself gentle and restrained, just to love her better.

He was too scared to lose her.

The unfortunate children in the original family are more or less insecure.

A person who is so outstanding and outstanding at a young age should not have low self-esteem.

But he also gave all the insecurities in his life to their girls.

So even if they are already together, they don’t dare to relax at all. They are always careful to spy on their actions and words, and they don’t dare to lose control in the slightest.

But boys are also sensitive creatures who care about details. Many times they are not unaware, but they are not willing to express their feelings because they are boys.

Occasionally, it is rare to reveal a little bit to outsiders, either because I can’t hold it in my heart, or in order to achieve a certain purpose.

A person who is as cautious and sultry as a young man would tell her like this, and it's definitely not unstoppable.

Then his purpose is easy to understand - tell her husband through her mouth:

"Please believe in my heart that loves your daughter."

"Please support us in the future because I care about your daughter so much."

"In this intimate relationship with your daughter, I'm the weaker one, so please don't doubt that I will do anything to hurt her."

When Mochizuki opened the bathroom door, she saw Ning Youguang standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, turned her head and smiled at him.

What does that feel like?

To be with her is always like the morning of early spring, like the wind of summer evening, like…

"It's been seven or eight months. When are you going to move in?"

Like the late night when it snows in winter, the cold makes people chill, and he freezes in place instantly.

After a long while, he controlled his almost out of control emotions, walked up to her, and asked softly, "Why are you asking this question again?"

"Because it's really comfortable here." Ning Youguang gently stroked the sun-filled shutters.

"Didn't we discuss this issue before?" Shi Mochizuki lowered his eyes slightly and said, "I won't move for the time being."

When you promise to move in, I will move in.

Here is our new house.

Ning Youguang knew Mochizuki just wanted to be with her, but she had her own concerns.

So she pretended not to see his sudden change, and said slowly, "In St. Gallen, Switzerland, near the northern shore of Lake Zurich, there is a village called Berlingen. In 1922, the psychologist I love, Jung, chose to build a village there. The living quarters, at first he built a simple two-story stone house, called it the 'tower', he commented on the 'tower', 'I carry the key at all times, no one can enter this room without my permission', This room was his home studio, where he would write, and whenever he entered the 'tower' he would not allow anyone to disturb." 1314

(end of this chapter)