Chapter 657: Xia Youqing and Xie Yizun's first variety show

Chapter 657 Xia Youqing and Xie Yizun's variety show debut

"Do you still have me in your future?" when the guest list of the show was released intermittently.

Although many fans of Xia Youqing and Xie Yizun expressed great joy and expectations for this show, many passers-by expressed dislike for them.

After all, this new variety show on Orange Channel is labeled as a competitive reality show.

Judging from the list released one after another, the guests invited by the program group indeed include several Olympic champions, as well as big internet celebrities with their own competitive skills.

In short, compared with Xia Youqing and Xie Yizun, two stars who rely on their looks to attract fans, they really don't seem to be able to fight, nor can they be competed in the same weight competition.

At that time, some netizens roared under the official blog of "Do you still have me in your future":

"Why do you let Xia Youqing and Xie Yizun go? To dance, to show the love between mother and child, or to go to the catwalk?"

"Can the program group please order something that can be played and have fun together?!"

Some people even invited Xia Youqing and Xie Yizun because of the program group, and thought that the program must be very boring, and then a group of people will perform with the notebooks written in advance.

One after another said: "This show is definitely another disgusting variety show that plays emotional cards."

But I didn't expect that after the first episode of "Is there me in your future", those who had previously bad-mouthed Xia Youqing and Xie Yizun's mother and son, would soon have all the love for them because of their performance on the show. changed.

Because in the last issue, the program team played a big game at the beginning.

The first part of the competition for all the guests is to make an emergency landing at a height of several thousand meters.

Xie Yizun and Xia Youqing are in the group, and Xie Yizun is the one who chose to participate in the competition.

When Xie Yizun was preparing for a high-altitude emergency landing, Xia Youqing sat limply on the place below, completely disregarding his image, his frowning and worried face were deeper than her emotions in the movie, it was really worrying.

At the beginning, the guests of the program group and the audience outside the TV didn't understand why Xia Youqing would have such a dignified and worried expression below when Xie Yizun went up to compete.

After all, Xie Yizun was young and strong, so it was time for him to play boldly.

Wait until Xie Yizun really jumped down and landed safely again.

When Xia Youqing ran over and hugged his limp son, everyone knew that Xie Yizun was afraid of heights.

The reason why he went to the competition even though he was afraid of heights was because Xia Youqing was also afraid of heights.

As soon as this matter was said, the audience was in an uproar.

Xia Youqing also said to the surrounding guests with a pale face, "My heart almost jumped out of my throat just now."

Wait until a full episode of the show is finished.

More and more viewers are discovering: "Hey, Xia Youqing and Xie Yizun, the mother and son, look impatient and precious, but during the competition, they are not pretentious or pretentious at all, although they are also complaining. , I also said it was painful, but I never shied away and never gave up."

As a young man, Xie Yizun had a competitive spirit when his physical strength was good.

What is commendable is that Xia Youqing, who is over half a century old, also did his best, not delaying Xie Yizun's retreat, but a tacit understanding of teamwork, and followed his son all the way through thorns and thorns.

Moreover, the characters of the two of them in front of the camera are still very real, and they don’t hide it at all. When they are angry, they are angry, and when they are uncomfortable, they are dissatisfied. Both crying and laughing will be shown in front of the camera.

There is another thing that makes people feel funny and slams the table.

Xia Youqing and Xie Yizun often have disagreements on the show, and when they encounter disagreements, they tend to lose their tempers, and when they lose their tempers, they kick each other.

But when the task comes to their head in the next minute, the two can let go of all their bad emotions, devote themselves to the game with all their strength, and play their best value for the team.

Among them, there is a small fragment:

On the streets of Macau.

Xia Youqing and Xie Yizun had a conflict because of something, even to the point where they didn't want to be together.

Both mother and son are really not very good-tempered, and their mouths are equally stubborn, and they like to speak harshly to each other—

"Don't talk to me now!" Xie Yizun snorted, "I get annoyed when I see you."

"Stay away from me now." Xia Youqing also had a livid face, "I am also very angry when I see you."

But after the two separated for less than half a minute, they keenly noticed that there were other guests who were about to catch up, and they immediately got together again, as if forgetting that they were still angry just now, they discussed with each other and said:

"They are threatening to us." Xia Youqing looked nervous.

"The team behind us was a threat just now, yes, we have to push them away." Xie Yizun also had a condensed expression.

This plot caused a lot of controversy on the Internet.

Many netizens said:

"Mother and son Xia Youqing and Xie Yizun, in order to win, they don't even talk about affection."

But some netizens said: "This show is originally a competitive reality show. Since it is a competitive reality show, of course the competition is the most important thing."

"A game is a game, use everything possible to win within the rules, and it has nothing to do with character."


Immediately after the show was broadcast, it aroused great enthusiasm on the Internet. In addition to the outstanding performance of the ace guests Xia Youqing and Xie Yizun, the other guest groups of the show also performed very well.

Thus, the viewers discovered that the new reality show on Channel Orange was not watery at all.

Not only is it not watery, but it also appears to be extraordinarily clear and well-produced in many reality shows with heavy performance traces.

In this show.

The audience can not only follow the guest group to see the beautiful scenery of the world, but also see the tacit understanding and tenacity between husband and wife, the decades of deep brotherhood, the mutual help between brothers and sisters, and the There are changes in the family relationship between mother and child from strange to close, as well as the mutual respect, support and understanding between father and daughter.

The program group designed the program segment, in addition to the all-out competition segment during the day, there is also an interview segment at night.

In this link, everyone originally thought that it would definitely be inseparable from the core of playing the emotional card.

But soon discovered that the program group played the emotional card for the interview at the end of the day, but it was not sentimental.

It is more natural and not offensive to say some impressive moments through the players' meeting and analyze them by themselves.

The advantage of this kind of design is that it guides the positive emotional expression naturally and properly, without over-emphasizing or over-repetition.

So, after the entire program was completely broadcast.

The audience unexpectedly discovered that "Is there me in your future" is the only competitive reality show among all the variety shows that does not exaggerate the feelings of the guests and allows them to watch them quietly. 1314

(end of this chapter)