Chapter 687 Two Immortals

"If you come to see Teacher Ning, you should go to Teacher Ning. I don't know if she is so popular." The dog-walking lady looked at Zhang Yabo and the people around him, "Just don't report blindly."

According to the logic of the dog-walking sister, it is normal for celebrity families to have news, as long as the white is written in black, and the black is written in white, and the reverse will be fine.

Zhang Yabo laughed when she saw her saying that, "Everyone, since you don't know anything, can you tell us about Teacher Ning in your eyes?"

"God-like children, geniuses are not only found in novels." The dog-walking aunt Fugui is one of the ancestors. In addition to teasing cats and dogs at home, she likes to gossip online and read novels.

Today, I found news on the Internet that Ning Xiaoxiao, who is downstairs in my house, is actually the daughter of her favorite actress Xia Youqing. I am so happy.

At the same time, because of the neighbors upstairs and downstairs, she read the news about Ning Youguang more carefully.

Therefore, the more you understand, the more you can't help but smack your tongue. The previous one was only Shi Zong, but I didn't expect that Teacher Ning was also very good.

When she thought of the two gods upstairs in her house, she couldn't help being envious and jealous. They don't know how they look, they eat whole grains, some are as dazzling as stars, while others are as mediocre as dust.

"A person who is open and hanging." The paparazzi beside him also admired it.

"That's a fairy." The aunt walking the dog was full of emotion, "Ms. Ning and her family are both gods."

The one in their family?

Zhang Yabo's heart moved, "Did Teacher Ning get married at a young age?"

"not married."

Every time the aunt who walks the dog meets Ning Youguang downstairs, she takes the initiative to chat with her, so she knows the relationship between her and Shi Mochiyue very well.

"If you're not married, you have a boyfriend." Zhang Yabo asked calmly.

"Mr. Ning's conditions are so good, can he not have a boyfriend?" Auntie Walking the Dog looked at Zhang Yabo, "Those female stars in the entertainment industry who are in their 20s and 30s, who sell single person designs in front of the camera every day, don't know how many people they talk about behind their backs." Boy friend."

Zhang Yabo and the paparazzi next to him laughed, "Sister, you know a lot."

The dog-walking lady raised her eyebrows slightly, "The neighbors upstairs and downstairs, we all know each other very well."

As soon as she said this, Zhang Yabo and another paparazzi were delighted, "How does Mr. Ning usually behave, and will he interact with the neighbors normally?"

"Okay, the two of them have a good temperament and well-cultivated. Every time we meet downstairs, they will greet me, especially Teacher Ning. Whenever I see her, I feel like a spring breeze with that attitude. It's great, and they are also low-key. This time when it came out on the Internet, we didn’t even know she was a rich daughter, and she didn’t have the arrogance of a rich daughter.” The dog-walking lady pulled the dog leash, “That’s all I can say, let’s just say anything else .”

"Everyone, please slow down." Zhang Yabo and another paparazzi saw that the dog-walking lady was about to leave, so they wanted to keep her to stay and ask a few more questions about Ning Youguang.

You must know that the "future tense" is such a large community, they are not so lucky every time, and the person caught at the gate of the community is Xia Youqing's daughter's upstairs and downstairs neighbors.

"You see, we have been sitting here for a long time for the news, and now we haven't even seen Teacher Ning. You know a lot, can you tell us more?"

Walking the dog Everyone looked at the paparazzi in front of them and shook their heads, "I can't, I'll let it go. I can understand that you want to interview Teacher Ning, but if you want to know anything, it's best to ask them in person."

Zhang Yabo saw that the dog-walking lady was determined and asked, "Sister, can you tell us how we can wait for Teacher Ning?"

The dog-walking lady looked at Zhang Yabo sharply, "I know you now, so don't edit it maliciously, take it out of context, and talk nonsense and I'll tell you."

Zhang Yabo nodded quickly, "Of course, of course, big sister, we also have a press card, and we still have a minimum media quality. We firmly welcome the facts."

The dog-walking lady said, "Then you come here at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning to watch. Teacher Ning goes to work at this time every day, and she is very punctual. I have met her several times while walking the dog, and the time is almost the same."

"So on time?" The two paparazzi were surprised.

"Of course, they are very punctual in everything they do." The eldest sister who walked the dog turned around and seemed to want to stop talking, "If you want to know what you want to ask Teacher Ning, I will read your report.

Seeing that the dog walker took the dog leash and walked away.

The other two paparazzi who were still hiding in the car came out, "Did you find out anything?"

"I found out, Xia Youqing's daughter does live in this community, and lives with her boyfriend."

"Hey, have you guys dug this out?" The camera brother who came down later expressed his admiration to Zhang Yabo, "Then shall we continue to wait now or go to eat first?"

"Keep waiting for half an hour. If the person hasn't come yet, let's go eat."

Zhang Yabo’s appearance and his paparazzi team, if it is not a veteran eater like the dog-walking aunt, most people don’t know them.

When Mochizuki drove Assistant Jin's car all the way into the "future tense", Zhang Yadong happened to catch the dog-walking aunt talking.

The two waves of people just missed it.

The bloggers and reporters who were waiting to interview Ning Youguang at the gate of the National University of Science and Technology soon got news from the security guards, "Teacher Ning has gone back early and is off work!"

"Hurry up and break up, break up..."

Faced with this situation, not to mention the Internet celebrity bloggers and reporters who worked so hard to guard the entrance of the University of Science and Technology of China, even the netizens who guarded their live broadcast room felt quite regretful.

But soon, after finding it impossible to track Professor Ning's news, more and more netizens withdrew from everyone's live broadcast room.

Then, they discovered that what was harvested was lost.

The reporters and Internet celebrities who had worked so hard to take pictures of Ning’s classroom failed to capture her, but Xia Youqing and Xie Yizun, mother and son, who had been silent for a long time and did not respond to Jin Suyan’s rambunctious remarks on the Internet, finally moved.

Xie Yizun updated Weibo ten minutes ago—

He didn't say anything, but simply posted a video.

After hearing the news, the netizens clicked on the video and found that it was still a very old video.

The picture quality is not high-definition, but because the people and atmosphere on the screen are good enough, it makes people unable to move their eyes away.

In the evening of summer, the orange sky hangs on the treetops full of fiery red cherries.

The camera gradually shifted downwards, and everyone realized that this was a private garden, and it was a bit inaccurate to say it was a private garden.

To be precise, this is a garden where it is not clear whether it is a private vegetable garden or a private orchard.

A girl in a white dress sits under a cherry tree full of red cherry fruits and plays the harp.

The sound of the piano floats in the summer evening, in the garden full of fragrant flowers and fruits.

The sound is mysterious, warm and ethereal.

Soon, someone who knew something commented under Xie Yizun's Weibo. In the video, the girl played "Bird and Cicada". Judging from the tune, the girl's piano skills are still very good.

The screen is gradually zoomed out and unfolded.

A little boy appeared at the girl's feet.

The little boy is facing the camera sideways, and his appearance is invisible, but his age can be guessed based on his body shape, he looks like four or five years old.

He was wearing a Burberry white shirt and plaid shorts, looking extremely expensive, but his white and tender feet stepped on the ground barefoot, taking up a lot of mud.

Looks like an impolite little prince, but also has a different kind of cuteness.

He was squatting on the ground, resting his chin, watching the girl sitting on the stool playing the piano. His big eyes shone like black grapes, and the inside clearly reflected the girl playing the piano.

The girl who lowered her eyes slightly and played the piano earnestly has an extremely delicate face and light makeup, giving her a very quiet and elegant feeling.

There was a white puppy squatting next to the little boy.

A cute baby, a puppy, and a girl playing the piano in the sunset.

All of these make the short film, which is less than half a minute long, beautiful like a dream.

What kind of treasure healing vlog did Xie Yizun post? !

Really amazing!

The cutest thing is that the girl sitting under the cherry tree playing the piano just fell—

The little boy who was squatting on the ground got up, and sighed long and hard: "Oh~"

"What's the matter?" The girl gently asked the little boy while she was keeping the piano in her hand.

"I really want to grow up quickly and realize my dream."

"What is your aspiration?"

"Become a famous star all over the world, just like my mother."

"Does mom also want to become a famous star all over the world? It's really amazing~"

"No, becoming a famous movie star all over the world is also my mother's dream."

"Hahahahahahaha" The girl's voice is as gentle as the wind, but the confidence and freedom in it can be heard in the ear, "Dreams can also be inherited, how wonderful, you work hard!"

The cute and cute dialogue between the girl and the little boy almost entertained all the netizens who clicked on Xie Yizun's vlog.

But soon, they became more cheerful.

Because Xia Youqing's iconic voice appeared—

"Xie Yizun, your mother is already a famous movie star all over the world, do you know?"

In addition, the playback of the video also stops here abruptly.

Xie Yizun posted such a video, netizens were bloodied by Xiao Xie Yizun on the spot.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"

"Damn, this kid is Yiyi!"

"This beautiful girl is my sister!"

At this point, the whole network understands why Xie Yizun is a sister-in-law.

The interaction between him and his sister is really sweet. Through the screen, everyone can feel how healing and happy little Xie Yizun is with his sister.

There is also Xia Youqing who is vomiting blood from anger while taking a video of his daughter and son.

The picture of mother and son getting along with each other is so warm and loving.

A small video taken with a mobile phone more than ten years ago.

Now it seems that the picture quality inside is not high-definition, but it is enough for netizens to see many things clearly.

First of all, Xie Yizun is indeed as he and his mother said, he and his sister have a very good relationship since childhood.

Secondly, my sister is really beautiful, and she has been beautiful since she was a child.

Childhood with #雪飞# as evidence, adulthood as evidenced by Professor Ning’s photo, and now teenager as evidenced by Xie Yizun’s video.

Xie Yizun let out Ning Youguang in his youth, and immediately silenced all opposing voices.

The girl in the camera, that is, Ning Youguang when she was a girl, could not be overstated by saying that she has a stunning appearance.

Even such a crude video taken by her mother can be seen clearly by everyone. The girl in the camera is clearly not applied, but her facial features are delicate and hard to describe. The moment she looks up, everyone has a kind of beauty that has been chosen by heaven The feeling of crit.

What's even more amazing is her overflowing aura that can't be blocked even through the screen.

Really too beautiful!

"absolute child"

"Brother, I will never laugh at you again."

"Is this ten thousand times? Is this the beauty that human beings should have?"

"Brother, stop showing off, stop showing off, I know you are a sister-con."

"It turns out that you are such a younger brother, and the elder sister accuses you of poison."

"My sister is really amazing, she looks very different from ordinary people."

"My sister is really, not only good-looking, but also shining with intelligence since she was a child."

"She came from the light, and I fell in love at a glance."

In a manor hotel with an excellent environment in Toronto, Canada, after Xie Yizun finished posting the video, he lay on the bed and kept reading comments from netizens.

Seeing that everyone was praising him and his sister, he couldn't help showing complacency on his face.

This half a year ago, when he was sorting out files at home, he finally had a chance to send out the video that he inadvertently dug out from her mother's computer.

ha ha ha ha ha

Didn't even **** think he had this.

He is such a PR genius!

After all, it is a young man, who just yawned tiredly outside the hotel, returned to his room and took a shower, and was revived with blood.

Even fans who already knew about those black sisters on the Internet were silent.

Xie Yizun still feels angry. He has fought against black fans hundreds of times in the past two days with his trumpet.

But it's useless, those idiots have a lack of mouth, and he can't make up for eighteen generations of their ancestors.

Actually, the first time his sister was hacked, he wanted to post on Weibo, but his mother and people in the company told him not to talk nonsense, and not to be led into the ditch.

He has endured until today.

He didn't even think about posting this video now, he just couldn't fall asleep for a while, thinking about something related to his sister, he went to look at the photos, and then watched this video.

He posted it suddenly, and the response from netizens was as good as he expected.

The only thing that makes him feel a little bit uncomfortable is——

Why is sister accusation poisonous? !

【Xie Yizun: You are sick, my sister has medicine//@瓶破不做品事: So you are such a younger brother, and my sister is poisonous. 】

Domestic netizens died laughing because of Xie Yizun's naive reply.

"Hahaha, thank you childish ghost."

"The young master is not very old."

Happiness is also a very high emotional value. Netizens are happy watching the video. Xie Yizun is so funny, so he is naturally willing to help forward the comments.

Soon, Xie Yizun's video had over 10 million hits.

There is also a heavyweight in the entertainment industry in China. After seeing this video, he couldn't help but smile knowingly and forwarded it.

【Yan Jidao: Xiao Xuefei has grown up, and her piano skills are getting better and better! //@ Xie Yizun...] 1314

(end of this chapter)