Chapter 659: Kim's father and daughter

Chapter 659 Jin Family Father and Daughter

Jin Quan finished speaking, and the parent who questioned him laughed immediately, "Papa Jin is really lucky. He gave birth to two daughters who are so beautiful, well-behaved and sensible."

Kim So-yeon usually posts photos with her family on ins and Weibo, so the personal information of Kim So-yeon’s younger sister is very transparent on the Internet.

Some time ago, Kim So-yeon also posted the good news congratulating her sister on being admitted to Stanford University, so she got a little hot search, so that now the whole Internet knows that Kim So-yeon is not only beautiful and outstanding, but her sister is also beautiful and excellent.

When each guest comes to participate in the show, he will do some homework in advance to prepare for understanding other guests.

Therefore, even if Jin Quan didn't focus on his youngest daughter, everyone knew about his youngest daughter's situation.

The people sitting here are all fine people.

Everyone knows that the parent who questioned Jin Quan did not agree with his educational philosophy in his heart, but he couldn't refute it clearly, so he turned his head and blamed the success of the Jin family's educational philosophy on his daughter. Just be nice.

But even if they are guests sitting together on the same program, when everyone gets along and communicates, they still cannot avoid the identity and background behind each guest.

Among the seven groups of guests, except for Xia Youqing and Xie Yizun, the identity is absolutely eye-catching.

In terms of other comprehensive abilities such as social status, wealth and strength, Jin Quan and Kim So-yeon, the father of a famous entrepreneur and a female star who is in the limelight in today's entertainment industry, the combination of strong alliances is also the most powerful combination among the guests with strong strength. top notch.

So, basically, as long as Jin Quan and Kim So-yeon open their mouths, everyone will give them face and praise them.

Suddenly, a guest who was clearly dissatisfied with Jin Quan came, and he didn't need to refute anything himself. Soon, a guest came out to stand on the Jin family's platform, reducing the sense of existence of the guest who questioned Jin Quan.

"Wow! No wonder Papa Kim and So Yeon have such a good relationship. It turns out that the reason why they attach great importance to their daughter's education."

After Jin Quan glanced at the male singer's mother who questioned him, he looked at the guests who joined him with a smile, "The first time I knew my wife was pregnant, I went to the bookstore and bought a lot of books about family education and parenting. home, after work, I will read books with her, study, discuss how to prenatal education, how to get along with children in the future, how to teach children, for the arrival of our daughter, the mother and I have made sufficient preparations, so in education When I was a daughter, I knew very clearly what was the most appropriate thing to give to my child."

The host interrupted in time, "It seems that the premise of Papa Jin's respect for his daughter is also supported by a very correct concept of parenting, so as to ensure that education will not go astray."

"Yes." Jin Quan said calmly, "I never do things that I am not sure of. A correct attitude comes from a correct understanding."

As soon as Papa Jin said this, he immediately won praise from many guests, "It's so rare to see Papa pay so much attention to prenatal education and children's education."

At the same time, some mothers took this opportunity to complain about their husbands.

"Our husband don't talk about prenatal education, the child has grown so big, he still can't hold the child."

"Our husband and children are good at hugging, but apart from playing with the children, they don't know anything about education."

"It's the same in our family. When our child was a child, he went to a training class. The teacher said that the parents should be with him to improve the enthusiasm of the child. When it was over, he came back and asked the child if you still want to learn? The child said he didn't want to learn, and he canceled the class on the spot. gone."

Jin Quan was praised by so many guests in turn, but his face showed a dignified look.

He said, "It is very important for fathers to accompany their children in their lives. Not only do many excellent parenting experts in modern times think so, but I have studied many outstanding people in ancient and modern China and abroad, and found that these outstanding people have an obvious characteristic. Yes, fathers also played an integral role in their lives."

Perhaps his expression was too serious, the other guests gradually quieted down, and everyone focused on Jin Quan.

He continued, "Even in the stories of outstanding figures in our ancient times who famously promoted the greatness of their mothers, there are many good fathers. For example, Yue Fei, we only heard his mother-in-law teach him to serve the country faithfully, and few people have heard the story of his father. In fact, his father hired various private tutors for him since he was a child, and it was also his father who asked him to fight. Yue Fei was 22 years old, and his father just passed away. At that time, Yue Fei had already made his name.

Whoever accompanies the child the most will have a greater influence on the child.

A father who is very accomplished and willing to spend time and energy with his children will basically have the same children. In a family, maternal love is very important, and so is the responsibility of the father. "

Jin Quan's words were powerful and meaningful.

Instantly won applause.

After the applause subsided, Kim So-yeon said, "My father is really careful to accompany me and my sister, that is, as long as he gets off work normally, he will accompany me and my sister for a walk, chat, and play games when he returns home. Yes, he will also come to my sister’s and my room to care about what we do every day, I think it may also be because my father accompanied me more, so I have been very independent and assertive since I was a child.”

A young female guest and an older guest spoke almost simultaneously.

"So Yeon really has her own ideas and opinions no matter in work or in life. When we usually play together, everyone is willing to listen to her."

"A tiger father has no dog daughter, no wonder So Yeon is so outstanding at such a young age."

There was also a look of joy in Jin Soyan's eyes, but her words were very modest, "Actually, it's nothing. My relatives and friends around me have been excellent since I was a child. I am just like everyone else. There is nothing particularly outstanding. If there is something special Yes, I was lucky enough to be able to keep being myself with the support of my dad.”

"Although we give our daughter a lot of freedom, having said that, my two daughters have really reassured me and her mother since they were young." Jin Quan said proudly, "Even if my mother and I often tell her , we only need you to be healthy and happy, we don’t need you to become or do anything, but she will have persistent action and persistent belief in her dreams and life goals.”

Hearing this, another guest said, "The best education is teaching by precept and deed. Papa Jin, with a father who is as strict as you are, children don't need to teach, they will learn by just watching." 1314

(end of this chapter)