Chapter 465 Two more

Looking at it, Zhou Tang was surprised that the younger sister of Ning's family had such a prosperous beauty, but the netizens below the comments, except for some literary quotes to praise the beauty of the younger sister of the Ning family, others As if ignoring her appearance, they are all watching and tasting her richer interior.

Not only onlookers, but they also tried their best to respond to everything related to her with words similar to Ning's sister in temperament and appearance.

——Like a group of monkeys who usually like to watch dramas and like to jump up and down, suddenly they put on robes, and they all dressed up as cultural people who read poetry and books, extraordinarily elegant, and extraordinarily poetic. Literacy is self-sustainable, which makes people not dare to be presumptuous.

also makes people feel very wrong.

"Could it be that someone accused me?"

I don't want Miss Ning's family to be judged on the Internet by some unknown people, or to say some inconspicuous things, which will make people feel uncomfortable.

Zhou Tang thought to himself, the first thought of the Ning family, the second thought of the Ming Dynasty.

But before things are clear, he doesn't want to ask them rashly.

So, I opened my own topic #周堂古人来#, I wanted to see what netizens were saying, and then——

[It turns out that I am so confident because I have such a good mother. ]

[My parents-in-law are so loving, thank you for your support! ]

[What is good family education, good family education means that parents do their best to be themselves, and then let their children become children. ]

[exactly! ]

[My husband is so handsome! ]

[Such a good father-in-law, daughter-in-law is really lucky! ]

[Father-in-law loves mother-in-law so much, is it okay for our mother-in-law to be the backbone of the family? ]

嘚, it's still the original style of painting, and it's still a group of people who like to jump up and down.

Zhou Tang's psychological doubts deepened, and he patiently opened the hot topic #familyeducation#, and carefully read the following hot comments:

[Ma Zhou, who was born in 1968, is extremely tolerant and harmonious with his views on young people. ]

[Suddenly I understand why they said that. ]

[The Old Man Comes is a program that touches the human soul. ]

[After watching Zhou Tang in this episode, I found that no one can reach the pinnacle of life without effort. It is only through their own efforts that they can reach the desired height, those dazzling brilliance. , are the result of accumulation over many years. ]

This style of painting——

Zhou Tang briefly turned his attention away from the Internet and asked Xiao Qian, "Have you read the comments under the hot search?"

"Look, it's all good reviews!" Xiao Qian said very happily.

Zhou Tang looked at his silly cousin, who was so tired, "Have you noticed the difference in the wind direction of the three topic comment areas?"

Xiao Qian was stunned, "It's different, what's the difference, I don't know."

Zhou Tangzhi looked at the screen of the mobile phone, and broke the doubts in his heart with Xiaoqian, "Does it seem like someone is deliberately guiding the public opinion trend of "The Old Man Comes", and is controlling the comments?"

"An empty comment?" Xiao Qian scratched his head, "Who is it, Teacher Ning?"

Zhou Tang gritted his teeth, "The brain is a good thing, could you please help me get it back?"

"You, Teacher Ning, and the program group are the only ones who are trending on "The Old Man Comes"." Xiaoqian was not angry when his brother complained, and he calculated carefully with his fingers, "We didn't invite the navy, it should be a good program. No, you are so suspicious, who else is there besides Teacher Ning?" 1314

(end of this chapter)