Chapter 519 Two more

"In this way, the client will lose a part of his mind, just as his therapist has lost a part because he has not learned to understand his own mind. For the trainer, a series of concepts is far from impossible. It constitutes training analysis, so the trainer has to go through the healing process in person before he knows how to help the client more effectively." After a slight pause, Ning Youguang continued, "You know what I mean? ?"

The big guy is just mentally ill, but his IQ is okay.

Of course he understood, so he said slowly, "Have you been troubled by mental problems before?"

"Yes." Ning Youguang slowly lowered his head with a sore neck, "There is a saying in our industry - 'Only healers who have been injured will heal.'"

But she didn't know that her behavior was interpreted by the person in the wheelchair as she was suffering.

"Do you want candy?"

"Sugar?" Ning Youguang raised his head in surprise.

The person in the wheelchair asked softly, "Do you want lemon candy?"

Ning Youguang didn't know why the other party suddenly wanted to invite her to eat candy, but at this moment, she must maintain a completely and accepting attitude towards him.


Ning Youguang finished waiting for Shi Mochizuki to go to a sugar jar in a cupboard at home to get candy, but he didn't want to, and the other party's wheelchair didn't move.

He took out a lemon candy directly from his black jacket pocket.


- A big guy who carries candy with him.

Ning Youguang expressed surprise at his new discovery.

She opened the candy bag and stuffed the yellow, plump lemon candy into her mouth.

When concentrating on eating sugar.

She heard the other person ask again, "Why did you choose to be a healer?"

This question is easy to answer and she is often asked.

But how to tell the other party, she needs to refine the language.

Ning Youguang took advantage of this kung fu "Ga 嘣" and "Ga 嘣" to chew the lemon candy in his mouth and swallow it——

"When I was in high school, I had a high fever at school and I was very ill. Because I was abroad at the time, I was the only one living in the dormitory, so when I was sick, there was no one else around. In the end, it was my teacher. I found out that I didn't go to class for two days, came to my dormitory to find me, and sent me to the hospital. I remember that after going to the hospital, I heard the doctor and my teacher in a daze saying 'this school life is not like tomorrow'. I'm probably really going to die and never see my family again.'

The next day, when I woke up and found myself alive, I started to think, 'Am I dead, yesterday, dead, am I awake from the dream I had before, and into a new dream? , I'm dead, abroad, and I don't have any relatives by my side. ’

From that day on, when I was alone, I always liked to think about things related to life and death——

‘Where did I come from when I was born and where do I go when I died? ’

‘Is it a dream to live, and can I wake up from a dream when I die? ’

‘What is the meaning of my life? ’

Thinking about life and death is the beginning of a person's awakening. "

—and awakening is often accompanied by great pain.

"Sugar is so sweet." Ning Youguang opened the bottle, took a sip of water, and continued, "I was different from the people around me since I was a child. The children around me are happy every day, but I often feel lonely and hopeless. They don't fit in.

But after this illness, my confusion became a question that human beings have been thinking about for thousands of years, but until now there is no standard answer.

So how do I break free from these confusions?

I started soaking myself in the school library every day, reading all kinds of books - astronomy, quantum theory, medicine, philosophy, religion, hoping to find some answers from the books.

Finally, I am addicted to the books of psychotherapy masters like Freud, Jung, Erickson, Satya, Hellinger, Michelin.

I fell madly in love with all kinds of psychology-related knowledge.

I felt like I had entered a mysterious new world.

It is amazing that while I was interested in this knowledge of psychology, more and more professionals in psychology began to appear around me.

I started to study with them.

A few years later, I found that everything I experienced turned out to be my great wealth, and my life was transformed without knowing it. My personality, mentality, and three views have also undergone tremendous changes, as if reborn.

And because of these experiences, I can understand other mentally ill patients.

After graduating from university, I also worked as a doctor for two or three years. When I was a doctor, many patients told me their pain and confusion.

I will tell them about some of the confusions and experiences I have experienced, and share with them the knowledge and methods I have benefited from, and also share with them how our world is constructed in a huge lie, and what should we do? How to wake yourself up and find a more meaningful purpose and direction in your life.

In the process, I found that giving people psychological and spiritual comfort makes my patients more happy than simply giving people a cure.

In the second year of being a doctor, I found the most meaningful thing in life, bringing health and hope to those who are suffering, not only the body, but also the mind.

I started planning to set up my own psychological studio.

Gradually, there are more and more visitors in my studio, and more and more visitors have been changed, regained the power of life, and walked out of my studio healthily.

My life has become more fulfilling and happier.

Then, when I woke up one sunny morning, I suddenly realized that I hadn’t indulged in the pain of paranoia for a long time.

I found myself able to empathize with others.

At that time, I thought, being an excellent therapist is probably my mission in life.

In this process of healing others, I found that nothing I have experienced in my life is superfluous. Those pains and trials are all honing me and helping me to be a good healer.

Now, I look forward to my everyday life.

Whenever I sit in the studio and face different people with different symptoms, accompany them, help them get rid of their mental pain, and help them find themselves, I feel very happy.

Life is full of surprises, and no one knows what will happen tomorrow.

But I pray every night before going to bed, 'I hope I can, never give up helping others be a better me' because life is always full of surprises and I never know when a miracle will happen. "1314

These chapters of expertise come from Jung

(end of this chapter)