Chapter 443: 443 Pulling a small trailer to go downstairs for takeaway

Chapter 443 443 Pulling a small trailer to go downstairs for takeout

"?" Li Qing was stunned.

Ning Youguang told him roughly what happened at noon today, and incidentally about the encounter with Gu Ying.

"Why so coincidental?" Li Qing on the other end of the phone was stunned, "It turned out to be Senior Zhao and her mother."

"Yeah." Ning Youguang smiled, "I think it's a coincidence too."

"So, Senior Zhao is back?" Li Qing said in surprise.


"When is it convenient? I'll be the host. Let's have a meal together. I haven't seen Senior Zhao for a long time. How does he look now?" Li Qing was curious, "After so many years in the UK, the hairline is still there. ?"

Ning was happy, "What are you talking about, senior Zhao's genes are fine."

"It's okay." Li Qing pretended to be relieved, "Then I can see the handsome senior Zhao again, the light of our National University of Science and Technology, he is not bald, should... also... not fat?"

"No, it's almost the same as before." Ning Youguang chuckled, "It's just that his temperament is a little more mature, and you'll know when you have a chance to meet him."

"I'm relieved to know that Senior Zhao is the same as before." Li Qing smiled, "Senior Zhao usually posts scientific research, academics, and art content in his circle of friends. Landscape, never posting pictures of himself, so I don't know what he's become in England."

She babbled, "You know, I have a high school classmate who went to the UK for graduate school after graduating from college. He has doubled his weight in more than a year. I'm really worried that Senior Zhao will not eat well there, and he will gain weight. He is no longer the handsome senior in my memory, and I am afraid that there will be a huge psychological gap when we meet, and I can't hold back my expression, which is not very good."

"Don't worry, I won't." Ning Youguang assured the other party, and then asked, "Why did you think of asking me to have a picnic? Didn't I tell you to go out and climb the mountain before? You said you were afraid of the sun."

"Everyone can change." Li Qing threw out a sentence, "I didn't like going out because I liked being in a house. Now I don't like being in a house. I like going out and hugging with nature."

"Yo~" Ning Youguang was delighted, "What made the eldest lady change so much?"

"It's just that I always feel a lot of pressure during this time, in all aspects." Li Qing said, "And then a few friends who like camping and picnics told me that if they feel stressed, they can go to different camps. , On different meadows, looking at different skylights and plants, looking at different clouds and winds, this will make me heal. At first I didn’t really believe it, but I went with them a few times and found that nature really Makes me feel good."

"I told you before, you don't believe it." Ning Youguang teased her.

"Uh..." Li Qing was annoyed, "I haven't experienced this kind of thing before, no matter how good you tell me, I can't perceive it, and it's natural to miss such a long time."

"It's a good experience now, congratulations." Ning Youguang smiled, "To be more comfortable, you can even hold the tree for a while like an old man and experience the breath of grass and trees."

"Okay." Li Qing decided to be obedient now, "I'll hug the tree later."

"You've changed too much." Li Qing's action force surprised Ning Youguang.

"That's it." Li Qing said proudly and disappointedly, "You don't know, recently I have developed to the point that even if I have a takeaway, I have to take my stroller and picnic mat to the woods and grass downstairs. When you eat it, eat it in the sun, and then drag it back after eating. Food is also healing, especially if you make it yourself, especially if you eat it in nature, these days, as long as the weather is good on weekends, I will eat out , I tried Korean cold noodles, Sichuan skewers, spicy hot pot, spring cakes, sushi, hot dry noodles, leek box, etc. I also ate Hunan stir-fry, accompanied by coffee and wine, and sometimes sparkling water. I feel that life is still fresh, I no longer care about whether I get a tan or not, what I care more about is whether I am happy or not."

"Such a good spring, coupled with you living so hard, is really beautiful." Ning Youguang praised.

"What beauty is beautiful..." Li Qing smiled happily, but his tone was a little self-deprecating, "I think those people in our community have already regarded me as a lunatic, hahaha, who cares, I'm happy, I Happy! This at least proves that I am still working hard to live."

"If someone thinks you are insane, it must not be you." Ning Youguang chuckled.

"I think so too." Li Qing smiled happily, "They don't understand, when I sit under the tree downstairs in my house, I seem to have the feeling of the whole world, how happy is it."

"When my legs are healed and I find a sunny day, I will also experience the kind of life you live. Thinking about it makes me yearn." Ning Youguang said enviously.

"Well, I must experience it! I'll tell you." Li Qing said word by word, "I finally understand now. Why is it that we generally know the truth, but we often can't make up our minds when we face the realm, that is, Because we don't have the habit of using it."

"You're right." Ning Youguang chuckled, "Many people always say, 'I know so many truths or I can't live my life', it's because of those truths, they didn't realize them in their own life. Yes, it’s not our own, it’s just what we heard about it. Of course, it doesn’t work for them. To make the “principle” useful to us, we must experience it ourselves and turn it into Taoism. "

"Who were you talking to just now? We've been talking for so long." Shi Mochizuki pushed open the door from the room and saw Ning Youguang closing his cell phone.

"Li Qing." Ning Youguang smiled.

"What are you talking about?" Shi Mochizuki asked casually when he lifted the basket full of flowers from her side.

"She wants to invite me to a picnic." Ning Youguang said softly, "I feel like she may have something stuck in her heart recently, and she's in a bad mood."

"Oh." Shi Mochizuki nodded, "Aren't all sentient beings troubled?"

"Speak human words." Ning Youguang squinted Shi Mochizuki, "She doesn't study psychology, she usually has a lot of pressure at work, and it's normal that she can't solve some things by herself."

"Oh." Shi Mochizuki nodded irrevocably, "Do you still want to cut the flowers?"

"I don't cut it anymore, it's finished." Ning Youguang handed him the flower scissors in his hand, "Do you see if there is anything you want to cut?"

Shi Mochizuki took the flower scissors, clicked twice, and cut off two blooming orchids, "Enough."

"Why did you cut it?" Ning Youguang exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" Shimochizuki asked. 1314

(end of this chapter)