Chapter 540: You don't need to be happy, you just need the trash can

came out of the "Study of No Life".

Zhuang Siqi asked Ning Youguang, "Are you born to love plants so much?"

Ning Youguang smiled, "It should be."

In fact, she herself is not sure if she is a natural lover of plants.

She thought of her previous life, and someone asked her, "You have such a childhood, how can you still live so powerfully to heal others, how did you do it?"

She once thought for a while and said—

"I don't know, more than ten years ago, I hadn't grown up enough to understand any kind of spiritual healing method, or met someone like that to guide me, I just love plants, and I envy them, so I foolishly toward them Learn how to be a good child of the earth, that's all."

So, what motivated her to love plants?

Growing up, she often felt out of place with the people around her.

Even more so in middle school, when she was at school, she lived in a multi-person dormitory for a while, and then the dormitory was isolated, but she didn't know the reason or how to solve it, so she could only choose to escape, avoid disputes, avoid them , and do not get along with them unless it is necessary.

There are two places for her to hide, one is the bookstore outside the school, and the other is the field outside the school.

At that time, the school happened to be built on the outskirts of the city, and there was a vast field behind the campus.

And she especially likes to go to the field when it is not raining and there is no class, or when she is in a particularly bad mood.

Because the wind and crops in the wild made her feel at peace, just like sitting in the yard alone when she was a child, counting the sunlight leaking from the leaves.

The two girls chatted casually.

Zhuang Jianxian suddenly sighed!

"What's the matter?" Zhuang Siqi turned to look at her brother who was playing on the phone.

"Eldest sister asked her assistant to book a return ticket for us." Zhuang Jianxian looked at Zhuang Siqi and said.

"Isn't it better to book a plane ticket?" Zhuang Siqi didn't understand what was so sighing, "How many days are there for the flight tomorrow?"

"There is no problem with the flight booking." Zhuang Jianxian had a speechless expression on his face, "The problem is that she still asked her assistant to book two different flights for us."

"???!" Zhuang Siqi also felt speechless, "Why hasn't this happened yet?"

This time, she and her brother came to Beijing on two flights, one after the other, so they couldn't get on the plane together, not to mention the delay.

Zhuang Jianxian also nodded tiredly, "She said that what happened before was not a whim, but a family rule that our family must abide by in the future."

“…” Zhuang Siqi.

Well, not only is it not a whim, but it has also become a family rule!

"What's the matter?" Ning Youguang asked with concern when he saw the extremely complicated expressions on the faces of the banker's twins.

"It's my sister." Zhuang Siqi sighed, "Because of the collective poisoning incident in our family, she made a new family rule for our family."

"What family rules?" Ning Youguang asked curiously.

"Go ahead." Zhuang Siqi gave Zhuang Jianxian a weak look.

The latter feels like it’s too hard to describe—

"My sister said that in order to avoid group misfortunes in our family in the future, when the family travels in the future, they are not allowed to take the same flight, they are not allowed to take the same car, they are not allowed to go out to eat together, they must be separated."

Ning Youguang was silent and smiled, "Just in case, the sense of crisis is very strong, and the family rules are very good."

you sure?

“…” Banker twins.

School season starts in early September.

Ning Youguang had been busy at school for a long time in August. It happened that the day before the school started, there was no class for her, and there was not much work, so she lazily went to school after lunch.

However, as soon as she parked the car in the parking lot, she suddenly saw a student who taught last semester arguing with a middle-aged woman in the parking lot. Judging from the appearance and the way they interacted, they should be mother and daughter. relation.

"That's how you say you love me? It's obviously something I don't like, but you have to force it on me, and it has to be prepared for me. If that's the case, I beg you, don't prepare it, okay? ?"

"It's all what you need, what's the matter, it's all according to your liking?" The middle-aged woman was carrying two bags and looked very angry.

"Are you sure it's according to my liking? Have you asked me?" The girl was even more angry.

"What's the matter, didn't you like this very much when you were a child?" The middle-aged woman looked like she should, looking at her actions, she wanted the girl to take the bag in her hand.

"Does it mean that I like it now that I like it before?" The girl stepped back in avoidance. Judging from her body language, she refused to accept it. "I told you no, no, no, did you listen?"

- "Also, you were like that in the car just now. You have to say a bunch of things that I don't want to hear. I told you not to say it, but you can't stop. You have to tell me... I beg you, if You don't want me to hate my dad, you start shutting up now, and don't tell me bad things about my dad in the future."

"I'm too lazy to quarrel with him now, I'm just telling you, I won't tell you, who else can I tell you, you are my daughter, it's rare to say that?"

"It's not impossible to tell, but how many times have you told me about the things that happened more than ten years ago in a summer vacation?" Her female student released her suitcase and raised her hand, "At least twenty times, You know what? Besides, the only way you can solve problems with him is to quarrel?"

"I'm just angry." The middle-aged woman carried the bag and frowned.

"You are angry, you are angry, well, you have been angry, you have been ruminating your resentment and scars, those things are over, my dad is fine, it's time to eat, drink, as long as you always take it out, It's like a foot-binding cloth, isn't it disgusting? Is it a big deal? Can't get through it after so many years?" The female student roared at her with a breakdown, "You sent me to school today, and I also packed up my mood, I think I want to make you happy, I want to have some delicious food with you, but when you eat, you keep pulling your face, letting you eat this is not delicious, and eating that is not delicious, is it a disappointment?"

"It's not bad, but the seasoning is a little heavy." The middle-aged woman defended.

"OK, I get it." The girl hugged her head, looking very angry and helpless, "You just think it's not delicious anywhere, so you can make it the best, right? We won't go out to eat after that. It's a waste of money and a waste of mood."

"Ningning, don't do this, that's not what I meant." The middle-aged woman wanted to explain, "I just think..."

"Yes!" The girl stretched out her hand to stop her mother, "Don't say you don't think so, it's my fault, I take it for granted, you don't need to be happy, you just need a good trash can." 1314