Chapter 357: Everywhere is bright

Chapter 357 Light is everywhere

Ning Youguang's words can be said to have opened up a new understanding of "broken up" to her mother.

"Can it still be used in the world?" She couldn't believe it.

"Of course." Ning Youguang said seriously, "Cut off meaningless social interactions, regularly delete friends in WeChat that you haven't contacted for a few years or even more than a year, remove those you don't contact at all, or don't think it's necessary to contact, and let you Deleting unhappy people from your phone and letting them drop them in your heart is about 'people' separation."

"It's all deleted, what if I need to contact you in the future?" Mother asked with a frown.

"It's like those things that you don't use in your daily life, but you think you'll use them later, but you're actually useless when you think about it now, right? Similarly, after you remove those unconnected people from your phone, You will find that you will not contact them in the future. You keep these old people and things, except to reveal that you can't let go of the past, but also take up space to bring harm and pain to your family and yourself, which is meaningless."

Mother was silent.

Ning Youguang continued to ask, "You can't let go of these, because you can't let go of the pain in the past. Do you want to use this to prove that you have been hurt and continue to hurt yourself?"

Mother's lips trembled slightly, "I...I just...I'm just too sad."

Her emotions collapsed and she burst into tears.

Daughter stood aside, her eyes red, but she was at a loss.

"I know it's hard when you get hurt, but if you're immersed in hurt all the time, isn't it the same as letting yourself get hurt all the time?"

Ning Youguang's tone is gentle, but his words are not gentle.

Many times, the psychologist will appear inhumane, even if the client shows a very sad appearance, he will still indifferently let the client see the responsibility that he needs to bear in the injury.

Because it is not her job to comfort the client, it is to help the client see the problem and solve it.

Mother stopped talking.

"Duansheli doesn't require you to cut it all at once. It also pays attention to the process. In the final analysis, it is also a question of self-control. If we can improve our self-control, we can enhance our execution in all aspects of life. No matter what stage it is, it is a kind of growth for individuals." Ning Youguang continued, "So, what will happen to the result of breaking up is not something we need to consider now, what we need to consider now is, Use the node of this action to see the subsequent changes in your life, after all, no matter what the result is, this is just a node, and life will continue until we die."

"The present is always the beginning of our future life. Whether we are willing to change the harvest and be reborn, or embrace the pain and regret of the past and live like this until we die, it all depends on you."

Mother stopped crying and fell into deep thought.

Ning Youguang knew very well that he could not force the client to do anything, and did not expect the client to follow her advice completely.

All she has to do is to analyze the problems that the client cannot see to her, and guide her to see another possibility of life.

"The less energy a person takes up materially, the more freedom he will gain spiritually. If you are reluctant to let go of anything, you will end up getting nothing."

She said, "There are many people around me who only have necessary household necessities in their homes, and they use them carefully with a reverent attitude, cherish things and love things, their homes are spotless, and everything is bright. , living a very high standard of living and state of life.”

Finished what I had to say, and Ning Youguang didn't say any more.

In her studio, after her mother was silent for a while, she looked up at her, then at her daughter, and finally said to her daughter with red eyes, "Baby, when are you willing to come home and help my mother put those things together? All the **** is thrown away, okay?"

The daughter covered her mouth and nodded in tears.

She cried and said, "Mom, I'm sorry, I didn't know you hoarded so many things because you had so much stress and pain in your heart."

The daughter's words made the mother cry again, but there was relief in her eyes.

She said, "Baby, I don't blame you, I blame Mom for not telling you anything, and I blame Mom for being useless. There is nothing you can do about your dad."

The daughter cried and shook her head, "No, it's because I didn't give you any care, and I never took good care of you." She said, "When I go back, I will tell my father, and I will let him in the future. Don't be a grandfather at home anymore."

A smile appeared on his mother's face.

But Ning Youguang interjected helplessly, "Sorry, I think I need to interrupt you."

Both mother and daughter looked at her.

Ning Youguang said with a smile, "I'm glad that my mother can open her heart today, and I'm also glad that my daughter can see her mother's hard work, but..."

She accentuated, "I have to give you a little advice, okay?"

"Teacher Ning, please speak." The mother wiped her tears and said.

"What is it?" the daughter asked curiously.

Ning Youguang said, "In a family, once a family member is offside, a new family conflict will arise. Therefore, for the conflict between the mother and the father, it is better for the daughter to let the mother solve it by herself. Otherwise, The daughter's intervention will not only solve the problems between the parents, but also create new family problems, which will make it even more troublesome."

A dull look appeared on the mother's face.

The daughter said anxiously, "Then my mother can't do my father at all. If I don't help, I can only keep my mother suppressed by my father?"

Ning Youguang said calmly, "You are a loving child, I can understand your love for your mother, but I'm sorry, although there are conflicts between parents in many families, children will help the weaker parent to confront the strong one. One side, but this will not solve the problem, it will only make the problem more complicated. Therefore, no matter what the problem between parents is, this is the parent's own homework, and what the daughter has to do is to stay in her own seat. You can care and take care of mom when dad is away, so that mom can get comfort and strength, but you can't go offside and ask dad to do something, this is not solving a problem, but creating a problem."

The daughter was anxious, "Then I..."

The mother immediately clapped her daughter's hand, "Bao, I understand what Teacher Ning said, don't worry, although mother is useless and can't do anything to your father, I can't let you suffer because of me."

She took a long sigh, "After so many years, I've been underestimated, it doesn't matter, from now on, I'll just keep myself good and don't cause you trouble. As for your dad, I don't have any hope. "1314

(end of this chapter)