Chapter 366 Two more

Zhuang Yijing asked meaningfully, "Want to know?"

Ning Youguang shook his head calmly, "I don't want to."

Zhuang Yijing was speechless, "Can't you be more curious?"

Ning Youguang laughed, "Why do I have to be curious about them, does it have anything to do with me?"

"Yes!" Zhuang Yijing was decisive.

As soon as she said this, Ning Youguang still didn't react, but it suffocated the appetite of the other three present.

Especially Xia Fei, she quickly asked, "What does Xu Wei have to do with You?"

Ning Youguang was stunned, "Xu Wei?"

Zhuang Yijing laughed, "Remember?"

Ning nodded lightly, "Yeah."

Zhuang Yijing winked at her when she saw that she remembered, and said nothing.

The dealer twins are fine.

Xia Fei scratched her ears and cheeks curiously, "What are you doing sloppy eyes? Does Xu Wei have anything to do with you?"

Young suitors, this kind of relationship... Of course Ning Youguang wouldn't say it.

Zhuang Yijing also felt that it was difficult to say, so he smiled and shook his head, "He is our old classmate."

Xia Fei half-squinted her eyes, "That's it?"

She is not at all believing.

If Xu Wei had a relationship with Youyou as an old classmate, Zhuang Yijing would never have made such a fuss.

After all, among the people present today, there are some who are old schoolmates. Even if there are not many, they can definitely catch a few. There is nothing special at all.

But the two of them gritted their teeth and gave her sloppy eyes without telling the truth, and she really couldn't ask anything.

Just as Xia Fei was thinking about it, the important part of tonight's charity event began.

She didn't have the heart to continue guessing the relationship between Xu Wei and Ning Youguang, and instead asked the three brothers and sisters with a smile, "Tonight we set up a session to invite guests to come to the stage to participate in the demolition of the exclusive painting blind box, you are interested in going to the stage to play Play?"

The theme of this year’s charity dinner at Four Seasons Art Museum is “One Heart and One Love, Aesthetically Educating the Future”, the purpose is to call attention to children’s issues.

"No need." Zhuang Yijing said, "This kind of thing that can not only spread good reputation, but also increase social influence, should be left to other kind rich and famous people."

When people are rich, they want to have a good reputation. The same is true for the rich and famous to participate in charitable activities.

The charity dinner at the Four Seasons Art Museum has always been a major event in Jincheng, and naturally many journalists from the news media also attended.

For this kind of show, some rich and famous people are willing to go.

"Boss Zhuang has a good demeanor." Xia Fei praised.

"Chairman Xia, we are not outsiders, so don't talk about those falsehoods." Zhuang Yijing also said with a smile, "According to Maslow's needs theory, the rich and famous do charity to realize the needs of self-realization, but I do charity and they all It’s not the same, it’s not for tax avoidance, it’s not for attracting contacts, improving social influence, and it’s not for the goodwill of the public.”

After a slight pause, she continued, "I am an orphan myself, but I am fortunate to have the help of some kind people. So, what I do now is just to share the kindness I once got, so that other weak people can also share it. I can feel the kindness from this society.”

She raised her hand and touched a cup with Xia Fei—"Since the Four Seasons Art Museum does not organize charity activities at the beginning of the year."

Then, she drank the glass of wine in one gulp and said proudly, "I think charity is one of the best things invented by human civilization. It makes people feel kindness and compassion."

Charity donation campaign is over.

The free time for the dinner party was up, and Xia Fei was summoned to leave again.

Ning Youguang this table, Zhuang Siqi is busy taking pictures, Zhuang Jianxian is busy playing games on his mobile phone.

It's rare for her best friend to come back from the capital. Zhuang Yijing didn't want to leave her side for half a step, and at the same time, he wanted to talk to her.

"I don't know why, but seeing this scene in front of me always gives me a subtle sense of separation and discord."

"That's because you think the charity and the gorgeous party don't match the scene where the clothes are fragrant and the temples are shadowed." Ning Youguang said.

"You're right." Zhuang Yijing said, "I always feel that charity should be simple, not in such a gorgeous form, I can't help but feel it is hypocritical."

Ning Youguang said with a smile, "Charity is charity, form is form, you confuse them."

"Maybe." Zhuang Yijing laughed, "Actually, many times, I still have a lot of inherent cognitions when I was a child, and I can't turn them around now."

"Like what?" Ning Youguang asked.

"For example, when I was a child, I stubbornly believed that the poor are kind and simple, and the rich are not benevolent. This perception still affects my impression of others and caused me a lot of trouble." Zhuang Yijing looked helpless. .

Ning Youguang can understand Zhuang Yijing's contradictory psychology.

After all, the difference between her current life circle and the previous life circle is really too big. If you want to change this inherent understanding of people, it will not be a subversive change, and it is indeed not that easy.

"My teacher once said something to me that left a deep impression on me."

"you say."

"She told me, let's never overestimate the goodness of human nature, and never underestimate the evil of human nature. Don't be prejudiced against any group, everyone is an individual and deserves to be treated differently, not all rich people are The rich are not benevolent, and not all the poor are honest and kind." Ning Youguang said warmly, "She also suggested that we carefully observe all kinds of people in society. She said that if we observe, we will find that there are many superficialities in this world. The extravagant rich man may be working diligently and diligently behind his back, and he is unwilling to be charitable; the poor who look miserable and pitiful on the surface may be lazy, greedy and selfish behind the scenes, just wanting something for nothing; A modest gentleman who looks elegant and easy-going, a great philanthropist, it is very likely that there is a great evil behind it. The world is complicated, and human nature is unfathomable. We will never be able to see them through one body only with a pair of naked eyes. The true souls of the people can only be judged on the basis of long-term observation and glimpses of their actions."

(end of this chapter)