Chapter 557: If you want, we can get the certificate anytime

When Fang Han got married in his previous life.

She has successfully transformed into a psychiatrist, and has an unusual resistance to her grandma's criticisms and comparisons, as well as various personality blows.

It doesn't feel like suffocation.

But not suffocating, but not suffocating, does not mean that she will like to listen to those words.

So after she thoughtfully sent her grandmother to her house, she got out of the car and didn't want to enter, so she just excused the studio and wanted to leave quickly.

So much so that her grandmother Gu Xihe lost her temper on the spot and put down her harsh words, "This year, if you are not greedy for love and bring a boy back, don't go home for the New Year, and save the shame on our Ning family. "

To tell the truth, she said so many things before that Ning Youguang didn't like to hear.

I would rather not be angry if there is light.

But those words before she turned around and left really moved her.

Standing at the door of the house, Ning Youguang felt that the fire in her heart couldn't stop rising. This instant boiling anger came so vigorously that her eyes turned black when it burned.

At that time, she stood in the same place, turned her back to her grandma, closed her eyes and took a deep breath for a while, before she collected her emotions, turned around, raised the corner of her mouth slightly, and gave her a cute smile, "Okay, grandma, I know already."

Gu Xihe was standing at the gate of Ning's villa at that time.

The old man lived an elegant and dignified life all his life;

Usually no matter who you are facing, even if you are unhappy, you always say the most serious words with a steady voice, and educate your children, use the most elegant attitude and set the strictest standards, and rarely use your emotions to say unpleasant words .

Especially standing in front of the gate of the house.

Therefore, after saying this, she may feel that it is a little too much, or she should not say it.

So he moved his lips and wanted to say something soft.

But in the end he just kept his face straight and said nothing.


Ning Youguang thought, she probably didn't even think about it.

After all, everyone is used to being a parent.

How can you see your own mistakes and think of going to apologize to the junior?

But when she found out that she had said such exaggerated words, her granddaughter was still not angry, her face softened, she rarely changed her tone, and said kindly to her, "You know it's right, grandma is from here, you are here. Saying these things is also for your own good, think about it carefully, is this the truth?"

Ning Youguang didn't answer her question directly at that time, but quickly changed the subject, "Grandma, I'm sorry, my client is really urging me, go first, you usually take good care of yourself at home, bye."

After she finished speaking, she stepped on her flat shoes, turned around, and left resolutely.

But, what Gu Xihe, who has softened his attitude, doesn't know is that if you let out bad words, hurting people is hurting people.

Junior is not angry again, it doesn't mean she really won't mind and won't get hurt.

So when she thought this unpleasantness was over, she turned around and went home, rest assured that her well-mannered granddaughter had listened to her words and said that after she knew, she really listened to her words.

I will think about a marriageable relationship this year, and take the boy home to show the elders at the end of the year.

But in fact, Ning Youguang just decided that she will spend the New Year alone in the rest of her life, or if her friends are free and willing, she can also celebrate the New Year with her friends.

is not to go home, to celebrate the New Year with the family.

Because she had already figured it out for a long time, she would never fall in love or get married in her life, and naturally there would be no boys to take home with her.

So, sorry.

The children who cannot complete the task have no face to go home, let alone go home to celebrate the festival with everyone.

She had to find a hiding place for herself and stay out of the way.

Ning Youguang, who went back to the studio alone, thought—

In her life, until now, she may not understand a lot of things in the world.

But there is one thing she absolutely understands.

That is, in a group system with complex interpersonal relationships.

When a person is thinking about things that are only related to himself, he really thinks clearly, and after he has made a decision, he does not need to explain too much to others at all.

Because explaining to anyone is superfluous.

If you spend your time and energy on speaking, you may also bring yourself a series of unnecessary troubles.

However, it's no one's fault.

You can only blame yourself. When you decide to tell others about yourself, let others judge your life, or make arbitrary judgments, it means that you are willing to take the initiative in your life that originally belonged to you alone. Divide out and put yourself in a passive situation.

So, wait until the New Year's Eve this year.

The whole Ning family, big and small, went back to their hometown to celebrate the New Year, but found that Ning Youguang had not come back. Even the child's father called her to let her come back, saying that the family was waiting for her to come home for the New Year's Eve dinner. Even disregarding etiquette and the overall situation, he stayed outside and didn't come back.

also said that he was on vacation abroad and could not come back.

It’s been a long time since I went abroad for a holiday during the Chinese New Year.

This child, she is so hard-hearted, grandma said something, she was angry for so long.

Gu Xihe, who has always been used to giving orders at home, is crazy!

Ning Youguang, who was on vacation abroad with Zhuang Yijing at the time, put down the phone and couldn't help but sighed with her next to her, "It's good for people who value decency and elegance above everything else in their lives, even if they regenerate a person. If you are angry, you will not lose your temper, throwing dirty and stinky words on each other, making others even more angry."

At that time, Zhuang Yijing still laughed, "I don't understand these ladies, don't they usually have emotions? Are they not angry?"

"How can you not be angry?" Ning Youguang chuckled, "They are very angry, but they won't vent it out in such an indecent way."

Having been an orphan since childhood, and later spent a long time in a nouveau riche, Mr. Zhuang couldn't understand, "What is an indecent way to vent? Cursing? Fighting? Crying?"

"It counts." Ning Youguang said, "To sum up, all behaviors that look inelegant and out of proportion are disgraceful."

"Isn't it elegant? Is it out of proportion?" Zhuang Ba still didn't understand, "What is the standard? Is there any?"

Ning Youguang said, "I don't know the standard in other people's homes. In my family, as an insider who has decency and elegance carved into his bones, he must always be high above and not reveal his personal feelings, no matter how desperate and broken you are, If you want to cry, you have to be a ninja in front of others. You can endure it until you go back to your room and close the door and cry alone. At the same time, when you cry, you must ensure that no one else can hear you. No matter how happy you are, when you laugh, outsiders will In front of you, you have to take care of your image, you can’t laugh too much, it will make you look uneducated, in short, no matter how strong the emotions in your heart are, you have to keep calm and restraint on your face.”

"Oh, I understand." President Zhuang pouted, "You have to endure anyway."

"The summary is exquisite." Ning Youguang praised.

President Zhuang couldn't help shaking his head, "It's too embarrassing to be a decent and elegant lady."

She said, "When a person lives, the only link to this world is feelings. If a person has to cut off and erase the only link to this world, what is the meaning of living?"

"Yeah, what is the meaning of that person's life?" said Ning Youguang, who was sitting next to Zhuang Yijing at the time, "This is also a question that I have been thinking about since I was a teenager, and it is only now that I almost understand it. ."

"What is it?" Zhuang Yijing asked curiously.

"Healing and saving people." Ning Youguang said firmly.

Zhuang Yijing was stunned, "Isn't this what you are doing now?"

"Yeah." At that time, in a cafe by the sea in Barcelona, ​​Ning Youguang looked up at the sunset and half-closed his eyes, "I am now practicing the meaning of my life."

Zhuang Yijing said in surprise, "Is there anything else?"




"What about yourself?"

For example, your expectations and arrangements for your future are only related to you or related to you and your family...

Although Zhuang Yijing didn't say it all, he would rather understand—

"No, this is the only meaning of my life."

After she finished speaking, Zhuang Yijing was silent for a long time before asking, "You haven't said what will happen if your grandma is angry?"

Ning Youguang said, "There is a high probability that you will do everything possible to achieve your goals."

"The purpose of getting you married?" Zhuang Yijing's face was full of words.

"Otherwise?" Ning Youguang raised her eyebrows, "Aren't you curious about what a lady's anger looks like? This lady in our family, because I didn't make her face angry today, she will definitely try her best to find a way to find her when she is angry. face back."

What could be more rewarding than the achievement of one's own goals?

"Okay." Zhuang Yijing couldn't help trembling when he thought about it, "It's really suffocating."

Yeah, it's suffocating!

This New Year, Ning Youguang, who returned from a vacation abroad with his best friend, often sighs like this.

Because when Gu Xihe found out in the New Year that she couldn't talk about her granddaughter's marriage, she chose to use the authority of her big parents to drive everyone in the family to stand on a united front with her and form a group. To besiege her, in order to achieve the purpose of marrying Ning Youguang.

So, Ning Youguang began to suffer from fancy marriage urges from various members of the family after the New Year in that year.

Is there anything more suffocating than being urged to marry by the whole family who has already done a good job of being a non-marriageist?

Ning Youguang had a half-nightmare to do this, and it felt as if the whole person was blindfolded, unable to breathe, and was completely awakened.

She opened her eyes and calmed down for a while before realizing that she had just had a dream.

A nightmare that caused a great fear in his heart because he received Fang Han's wedding post.

Ning Youguang was in the dark and silent room, but in a room where he could hear the shallow breathing of the people around him, he took a few deep breaths of fresh air to relieve the feeling of the congestion in his chest a little.

Then, she became more and more awake, and began to recall the content of the dream just now, and finally quickly extracted a few key words—

"Fang Han", "Marriage", "Marriage", "Rebirth"...

Fortunately, this suffocating everything finally passed away like smoke and dust.

She is now a Ning who has died once, been reborn once, broke away from her original family, broke away from her grandmother's control, left her hometown, left countless unpleasant experiences, and fell in love. There is light!

Thank goodness, thank God!

allows me to live well.

Ning Youguang, who was awakened by a nightmare, soon found that he couldn't continue to sleep.

She touched the phone by the bedside to check the time, and found that it was 4:30 in the morning.

So she lay quietly on the bed, thinking about all kinds of messy things.

After thinking about it, his eyes finally fell on Shi Mochizuki who was sleeping beside him.

She turned her head and quietly looked at the person beside her who was breathing evenly. The sight in front of her was pitch black, but even if it was so dark that she couldn't actually see anything.

is still able to draw a clear face by imagination.

She stared at him quietly, tracing every part of his face in her mind.

Although she was familiar with every part of this face, every shape of the facial features, every line, she couldn't help staring at him, staring at him at such a moment.

She turned slightly, lay on her side on the bed, and stared at him for a long time.

kept admiring in his heart: "He is so good-looking, with a good nose, a good forehead, a good face, a good mouth, a good chin, and a good-looking appearance with his eyes closed. He has been good-looking since childhood!"

After admiring, she couldn't help but start to sigh at him: "I am in love with him now, he is my boyfriend now, I am in love with him, how could I fall in love with him? Fate is true It's amazing."

But the magical arrangement of fate is unexpected and delightful.

Ning Youguang thought: "He is so good, not only good-looking, but also good-looking."

It's so good that she doesn't like it anywhere.

So that when the two get along, seeing him anytime, anywhere, even if he doesn't do anything, makes her feel happy and satisfied.

So, "seeing him" has become a very meaningful thing in itself.

Actually, she wasn't originally like this.

Ning Youguang, who has always regarded "what have you done to prove that you have not wasted your life?" as a philosophy of life, has pursued the positive meaning of life in both worlds, and never dared to waste precious time and life to do things that are of no benefit to themselves, mankind, and other sentient beings.

In order to achieve the goal, I will pursue the most efficient Ning Youguang as possible, and I have become accustomed to quickly measuring whether it is worth doing before doing it.

But no matter how good your plans and ideas are, you can’t avoid the occasional deviation of your heart, and you will do something that is actually a waste of life but is not a waste of life.

For example, fall in love with Shimochi; For example, the matter of seeing Shimochi; For example, doing something worthless with him or something like—

Up to now, the two have been together for so long.

Ning Youguang felt that she really understood that she would measure everything as a human being.

But for the person in front of him, there is nothing to measure.

Because he is the meaning itself.

must admit, before falling in love with him.

Her feelings about love are nothing.

Especially compared to her previous life experience, after comparing the countless versions of love stories she has seen, read and heard.

She knows very well that she has no feelings for love, and she has no expectations and curiosity.

Once, she also thought about why she was so indifferent to love and resisted it?

Is it because of the family of origin? Is it because of your personality? Or is it because of seeing through marriage and the love between men and women?

Or are there various reasons?

But no matter what, a person who was indifferent to love in the previous life, in this life, she thinks that she will probably continue the cognition of emotions in the previous life, and she will no longer be moved by love.

Because she is mentally mature enough to think about this issue comprehensively and thoroughly.

There is no possibility to change at will.

But Mochizuki was an accident.

It was an accident that    fell in love with him and did not contradict his love.

Wait until she decides to be brave once and fall in love with him at will.

It was only until she finally understood that love was actually a very personal experience that was different from any love template she had ever seen before.

So it doesn't make much sense to compare other people's love templates.

What matters is what her own real experience is in their love.

These are others, and no book or love story can tell her.

Actually, not long after I was with Shi Mochizuki.

She gradually realized that she was really enjoying the affair.

She really has love.

She has a boyfriend.

is a time to look at the moon, not an imagination.

how to say?

When she was alone, she never thought about falling in love.

But after two people are together, she finds that she can fall in love too, and she falls in love with the person she is in love with.

Two times, in order to better serve customers and teach students, she has also studied a lot of knowledge and theories about sexual relations and love, and has written several papers on this.

I thought it could be used as a methodology for dating him.

But now it seems that her thoughts are actually superfluous.

Because Mochizuki was such a specific partner at that time, who appeared after her life.

She found out that there is no need to borrow any methodology at all when it comes to falling in love.

He is the one that doesn't need to be measured, doesn't need to consider right or wrong, doesn't bother her, and is worth spending time and life to experience.

has lived two lifetimes. She thinks she has experienced it, and she has experienced a lot. There are very few things that can arouse her huge curiosity.

But after being with Shi Mochizuki, the fermented love between the two satisfied her great curiosity.

She is constantly making new discoveries and desires to explore.

It turns out that two people fall in love together like this, dating is like this, you and I are like this, cohabitation is like this...

Every morning when she opens her eyes, she knows that this is another day for the two of them, and there will be expectations and joy.

She deeply felt that no matter what they did together, it was her experience of love again.

No matter what the other party did, she never really got angry.

Yu Li, a large part of his growth was guided by her.

Even if he really did something that made her feel inappropriate, she felt mad at herself if she wanted to be angry.

"Who let you be taught badly by him?!"

Of course, so far, he has never done anything that made her feel inappropriate.

Yuqing, being by her side is happiness itself.

Actually, this is not an objective thing at all.

Before falling in love with him, she was actually worried, worried that the relationship between the two would not be good if the relationship between the two changed from friendship to love? Will it break down when we talk about it?

After so many years of friendship, how will the two continue to get along?

Time to testify.

Three years have passed, no matter where the two of them are together, there has never been a single quarrel, dissonance or conflict.

This is really a surprise and incredible thing for her.

She once fantasized, "What should we do if the two of us are really together and find that we are not suitable for dating?"

She thought, as the more mature person, she must try her best to maintain the relationship between them no matter what, so as not to get old and die.

That is really sad.

Today, she can finally summarize in stages, no matter what she has ever imagined about their previous love or love.

Now, it has surpassed all her imagination.

Thinking about it.

Ning Youguang had a strong urge to record what he thought and thought tonight so that he could remember it forever.

So she turned over gently and got out of bed, ready to go to the "Study of No Life".

But she didn't want to, she obviously woke up very lightly, and still disturbed the sleeping person beside her.

"Why did you wake up so early?" The other party opened his eyes, his voice was a little hoarse, but not confused.

"I'm sorry, I woke you up." Ning Youguang sat back on the edge of the bed again.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Shi Mochizuki rolled on the bed, rolled over to Ning Youguang, and put his arms around her waist, "Why did you wake up so early today?"

Ning Youguang has always slept very well, and his biological clock is also on time. There is no special arrangement. It is absolutely impossible to wake up at this time on this day.

According to the biological clock of the two of them waking up normally, he wakes up first.

He continued to ask, "What time is it?"

Ning Youguang touched the phone and said, "Five o'clock."

At the same time, it was rather amusing to think that she could think about it for half an hour.

"Do you have anything to do?" Shi Mochizuki asked again.

"No, I'm thirsty. I want to drink some water." Ning Youguang didn't want to explain too much to Shi Mochizuki, so he simply made an excuse.

"I'll pour it for you." Shi Mochizuki lifted the quilt and got up, and at the same time, he stuffed Ning Youguang back into the quilt.

Autumn is here, and the capital is already getting cold.

Ning Youguang, who was pressed by Shi Mochiyue on the bed, watched this man with tears in his eyes as he pulled his slippers out of the room.

The enthusiasm in my heart was rolling and rolling. 1314