Chapter 386 Two more

Soon, Ning Youguang saw the cancer report of Xue's uncle and friend.

She frowned while watching, "It's not easy to deal with this situation."

Zhang Kejiu was the closest to her, and when he heard her muttering, he immediately asked, "Can you still see a doctor for him?"

Ning read all the reports patiently and patiently, and returned the phone to him, "I'm sorry, but Brother Jiu, I can't do anything about his situation."

"Okay... I'll go and talk to my dad." Zhang Kejiu's face became slightly heavier, "Thank you for your hard work."

Ning Youguang sighed softly, "You're welcome, I didn't do anything."

Then, she asked, "Is this patient in a hospital or a nursing home?"

"The doctors said that he has only a few months to live, so let him find a sanatorium to live in comfortably." Zhang Kejiu sighed, "But he just wants to stay in the hospital, he doesn't want to go to the sanatorium, and he doesn't want to go home. He just doesn't want to. Believe that your disease can't be cured."

Ning Youguang was silent for a long time and said, "When you are about to die, Lord Yama comes to invite people, and the gods and Buddhas are useless."

Not to mention people.

When Zhang Kejiu heard this, he didn't understand anything, "He just doesn't want to die."

"Why bother asking for trouble." Ning Youguang looked desolate, "It's already painful enough for him to suffer from this disease, it's hard to plan the next day, and he has given himself so many unrealistic fantasies, so he has to go. Ask for something that you can't ask for, this person..."

"The Ksitigarbha Sutra" says: "The great ghost of impermanence arrives unexpectedly."

In this world, there has never been a magic medicine that can make people immortal, and there is no place where people can not die.

If there is, there are many heroes and elites in this world, and they must be willing to pay any price.

However, as long as people are mortal, this is a fate that no one can escape.

It’s just that everyone’s death is uncertain and predicting when they will die. Except for some special groups, people generally do not have the ability to make such predictions.

From the day we were born, we have been approaching death step by step. Our lifespan is like a pool with a leaking bottom. It will never increase, but only decrease.

As a doctor, Ning Youguang is too clear.

Therefore, every time I see those suffering masters who are struggling on the line of death, they are not well prepared for death, and they only crave everything in this world and feel...why...

For a while, everyone present in the Ning family felt a lot depressed because of this person who came to seek medical advice and couldn't get medicine.

"My dad knew that his friend's situation was not optimistic. The reason why he asked me to personally ask if he had a younger sister was to fulfill Dong Li's wish. Now that I am here, I have troubled some younger sisters to read his report. The task has been successfully completed." Zhang Kejiu was even more embarrassed to see everyone like this, and turned to smile, "I'm just sorry, I'm sorry to trouble everyone to be unhappy together."

"It's been a long time since I said that." Xia Rong, as the top elder in the family, said at the right time, "As doctors, it is our duty to treat and save people, and we will feel troublesome when patients come to ask for help."

He showed sadness and helplessness, "We just regret that we have lived so many years. No matter how diligently we are in medicine, we are still weak and powerless in the face of many diseases."

"Brother Jiu, don't think that introducing patients to me is bothering me." Ning Youguang also said, "Not only is it not troublesome, but I have to thank you for giving me these opportunities to save good fortune."

Zhang Kejiu's guilt disappeared in an instant, "Then I can rest assured."

"Don't worry." Xia Dai smiled and patted him on the back, "Our little genius doctor Ning always responds to requests, as long as she can save her, she will save it. You should have known this since you were a child."

Xia Di's words instantly relaxed the atmosphere of the Xia family.

Zhang Kejiu also smiled and went to reply to the message.

But, not long after he went out, he came back embarrassed, "Is there a sister..."

"What's wrong?" Ning Youguang asked with a smile.

Zhang Kejiu felt very embarrassed, "My dad and his friends want to make a video with you, is that okay?"

Hearing this, everyone in the Xia family was stunned.

Mochizuki quickly lowered his head, a look of boredom flashed across his eyes.

Ning Youguang was stunned for a moment and then smiled, "Yes."

Zhang Kejiu dialed the other party's video call with embarrassment on his face.

Soon, Ning Youguang saw a withered face on Zhang Kejiu's phone.

When the other party saw Ning Youguang in the video, he was sluggish for a moment, but he quickly reacted and said, "Dr. Xiaoning, I am Li Shikun from Wangcai Group, I heard from several friends that you can treat cancer, just now You have read my report, as long as you can cure me, as long as there is a slight possibility, no matter how much it costs, it is not a problem, please help me think of a way?"

A person who is seriously ill naturally cannot have a loud voice.

But this person, whether you listen to him or look at his face, you can see his strength, domineering and stubbornness.

It is also sad that the doctors have issued critical illness notices, and he still does not give up to seek medical treatment and medicine, and has to fight with the king of Yan.

However, even though the patient was not particularly polite to himself, Ning Youguang was still very gentle towards him.

"I'm sorry, Li Dong, maybe the information you got is not accurate enough. The cancer patients I cured all found me in the early stages of cancer. As for you, it's already late. I'm sorry, although I really want to see you, but to you The physical condition right now is really helpless.”

She said with a good temper, "You and I have such a good friendship with my uncle, if there is a slight possibility, I will try my best to extend your life for a few more years, but I'm really sorry, when you found me , the best time for treatment has passed, there is nothing I can do, sorry."

When she said this, the person on the other side of the camera fell into a frenzy, "Is it really impossible?"

He asked anxiously, "I'm rich, Doctor Ning Xiao, they all say that you are talented and have the ability to bring back the dead, can you save me, you save me, I'll give you one hundred million, one billion will it work? You save me, you think of a way to save me, I don't want to die, I don't want to die..."

Ning Youguang looked at the mad patient with pity in his eyes, "Sorry, I can't do it."

Her voice also showed sadness, "You better find another doctor."

The last glimmer of hope of the people on the video side was dashed, and finally they stopped begging Ning Youguang.

But soon, his desperate and mournful cry reached the ears of everyone present in the Xia family through the screen.

So much so that the person next to him originally thought that this life should be like this, and couldn't help but look sad.

This person is seriously ill, no matter what his state of mind is, it is a matter of sympathy and compassion.

(end of this chapter)