Chapter 555: He is the man who created the age

Chapter 555 He is the one who created the era

"What old friend, didn't you hear what Hanhan said? The big guy is now dating her family. It's almost a family, right?"

"It's family, it's family."

Those male and female stars who have cleared up her relationship with the big boss through Fang Han in a few words, no matter how deep their envy and jealousy towards her, at least they have become more enthusiastic towards her.

So, that night, waves of compliments were given away for free in the big market, just like those who didn’t want money, they were sent to her—

"Hanhan, you are really low-key. You have such a strong network of connections at home as Starlight Capital, and you have never revealed a word to us. If we hadn't chatted with you, you would have kept it tight."

"If Hanhan is involved in any big production of Starlight Investment in the future, don't forget us good sisters."

There are also people who are curious about this love object and sound like:

"Hanhan, who is your family member? You are so lucky to have found such an excellent boyfriend. How did the two of you meet?"

"Is it a cousin or a cousin in your family? There is a chance to bring it out and play with us."

"It must be Hanhan's sister, otherwise it is not a family member."

"Hanhan is so beautiful, her grandmother and mother are all beautiful, how does that little sister or elder sister look like? Isn't she as beautiful as you?"


It was at a fashion party.

In the banquet hall of a well-known international five-star hotel in the capital, the flower beds are splendidly lit.

The light of the crystal lamps above everyone's heads helped everyone present, who were dressed in exquisite and gorgeous clothes, and a layer of glittering golden light was sprinkled on their bodies.

makes everyone look so dazzling.

But these already glittering people are still looking for a higher place, the one who shines brightly just by hearing the name.

Also a member of Glittering Tonight, Fang Han was wearing a black diamond-studded evening dress, holding a goblet with pale gold champagne in his hand, and his heart was really overwhelmed.

She doesn't look down on these things in front of her, she has nothing, she only thinks about people who are attracted by the flames, but she enjoys the feeling of being sought after and envied by them.

She knew all too well that even if she was with them, she was different from them in the end.

The sun and the moon are the sun and the moon, the stars are the stars, and no matter how bright the artificial diamond is, it is just an artificial diamond that needs to borrow the light of the sun, the moon and the stars to light up slightly.

However, after the crowd dispersed, she couldn't help but think regretfully in her heart, regretting why that radiant person has become so powerful now, but the vision of seeing people does not seem to be improving, and she can only see What about the fresh little flower in front of you, instead of looking up to see the brighter sun, moon and stars in the sky?

Obviously with his current aptitude, he can do it.

Yes, she admits, fresh flowers also have the beauty of fresh flowers.

But no matter how beautiful the fresh flowers are, can they look better than the sparkling stars in the sky?

If Shi Mochizuki's girlfriend wasn't Ning Youguang, but if it was his previous junior high school, elementary school, high school, or any girl in Jincheng, she would think it would be better to go to her than to go to her.

Immediately afterwards, she secretly regretted that she had misunderstood her cousin for so many years.

She thought that she would be like this, choose a career, be a university teacher, and live an ordinary life like this. In the future, whether it is the circle of life or the career map, she will not have any intersection with her, and she will not be close to her. necessary.

As a result, I have become more and more related to her over the years, and I don't even bother to maintain the indifferent cousin sisterhood with her.

But she didn't want to, the twists and turns, she actually had such a change, and found Shi Mochizuki as her boyfriend.

All of a sudden, she became unusual.

made her want to contact her now, and it took a little more effort.

That night, when the fashion show was over.

Fang Han sat in his tens of millions of nanny car, wrapped tightly the thin coat on his body, stared at the dim lights outside the window, and couldn't help thinking—

In this world, it’s really not easy to do anything.

is still the most profitable for those who have the ability to manipulate capital.

Money begets money How fast money comes.

Leek is so easy to cut.

Because of the convenience of the Internet, capital is more concentrated, and those very few people who belong to the core position, as long as the method is appropriate, they can create a new world by changing hands, and they can create a new myth in minutes.

They are not the ones who follow the torrent of the age that rolls forward, they are the ones who create the age.

Shi Mochizuki, the one who flew to the top for no apparent reason, was obviously the latter.

I thought about it for a long time and regretted it for a long time.

Fang Han finally sighed deeply, endured a very uncomfortable feeling, picked up his mobile phone, searched for a long time from WeChat communication, and found Ning Youguang's WeChat.

sent her the first message that the two have not spoken since the first time they added WeChat:

[Fang Han: Yes, yes, I heard your uncle say you are in love, congratulations, you have been addicted to academics for so many years, and now you have finally realized that you are in love. When I heard my uncle talk about it, I was so happy for you. ]

When Ning Youguang received Fang Han's WeChat, it was already before going to bed.

When Mochizuki was taking a bath, she sat on the bed, leaning on the pillow and reading a book.

When the screen of the phone lit up, she thought it was the brothers and sisters of the school's scientific research team who had something important to ask her, so she picked it up and looked at it for the first time, but was shocked to find that it was a WeChat message sent to her by Fang Han.

If she hadn't carefully read the WeChat content she sent her, she wouldn't have remembered, who is this Fang Han?

But no matter why the other party suddenly became nervous and sent her this kind of WeChat message, she still replied politely and simply:

[thanks. ]

Then, Fang Han returned in seconds—

[Are you free recently? A friend of mine held a cross-border art exhibition at the Grand Hotel these days. Her art exhibition was very lively. Many people went to see it. Every day, there was a long queue in front of the museum. I asked her to send you a message. Here's an invitation letter, you can take your boyfriend to punch a card if you are free these two days. ]

Soon, the other party sent her an invitation letter for an electronic version of the cross-border art exhibition.

After receiving this invitation.

Ning Youguang knew that Fang Han's friend was a popular female artist in the domestic entertainment circle.

In the cross-border art exhibition held by popular female artists in the entertainment industry, there will definitely be a lot of celebrities and idols in the past.

The address is "Grand Hotel" in the west of the city.

is not far.

I would rather have light to think.

The problem with    was that the project she was working on at that time was in a critical period.

I'm so busy every day that I don't even have time to have dinner with Shi Mochizuki, and I don't even have time to date on weekends. Where can I take him to a cross-border art exhibition organized by a singing female star?

is also a friend of Fang Han.

So, Ning Youguang closed the book and replied to her again:

[Thank you, I will see the situation~]

Immediately afterwards, he sent her a little bunny with a quilt and a "I'm going to bed" emoji package.

Turning her head, she turned off her phone and left it on the cabinet next to her.

Ning Youguang comfortably laid her body flat on the bed, she didn't intend to continue chatting with Fang Han at all.

I'm tired, I'm going to bed, tomorrow is another day with lots of tasks, so I need to get up early.

Ning Youguang almost fell asleep in seconds after lying down.

Before going to bed, she was still thinking about—

The fate between people is really interesting.

In the past life, she groped for a while alone, only to realize that she and Fang Han were not the same, so she was always vigilant not to have deep friendship with her, but she was always disturbed by her.

In this life, she simply cut off the chance to link with her.

The relationship between the two became even more rusty.

Therefore, even if they are cousins ​​who have a deep blood relationship, they are no worse than strangers, or even worse than strangers.

After all, there is no stranger who will violate your territory from time to time regardless of your will, right?

So, after going to college, the two of them basically lost touch.

is really nice, she thinks, so that she doesn't have to spend the energy of pretending that she has a little plastic flower sisterhood with her.

Therefore, compared with the previous life, the relationship between the two of them in this life is not much better.

However, she is different from Fang Huai.

In the past life, Fang Huai always stood with Fang Han, and did a lot of things that violated the Ning family and her, intentionally or not.

Originally came back in this life.

She wanted to treat Fang Huai the same as Fang Han, and she was about eight feet away from this pair of siblings.

But I didn't expect it, and I don't know which butterfly from Mississippi flapped its wings again.

She and Fang Huai have been doing well since childhood.

Not to mention how good the relationship between the two cousins ​​can be.

At least during the festivals, the other party will send her a message, and sometimes they pay attention to some of her things, and they will come over to care for her and chat with her in person.

This is Fang Huai who really has her cousin in his heart.

Return virtue with virtue.

For Fang Huai like this, Ning Youguang will naturally get closer to him.

This is a good relationship between cousins ​​and younger brothers.

And she also found that Fang Huai's character in this life is fundamentally different from that in the previous life.

In the past life, Fang Huai was really a bad guy who couldn't find any good.

But in this life, he is just a rotten person, not a rotten person.

how to say?

Being rotten is just a way of life that a person chooses to live, and it has nothing to do with right or wrong.

And a rotten person means that a person is born without even the least moral standard of being a human being, which is very scary.

Between the two, there is a difference in perception to the essence.

It can be said that she is willing and even admires Fang Huai who is rotten.

But he will definitely stay far away from the rotten Fang Huai, and the best one will never have anything to do with this person.

Because, bad people, not only disgusting themselves, but also disgusting others.

is totally unacceptable.

A rotten person has no choice but to put his mind right.

Maybe you can live a very happy life yourself, and you can also make others happy.

Such a person can be dealt with. 1314

(end of this chapter)