Chapter 402 Two more

and other small poems carefully write the answer to the first question on the paper.

Ning Youguang then asked a few more questions——

“Second, what negative emotions have accumulated in me—hatred, trauma, anger, remorse, or something else?

Third, who are the people I can never forgive?

Fourth, I have to forgive these people, I have to forgive myself, what do I need to do? "

After Xiaoshi answered them carefully one by one, new questions arose.

"Mr. Ning, I don't think I know myself very well. I don't know what all my dark sides are."

Ning Youguang said, "It doesn't matter, you can write as many as you can, but you really can't write it down. When you go back, you can ask your family, friends and classmates around you, and learn to use their strength to see yourself clearly."

"I'm sorry." Xiao Shi instinctively wanted to escape.

This time, she mustered up the courage to ask Ms. Ning for psychological counseling. It was a decision she made after thinking about it for a long time. Facing the people who were closer to her, she really had no way to ask these questions.

"Accepting and tolerant of your true self is the first step to help yourself get out of the pain of life, so that you don't have to deceive yourself or the whole world." Ning Youguang said, "If you don't even have the courage to face up to your dark side, So how do you talk about acceptance?"

Then, she continued to ask Xiaoshi, "How many times do you have to hurt and distort yourself, to cater to others, to be an excellent person, to dare not face yourself, and to live the hypocritical life you chose?

You rationalize your actions as 'good people' so you choose to hide and deceive?

Is a person who twists and hurts himself a good person?

Do your parents want their lives to continue like yours?

How many times have you been righteous, but willing to swallow your humiliation?

How many talents do you dare not display, and are afraid that your brilliance will illuminate the darkness of others?

How many friends do you have who can help you see you and support you in living out who you are?

Or do they just need you to live hypocritically in their world to satisfy their vanity?

How much willful and domineering do you have to build yourself right, you are the best, you are stronger than others, to attack, control, and blame others?

You strengthen your weakness through the tolerance of others, the love and intolerance of others for you.

You, do you really love your parents and yourself?

There is no one else outside but yourself. Do you understand that all your attacks are attacking yourself?

You choose to deceive, avoid growth, and sacrifice the happiness of yourself and your family. Are you sure this is what you want? "

"I don't need it, I don't need any of this." Xiaoshi shook his head frantically and shouted, "I need to accept myself, like myself, like my parents, my home... I need to live as transparently as possible. State, undisguised, undisguised, I want to live frankly."

Ning Youguang continued to help Xiaoshi clean up, "Transparency means truth, truth means opening your heart, returning to the original, returning to the complete, original self, you don't need to pretend, then let all the limitations that prevent you from leading to happiness. Faith, multiplied by more than God knows, destroys and never creates again!"

These words, she said so powerfully, Xiaoshi trembled as if she was electrocuted.

After    trembling, she seemed to be drained of strength, leaning back on the chair and unable to speak again.

Ning Youguang watched her quietly, until he heard the sound of shallow and steady breathing, then he gently walked to the cabinet, took out a scarf and put it on Xiao Shi, who was already asleep.

When Xiao Shi woke up again, it was half an hour later.

"Mr. Ning." Her voice was hoarse, and she stared blankly at Ning Youguang, who had been quietly by her side, "I fell asleep?"

Ning Youguang smiled softly, "Yes, how do you feel?"

Xiao Shi slowly sat up straight, and at the same time grabbed the Hermes cashmere scarf covering her, "I feel very warm all over."

Then, she tried to take a deep breath, and she was surprised to find out——

"My chest is not so blocked either. In the past, I always felt that I couldn't breathe well, and it was like a stone was pressed against my heart. Now this stone, I feel that he is gone."

"Very good." Ning Youguang smiled.

"Thank you, Teacher Ning." Xiao Shi said loudly.

"You're welcome." Ning Youguang said, "Today is just the beginning. After you go back, I will hypnotize the beliefs that I implanted in your subconscious, and will continue to help you clean up your inner wounds. These days, you need to observe your own changes carefully. ."

Xiao Shi didn't know how much she had changed after today, but she knew that the more she asked Teacher Ning for help, the more she could gain.

So, she asked again, "Mr. Ning, do you need me to do anything else?"

Ning Youguang smiled and handed her a few pieces of paper again, "Please make a list of the names of the people you need to forgive, and write a short message to each person. If the list is very long, you can write more letters. Next time you write, you don't have to send these letters."

Because of the limited time, she asked Xiaoshi to go back to do this.

Then, she handed Xiaoshi another piece of paper and said to her, "Now please write down what I said on the paper."

"I am a lovely, beautiful, caring person.

The world is my friend and lover and will always meet my needs.

No matter where I go, someone will love me and like me.

I am smart and capable.

make my dream come ture.


Small poems carefully write down——

"These are the beliefs that you are writing now that can inspire your strength." Ning Youguang said, "It takes time to develop new habits, so when rebuilding your thinking mode, you must read these writings every day. Once again, if you can, read it in the morning, otherwise you can read it before going to bed at night. You can also stick the faith notes in your car, on your mobile phone, in your bag, and deepen your connection with them anytime, anywhere. They help you. The effect will become greater.”

Xiao Shi nodded obediently, and carefully put the paper into the bag.

"Mr. Ning, I will try my best to do what you told me... What if I fail in the end?"

"All pioneering activities follow a truth that when you put your heart into doing something, you can change your destiny. The doors of the world will open for you because of this. Courage brings talent, ability, and magical adventures. ."

"What if I want to give up halfway through?"

"Then tell yourself 'No, your mission is not done, you are not completely free from the shadows.' If you want to escape, you need to keep asking yourself 'My responsibility in this matter' What?', 'Why would I let something like this happen to me?'"

looked at Xiao Shi's indecision.

Ning Youguang added, "Since you are willing to walk into my office, you must come with an urgent desire to change yourself. When people decide to do something, they will definitely overcome inertia and resistance. Yes, because the power of determination is stronger than the pursuit of self-deception and self-narcotics."

Xiao Shi cheered herself up, "I will work hard."

Ning Youguang smiled and said, "You can also help yourself strengthen your beliefs in some ways."

"In what way?" Xiao Shi asked.

"What do you think nourishes your soul the most?" Ning Youguang asked back.

"Flowers, aromatherapy, travel, going to a restaurant with a good environment..." Xiaoshi carefully listed several items.

Ning Youguang said, "Then after you go back, you can often prepare a hearty meal for yourself, and light a scented candle you like when you get home from get off work in the evening. If you like flowers, buy flowers for yourself. The music just plays a soothing tune for yourself. Or, dress up for a long-awaited movie, have an afternoon tea or brunch at a beautiful restaurant that you’ve been following for a long time.”

"Hmmmm." A smile appeared on Xiao Shi's face, "I feel very happy thinking of this."

Ning Youguang also smiled, "Many times, you carefully observe the people around you who seem to be very high-frequency and high-energy, but in fact, they are not always that high-energy, they just nourish their hearts more than ordinary people. "

Xiao Shi thought for a while and said, "You mean, I should learn to nourish my soul in my daily life, right?"

Ning Youguang nodded, "Yes, for example, if you make yourself feel better in the morning, your mood will improve throughout the day. Treat yourself like a precious guest, and you will become more honorable. How do you treat yourself? , how the world will treat you; if you care for yourself, respect yourself, and affirm yourself, others will treat you the way you treat yourself. If you need love and recognition from others, you have to know how to love and affirm yourself first ."

Xiaoshi thought about it.

After a while, she asked back, "Mr. Ning, is it because I don't know how to love myself, so I haven't met anyone who loves me since I was a child?"

Ning Youguang said, "This is precisely because of the innate defense mechanism of our mind. Once we deliberately suppress a certain quality, it will attract those who are more likely to express this quality, so that we can see us in them. Reflection of oneself. From a psychological point of view, if a person wants to gain the love of others, he must first establish self-love. If he just pretends his appearance without paying attention to his heart, then the opposite **** he attracts will also be People who are used to pretending."

"How should I identify this projected image and how to get out of this vicious circle?" Xiao Shi felt that this was a question that had troubled him for a long time, "I want to have a healthy and intimate relationship."

"Projection at the ego level is very recognizable, if we just 'feel' the presence of someone or something, it usually doesn't give us a projection, if we influence someone or something, then It is very likely to carry our projection. The shortcomings of others in our eyes are almost the projections of our own shortcomings." Ning Youguang said, "As long as we admit and accept a certain negative trait in our hearts, what others show This trait does not affect us, and only then can we be honest with others.”

"You mean that all the qualities that we can see in others exist in ourselves." Xiaoshi said, "I usually like to criticize others, but is it because I like to criticize myself?"

"Yes." Ning Youguang said with a smile, "Compare your heart with your heart, and treat yourself as you would others. When you can forgive and accept yourself, you will naturally be able to forgive and accept others. If you are willing to open your heart If you are willing to truly look at yourself and accept yourself, you will fall in love with yourself, become calm and calm, and you can share your love with others. Once this virtuous cycle begins, your changes will not only Just living your own life, and you'll soon find that the way you relate to others has changed as well."

An uncontrollable smile appeared on Xiao Shi's face, "So, if I want a healthy intimate relationship, I need to guide my behavior, neither suppressing myself nor denying myself, so that I can turn my shortcomings into advantages. ,is not it?"

"Yes." Ning Youguang praised Xiaoshi, "You understand very well."

"Ah, I see." Xiao Shi said in surprise, "As you said in the book, 'Admitting and accepting the imperfect self is a very important thing for a person to have a complete life. "

“We must forgive ourselves for our imperfections, because imperfections are part of human nature. When we have a new understanding of the relationship between our inner world and the world around us, we can use this understanding to guide our lives. Discover those qualities that we can hide." Ning Youguang is very happy that Xiaoshi can understand his meaning well, "Once we burst the soap bubbles in our brains composed of false ideas, we will recognize the true face of our inner world. When you can face up to the dark side of your heart and face all your shortcomings, you will also realize the positive meaning of these 'shortcomings', and your life will undergo earth-shaking changes."

Xiaoshi got more and more excited, "I must learn to admit myself, accept myself, and be my friend, no matter how long this process takes!"

In short, she can't wait to see her transformed future.

The time for heart-to-heart communication always goes by very fast.

On this day, Xiaoshi said goodbye to Ning Youguang reluctantly until the sun went down after she came to UCAS in the morning.


Ning Youguang took her to have a light meal at "Little Four Happiness" in the snack street outside the UCAS campus.

"Mr. Ning, thank you for your guidance and help today."

Standing at the door of Ning Youguang's office, Xiao Shi hugged Ning Youguang for the third time.

"You're welcome." Ning Youguang said with a gentle smile, "The most important thing is to thank the brave little poems who are willing to face and change themselves."

Xiao Shi was amused by her words, "Thank you brave Xiao Shi."

When she said this, she still felt shy in her heart, but it was undeniable that she was happy.

Her heart told her - "She likes to be loved by herself."

Ning Youguang thoughtfully sent Xiaoshi downstairs.

"I know that after you go back, you will inevitably have a period of discomfort before the truly changed life you want, but if you persist, you will surely succeed. I have helped countless clients like you."

Her warm eyes fell on Xiao Shi's face, "No matter how difficult the process is, I will always accompany you."

Xiao Shi's eyes turned red again, "I'm so lucky to be able to meet Teacher Ning."

Ning Youguang smiled softly and patiently warned.

"When you get home, remember to stand in front of the mirror every day and tell yourself in the mirror, 'I am...I am...' and repeat each positive trait as many times as you like until you no longer feel it. until the emotions fluctuate."

This day, at 8 pm, weibo.

[An ordinary person: The fifth hexagram of "Book of Changes", "Needing Gua", says: "Youfu, Guangheng, Zhenji." It means, "Only when we have enough courage to face the objective truth, do not carry out Only by deceiving oneself and not being swayed by hallucinations can we clearly recognize the direction we are going, do things smoothly, and get good results." - This is also the true meaning of exploring the shadow of the soul. ]

[An ordinary person: We do not make judgments about ourselves and others, and naturally we can usher in peace of mind. Good luck! @72 Guest Room Courtyard: Excuse me, teacher, in this impetuous era, how can we usher in peace of mind? ]

this day.

Ming Jinxin asked Ning Youguang to come to the house for dinner.

As soon as she got out of the elevator and before she reached the door of Ning's house, she heard the lyrical sound of a cello slowly flowing from the Ning's house - a beautiful and gentle melody, "The Swan".

Soon, she rang the doorbell, and the door was opened by the workers from inside the house.

She saw Ning Youyu wearing an ironed white shirt, black overalls, and a pair of brand-new black calfskin shoes, sitting on a chair by the side of the table and playing the cello like an elegant little prince.

The sense of ceremony is perfect.

Seeing this scene, she was no longer in a hurry to enter the house, and lazily leaned against the door and picked up her phone to take pictures.

Ning Youyu in the room raised his head and glanced at her, with a bright smile on his tender and tender face.

The movement of the shuriken is not wrong.

Ming Jinxin was sitting on the sofa drinking tea in a soft outfit.

"It's a good day in the morning, so if it rains, it will rain." Seeing Ning Youguang coming, she smiled brightly, "Aren't you getting wet?"

"No." Ning Youguang smiled, "I drove here, but the road was a little blocked."

"Traffic jams are annoying enough." Ming Jinxin said, "Come in, it's cold outside."

Ning Yingguang entered the door, handed the bag in his hand to the worker, took off his coat, bent down, took off his black boots, and put on brand new fluffy pink slippers.

"I bought it new, doesn't it look good?" Ming Jinxin asked with a smile when she saw her eyes fell on her feet.

"It looks good." Ning Youguang felt that these slippers were quite comfortable to wear, "Very comfortable."

"I'll buy you two more pairs?" Ming Jinxin said.

"No need." Ning Youguang quickly shook his head, "Occupy space."

"Let's put the Wusheng study room, you can wear it comfortably." Ming Jin returned. 1314

20,000 updates today, thanks to all the little angels for their support~

I wish the angels of the college entrance examination to perform extremely well~

(end of this chapter)