Chapter 409: But I'm just afraid

Chapter 409 But I'm Just Afraid

That night, Ning Youguang moved some daily necessities and clothes to the "future time".

Although there are not many things to move, it can be regarded as a new house.

- She finally left the dorm where she lived for several years.

After strolling the streets all day, I returned to the dormitory in the afternoon and rushed to pack up and move in.

Ning Youguang felt tired and didn't want to move as soon as he carried something back to the future.

"Let's take a break. I'll clean up the things tomorrow." She pulled the things and put them neatly on the ground. Mochizuki sat down lazily on the sofa in his living room when she was about to clean up.

The National University of Science and Technology has already had the winter vacation, and she has already entered the vacation.

Not to mention that as the New Year is approaching, she has nothing to do.

This year, whether it is the KPIs at work in the school and the research institute, or the KPIs she has set for herself, they are all completed early.

When    rested, she rested very peacefully and relaxed.

This is the full relaxation and freedom that can be experienced after completing all tasks with absolute self-discipline.

The time is not always good. It is very busy throughout the year, especially before the new year.

"This sofa is really comfortable." Ning Youshao rested his head on Shi Mochizuki's lap and sighed comfortably while lying on the sofa.

"Will it make you less uncomfortable?" Shi Mochizuki gently touched her face.

"Not used to it?" Ning Youguang looked puzzled.

"Yeah." Shi Mochizuki nodded and asked tentatively, "Having lived in the dormitory for so long, it would be very unaccustomed to suddenly move here."

"No." Ning Youguang said with a smile, "I was thinking about moving here during the winter vacation, but the school has not been finished, so it has been delayed until now."

Shi Mochizuki's hand paused, and he laughed, "As long as you don't want me to know, it's really hidden."

He thought about moving in so long in advance, but he didn't see it at all.

"It seems that there is still some cultivation." Shi Mochizuki sighed inwardly.

"Where are they hiding?" Ning Youguang frowned, "I just don't remember telling you."

She resolutely didn't tell him - "Play with my heart, little boy, you are still very tender."

What can Mochizuki do when   ?

You can only choose to reflect on yourself.

"Then I still have to be brave in the future. If there is anything I want, I must tell you in advance. The sooner I tell you, the better."

Otherwise, you are secretly anxious, and the only one who suffers hardships is yourself.

"Well, that's what it is." Ning Youguang looked approving, "I'm not a tigress, you can tell me if you have any ideas, as long as I can, when have I ever rejected you?"

Whenever possible...

Mr. Ning's words are nice and watertight.

When    always knew something was wrong, there was still no place to refute it, so he could only continue to reflect on his own problems.

I can reflect and reflect, but I don’t feel that I have room for improvement.

"Of course you're not a tigress!" He sighed pitifully, "Everyone around me who has seen you, who wouldn't be envious of my good luck, would say that I must have burned a high incense in my last life, and that I have come across such a good thing. Teacher Ning, she is beautiful, talented, gentle and temperamental, but I'm just afraid..."

"What are you afraid of?" Ning Youguang raised his eyebrows.

"I'm afraid you can't." Shi Mochizuki said sadly.

"Oh." Ning Youguang's exquisite face was full of calm, "Of course you can't refuse, even if you're facing the person you love the most, you can't be without principles." 1314

(end of this chapter)