Chapter 638 Two more

Wait for you to finish applying the mask.

Shi Mochizuki's home version of "Winter Heartwarming Homemade Rice Noodles" is also ready.

The two finally had a hot dinner before ten o'clock in the evening.

Today's rice noodles, Shi Mochizuki put the fungus, yuba, tofu, oyster mushroom and spinach, and shrimp that Ning Youguang loves to eat...

Ning Youguang, who was already hungry, instantly lost his anger when he saw the rice noodles he put on the table.

"Did you put vinegar for me?" She couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks and start eating.

"Leave it." Shi Mochizuki said, "There is no vinegar at home, only white vinegar, I added a little bit to you, can you taste it?"

Ning Youguang picked up a spinach and put it in his mouth, and immediately tasted the hot and sour taste on the tip of his tongue.

She gave Shimochiyue a thumbs up, "Yes."

Anyway, she didn't know how Shi Mochizuki made white vinegar, she couldn't taste the taste of white vinegar at all.

can only be said to be a talent.

After eating the spinach, she asked again, "Are you working overtime tomorrow? If you don't work overtime, we will take time to go to the supermarket."

For Ning Youguang, rice noodles are incomplete without vinegar.

The weather has been cold recently, so the dinner for the two of us often consists of rice noodles and rice noodles with a lot of ingredients.

To eat these things, she must put vinegar.

Rice noodles and soaked rice without vinegar are not sour.

Shi Mochizuki nodded, "Do you have any other plans for tomorrow?"

"Yes, I want to help my sister to make some ointments and pills for beauty and beauty." Ning Youguang replied, "There was a senior sister who developed acne on her face due to various pressures some time ago. Scar, she went to the beauty salon for laser treatment two days ago, but it didn't work. Today, I came to the clinic to ask if you have any recommendations for acne-removing products. When I saw the acne scars on her face, I thought I should make her some plaster. more reliable."

Thinking of this senior sister who is worried about her face.

Ning Youguang wanted to make ointment and pills for her as soon as possible.

Because the other party is really miserable.

Her senior sister's original words were, "It hurts to put on anesthesia. When they gave me a laser, I smelled a burnt smell on my skin. It was so cruel. Let me tell you, I was lying in the beauty salon yesterday. I can smell my skin burning on the massage table, and I feel like I'm no different from lying in a crematorium!"

In this regard, she also asked Ning Youguang, "You don't mean that when a person dies, the consciousness will not leave at once, but will stay in the world for many days. In this case, will those ghosts whose bodies are cremated in the crematorium smell it? The smell of burnt flesh is no different from the smell of laser burnt skin, right?!"

"Senior sister, your brain is really good." Ning Youguang was stunned for a long time, and then he gave her a thumbs up to the pitiful pockmarked sister who asked her question.

—"I haven't seen an answer to this in the relevant literature."

As far as my own experience is concerned, I have no experience at all.

is really still one who dares to ask and one who dares to answer.

The other senior sisters who followed them to discuss skin care topics heard their conversation, and all of them couldn't laugh, "Sister Ning, you are also very nice."

is also because of this, her senior sister was frightened and no longer had the courage to go to the beauty salon for a second laser skin care.

"Need help?" Mochizuki understood.

"No need." Ning Youguang said with a smile, "I can do it alone."

"How long will it take?"

"It will take a few days on and off." Doing the ointment is tiring or not, it's just cumbersome.

She hasn't done it for a long time.

Fortunately, there are tools and materials at home.

The conditions for making ointments and pills are perfect.

"Are you planning to make ointment at home this weekend?" Shi Mochizuki frowned slightly.

Seeing that the other party seemed not satisfied with her arrangement, Ning Youguang promptly asked, "Do you have any arrangements?"

"The day after tomorrow is Christmas."

"I forgot."

Shi Mochizuki sighed, "I asked you last week how you want to spend Christmas."

"Mmmm." After his reminder, Ning Youguang finally remembered that it really happened, "Let's get up early tomorrow and go to the flower and grass market to buy a Christmas tree together."

She remembered saying to him at the time, "I hope this Christmas, we won't be going anywhere, I just want to stay at home with you and set up a small but delicate Christmas tree with strings of lights on it."

Shi Mochizuki knew that when Ning Youguang was busy, it was easy to forget less important things.

is not really unhappy.

"No need," he said, "I've already bought a Christmas tree, and I'll be there this afternoon."

"Wow! Where is it?" Ning Youguang was happy, "I want to see it."

"No hurry." Shi Mochiyue pressed Ning Youguang, who was about to get up to see the tree, "Let's eat first, and we'll take you to see it after we finish eating."

"In the garden?" Ning Youguang sat back on the chair again.

At this moment, she didn't think about running away, but her heart really flew, "What tree did you buy?"

"Blue Lake Cypress." Shi Mochizuki said.

"I love you so much."

The leaves of the blue lake cypress are blue-green with silver luster in spring and summer, and silver-grey blue in winter.

The color of its leaves is beautiful and eye-catching no matter whether it changes in the four seasons of the year, which not only makes people happy to see it, but also brings an extremely quiet and comfortable feeling.

When people touch its leaves, its leaves will also emit bursts of fragrance, and it does not need to be trimmed into a tower or spherical shape.

Therefore, Ning Youguang always thought that the Blue Lake Cypress was the perfect Christmas tree.

"Eat." Shi Mochizuki had a smile in his eyes, but a hard reminder on his mouth.

always puts on a serious leadership air when she needs to be managed.

Ning Youguang is already used to it.

Seeing that he was serious, she did not drag him to continue asking questions about the Christmas tree.

Rather, it speeds up the pace of eating.

Ning Youguang is used to eating noodles and rice noodles, first to finish the side dishes, and finally to eat the main food.

Mochizuki is not, he will eat the main food first, and then eat the side dishes.

Ning Youguang can't tell whether the other party is waiting for her to finish the side dishes in her bowl, and when there is only the main food left, there are side dishes to share with her, or if he eats noodles and rice noodles first. Eat side dishes as main food.

Today is the same again.

When Ning Youguang finished eating the last piece of bean curd as a side dish in the bowl, she was just about to put rice noodles when she found that there was an extra shrimp in her bowl. 1314

(end of this chapter)