Chapter 664: Miss Ning and my fiancé are high school classmates

Chapter 664 Miss Ning and my fiance are high school classmates

Jin Suyan showed Xia Youqing a look of admiration and respect similar to that of the younger generation when facing the elders, "When I was young, I went to the banquets of some uncles and aunts with my parents. Everyone is the focus, I remember you deeply, you don't remember me, maybe because I usually play with a bunch of children, compared to you, I have contact with Miss Ning and the juniors in your family A little more."

Speaking of this, Jin Suyan's eyes suddenly brightened, as if she just remembered something, "Aunt Xia, what a coincidence, do you know? Last time I talked with Ms. Ning at the Four Seasons Art Museum event, I found out that she and my fiancé are With high school classmates."

The expressions on the faces of the guests present changed several times in an instant.

Kim So Yeon is really good.

In just a few sentences, every word reveals important information.

While remaining unabated, he led himself to the center of the topic, and at the same time cue several characters and topics that netizens care about.

The host made a decisive decision and asked Jin Soyan with a face full of shock, "Suyan, did I hear you right?! Are you engaged?! You just said that your fiancé and Miss Ning are high school classmates?!"

"You heard me right, I heard it just now, Su Yan was talking about her fiancé."

"My God, So Yeon, are you engaged?"

"Suyan, do you know sister Yiyi too?!"

"When did So Yeon get engaged?!"

"Suyan, why haven't we heard about such a big happy event?!"

In addition to the host, there were many other guests who asked Kim So-yeon in shock.

Kim So-yeon's eyes glanced at everyone, and a happy and shy smile appeared on her bright and charming face, "Not long ago, because it was just an engagement, I didn't want to make too much trouble, so I just notified my close relatives and friends."

"Suyan, you must have a good relationship with your fiancé, otherwise you are so young, and Papa Jin would be reluctant to marry you off."

Jin Suyan immediately looked at Jin Quan with a smile, "My father is very reluctant. On the day my fiancé proposed to me, I made a video call to my parents and asked their opinions. They told me everything Looking at myself, as long as I feel happy, I will support me no matter what I do, I thought my parents would not be reluctant, after all, they have seen my fiancé since they were young, and our two families know each other very well."

Speaking of this, Kim So-yeon's eyes gradually turned red, "But Dad was drunk that night, and even ran to my room and sat by the bed shaking his head and said something to me that I can never forget. It wasn't talked about like that, and I remember I couldn't stop crying from the beginning to the end."

She said, "I never thought that I just agreed to my fiancé's marriage proposal. I haven't gotten married yet. He actually acted as if I was going to get married soon. He confided his heart to me through drunkenness and told me everything. Don't worry, just live the life you want, no matter what happens, he will stand behind you, he has held my hand and never let go, we have talked for a long time, in fact, many times It was he who was talking, but when I heard those words, tears flowed unconsciously. At that time, I felt that my parents loved me the most in the whole world. For a moment, I suddenly didn’t want to marry and wanted to stay by my parents’ side all the time. Just stay with them and listen to their nagging, and just grow old with them."

Kim So Yeon talked about choking, it seems that what happened that day really made her unforgettable.

A young female guest beside her immediately picked up the napkin, gently wiped the tears on her face, and patted her on the back to comfort her.

Jin Quan was told by her, and there was a mixed look on his face, some touched, some reluctant, and a little embarrassed.

Then, he explained to everyone, "I drank too much, and I don't remember what I said later, and my daughter didn't tell me about it later. If Yanyan didn't say it today, I would have forgotten about it."

The host said emotionally, "Father's love is so restrained, he hides too much reluctance for his daughter in his heart, but he is not good at expressing it when he is sober, and he will only show it when he is drunk in the middle of the night."

Jin Quan looked at the host with emotion and nodded, "Even if the other party is a good boy who we are familiar with, I still said that it is not too late to keep my daughter for a few more years and wait for her to marry later, but people, you have to keep going." Going forward, even if she is not allowed to marry now, one day she will still have to leave her parents, have a lover, have children and a family, since the results are the same, now that she has met the right one she likes, it would be better to follow her wish For my own reluctance, I made it difficult for my children."

Speaking of this, a wry smile appeared on Jin Quan's face again, "No matter how much parents are reluctant to part with their children, they will not be able to grow old with them. I will always give my daughter to someone who can grow old with her and take good care of her."

Kim So-yeon revealed that she was engaged, and instantly became the focus of the field again.

Most of the guests knew in their hearts that she might not have the intention of stealing the limelight from Xia Youqing by doing this.

Some of them with good acting skills showed "Wow! I'm touched!" on their faces, while others looked at Jin Quan with a lack of interest—

"You've boasted that the other party is a good boy who knows everything, what else can you be reluctant to do?!"

"So Yeon must have met love before she had the courage to get married at such a beautiful age."

Host, the host is naturally for the flow of the show, trying his best to dig out hot spots that can cause heated discussions, and the hot spots that the audience most want to see.

Xie Yizun's sister, Kim So-yeon's fiancé, Aunt Xia, and the rich family story behind the Jin family...

Thinking about it, the host felt that he could no longer keep calm.

He felt that after the recording of this episode of the program, he must mention it to the program team and give bonuses to the team that recruited guests.

This show has treasures such as Kim So-yeon, Jin Quan, Xia Youqing, and Xie Yizun. It will definitely become one of the most watched dark horses in this year's variety show.

Sure enough, Kim So-yeon did not let him down, and quickly threw out information related to her fiancé, "Maybe it's because my parents have had a good relationship since childhood, so from a long time ago, I always thought that I would definitely have a fiancé. A very good husband, I will definitely have a lover who treats me well, and I will definitely be loved by him very well. I have always had this picture in my mind since I was a child, so no matter what age I am or what I do What kind of career, what kind of career, it is not worth sacrificing love and happiness for it, because no matter what, I always feel that I will definitely have a very happy future." 1314

(end of this chapter)