Chapter 377 Two more

At the poker table, with so many people playing cards, it is up to him to play at will, and he can play whatever he wants.

Such a style of play, he may think it is very refined, but in the eyes of a scheming person like the Ming Dynasty, it is simple-minded.

After several contacts, Zhao Sui could see clearly.

Shi Mochizuki is a pervert who is more thoughtful than the Ming Dynasty.

Isn't Zhou Tang a "stupid" in his eyes?

It's not that he despises his brother.

It was Zhou Tang's performance on the poker field. He really was a mahjong boy who specially gave money to non-human beings like him who became a mahjong master after a little learning.


A new round begins.

As Zhou Tang just won a hand, he returned to the blood.

Ning's mahjong battle situation became fierce again.

Zhao Sui looked at the ever-increasing bills in front of Ming Dynasty, and looked at him with eager eyes from time to time.

[brother! Can't favor one over another! ]

Ming Chao glanced at him lightly, and threw a "two bars."

Zhao Sui was happy, "Touch!"

Ming Jinxin got out of the kitchen and saw the four young people at the mahjong table playing cards seriously, and asked curiously, "Which one of you won?"

Only Shi Mochizuki gave her a good-natured smile, "Aunt Ming need help in the kitchen?"

"No, no, you have a good time." Ming Jinxin smiled.

Ning Youyu followed her with a glass of water, "Brother Mochizuki, have you won money again?"

Ming Dynasty slammed his fingers, originally wanted to throw out a barrel, turned his head and threw a six barrels.

"Bar!" Zhou Tang was happy again.

Shi Mochizuki smiled, "No."

Before the words were over, Zhao Sui threw out a seven-tube.

He said again, "And."

Ning Youyu was too happy, "Oh yeah, Mochizuki brother is the most powerful."

The overjoyed child jumped up, half of the water from the cup in his hand.

"This glass of water is unqualified." Ming Chao gave a faint glance at his younger brother who was "eating inside and out".

Ning was more anxious, "I'll go down again!"

When he turned around, he asked Mochizuki in a fast tone, "Brother Mochizuki, sister has sorted out the money, and I still have half of it, right?"

"Yeah." Shi Mochizuki nodded lightly.

Ning Yuyu went to pour water for his brother again.

Ming Jinxin looked at the young people in this room, with contented joy and happiness flowing in his eyes.

Although Ning Yi, who was getting acupuncture, was lying on the sofa, he also listened to the words of several people on the field.

When Ming Jinxin sat beside him and put his hand on his back lightly, he reached out and took her hand in his.

Spring time.

The white magnolias and purple magnolias on the campus of UCAS compete to open up, and the beauty is unparalleled.

Ning Youguang chose a day after school, before the sun went down and the flowers were in bloom, he sat on the lawn under a magnolia tree and set up a stall.

's main business is to provide psychological counseling for our students.

The free kind.

In the evening of spring, the campus of UCAS was very lively, and most of the students came out for activities.

Ning Youguang sat down cross-legged under the magnolia tree, and looked at the students walking around with his brows and eyes tenderly.

Some of them sat on chairs chatting in twos and threes, some had a date with milk tea after dinner, some sat alone on the lawn reading a book, and there was no shortage of people who set up stalls on campus to sell all kinds of handicrafts like her.

When the goddess who was not known in the whole school was wearing a white coat and sat down under the magnolia tree, there were already many students secretly looking at her.

When she propped up a sign with "Free Psychological Consultation" written next to her, the students were stunned.

Soon, they rushed towards her like a tide and surrounded her.

"Mr. Ning, are you really going to set up a stall here?"


"Mr. Ning, are you going to give us free psychological counseling?"


"Mr. Ning, can I ask you a question?"


"Mr. Ning, are there any restrictions on the questions we ask?"

"As long as it's a psychological problem, it's fine."

Ning Youguang smiled and responded one by one, and the students around went crazy after getting her confirmation.

They screamed wildly, then pushed each other towards her.

Fortunately, they are all students of this school. No matter how fiercely the students compete for the position next to the goddess, they spontaneously vacated the space of one to two meters centered on Ning Youguang.

Soon, Ning Youguang began to answer the first classmate's question.

This is a girl with glasses.

She said, "Goddess, I want to ask you, why have I slept a lot at night and dozed off in the morning? It's the same during the day, I always feel sleepy during class, and I often listen to it in class. fell asleep."

In the end, the girl was a little embarrassed.

"I'm tired in spring and autumn, the teacher can understand it very well." Ning Youguang said a voice to instantly relieve the girl's nervous mood, "We have many ways to overcome sleep."

The girl regained her smile, "Mr. Ning, can you share some useful methods with me?"

Ning Youguang smiled and said, "I will share with you a good method, that is, you must get up at five in the morning, get up, wash your face, brush your teeth, and sit quietly, even if it is ten minutes, twenty minutes, and then go to sleep after sitting, such a night you Just slept twice, it's better than sleeping one, two is better than one. If you sleep until dawn, you have a good night's sleep. After eating at noon, you lie on the bed for a while, even if it is ten minutes, two Ten minutes is enough, and I slept again, three sleeps, three is better than two."

As soon as    she gave this method, the surrounding students immediately laughed.

She continued, "You need to sleep in sections to be efficient. You're wasting time by taking such a long sleep at once. Because sleep is like this, the moment you fall asleep, it's deep sleep, but you soon fall asleep, and then It is very laborious to dream again, and even wake up sweating, so you are not tired? Sleeping so tired at night, you will definitely doze off in class during the day.”

The girl nodded her eyes brightly, "Well, I often dream at night when I sleep."

Ning Youguang said with a smile, "So, I teach you how to sleep better. Sleeping means sleeping in sections, which can reduce dozing in class during the day."

Her clear and smiling eyes swept across the young and cheerful faces of the surrounding students, "If you don't want to doze off in class, you have to sleep like this. No matter whether there is a class in the morning or not, you must get up in the morning, even if it is Sitting for ten minutes, or even longer, or half an hour, you can not only meditate in these ten or twenty minutes, but also receive the energy of the universe, and then you sleep again, it is a earned sleep, sleep two How comfortable it is to sleep, it is better than a sleep."

The students laughed.

Ning Youguang said, "I'm not kidding you, this is really a good idea. Look at you, you have to eat three meals a day, so it's not always one meal, right? Then sleep, which is as important as eating, must be more. It’s good to come a few times, if you don’t believe me, follow my method and it will definitely work.”

"Goddess, everything you say is right." The classmates laughed and laughed.

Ning Youguang smiled and said, "Sleeping is learned, do you know?"

"We don't know." The students said in unison.

"That is, before you go to bed, you must observe your body first, sleep when you are tired, and wake up when you are not tired, otherwise, if you are full of energy and go to sleep, you are going to have a big dream of spring and autumn." Ning Youguang said, "You guys If you observe yourself, you will find that if you go to sleep when you are energetic, you will have a lot of dreams, because you are very energetic, you will definitely have dreams when you are asleep, it is impossible not to dream."

The students gradually quieted down.

"Only when you are tired, you can rest when you sleep. If you are full of energy and sleep for seven, eight or ninety hours, then you can still have it? If you sleep for a long time, you will definitely have dreams, and you will feel tired when you wake up. I will tell you today. After understanding this principle about sleep, you will know how to sleep properly when you go back."

"What should I do if I often can't sleep, teacher?" a student asked.

"It's not good if you can't sleep. That's the best time. When you lie in bed and find that you can't fall asleep, you should get up quickly, drink some water, wash your face, read books, listen to lectures, watch movies, play games, and have **** with men. Chatting with girlfriends... how good is it to sleep when you are tired?" Ning Youguang smiled.


"There is such a thing?!"

"I go!"


at the same time.

Another classmate whispered to the psychology major who was taught by Ning Youguang, "Is the goddess so interesting in class?"

"Yes, Mr. Ning's class is very fun."

"It's too sour." The classmate who inquired about Ning Youguang's class said, "I thought the goddess would be very cold in class, but I didn't expect it to be so humorous and gentle."

"There are so many things you don't know."

"Yes." The student next to the student who was being asked interjected, "The goddess is very kind to us. We are allowed to ask questions every time after class. We like to ask her questions the most."

"Yes, because the goddess's answers are very practical dry goods!"

"It's sour..." The student who asked the question covered his face, "Why didn't I plan to major in psychology in the first place?!"

The whispering among the surrounding students did not affect Ning Youguang's continued popularization of how to sleep properly.

"Also, don't let yourself be too tired at night. If you are too tired, you will not be able to sleep. Because the brain is too excited, the axis of consciousness will spin fast, and it will not stop, which will also lead to inability to fall asleep."

"We feel this."

"Don't go to bed for too long. If you can't get up, use the alarm and ring it a little. Everyone will get up at five in the morning, no matter if you sleep enough or not, wash your face and move your body. Well, I thought it would be troublesome on Mars."

Ning Youguang's answer to the question about sleep simply subverted the previous inherent cognition of the students around him. 1314

(end of this chapter)