Chapter 450 Two more

"Did you discuss with them before you decided to go to graduate school?" Ning Youguang asked softly.

"No." Li Yanran cried and shook her head.

Then, a look of disgust appeared on a thin little face, "Since I got the admission letter from our school, they have often bragged in our hometown, saying that I was admitted to a prestigious university in Beijing, and that after graduating from the university, If you want to eat public food, you will also marry an official at that time, I am really..."

——"When I was very young, I swore that I must leave my hometown in the future, I must not live with my parents, I can give them money, but don't live with them, live with them, I will Crazy."

"Crazy", Li Yanran almost said it through gritted teeth.

"Are you a left-behind child?" Ning Youguang asked.

"Yes, teacher." Li Yanran nodded, "Since I was born, my parents kept me at home and asked my grandparents to take me. They worked in Jiangsu, and then set up their own factories. Later, they The younger brother was born there, and the younger brother lives with them all the time, and goes to school there."

"Why did they want you to go back to your hometown in Jiangsu?" Ning Youguang asked again.

"In recent years, the economy has been sluggish. They closed the factory in Jiangsu and returned to their hometown to set up a factory." Li Yanran replied.

Ning Youguang asked again, "How is your relationship with your brother?"

"It's not that good." Li Yanran looked very cold, "Before my parents went home to set up a factory, he would come back with my parents once a year during the Chinese New Year for about a week, I'm not familiar with him, I After my parents went back to their hometown to open a factory, I rarely lived with them, and I went to a boarding school in high school."

Ning Youguang was silent for a while and said, "With your grades, there is absolutely no problem with the postgraduate entrance examination."

"I also think it's fine." Li Yanran has always been confident in her academic performance, "So I must go to graduate school."

"Your decision is a good one." Ning Youguang's words were full of support, "As for your parents...they don't support you, can you afford your tuition for graduate school?"

Li Yanran bowed her head sadly, "I will work hard from now on to save money. Even if they object and don't give me tuition and living expenses, I must finish graduate school with my own efforts."

"I'm glad you didn't give up your perseverance because of difficulties." Ning Youguang looked gentle, "I have something, I hope you think about it."

"What's the matter?" Li Yanran raised her head suspiciously.

Ning Youguang asked, "Your family doesn't approve of your postgraduate study, right?"

Li Yanran nodded in confusion.

"I am also your family member, I agree." Ning Youguang chuckled, "One day as a teacher, life as a father."

Li Yanran's face was stunned, and after a long while, tears fell from the corners of her eyes again.

This time, the girl's delicate eyes were filled with joy and emotion.

"Are you willing to let me as a 'family member' help you share your tuition?"

When the sky is completely dark.

Ning Youguang and Li Yanran slowly walked out of the woods on the campus of UCAS.

"Teacher, what natural process can best describe the whole process of people's spiritual growth?"

"Probably the process of the caterpillar turning cocoon into a butterfly."

A small forest full of frog sounds, Ning Youguang's gentle voice is like the falling flowers on the top of the two people's heads being blown off by the spring breeze of the night.

"All of us, like caterpillars.

The suffering and trauma in life have caused us to grow thorns all over our body. We keep using indifference to cover up and avoid the wounds. We feel that we just need to hide the wounds and pretend to be okay.

We think that the thorns all over our body are our true selves. Few people have the courage to stop, wrap life and trauma in themselves seriously, transform from it, perceive from it, and produce a transformation of the soul from it.

Every pain and setback is an opportunity for us to grow.

Everyone needs to experience the dark night of the soul and the package of loneliness in his life.

When we have endured all kinds of pain and make up our minds to change our lives, the day will come when we turn into butterflies.

Pain is the best teacher in life.

When we have been through pain, setbacks, and troubles, we seek ways to accept, comfort, and heal these imperfect moments in our lives.

This is when we gain spiritual growth and have a stronger heart. "

"I hope I can become stronger as soon as possible." Li Yanran's voice regained the vigor she should have at her age, and her path ahead has been lit, "When the time comes, I will become invincible, I hope You can be an invincible person yourself.”

Ning Youguang chuckled lightly, and said slowly, "Many people think that a person with a strong heart is the 'number one person with an indestructible heart in the universe', but the truth is the opposite. A person with a mature heart is real, consistent inside and out. Yes. He will bravely reveal himself to the world, and he will not be afraid of his imperfections. He will be a person who is firm in heart, but looks very gentle and gentle on the outside, and who is full of empathy for everything in the world. A very tolerant person who accepts the world and himself and others."

"If that's the case, I don't feel like I'm good enough."

Li Yanran felt that she did not have the confidence to live like that.

She calmly looked at the picturesque face of the teacher beside her, feeling momentarily that the person the teacher said was herself.

This is of course the ideal type she dreams of becoming.

But she knew very clearly that she couldn't do it herself.

The height achieved by the teacher, the students often discussed in private, and finally came to the conclusion——

"She is a god."

Ning Youguang has no magical powers, and can't understand that the minds of the students around him have gone wild.

"We have a long way to grow. We don't have to rush what we want to achieve now. As long as you are on the road, a better and better you will be waiting for you ahead."

I watched the silver car drive away slowly under the street lights.

Li Yanran picked up the phone and wrote in the circle of friends:

"All the regrets of last winter are the foreshadowing of surprises this spring."

At the same time, she secretly swore in her heart—

"Please testify to the gods, I must become a gentle person to the world in the future."

For Shi Mochizuki, the most relaxing moment of the day is the end of a hectic day of work, and the first moment he gets home from work, he can see the lights are on at home.

Someone was sitting under the lamp, quietly waiting for him to come home.

This sense of security is something he is unwilling to change even if someone gives him the whole world.

It's a bit of a pity that when he got home today, he found that the house was completely dark.

The person I want to see hasn't come back yet. 1314

(end of this chapter)