Chapter 345 Fire Ceremony

For example, if a guest comes to his house, the shoes must be placed in the empty space in the third row of the shoe cabinet.

"If there are a bunch of guests at home, what should he do with his outrageous perfectionism?" Ming Jinxin stood by the door and bit Ning Youguang's ear.

"Do you think other than today, when will many people come to his house?" Ning Youguang chuckled.

"Okay." Ming Jinxin shook his head, changed his slippers and followed her husband and sons inside.

As he walked, he changed and said to Ning Youguang, "I invited the chef to come to the house to hold a family dinner. Today, let's not bother to buy vegetables and cook, just wait and eat."

Ning Youguang put his hands together towards Ming Jinxin, "Thanks to the breeder for feeding."

Ming Jinxin couldn't smile.

After Ning Yi and his wife brought Xiaoyuer into the door early in the morning, Assistant Jin was the second to enter.

When he came, he held a bunch of big red flowers with great heart, and also brought a large fruit basket with exquisite packaging.

In the fruit basket are neatly placed dragon fruits, snake fruits, apples, cherries, pomegranates, grapes, etc.

The fruit is bright red and has a good meaning.

"I wish President Shi and Teacher Ning a great housewarming, prosperous." He cautiously handed the flowers and fruits to Shi Mochizuki.

Ning Youguang smiled and handed him a pair of slippers, "Thank you."

As Assistant Jin respectfully took over, he didn't forget to ask, "Is there anything I need to do at home?"

Mochizuki shook his head.

Ning smiled softly, "Today you are a guest, eat well, drink well, and play well."

Soon Yun Zewu also came, and as soon as he entered the door, he took out two big red envelopes from his pocket and handed them to Shi Mochizuki, "Wealth will be prosperous."

Mochizuki didn't answer when   , "I'll give it later."

"?" Yun Zewu, who was standing by the door, was confused.

Ning Youguang explained with a smile, "My dad designed a ceremony for us to enter the fire, and we will need Brother Yun's help to act together later."

"What ceremony? Do I want to be an actor?" Yun Zewu's eyes brightened, and he was instantly interested.

He thought to himself: "When I was young, my husband-in-law was worthy of being a famous director, and he helped his son-in-law get into the fire without forgetting to shoot a scene to celebrate."

"You don't want to be an actor." Ning Youguang smiled, "Just play yourself."

Ning Yi came over from the living room at this moment, "Xiaoyun, right? Come, come, let me tell you, later you want to..."

Yun Zewu happily went to rehearsal with Director Ning.

The last person to enter the door was the Ming Dynasty.

When Mochizuki opened the door, he was stunned to see him, "Big brother?"

Ming Chao coldly put down the bag of rice on his shoulder and the barrel of oil in the other hand, "My mother asked me to bring it."

"It's been hard work." Shi Mochizuki held back a smile and quickly stepped forward to take the heavier bag of rice in his hand.

When Mochizuki, who was carrying rice, and Ming Dynasty, who was carrying oil, entered the living room, it was no surprise that Assistant Jin and Ning Youguang were not light.

However, Ming Jinxin and his wife are very happy.

"Son, you are finally here." Ming Jinxin.

"Ming Dynasty, you give the oil to the hour, come over and I'll tell you about your arrangements for a while." Ning Yi.

Shi Mochizuki quickly took the opportunity to introduce his good partner and assistant to his uncle.

Yun Zewu is a natural acquaintance, and he has also seen the Ming Dynasty in some business occasions, and the two are also familiar with each other.

He realized that on an occasion like today, as a relative and friend of the man, he must treat the family of the woman well, and he was naturally warm and kind to the Ming Dynasty.

Assistant Jin was a little more cautious, with a little embarrassment on his face.

Ning Yi was suffering from occupational diseases next to him, and patted Assistant Jin on the shoulder, "Xiao Jin still can't let go. It's just a line, and it's fine after speaking generously."

Ning Yuyu stood next to his father and played the role of today's assistant director very seriously.

Everyone saw him holding a big red apple in one hand, walked to Assistant Jin, raised his head and said to Assistant Jin seriously, "Assistant Jin brother, look at me."

Assistant Jin looked at Xiaodouding beside him with a flushed face.

Ning Youyu jumped forward, as if jumping over a threshold. At the same time, a bright smile appeared on Bai Nennen's small face, "Peace and prosperity."


The Ming Dynasty just entered the door.

[Excuse me, is it time to leave now? ! ]

Ning Youguang and Shi Mochizuki stood together, looking at the scene in front of them and felt amusing and funny.

Very soon, arrived at 10:05 am.

Ning Yi quickly got up from the dim sum table, "There are still eight minutes, everyone get up quickly, grab your props and stand outside the door to line up in the order marked earlier."

Ning Youyu quickly ran to the bag next to him, took out his "Fu" character, and ran out the door.

Yun Zewu followed behind him and happily took out two big red envelopes from his pocket.

Assistant Jin endured his inner shyness, took out two pre-selected biggest and red apples from the fruit bowl in front of him, and went out after Boss Yun.

Ming Chao sat still with a cold face.

Ming Jinxin urged, "Hurry up and grab the rice, put on the oil and keep up, don't miss the auspicious time."

Ning Youguang looked at his brother with a lifeless expression on his face, and smiled very unsympathetically.

On the other hand, Shi Mochizuki, while holding back his laughter, took the initiative to help Ming Chao move the rice and oil outside the door.

Seeing this, Ming Jinxin couldn't help but look at the eldest with some disgust in his eyes, "Don't hurry up, I've helped you move the rice and oil for hours."

Ming Chao sighed deeply, holding back 10,000 "grass mud horses" in his heart, and finally got up expressionlessly and followed the large army to line up outside the door.

At 10:12, Ning Yi arranged everyone outside the door and quickly entered the door.

At 10:13, when the pre-booked alarm clock went off, he banged the kaleidoscope in his hand.

The explosion of fireworks is like dominoes, opening a series of reactions.

Ning Youyu, who was standing first in line outside the door, immediately jumped into the house with a big "Fu" in his arms.

He shouted cheerfully, "Open the door, open the door."

Yun Zewu took two big red envelopes and came in with a bright smile, "Wealth is coming."

Assistant Jin followed behind him with a big red apple in one hand and smiled shyly, "Peace and prosperity."

Behind him, Ming Jinxin smiled and held a bunch of flowers with joy, "The flowers bloom and prosper."

The last Ming Dynasty——

Carrying rice and oil into the house expressionlessly, hooked his lips, "No worries about food and clothing."

The lively and festive fire-inducing ceremony ended, and the chef class called by Ming Jinxin came to the door.

The total banknote capacity is particularly easy to use.

After the chef team she invited entered the door, they went straight to the kitchen without looking away, and did their job conscientiously.

It's time for lunch.

Mochizuki elegantly poured wine for everyone.

Ning Youguang took the menu and matched the dishes on the table one by one.

"Three small plates in the south of the Yangtze River, two meals of tiger prawns, Iberian black pork char siu, golden beef ribs, fried rice noodles with osmanthus crab meat..." 1314

(end of this chapter)