Chapter 355

The situation at home is like this, so it is no wonder that my daughter is upset in every possible way.

"Out of sight, out of mind." Although it can't solve the fundamental problem, it can be used.

"Please help me cure my mother's hoarding disorder, I beg you." After the daughter finished scolding, she pleaded with Ning Youguang.

"Is hoarding a psychological problem?" the mother on the side asked.

Ning nodded lightly, "[Hoarding Disorder] The core of it is that a person has difficulty in discarding the items he has. Whenever he thinks about discarding, he will feel pain and anxiety. This is indeed a psychological problem."

Mom shut up and stopped talking.

Daughter is eager to figure this out, "Then what is the reason for my mother's 'hoarding disorder'?"

Ning Youguang asked his mother, "Auntie, have you ever lost someone important? For example, lost love, lost relatives, etc.?"

Mother shook her head, "No."

Ning Youguang stopped to ask, and at the same time put down the pen and paper he was taking notes.

Then, he said to his daughter, "It can now be determined that there are two main reasons for the mother's hoarding disorder:

One, her underlying hoarding behavior may be highly heritable, as her grandmother had the same problem. In addition, studies have shown a link between hoarding behavior and abnormal activation of certain parts of the brain.

2. The difficulty of discarding items will trigger anxiety and anxiety of the aunt. In order to avoid the discomfort caused by negative emotions, she does not want to discard any items. "

"Can it be cured?" the daughter asked again.

"Of course." Ning Youguang smiled.

The daughter seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, "Then could you please teach my mother?"

Ning Youguang didn't agree immediately, but looked at his mother who fell silent, "Auntie, are you willing to do the breakup?"

"Are you going to throw away everything in the house?" Mom looked disturbed.

"Breaking away doesn't make you throw away everything at home, it's actually a different attitude to life, it allows you to abandon those unnecessary items, so that you can see life in its truest form, if you cut off every time If you fail to give up, then you might as well look at yourself, why are you reluctant to throw those things away." Ning Youguang said, "It's not just as simple as letting you throw away the things at home, but I hope you can pass' The way of breaking away is to look at ourselves, leave the warm and more valuable things, discard those things that take up our limited energy for no reason, and make life more orderly and organized."

"Did you hear that, it's not for you to throw away all the things, but for the things you don't need." The daughter added beside her.

"Yes, Duansheli doesn't tell you to just throw it away, but don't buy it indiscriminately, buy it when you need it, like it, and make it fit. After buying it, make the best use of it and give full play to the value of the item." Ning Youguang agreed with her daughter's statement. .

Mom was still silent.

Daughter seems to be really speechless by her tossing, "You continue like this, when Dad said that, we are not throwing things, we are going to sell the house!"

Ning Youguang found that her mother became more uneasy, and slowed down her tone, "It's hard to break up, it's complicated and easy to be alone, it's hard to be simple, you have to get rid of your ties, your worries, your fears, you Habits, these are hard to come by.”

It is even more difficult to face your own desires.

"Auntie can try to cut off everything that can be done at home first. Try it and see how it feels to cut off. It will feel very cool and comfortable." 1314

(end of this chapter)